Evil Plans?

Bad Enough For You
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Taemin decided to make Minho wait for his reply a while. He had expected the tall boy to act restless, or become nervous- even to turn back to the smiling snob he was, in order to garner an early answer to his confession. He had wanted to keep him up at his toes, behind him, yearning for a yes, but the actual situation was far from that.

Minho stayed cool, completely disinterested in the matters of his neighbour, and went along with the flow of campus life just like nothing had happened. He did not even glance at Taemin, let alone smile or greet him.

Moreover, Minho came dressed to kill all week, making Taemin more confused. If he was ignoring him, then who was he dressing to impress?

Taemin would find himself glaring at Minho, which would soon turn into staring. Staring at those black bangs, staring at those lips, staring at those big eyes, staring at that clothed chiselled chest-

"Ugh." Taemin groaned inwardly. It was definitely frustation making him think of such nonsense.

His confusion and anger had gotten him so frustrated that he did not even bother to question the thoughts that ran thorugh his head, nor that faint music that played at times in his ears. All he had on mind was blind ferocity, all because of watching Minho be so cool about asking him out, and ignoring him to top it all off.

“Wasn’t he the one who asked me out?” He said out to himself loudly, when he was rolling around in bed late at night, unable to sleep. “How can he avoid me like the plague after that?!”

He rolled to the side, closing his eyes. The image of Minho flashed through his mind, and his eyes shot right back open. He sat up, rubbing his temples.

His heart was rushing, and the faint music was back in his ears. This unfamiliar notion filled him up whenever he thought of Choi, and the only reason he could understand behind it was his anger, and need for revenge.

That kiss did a replay too, and Taemin felt his cheeks burn slightly. He closed his eyes.

“…not again…” He shook his head frantically, thinking of some devious plan he would put in action after saying yes to the ty Prince. A small smirk played on his lips, and he flopped back, pulling up his blanket, humming to himself- his tune and evil plans lulling him to sleep soon.







Minho was playing with his lunch, sighing now and then.

It had been hard to ignore Taemin, especially when the boy was throwing him cute glares, and adorable pouts, all screaming ‘how dare you avoid me’. Minho really wanted to approach Taemin, but he held back, knowing how the boy would ridicule him. The last thing he wanted was to give Taemin a chance to rub his goodness in his face, and to reject him right on spot for that reason.

He felt guilty, watching Taemin act so restless…but; he had to admit, it was really fun.

“Why so lost, huh?” Kibum, Minho’s friend asked, putting his tray next to the tall boy’s.

“Nothing, Kibum.” Minho sighed again.

“Is it the guy who turned you into a walking strawberry?” Kibum asked, biting into his sandwich.

“The shade’s worn off.”

“Fortunately.” Kibum replied. “But that’s not what I asked. What I asked was…do you like him?”

Minho dropped his spoon, and looked at Kibum with wide eyes.

“Chill, dude.” Kibum smirked. “I have been stuck to your side for five years already. I perfectly understand the gaze with which you steal glances at him.”

Minho smiled a little. “When you know, why ask?”

“Because he is totally not your type!” Kibum exclaimed. “And he is even changing you to the way he is!”

“I am still good; just being bad.”

“Whatever, I just don't know what you see in him.”

“Well...same here.” Minho shrugged. “Actually...” Minho turned towards Taemin’s table, smiling, as he saw the boy gobble down his lunch, “Taemin is intriguing. He’s rude, cocky and an idiot; I don’t even know how, why, and what I like in him. I just. Alot.”

Kibum smiled. “I see.”

Their table slowly started to fill up with their other friends, and the usual chatting started. Kibum got engrossed as well, but Minho ate slowly, still watching the younger boy, as he gulped down soda, while fidgeting on his iPod.

“Your cockiness- I need to break it, for you to see me for who I actually am.”







Taemin headed to his last class for the day, and stopped in his tracks when he saw the said Mr Perfect completely relaxed in his seat, playing on his PSP.

He felt a sudden rush build up in his heart, that faint music returning to his ears. But in addition to that, he felt anger surge inside him. The reason he was rendered to this state was Choi Minho; and Choi Minho only.

And this said Choi boy had to pay for that.

His lips curved in that smug way again, and he decided not to make the snob wait anymore.

He walked to his seat, and flopped down, taking out his notebook to write a note.

The lecture started by the time Taemin finished scrawling down his words, and he tried to throw the chit at his neighbour, cautious of the lecturer.

The chit hit Minho’s desk, but bounced and fell to the ground. Taemin tried to catch Minho’s gaze- to signal him to pick it, but Minho paid no heed to his little gestures.

Annoyed, Taemin tore off another piece of paper, and scrawled down his words again. He aimed it properly this time, but Minho swept it away.

Taemin’s temper rose.

How dare he throw his chit away without reading?!

He scrawled another one, this time in huge letters, and aimed it right at the tall boy’s head. He was going to throw it, but right then the lecturer’s voice called out his name, making him freeze.

