
It's all fun and games

Classes were back and brutal. Luhan wanted nothing more than to just sleep for three years. If there was one thing that Luhan hated, it was getting up early. He was not an early bird, or a morning person of any of that . Because seriously, if you are, you must be defective or something, because how? Luhan didn’t understand those people who could just jump out of bed, not roll out, with a huge smile on their face, not a half asleep frown, and just get on with it. It made no sense and the only possible explanation for it must have been for them to have some kind of mental defect. No ifs or buts, no candy or nuts.

“You look like ” a voice said from behind him.

Luhan turned to see Chen leaning against a tree, a smirk plastered on his face, and a can of cola in his hand.

“Go yourself, Chen” Luhan huffed, trying to keep hold of his books that were threatening to fall out of his hands.

“Got Min for that, thanks” Chen said, smirk still in place, “Where’s Sehun? Aren’t you guys usually attached at the hip?”

“He’s in class. He finishes later than me today, something about dancing with Kai and a paired assignment” Luhan sighed, giving up and plonking down on the grass beside where Chen stood and dropped his books and bag in front of him.

Chen gave Luhan an odd look and dropped to the floor beside him, “You don’t seem to happy about that?” he commented.

Luhan only rolled his eyes and started to put his books away in his bag, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I’ve got nobody to hang around with now. I mean, Minnie has you, Baekhyunnie has CreepYeol. Kris has BabyTao, Kyunggie has Kai and his little baking club friends. And Sehun’s going to be off with Kai all the time now because of their dance thing” he shrugged, “Not to mention I’m ing tired, man. Like who the came up with the idea of learning early in the morning?!”

Chen chuckled slightly, “You seem really taken with the kid” he smiled, pulling Luhan’s things out of the elder’s frustrated hands and packing them into his bag for him, “it’s nice to see you so happy”

“Who are you and what have you done with Kim Jongdae?” Luhan asked, narrowing his eyes at Chen in suspicion.

Chen laughed and shoved Luhan’s bag back at him, “Shut up, . I was trying to be nice”

“That’s why I’m scared” Luhan shot back, putting his bag next to him.

Chen rolled his eyes, “Stop changing the subject. Be honest with me, what’s the deal with you and Sehun?” he asked, bringing his knees up to rest his arms on them.

“We’re going out” Luhan said simply, pulling a bottle of water out from god knows where and uncapping it before taking a swig and doing it back up.

Chen looked at him for moment, before opening his mouth slightly, “You’re serious” he said, a little taken aback at Luhan’s willingness to openly admit it.

“Yes. But you can’t tell people yet, because we’d like to do that ourselves if you don’t mind” Luhan smiled slyly, “Not that you have a choice, because if you tell anyone – including Minmin – I will find you, and I will kill you”

Chen held his hands up in surrender, “Hey, no need to kill me, I’ll keep quiet”

“Good” Luhan smiled, shifting so that he was laying down with his head resting on Chen’s lap, “I’m too tired to kill you at the moment”

Chen laughed lightly as he began to card his fingers through Luhan’s hair, “Sure thing, Lulu. Aren’t you meant to be in class right now, anyway?”

“Mm, but it got cancelled. Teacher went into Labour early, water broke all over the carpet, it was horrid” Luhan shuddered, “But at least I get to rest for a while before next class. Why aren’t you in class?”

“I was ahead on my work, so Mr. Lee gave me a free lesson” Chen smiled, “Guess I’m smarter than I look, eh?”

Luhan laughed tiredly, “Mm, suppose you are, Chenchen” he yawned, “Hey, can you sing to me?”

“Sure thing” Chen said before taking a deep breath, “I’ve seen it all a thousand times, falling down I’m still alive. Am I? Am I? So hard to breathe when the water’s high, no need to swim I’ll learn to fly, so high. So high. You find the truth in a child’s eyes, when the only limit is the sky, living proof, I see myself in you...
 “When walls start to close in, your heart is frozen over. Just show ‘em what you’re made of. When sun light is fading, the world will be waiting for you. Just show ‘em what you’re made of.
 “Gloves are off, ready to fight. Like a lion, I will survive. Will I? Will I? You gotta stand for something even if you stand alone, don’t be afraid, it’s gonna be alright... You find the truth in a child’s eyes, when the only limit is the sky, living proof, I see myself in you...
 “When walls start to close in, your heart is frozen over. Just show ‘em what you’re made of. When sun light is fading, the world will be waiting for you. Just show ‘em what you’re made of, show ‘em what you’re made of! Oh, oh, ooh. Oh, ooh.
 “You find the truth in a child’s eyes, when the only limit is the sky, living proof, I see myself in you... Oh, when walls start to close in, your heart is frozen over! Just show ‘em what you’re made of. Show ‘em what you’re made of! When sun light is fading, the world will be waiting for you, just show ‘em what you’re made of, you can show ‘em what you’re made of! Oh, oh, ooh, oh oh show ‘em what you’re made of”

By the time Chen stopped singing and looked down at Luhan. The elder was sound asleep in his lap. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes, it was only the first day back and Luhan was already this exhausted? What could he have been doing all night to make him this – it clicked.

