New Pet

Jongin and Hamsters

Jongin and Hamsters Jongin's dog died three days ago. He still can't forget about his dog. He really love his dog, like his own friend. Now he left alone. He needed company. His parents hardly ever stay even just a day at their house. They're too busy at their jobs. As the change, they gave Jongin a dog. But now, his dog dead. He doesn't have someone or anything to talk to, to accompany him. Eventhough he has many friends, he still lonely. He didn't have any best friend to talk about his secrets. He is kind of person who makes friends with everyone.


"Taemin hyung,"

"What?" Jongin sighed. He didn't know, if he must tell about his dog or not.

"My.... My dog is dead," Jongin finally said. He felt a bit lighter than before.

Taemin stunned in shock. He knew Jongin really love his dog. He must be really sad untill he told me about this, Taemin thought. He patted Jongin's shoulder. Jongin sighed again. He had no choice. Taemin is the most he trust. He must tell Taemin about his dog's death. Maybe that would help him to forget his dog. To move on. And by the way, Taemin is his cousin. He is the one who helped Jongin pick a dog to accompany him. Taemin silence for a moment. From his room, only Jongin's sigh that can be heard.

"Jongin.. How about, you buy a pet again?" Taemin sugested, as his finger brushed his chin. "N-new pet?" Jongin stuttered, his eyes widden. He never thought about that. He love his dog so much. He never thought he'll lose his dog.

"Yes! So you won't get lonely. You... You can play with it, just like you play with Monggu, just like before..." Taemin said as he thinks hard, trying to find a perfect word. He's a bit confuse sometimes when he talks to Jongin. Jongin is very childish, eventhough he already 17 years old. Taemin looked at Jongin who still thinking hard about having a new pet.

Taemin became unpatient. "Uhh.. Come on! Come with me!" Taemin snapped, as he pulled Jongin's wrist. Jongin glared at Taemin. He didn't like when someone snapped at him while he is thinking. But he has no choice. He can't ruin his friendship with his cousin, the only one he really trust. Taemin took Jongin to the nearest petshop that he could found. Jongin followed him lifelessly.

After they entered the petshop, Jongin's eyes widden in awe. He never saw that many animals. The petshop was like a magical place to Jongin. It was full with colourful birds, cute little animals, and many exotic animals.

"So... What kind of animal do you want?" Taemin asked. He knew Jongin will like that place. Jongin turned arround. "Whoaaaa... This place is amazing!" Jongin mumbled to himself, ignoring Taemin's question. Taemin could only chuckeled. "Why you never told me about this place before?!" Jongin whisper, his voice showing that he's dissapointed. "If I know this place from long time ago, I'll totally visit this place everyday!"

Taemin shook his head. "I also never went to this place before, Jongin," Taemin facepalmed. He accidentally found the place just because of Jongin. If Jongin never told about his dog's death to Taemin, maybe they'll never enter or even notice that petshop.

Jongin walked slowly. He looked at every single animal at his sight. Suddenly he saw cute little animals. "That's hamsters Jongin. Do you like it?" Taemin said as he knew Jongin were looking excitedly at those hamsters.

"Hey, I know what animal are those. I'm not a 5 years old boy," Jongin murmured. He didn't like Taemin's way to talk to him. "Well sometimes does... In mentally, ouch!" Taemin got a hit from Jongin. Jongin glared at him.

Later, Jongin ignored Taemin. He looked at the hamsters, trying to pick one of those. Accidentally he found a hamster buried between the sawdust. He quickly swept the dusts, he thought that hamster must be dead, being buried. But the hamster didn't die. It actually slept. Jongin looked intensly at the hamster. That's the cutest hamster I ever saw, Jongin thought.

Then he seek the shop assistant, he really wanted to buy that hamster. " Ya, how much is the hamster?" Jongin asked one of the shop assistant. The shop assistant turned arround and smiled at Jongin, "1000 won each. How much do you want?" Jongin open his mouth, but no words came out of his mouth. He being dazzled by the other's face.

Big eyes,

Thick lips,

And his smile...