“Lee Taemin; come here.” The lecturer called in a venomous tone. “With that chit.” The lecturer added, when he saw Taemin hide the piece of paper in his desk.

Taemin groaned, as he tightened his fist around the chit and headed towards the lecturer.

The lecturer held his hand out, and Taemin reluctantly handed over the crumpled piece of paper, which the lecturer unfolded, raising an eyebrow at the huge letters scrawled in it.

“Yes, I will ing go out with you, you -headed Prince.” The lecturer read in a clear and loud voice. He looked at Taemin. “Followed by many exclamation marks and a squinting skull with a protruding tongue.” The lecturer sighed. “Wrong over-usage of punctuation, and I think a skull having such an expression is quite impractical.”

The whole class burst into a fit of chuckles, and Taemin stood, embarrassed, as the lecturer described his note and doodle.

The lecturer sighed again. “I am still giving you a chance. No detention- but- punishment. Go kneel down at the entrance for the remaining of the class.”

Taemin’s mouth fell open. “I am not a kid!”

“Then you shouldn’t have acted like one.” The lecturer shrugged.

“But…but, there’s almost an hour for the class to end!”

“Should have thought before.” The lecturer said, waving the chit in his hand.


“No more arguments, Lee Taemin, otherwise along with detention, I would happily chop off a portion of your already scarce attendance.”

Taemin pursed his lips, and walked out.

“I’ll be keeping a watch, so don’t slack off.” The lecturer called out.

Taemin reluctantly kneeled down, a shiver running down him as his exposed skin felt the cold of the floor. He regretted his decision to wear shorts, as slowly he felt his feet numb due to his position.

An hour passed with quite difficulty, with small beads of sweat escaping the boy as he sat in the embarrassing position outside class. Many students passed by him, murmuring, and Taemin clenched his fists in anger.

Choi Minho.

This was all because of him.

His mind was full of curses, which he kept muttering under his breath- his only time-pass to get through the hour.

Finally the lecturer walked out of class, and asked him to stand, and after repeating those same words of learning how to behave and to not repeat this deed, he left.

Taemin rushed back into class, gathered his things, and rushed out again, not wanting to face the smirk of a certain tall boy.

When he was finally out into the corridor, he realised how much his legs hurt, and he slowed down his pace as he began to walk towards the bus stop.

When he was just a few feet away from the bus stop, he saw his bus leave, and he sighed deeply, as he walked achingly to the bench, to wait for the next one.

Just then, the rumbling of a bike filled his ears, and he looked up, to see Minho park his bike right in front of him.

“Get on.” He said, taking off his shades, and giving Taemin a slight smile.

“I don’t need your help.” Taemin shot at him.

“It’s not help. It’s boyfriend duty.” Minho stated. “Didn’t you say yes to me?” A small smirk played on his lips, making Taemin’s heart skip a beat.

“You don’t know where I live.”

“I found out.” Minho shrugged.

Taemin’s eyes widened. “Stalker much?”

“Call me whatever, Princess.”

Taemin got up, furious at being called princess, ready to punch the biker boy in the face, but his knees gave away, and he grabbed onto the railing in pain.

“Get on.” Minho repeated, “You can try punching me all you want later.”

Taemin puffed up his face in anger, and a minute later, gave in, as he angrily climbed onto the backseat.

“You better hold tight.” Minho said, as he started the bike.

Taemin scoffed, and kept his hands to himself.

A few seconds later, Minho accelerated the bike, and it glided through the street, throwing Taemin ahead in speed, and the boy wrapped his hands around the taller’s waist, to keep himself intact on the speeding vehicle.

“Told ya.” Minho’s voice came, and Taemin was sure he heard a chuckle. His temper rose again, but he stayed silent, as the bike pierced through the air, making the scenery around him blurry.

He felt his he

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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 2: Everyone likes the bad boy ... until they break your heart 💔
Beau1996 1480 streak #2
Chapter 1: I love stories with Sulli in them - 🙏
Chapter 13: I finally finished this fic.
I loved how Minho was able to really be a bad boy and score his boyfriend. It was funny that Taemin took being Minho's boyfriend seriously. Well. It just took Taemin awhile to finally be good boyfriend.
I love how you mold their personalities into those 'disguises' to get to each other. Thank you so much for another beautiful story.
Chapter 1: Started reading this. It seems that Minho will be in a bit of a difficult time with the 'bad' apple of his eye.
(But I should actually be working on my talk for Tuesday.)
Im____drpsy #5
Chapter 13: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1480 streak #6
Chapter 13: The push and pull was great - nice job author-nim 💕
Chapter 6: Dude wtf when did he made fun of you?
Nice one Minho
Chapter 5: okay that took quite an interesting turn.
The bad boy attitude got too much for me when he burped lolol that sounds like 14 year old trying to be bad haha kinda cute but still. Minho might be overdoing it a little bit but the smirk and scoffing was just really good. The way he behaved coldly might be the but damn.
Chapter 1: I am no feminist but I got irritated when Taemin said that girls should show bit of cleavage to keep his attention. I hate this mindset like wtf.