“Luhan... You sly dog” Chen chuckled.


“And... one, two, three, four... one, two, three, four...” Kai chanted as he and Sehun perfected the first part of their routine.

“Okay, so we turn here and then slide there?” Sehun asked, panting slightly.

Kai nodded, “Yeah, then add the point and the clap after that and that’s it. We can work on the change from there and we should have it done by next week” he wiped his head with the back of his hand.

“Okay, but can we call it a day now? I’ve got homework” Sehun said, walking over to the back of the room to grab a bottle of water.

Kai rolled his eyes, “Gees, man, you’re so lazy. We’ve only been dancing for like...” he glanced at the clock, “oh, four hours. Damn, when did it get late?”

“I’m gonna say whilst we were dancing, ” Sehun shook his head, capping his water bottle again.

The two of them continued to bicker as they packed away their things and left the practise room. They took a slow walk back to the dorms, both of them sweaty and tired, but neither of them seeming all that bothered. And Sehun was looking forward to showering... Maybe Luhan’d join him if he was lucky.

“Urgh, what a day” Sehun groaned as he walked through the door and into his and Luhan’s room.

Luhan looked up from the textbook on his lap and smiled, “Oh, hey Sehunnie, you’re back late” he said through a yawn.

“Yeah, practice with Kai went on later than I expected, I need to shower,” Sehun said, pulling a face as he took off his t-shirt and threw it in the wash basket and grabbed a clean towel, along with his toiletry bag, “You coming?”

Luhan laughed softly, it was like music to Sehun’s ears, it really was. Luhan’s gentle laugh was probably one of his favourite sounds, “Sure, just let me bookmark my page” Luhan said, getting up from the bed and sorting his things out, placing them on his desk and taking the towel that Sehun picked up for him.

The two of them made their way down to the showers, hung up their things, undressed and quickly got under the warm stream of water.

“This is just what I needed” Sehun moaned lowly as the water flowed over his tight back muscles.

Luhan hummed in agreement, “Tell me about it. I need to relax after the day I’ve had. I fell asleep on Chen earlier. Chen!” Luhan groaned, “What is my life?!”

“Aw, come on, Princess, Chen’s not that bad, he’s just an idiot” Sehun laughed, moving closer to Luhan and turning him to face away from him, so that he could wash the elder’s back.

“You’re not wrong there, but the kid’s got one hell of a voice” Luhan chuckled, “Mm, that feels nice” he whispered sweetly.

“Yeah, he’s almost the whole package, high notes, low notes, pretty spiffy when he tries his hand a rapping, he’s handsome, funny, and daaaaamn has he god a rockin’ body...” Sehun laughed as Luhan turned back to face him looking annoyed, so he added finally, “If only he wasn’t such a ing idiot! And besides, he can’t hold a candle to you”

“Oh?” Luhan smirked, “Please, do elaborate” he pressed closer to Sehun, reaching for the shampoo and squeezing a dollop onto his hands before rubbing them together and starting to lather it into Sehun’s hair whilst pressing their chests together and listening to Sehun talk;

“Well, he might be good at high notes and low notes, but have you heard your own voice? It’s indescribable. He’s handsome? That’s nothing compared to you, you’re handsome, stylish, and better looking than any guy or girl I know... Don’t tell Sulli I said that though... Funny, well, Lu, you’re a freaking god send when it comes to making things funny. I’ve laughed more than ever since I met you. And your body... well... I think we’ve both established how much I thoroughly love that...” he winked down at Luhan, who’s hands had come to a standstill in the younger’s hair, “And you’re not an idiot. Sure, you can be a prat, but never an idiot”

Luhan rolled his eyes before running his fingers once more through Sehun’s soapy hair, “Sehun, you have such a way with words. No wonder I fell for you” he deadpanned, making Sehun laugh and lean in to give him a quick, teasing peck on the lips.

Luhan chuckled as he moved away, allowing Sehun to rinse his hair out, whilst he, himself, started to wash his own hair.

It wasn’t long before they were both squeaky clean, dry, dressed and back in their room laying down on Luhan’s bed. They’d decided to order take out and work on homework until they called it a night, which was both nice and horrid all at once.