"Yaaa! Jongin!! Where are you going?! I've been searching you every where!!" Taemin's loud voice bothered Jongin. Jongin faced his cousin, with mocky face. "I'm sure you didn't check your ," Jongin mumbled.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Taemin shouted, a bit shocked because of Jongin's unpolite words.

"Nothing.. Anyway, go talk with your friend again, I'm busy here," Jongin turned back, facing the shop assistant again. But he was gone. Jongin shocked.

"What are you searching Jongin?" Taemin asked. He confused why Jongin's face showing shocked expression. What did he do before??

"He... He... He's gone!!"

"Who was gone?"

"The shop assistant, I were talking to!" Jongin panicked, like it was his fault that he was gone.

"I didn't see him," Taemin said. He rolled his eyes. "Let's go find another shop assistant, then we buy your hamster."

Jongin nodded. He still searching if the shop assistant was there. But the shop assistant is nowhere to be found. He sighed. He hoped one day he'll meet him again.

Jongin carefully carried the hamster that he like, the cutest one, the one that was burried in the sawdust. Taemin was searching a shop assistant and called her.

"Annyeonghaseo. Park Jimin imnida. What can I-" she bowed at them, but she stopped talking as she looked up, she just knew the customer was Taemin.

Taemin from SHINee. The magnae. The dancing machine.

"T-taemin Oppa?? Mworagoya!!" she screamed. Everyone looked at them, confused what just happened.

Oh ... Taemin cursed in his head. He forgot to wear his cap, or his sunglasses. But the people ignored them, and focus at their activity. Taemin exhaled, relieved. Luckily most of them are adults or oldies. So they didn't knew many things about the entertainer these days.

Taemin glared at Jimin, meanwhile Jimin squeled like crazy, didn't recognize Taemin is mad at her. "Shussssh... You're making scandal, you dummy. Stop acting like that. Just pretend I'm one of the customer," Taemin hissed. But Jimin squeled even louder. "I can't. I already promised if I can meet you, one day, I'll totally f-"

"Shut the up, you y walrus. I want to take this innocent creature, can you pack this for me? If you can't I'll take this home without paying," Jongin cutted as he turned back, facing the entrance door. "Hss.. How rude that more-y-look-than-me boy. And to be honest, he's very ugly. The ugliest man I ever met," Jimin said ad she take the hamster from Jongin hands, rudely, untill Jongin could heard the hamster squeak a bit. Jongin couldn't hold his anger anymore.

She can ing insult me. But no one gonna make my hamster squeak like that.

Jongin was about to punch Jimin, but Taemin held him. "Ya.. I know your dignity is very big. But please be nice this time. She's my fangirl you know." Taemin whispered to Jongin.

Suddenly Jongin unconciously punch Taemin's face. Taemin fell to the floor, with his hit the floor first.

"HEY!!! WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!" Taemin screamed loudly. Jongin shocked because of himself. Why did I punch Taemin for?, Jongin thought. Oh yeah... I remembered... His too big dignity.

"Oh, oppa!! Are you okay? You! You better apologies, you idiot! Or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?"

"Or... Or I'll kick your fat off and I'm not gonna sell this hamster to you!" Jimin threated. Jongin glared at her. He couldn't fight back anymore, or he'll lose that cute hamster.

"Ugh, fine!" Jongin said in desperate. He gave his hand to Taemin, giving help Taemin to stand up. "I'm sorry. That was an accident."

"Ya! How could that punch is an accident?!" Taemin protested at Jongin's apologies as he reached Jongin's hand. He's still couldn't understand what was in Jongin's mind. Is he going crazy?

"Just accept it already! I want that hamster, or I'll tell every body that you're ga-"

"Okay! Okay! I accept it. You happy now?!" Taemin said annoyedly.

"So... Can I take that hamster home?" Jongin asked to Jimin. She pouted. She put the hamster in a cage and give it to Jongin. "10000 won," Jimin said, making Jongin's jaw droped. "Hey, one of the shop assistant here said that the hamster is 1000 won each! You can't do that to me!"

