Chapter 1

Affined To Badluck

The tired but quick thumps down the flight of stairs of nineteen year old Kim Yerim apartment complex echoed the empty area as she reached the first floor. She let out a heavy breath wondering why she didn’t take the elevator but passed it onto the thoughts of how late she’ll be if she doesn’t hurry. Class. Class. Class. Were the only things that really were on her mind at this moment she had no time to stop and say hello to the other neighbors waving her way as she took her bike that was waiting at the gate, carelessly it was left unattended and unlocked she pulled it out of the rack and hopped on knowing she only had a couple minutes left to get to class.


The school she attended was none other than Seoul University. A highly populated school home of the best of the best students with the top grades. Yerim quickly skid her bike into the racks and dashed across the campus nearly bumping into the other students who weren’t as worried of being late unlike her. She stumbled up the stairs stumbling into one of her close friends nearly falling backwards had he not caught her on the arm. She breathed and stared at the man. “Chi Hoon…” Her voice tired. She pulled her arm away. “Thanks, can’t talk.” He gave her an expected smile and watched her continue the flight of stairs.


The final bell rang as she ducked into the class to the closest seat, which was surprisingly her usual seat, third row first seat at the end. The teacher was taking attendance and had not notice the action as he called. “Kim Yerim.” Looking up, marking her attendance and moving on. She sighed in relief leaning back.


“Why were you almost late?” She turned around to her classmate Lee DongEun. He had a questionable look then he made a grimace. “Working late last night?” She gave a pitiful smile for herself. “Yerim!” He hit her arm slightly.


 “Hey I need to pay my rent, a couple… few… extra hours won’t kill me.” She smiled. DongEun gave a hopeless shake and leaned back in his seat and the teacher started his less. Conceptual physics; a class she didn’t really need to take for her major, which was Linguistics. So, why was this tired girl taking such a boring class? From the corner of her eye, front row, on the other side the class she spotted the colorful blonde-pink hair she’d known anywhere. Her heart made a slight thump feeling as she breathed inwards then outwards. Kim Taehyung. A boy she’d never talked to, yet she couldn’t stop looking at him. There were plenty of other attractive males in this class, in this school, but only he caught her eyes.


DongEun looked over from the teacher down at Yerim. His head turned in her direction and he sighed before noticing the teacher call out Yerim’s name. DongEun leaned over and tapped Yerim’s shoulder.


Yerim snapped her attention back at the teacher who was staring at her. “Answer.” He repeated for what had seemed like the nth time. She looked up at the formula she didn’t really understand, and then she remembered a word and said it.


“Torque?” She answered. The teacher was quiet then turned around. Yerim didn’t understand if she had gotten the answer correct or not, yet when she had looked back at Taehyung he had a smile on his face shaking his head. Her heart sunk. She had gotten the answer wrong.









“Why is that class even in this school?” Yerim kicked the rocks watching them scatter all over the place. A pout came into place when she puffed her cheeks slightly. She looked up from the area she was in starring at the students walking around. Her eyes catching the blonde-pink she stared at the boy laughing along with his friends. Her heart sunk slightly remembering the moment that happened only minutes ago. “Kim Taehyung…” She whispered slightly.


Her eyes moved upwards when she felt something wet hit her forehead. Rain was starting. There were slight squeals from the other students and she watched blankly as the students started running for shelter. Then she remembered her bike was just thrown anywhere. She picked up her backpack and ran across the campus bumping into a body she fell over.


“You okay?” The familiar voice spoke. Yerim recognized the voice and had no idea she had ran right into Taehyung. He had a worried look. “Yerim.” He said holding his hand out.


She took it carelessly and brushed herself off, her bike popped into her mind. She contemplated on staying to talk, and then realized he was getting soaked, afterwards the thought of her bike getting ruined came as well. She reached into her backpack and handed him her polka-dot umbrella. “Bye.” She said running off before he could say anything. He watched her quietly and scratched the back of his head before looking at the umbrella. It wasn’t until he shivered he realized it was pouring.









“No... no… no!” Yerim wailed to herself trying to get the chain of her bike fixed in the rain. She felt idiotic wondering why she was even doing this, but at this moment it didn’t matter. She was soaked, she had made a fool of herself in front of this stranger she had no clue of why, the last thing she wanted was to ruin her only transportation to school. Her eyes frantically fixed the chain as she wiped her cheek causing a grease smudge to appear. Yerim sighed as the chain fell again. She slumped down onto the ground sighing. “What a nice day I’m having.” She sarcastically chuckled. “Yeah… right.”


“What are you doing?” Yerim looked up and saw a questionable look on this males face. She was taken back after a second realizing he looked like Taehyung. “Yerim.” He repeated. “You’re going to get sick if you just stay here in the rain.” He held over his clear umbrella over her head as he squatted down meeting her eyes. “Let’s get out of the rain okay?” He smiled sweetly. She was quiet for a second before looking back at my bike. “What’s wrong?” He asked.


“My bike.” She said immediately surprising him. He looked over at my bike, analyzing the problem then handing the umbrella to her.


“Move over a bit.” He said. “Let’s see if I can fix it.” Yerim stood up and he looked up at her before moving to wear she was sitting. He took the chain and started moving it over. Yerim heard a couple kinks, and clanks then heard the chain move perfectly. “Got it.” He smiled standing up.


“That’s amazing” She said in awe. He chuckled and took the umbrella still holding it over the two of us. Yerim was quiet then shivered.


