Chapter 5

Take me as I am

Amber took her last shot capturing the sunset in Mayfield lavender field. The violet of flowers blending with last sunshine of the day created a breathless view. She left the field, satisfied with the last stunning picture and took the bus number 143 toward the district where laid her apartment. She loved looking outside from a moving bus, felt like living in a separate moving planet, secretly observed the whole universe. Amber took the seat near the window at the end of the bus as she the music on her iPod and drowned in her own world, not paying attention to a young man came to sit by her side.

The bus had arrived at Amber’s stop and she got off it. That was when she realized that man following her step. Amber kept walking, not pay much attention to him until the man held her arm from behind. Amber looked back, right in the face of that guy and her heart skipped a beat. That was Henry.

Amber guided Henry to a nearby café. They didn't talk much on the way, just enough to let Amber knew that he was on a vacation and out of the blue found Amber at Mayfield, and followed her. Amber asked when they decided to take the table at the corner.

"Why didn't you talk to me on the bus?"

"I saw you in Mayfield, but you changed a lot. I just couldn't tell that was you or I had mistaken with someone else so I followed you on the bus to get a closer look. I wanted to call you but you seemed flying to the Moon, so I decided just to look at you instead." Henry explained "You get more beautiful now, Am. I hardly recognized you."

" It’s been 3 years Henry, you’re also change a lot. " Amber took a sip of tea, saying without looking to Henry’s face. "How are you now? Do you have kid?"

"No, I’m not married yet."

"Why? You two have engaged for such a long time." 

Amber said, trying to make it sound cool and careless, but deep down inside, she was really nervous. They hadn't seen for each other for so long and for what happened in the end of their relationship, the situation was very awkward now.

"Well, it’s just not about time. I don’t want to get into this commitment at such a young age. " Henry lied.

Truth was he could not get over Amber no matter how many times he tried to forget her and find love in his fiancée. At last, Henry gave up and told her his true feeling, he even pushed her away. He didn’t want his fiancée to get into a hopeless marriage without love with him which was unfair for her who deserved to be loved. But she refused to break the engagement and decided to give Henry a little more time.

Until now when sitting in front of her, Henry still couldn't believe this was truth. It was so unreal. He had been searching for so long but couldn't find any news about her. No one could tell him where Amber was. It was not like Henry tried to find Amber to make up with her, he just wanted to know that she had been living well. The fact that right after the break up, she left silently and nowhere to be found, even at school and her intense gaze when Henry said “Let’s break up” had haunted Henry for all these years.


She was like disappearing in this world and his hope was dying a bit day by day. But on today, without intention, she came back to Earth. When seeing her from aside, even without her long wavy hair and in a completely different appearance, he still recognized her immediately. Henry knew the imagine of Amber in a field full of violet lavender would forever in his heart and he would never forget this magical day. He just delayed a bit to gather his courage to face Amber.  

"So how’s your life? Why do you move here? " Henry asked.

"I got a job here, for Cartier’s. "Amber answered briefly in a nonchalant tone. " Things are going well."

Knowing this strained conversation would get to nowhere, Henry made a move first, looking straight to her eyes.

"No Am, I mean how your life was after us breaking up? You hate me a lot right?"

Amber glared at Henry, could not believe that he dared asking her this question.

"What’s the point of your question Henry? Now do you want to see me way more miserable than this, right? Or are you curious of whether I killed myself or not?"

She talked with clenched teeth, try not to show her anger. Amber never wanted to blame Henry for breaking his promise, for pushing her into the desperation of being abandoned by all the one she loved, for leaving her when she needed him the most… or anything else. He was the one she loved dearly, their ending maybe not happy but she treasured him. The moment she knew there was nothing she could do to make Henry change his mind, she just accepted the fact as calm as she could, not showing any clinginess to Henry to protect her proud and saving her beautiful last image. But this was too much for her dignity.

