Meeting Xi Luhan (Pt. 1)

The Woman Hater

You wake up to a clear, sunny day, with the birds singing outside your window, and everything was a picture perfect dream--

Or, well, you wish you did. As usual, your mom had to come up to your room, take the blankets off, and shout around 12 times before you decided to open your eyes. You wish you didn't. She was standing there, hands on her hips, practically burning holes into your face. You try to flash her an innocent smile. It didn't work.

"Lin Miyu," She starts. You gulp. It's never good when she uses your full name. "Do you know what time it is?"

You didn't dare glance at the wall clock behind her. Instead, you sleepily shook your head.

"It's 7AM." 

"What?!" It was your turn to shout this time. Deciding to glance at the clock, you find out it was infact 7AM. It was summer, for crying out loud, who wakes up at 7AM during vacation? That was when your mother's stern expression turns into a smile. 

"I promised Mrs. Oh you'll accompany her son to the airport," She says proudly and two things didn't seem right about that statement: 1, why would she promise something like that (and without your permission too, except this part was normal)? and 2, why was Sehun even going to the airport? He definitely didn't say anything. And he would, because you two were bestfriends since preschool. 

Your mom didn't even explain, as she begins to pick some clothes from your closet for you to where, something she got used to considering you were her only daughter. You decide to ask later, as you head to the bathroom to freshen up. You come out a few minutes later and spot  some clothes neatly on your bed, with your mom nowhere in sight.

'She must be downstairs cooking,' you think as you change. It was a pretty light outfit for the airport. And you still didn't know why, but you change anyway.


When you arrive downstairs, you were suprised to see Sehun already there. 

"About time you woke up, sleepyhead!" He says teasingly, messing up the front of your hair, which you patted back into place right after.

"What's this I heard about us going to the airport?" 

Sehun's grin grew wider, "My stepbrother is coming over from China."

Stepbrother... stepbrother... you try to recall what Sehun has told you about his stepbrother. From what you know, his father died when he was 6, resulting to his mother marrying a Chinese man, one whose wife had also parted. He had a child older than both of you, though you are not sure by how much.  According to Sehun, he has only met his stepbrother 5 or 6 times in person, but they talk to each other alot online.

"What's his name again?" You ask just as your mother arrived to serve some breakfast. Bacon and eggs, your favorite.

"It's Luhan, dear, and Mrs. Oh tells me he is extremely charming, isn't that right, Sehun?" You were surprised when it was your mom who answers instead. Sehun also looked surprised, but he gave a small chuckle.

"Luhan-hyung is amazing," Sehun says in agreement. "He's coming over to study for a few years."

Your mom giggled, yes, giggled giddily, "Miyu-ah, hurry up! You don't want to keep Sehun and Luhan waiting!"

You can tell she was the most excited among all of you, and sighed, taking the last bite of your bacon.

"Alright, let's go."


ABCD Speaks;

So! This is part one of meeting Luhan :3

This kinda acts more like a filler chapter, some basic info and me trying to get the hang of writing xD

I hope it's alright OuO Comments are welcome, lovelies~ 

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Still super cute!!
girlwhocriedluhan #6
Super cute!
Chapter 2: gahhh!!! XDDD I like it!!! XDDD heheheh update again soon author-nim! XDD
Chapter 2: I normally don't read new stories until they get more chapters but your summary was good and then you only two chapters were really good so now I'll stick around. I like it a lot
Wow! Author-nim ur story sounds very interesting!!! XDDD
hehehe Can't wait to read it heheheh updTe soon!!!! XDDD