“Let’s get you out of the rain, before you catch a cold okay?” The male gave a warm smile that Yerim couldn’t deny. She just nodded her head and two walked off into the school facility. She would look up at the mysterious boy wondering how he’d seen her struggle but looked away when he caught her staring. Embarrassed she bit her lips tightly and he laughed.









“Here” He handed her some coffee. “It’s black, do you like black? Or do you want to trade for my milk coffee?” The male placed the coffee onto the table as she was adjusting his jacket on her. She had tied her into a braid to the side blinking at the coffee.


“It’s okay.” She waved off. “I like black coffee.”


“Well that’s a relief.”He smiled nodding his head getting into the seat in front of her. “Cause I hate black coffee.” She took a sip letting the bitter drink fill her body as she shivered in delight. He watched her as he sipped his coffee with pleasure. “What’s your name?” She asked suddenly. He was quiet. “I have to give you a proper thank you; I can’t do that without your name.” She reasoned.


“You don’t need to know my name.” He laughed trying to put off the question. “It’s not like we’ll meet again.” She was quiet as she took another sip. Tapping the cup she stared at this man.


“And if we do meet again?” She questions. He blinked at her.


“And if we do meet again?” He repeated her question leaning forward in his seat to meet her contact perfectly. She looked down awkwardly then up as he smiled. “If we meet again?” He asked again.


“Then can I know your name?” Yerim asked. The man looked out the window and placed his cup down, it was already empty. He got out of his chair and smiled at her gently.




He took the umbrella and made his way to the door. Yerim was surprised at his action she watched him for a second then quickly swallowed the drink letting the fluid warm her up quickly and give her tongue a slight burn at the same time. Placing the cup down, she followed after him as the door closed behind him. She pushed open the door and turned to her left. Empty. To her right was empty too.


“Where’d he go?” She asked herself then noticed a sticky note on the tip of her shoe. She looked down before stepping back to bend down and pick up the note. Yerim quietly looked at the letters on the paper then clenched the paper. “Byun… Baekhyun.” She said quietly. Keeping the name to herself she shoved the note into the trash and turned back to the café before hearing someone call her name.









“Kim Taehyung!” She said surprised. The man ran over to her with a smile that made her heart flutter. “Hi.” She stuttered slightly.


“Are you okay?” He asked.


“What do you mean?” She asked confused.


“You were in a rush earlier. Then you handed me your umbrella.” He held up the polka dot umbrella before taking hand and placing it into the palm of hers. “Thanks by the way.”


“You’re welcome…” She slowly responded.


“How bout I buy you some coffee, I hear the milk coffee is awesome.” She peered up at the boy studying his expression. His expression changed. “What? Is there something on my face?” He cupped his own cheeks. Yerim shook her head clenching the umbrella. “That’s good.” He smiled. “You have something on your cheek though.” Yerim hadn’t noticed the grease stain on her cheeks on until Taehyung reached over and wiped it off with his finger.


“Thanks… wait milk coffee?” Yerim spoke suddenly surprising Taehyung. Taehyung nodded his head. “But you hate milk coffee…” Taehyung blinked surprised.


“How’d you know I don’t like milk coffee?” Taehyung asked. Yerim’s cheeks suddenly went pink and she looked away. “Wait… don’t like? I love milk coffee.” He laughed. “You must be talking about Jin hyung!” He smiled. I had a blank look on my face thinking.


“So it wasn’t him…” She whispered to herself.


“So is that a yes.” Taehyung smiled looking at me trying to catch my attention. Yerim looked up before pulling out her phone from her bag. She grimaced slightly. “No?”


“I have two more classes… then work.” Taehyung just nodded to his head not seeming bothered by it. “Maybe another time okay?” Taehyung just nodded again.


“Just tell me when you have time.” He smiled turning away. “See ya Yerim.” Yerim nodded her head watching him run off into a different direction. She was quiet then thought for a moment.


“So Byun Baekhyun… when will I see you again?” She looked up at the sky and the clouds started to whiten and the wind started to pick up. Then she chuckled. “I didn’t even think he knew my name.” She looked down at Baekhyun’s varsity jacket and then moved on towards the buildings on the opposite side of where Taehyung ran off. “I wonder when I’ll see him again…” Thinking for a moment for which she’s referring too. “Either would be fine.” She quietly replied. “J’ai aller aux classe de francaise maintenant. Ah...” I frowned slightly. “I have to practice more.”


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Akiko05 #1
Update please... been looking for a fic like this
Chapter 3: new reader

I think having all three as a bias is really hard for me to choose a favorite.
irfahh #3
Please update!!!!
Chapter 3: omg one of us??? are they like robots lmao or some angel sent from heaven to look after her HAHAHA
please update soon! :)
Chapter 3: What is happening?
Daehyun and Beakhyun
Chapter 2: What if daehyun and baekhyun is one person and that one person is taehyung D: But idk just my guess XD
Chapter 2: i feel like v set this all up, just to look after her hahaha oh well OMG SO MUCH SUSPENSE
Chapter 2: Daehyun and Baekhyun know each other? And what are they ? Her guardian angel ? Omg I'm so confused aha
Chapter 2: WOW. Totally mindblown right now. But in a good way. :D :P This is so good!
Lexarvy #10
Chapter 2: Wow this is really good! :D On ch.1 I was so confused but now I understand so much better! :P Though... Since they don't exist... How the heck did they clean her place???? Like... Yeah weird :P
Oh and 3Ae, so Daehyun, Baekhyun and Taehyun :P They could also have been the 3Hyuns XP
Wait a minute... If Dae and Baek aren't real, does that mean Taehyun is also... :O But... he can't be... OMG SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO LITTLE ANSWERS!!!!! Can't wait for the rest!!! XD