"What shop assistant?" Jimin rolled her eyes.

" You know, a boy with big eyes, thick lips and-"

"You mean Kyungsoo oppa?" Jimin replied while her hand pointed at a boy that Jongin was trying to search. "Uhh.. Yeah.. I think so." Jongin muttered. Did he was there all of this time?! I've been searching for him everywhere! Why it's so hard to find him by myself?!

Jimin sighed and gave the cage to Jongin. "1000 won it is, if he said so." Jongin blinked. He confused.

"Oh, thank you Jimin-ssi. Here's the money. Just keep the change," Taemin said hurrily. He pushed Jongin, signing him to go out.

"Taemin oppa! Can we have a selca first? Please??" she cought up. Taemin sighed. He can't be rude to his own fans.

"Yaaa... I'm hungry! Let's go eat!" Jongin pulled Taemin before he could response to Jimin.

"Yaaaa!! You bastard!! I was talking to Taemin oppa!" Jimin shouted. She stomped her foot, hard, untill the floor was broken.

"Yaaah! Jimin-a!!! You have to pay for that floor!" the shop keeper shouted angrily.

"Shut up! You mother er! I met Lee ing Taemin and he didn't took selca with me because of his ing ugly friend!"




"Yaa.. Jongin-a. That's rude. If you are an idol like me, you can't be like that," Taemin said. He twisted his chopstick so his noodles are stick to his chopstick. He still feel guilty for Jimin. He think Jimin is still angry now.

"Who cares anyway. If I have a fan like that, I'll totally off, ignoring her," Jongin huffed. He stuffed a rice cake to his mouth.

"You'll take back your words when you already deb-" Taemin interupted by Jongin. Jongin stuffed a rice cake at Taemin's mouth.

"Blah.. Blah.. Just shut up and enjoy your meal."




"What do hamsters eat?" Jongin asked to his hamster. His hamster only sniffles and looked at Jongin like it could understand what he were saying.

"Do you understand what am I were saying? It kind a weird sometimes, when you are talking to someone or something and he or she or it can't understand what were you saying," Jongin murmured. He felt really silly. Well when his dog was alive, Jongin used to talk to his dog. He knew that his dog understand what he were saying. But, to a hamster? Jongin doubt it could understand.

"How about I name you first? Maybe later I could teach you some tricks," Jongin said as he started to think a perfect name for his hamster. The hamster nodded cutely making the other widden his eyes in shock. "Y-you.. You understand what am I saying?!" Jongin stuttered. The hamster tilted its head as a response.

"That's great! I could teach you 100 tricks a day!" The hamster squeak shockedly.

"Oh.. Oh... I'm sorry. Uhm... Your name... How about Monggu? Like my dog's name?" Jongin asked as he put his head on the table so he can look at his hamster clearly. "How?" The hamster shook its head. Okay... He doesn't like that name...

"How about Kyungsoo? Just like... Like the shop assistant's name. I think... He's cute... Like you," Jongin blushed. He just opened his secret to a hamster. And plus, the hamster understand what were he saying.

Unexpectedly, the hamster nodded. Jongin smiled widely. "You are so cute Kyungsoo-a." Suddenly he remembered something. He pull out his phone from his pocket. He opened the internet and browsing something. He frowned. He wanted to brows about hamster's food. But his signal is poor. Almost zero.

"Yaa.. Kyungsoo. I think we have to go to the book store," Jongin said. The hamster sniffed at the tip of Jongin's finger. Jongin looked at Kyungsoo. He gets what Kyungsoo meant. He wanted to come with him.

"Yeah.. I can't leave you here," Jongin scooped Kyungsoo and put him in his jacket's pocket. "You're going with me."




"Yaa.. You eat anything don't you?" Jongin whispered as his finger flipped the page.

Give hamsters enough food. They can turns canibal.

Jongin shivered at the sentence. He looked at Kyungsoo, hoping he wouldn't turn canibal.

He flipped the page again. It full of hamsters photo. Cute hamsters. Jongin smiled widely. He likes cute things.