“Are you finished yet?” Luhan asked, peering over at Sehun who was in the midst of closing his books.

Sehun nodded and rubbed his eyes tiredly, “Yeah, just finished it all, thank god. Are you?”

“Mm, yeah, you wanna call it a night?” Luhan asked, then laughed softly, “I feel like an old marry couple when we talk like this”

“That’s because you are old” Sehun teased, getting up and taking Luhan’s things to put on the desk until morning.

Luhan glared playfully, “Don’t sass me boy, you’re not too old to go over my knee and get a good spanking”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” Sehun smirked, making his way back over to the bed after flicking off the light and turning on the bedside lamp.

“Who knows?” Luhan grinned, “Guess if you’re a naughty boy, you’ll find out” he chuckled and climbed under the covers, scooting over so that Sehun could join him.

Sehun let out a soft chuckle, “You don’t half make my day, Lu” he smiled, laying down and pulling Luhan into his arms.

“I do try” the elder smiled, shuffling closer and relaxing in Sehun’s arms.

The younger leant down to give Luhan a sweet, lingering kiss before turning off the lamp and closing his eyes, letting sleep take over him.


“Mm, stop”

“...” More soft kisses to the back of a neck

“Stop, come on, I need to sleep”

“...” Kisses moving to the back of a shoulder whilst hands wonder over hips.

“Mmm, it’s too early, oh... That feels good”

A soft laugh then more kisses to the side of a neck, a hand slides around to rub against a flat stomach.

“Mm, okay, don’t stop, that’s nice”

Another soft laugh, “I knew you’d give in”

“Jongin...” Kyungsoo whined softly, turning around to face his friend-turned-boyfriend and smiling, “you’re such a pain”

Kai laughed, rubbing his nose against Kyungsoo, “A pain you love~” he chuckled, closing the space between their lips and kissing Kyungsoo hungrily.

Kyungsoo easily returned the kiss, finding that he could never get enough of Kai, it was worrisome really, how quickly he gave into anything Kai wanted, well, within reason that was. But the every time Kai kissed him, touched him, smiled at him, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with the boy.

It wasn’t like a love at first sight kind of deal for Kyungsoo, honestly, when he’d first met Kai, he thought the younger was a full on . He was loud and obnoxious, thought he knew it all and just plain stupid, but there was something cute about him too. When Kai had asked if Kyungsoo wanted to hang out, the elder thought it was a joke, but stupidly agreed anyways, or not so stupidly seeing as how things turned out. Never the less, as soon as that first little play date was over, they’d just clicked and stuck with one another.

Over time, Kyungsoo started to find Kai’s idiocies rather amusing and almost charming, which had shocked him at first. It wasn’t that typical “Oh no, I like men?!” kind of shock, it was more of the “Fak, I’m in love with a total babo” kind of shock. Kyungsoo had known for a while before that, that boys were his cup of tea, he’d even had a boyfriend or two before Kai came alone – and one whilst he knew Kai, but that didn’t last long thanks to the idiot himself. Don’t ask, long story – so it wasn’t a big deal. He and Kai weren’t best friends, they were just friends, close friends, but still. It was more that Kyungsoo didn’t want to like Kai, because let’s face it, Kai was a bit of an arse, and he knew it. But Kyungsoo also knew that Kai’s heart was in the right place – well for the most part, he’d seen Kai with countless people, flirting away like the little heartbreaker he was, and the last thing Kyungsoo wanted was for his heart to be crushed, and by his friend at that – but even so, Kyungsoo let himself fall.

Though there was the initial argument and the fighting, Kyungsoo couldn’t have been more glad he let himself fall, because if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to call the dark skinned beauty his own, he wouldn’t have been able to kiss those plup lips, nor touch that toned body. So really, he’d hit the jackpot, a thought which made a smile come to his lips.

“What are you smiling at?” Kai asked softly, watching Kyungsoo with amused eyes.

Kyungsoo shrugged slightly, “Just thinking about stuff”

“What stuff?”


“Really? Why?”

Kyungsoo laughed quietly, “I dunno really, I was just thinking about how far we’ve come since we met”

“Ah yes, I remember the first thing you said to me” Kai smiled fondly at the memory.

Kyungsoo raised a brow, “You do? What did I say then?”

“Well, I came up to you and you looked up and said ‘Are you lost? Because the s with daddy issues are that way’ and you pointed to Krystal Jung...” Kai laughed, “I still don’t get why you hate her so much by the way”

Kyungsoo harrumphed, “I just don’t” he muttered, eyes fluttering down to examine the duvet.