"No, no… It was my entire fault after all. I know what situation I did push you to. I did worry about you a lot. And due to the fact that you didn’t bother say a single bitter word to me, it’s kind of obsessed me… "Henry searched his mind to find correct words to express himself . "If you have hatred feeling toward me, I’m ok. I just want to know how was your feeling back then, just to understand you…"

" For what Henry? Whatever happened, it’s all the past, and it's my past which I no longer want to share with you. And now, for your information, I felt betrayal Henry, you betrayed my faith and also my love.... " Amber closed her eyes and took a breath, she didn't intend to say that to Henry but she couldn't hold it." It’s you who wanna hear it from me…"

Henry buried himself in the chair, not knowing what to do next. He didn’t know what he doing now wasright or wrong. It may hurt Amber, he knew. But this was necessary for him and Amber to figure things out. He prepared himself for anything Amber could say. He imaged of many bad word that describe him back to those days. But hearing it was still uneasy and “betrayal” was the last word on Earth he wanted to hear. It was the worst.

" Betrayal? …No Amber, it was for your safety…."

Henry said wearily and absence mindedly but Amber heard it.

" What Henry? What have you said? My safety? " Amber said in a shaking tone.  

Henry though he would keep this secret for himself forever but he failed. It was such a shameful secret because it was his own mother, after all efforts to separate Henry and Amber, had threatened to cause harm to Amber if he refused to breakup. Henry mother was a tough woman and he knew she didn’t joke this time. Hesitating for a minutes, he realized that he couldn't hide it anymore and told Amber the whole story.

"As her son and seeing all the things she had done in her career, I was so scared. I’d rather die than seeing anything bad happen to you…"

Amber eyes got blurred and she hardly heard anything else but her heart beats. Now that Henry saved her life and she had called him “betrayal”. He left her to guard her safety but she though that he couldn’t protect her. How about what she had been through all these years? Amber felt guilty and she couldn’t think of anything else and started to run away from this reality. It was raining heavily outside but she didn’t bother. Amber heard Henry calling her name but she kept running, not knowing the destination. Then, she felt a ray of light on her face, next was some noise and Amber loss her consciousness.


A/N: Sorry for the low pace but Krisber will meet next chapter. Thanks for reading :*

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New Krisber short fic :D finish this thing up and I'll continue ws Take me as I am


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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 8: krisber❤️
Chapter 17: Good lord this was written 4 years ago! And it's still beautiful!
Chapter 18: I am earnestly waiting for an update??
ravepirates #4
I spends 3 hours to read your fanfic . All 18 chapters of it. It really worth it. I do hope u will will inspiration n courage to continue this kris fanfiction. Im rooting for u my dear. I know its hard to continue this story when the character are giving u a depressing state of life. I know how u feel.
U have a great talent in writing n this story is also great. I do hope I will see a red notification saying this fics is updated in the future. Dont waste your talent n pity us who longing to know the ending of this great fic.
Fighting authornim.
Loly21 #5
Chapter 17: I really hope Amber's love towards Sehun never change.. I mean after all of this Sehun is the one who stand beside her and understand her while Kris slowly begin to know & understand her but in the end felt of love is something we can't control and in the end one of them will be hurt. Does Amber really love Sehun in special way or just sibling?? because I think Amber slowly realized her true fellings towards Sehun.. I just wish they be together.. Fighting!!
Chapter 18: yeah I know that felling Kris, Amber please please be with Kris.
Loly21 #7
Chapter 18: This stories so wonderful:) I hope Sehun & Amber will be together ...
Chapter 18: owh no owh yes... im speechless.. its hard for her i guess.. but we cant blame kris for what he done coz,that is love we talking about. how will amber react to that unexpecting confession????? update plz...
Chapter 18: Omfg Kris confessed :o ughhh I am sure she will reject him poor him bit at the same time if she doesn't then she is betraying sehun aww why can't they both just have her