Suddenly he felt something tickling his belly. He giggled a bit as he looked at his belly. Kyungsoo's head popped out from his pocket. He sniffed. Actually he huffed. But to Jongin, Kyungsoo sniffed. But anyway, Jongin knew Kyungsoo was jealous. He patted Kyungsoo's head softly with his finger. "Don't be jealous. You're still the cutest," Jongin murmured.

"Hey!! What are you doing here?!" someone yelled at Jongin. I think that voice is familiar...

Jongin turned his head. He froze at a moment. It was Jimin. The shop assistant at the petshop.

"I think I'm the one that supposed to ask that," Jongin replied, scaredly. Why am I have to meet her again, Jongin thought. Jimin face turned red. Not red because of embarassment. But because she's very angry.

"You know what?? I'm fired because of you! She kicked me up from that place. And here I am. Now I'm working here. And I guess you're sneaking here to read books freely," her voice raised. She punch her fist to her other palm, ready to beat Jongin up. Jongin relized he's in dangerious situation.


He threw the book at Jimin's face and then he ran quickly out of the book store.

"You ! Get back here!" she screamed to Jongin at the book store's entrance door. But Jongin is already ran far away.

"Jimin! What did you shout at the customer?!" the manager appeared from nowhere. Jimin almost choked on her own saliva.

"I-i.. I... Didn't say anything," Jimin muttered. Sweat started to ran down on her temple.

"Don't lie to me. You called the customer . And do you know what I mean? You. Are. Fired."

"If you know what I were saying, why don't you just ing fired me. Why you must asked that unbelievablely-stupid question if in the end, whatever the answer is, I'm fired," she mumbled.

"Y-you.. You! Double fired! You're not allowed to join us again. And you're not allowed to visit here as a customer!"




"Do you like vegetables?" Jongin asked to Kyungsoo as he checked up his fridge. The hamster looked inside and then looked at Jongin.


Kyungsoo huffed. There's only vegetables left in his fridge. That means he doesn't like vegetables right?, Kyungsoo thought. Jongin took a carrot and put it in front of Kyungsoo.

"Carrot?" Jongin looked at Kyungsoo with his puppy eyes, hoping maybe he likes carrots. Kyungsoo shook his head in desperate. But he nibbled the tip of the carrot. Jongin sighed in relieve.

"Wait a sec okay? I'll cut it for you," Jongin stand up, brought the carrot and the hamster. He closed the fridge. Jongin put Kyungsoo in top of the tissue box. He took a knife and cutted the carrot thinly. He gave one slice to Kyungsoo. He imadietly munch it and his cheeks puffed slowly. Jongin scratch Kyungsoo's head softly.

"I'm sorry. I don't have your food. That was all I got that maybe you like. And also, it's already late now." Kyungsoo snuggled his head to Jongin's finger. Signing that he wasn't mad. Jongin smiled guiltyly.


---- to be continued


A/N : Aaaa....!! Sorry for extremely late update. By the way, thank you for reading the first chapter^^ and sorry for my messed up grammar and spelling. My first languange isn't english. And also I'm still a student kkk... I'm still a child(?)

But anyway, I don't know how many chapter I was going to make. So sorry if I'm not routine updating. I'm only waiting an idea (that probably pops up -.-) for the next chapter. And, I'm on hiatus for a while.

I don't know why, but I think this chapter is very not funny. I'm very sorry if the story is boring.

P.S. : Mianhae, Jimin eonni. But you'll keep on the story. Sorry if I ruin your image ;A; I didn't mean to... I swear!! I just want to make a comedy fic (that always doesn't funny). Jeongmal mianhae >.<

Lots and lots of apologies /.\


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 1: This is the cutest fic i have ever read! Please update!
KYAAAAAAAAAAA i'm reading this and.... SARANGHAE PARKDORI-YAAAAAAAAAAA <365 (this is too asdfghjkl-_-) update soon, ne?^^
innocent #3
Update pls
Bang-Jello #4
update soon, neh? ^^