“Aw, come on, tell me why~” Kai teased, poking Kyungsoo on the nose.

Kyungsoo sighed, looking up again at Kai, “I didn’t like her because she used to tease me about being chubby and small” he said, “but, as it turns out, her mate was making her do it as part of this stupid test thing, she apologised and everything, but I still hate her for how she made me feel”

“You should have told me” Kai frowned

Kyungsoo only shook his head, “It was a long time ago, Jongin, don’t worry about it now” he laughed, “Anyway, we better get up, I have class in an hour and I still need to shower”

“Want come company?” Kai asked, following Kyungsoo’s lead and getting out of the bed, frowning as the chilly morning air hit him, “Gees, my boy’s’ll end up like raisins at this rate” he muttered under his breath

“What was that?” Kyungsoo asked from across the room, picking up his towel.

Kai smiled, “I asked if you wanted company”

“Oh sure” Kyungsoo beamed, “Wait... Do you mean to take an actual shower, or so you can just stand there under the water and look at me whilst I’m ?” he asked, narrowing his eyes playfully.

Kai gasped, “What do you take me for?!” he asked “... Of course it’s the one, I showered last night” he grinned, making Kyungsoo roll his eyes.

Oi y, you’ve got a text! Oi y, you’ve got a text!

“Really Jongin? That’s your text tone?” Kyungsoo deadpanned.

Kai grinned, “I liked to be reminded of my iness” he said grabbing his phone and opening the message.

“Who is it?” Kyungsoo asked, pottering around the room to gather his things.

“Sehun” Kai answered, “He said make sure you keep Saturday night free, he wants the twelve of us to go out for a meal, he has something he wants to tell us”

“Oh my god!” Kyungsoo squeaked, standing up straight and turning to face Kai with wider than usual eyes.


“What if he comes out?!” Kyungsoo asked looking slightly frightened.

Kai raised a brow, “Um, Soo... Everyone already knows he’s gay...”

“No” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, “What if he comes out as straight?!”





“... What even...”

Kyungsoo laughed nervously, “Well, usually when people are like ‘I need to tell you something’ it’s for one of four reasons, one, they’re gay – but in this case Sehun’s already gay so he’d have to come out as straight – two, they’re breaking up with you, three, they killed your cat, or four, they broke something you love” he nodded at his own words.

“And I’m in love with a psychopath... Awesome” Kai muttered under his breath

Kyungsoo glared, “What was that?”


“Yeah” he smirked, “That’s what I thought”

Kai frowned, this was all pointing to one thing –

“Are you coming? Or are you gonna just stand there all day looking like a tit?” Kyungsoo asked, standing by the open door.

“Yeah, coming” Kai said, grabbing his towel and hurrying after Kyungsoo as the latter started down towards the showers.

 – He was Kyungsoo’s .

Kai groaned, it wasn’t meant to be this way.

“What are you groaning about?” Kyungsoo asked, stepping under the running water and pulling Kai in with him.

“Just, uh, thinking about how I’ll miss you when you’re in class...” Kai bluffed.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, but didn’t comment on it nonetheless.

It was quiet for a while as they just showered peacefully – well on Kyungsoo’s part anyway, Kai mainly just started at the elder’s ness – until Kyungsoo glanced over at Kai and spoke;

“Do you have practice with Sehunnie tonight?”

Kai nodded, “Yeah, but only for a couple of hours today, we’ve got the first part down, but there’s still quite a lot to work on. We’ve got dance class today though, so we won’t have to stay behind as late as last night”

“Good, I was going to cook dinner for us tonight, if that’s okay?”

“Okay?” Kai asked bewilderedly, “Soo, I live for your cooking! What are we having?”

Kyungsoo laughed happily, “I was thinking tacos...”

“Have I ever mentioned that I love you?” Kai grinned.

“Maybe once or twice~”








A/N: Soooooo.... I have good news and bad news...
Bad news; This fic is ending soon. There's one more chapter and then the epilogue...
BUT I am starting a new story~ It's exo again, of course ^^ and it's mainly HunHan/Kaisoo/Sulay, but the others be in there ^^

It's a Camping AU. I'll post the foreword soon and link it at the end of the next chapter if y'all wanna check it out? It'll be comedy and drama ^^

Also sorry for any typos, I'm hella tired and haven't really proof read :'(

So comment and let me know what y'all think of this chappie, sub and vote if you love me enough!


Much loves~
Until next time<3

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Guise! I'm sorry, but the next update won't be until either Sunday or Monday as I won't be home until Sunday as I'm visiting family over the weekend! 06-02-14


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