Chanyeol and you [2.end]

Day Dreams

You bought tonics and pet food as a doorgift. When the door opened, ChanChan’s mummy welcomes you with hugs and kisses. ChanChan’s mummy has a toy poodle as a companion as ChanChan’s daddy is flying overseas all the time.


“ChanChan Mummy! I have something to show you!”

You took out your phone and showed her the picture of ChanChan sleeping with his curly hair.

“Omo! What happened! You aren’t natural curl, why is your hair like this?”

“Mummie, the ahjumma at the hair studio bullied me. She says this is the BIGGEST trend nowadays and I will look hot in this. At the end, so many people are eyeing me on the street…”

“You really did attract attention, but the wrong kind my son.”

ChanChan pouts.


“Come! Let’s have some fruits and pudding! It’s Yolly’s favourite.”

*ruff ruff! Wags fluffy tail*

Come to think of it, the brothers indeed look the same. Fluffy like hell. XP Yet so adorable.

Yolly jumps and sat on your lap. You feed him his pudding from his pet bowl.

“Ahgugugugu~ isn’t it nice? Nom nom nom~~”

“Hahax! I wonder if we had a child, you will be feeding him/her like Yolly.”

You blushed.

As dinner time came, Chanchan went to the kitchen to cook. Most of the cooking is done by Chanchan, you are just assisting by his side. He is manly tossing the pan, adjusting and tasting the flavors, sharing some of the tasting with the same spatula with you, chopping and dicing, adding in ingredients, dashing wine to flavor the meat and seafood dishes.


Soon, all of the dishes are lined up on the table. Soup, pasta, baked rice, meat stew, seafood platter. Wow, splendid! *ruff ruff!* Yolly had his T-bone steak specially prepped by Chanchan. ^^


Time to dig in! Chanchan served his mum then you , you did the same for ChanChan Mummy and ChanChan. :} Best meal you have ever tasted. Having a boyfriend like ChanChan is like Super Man by your side. <3


Washing dishes time!

You hurried to the sink with the cutlery and utensils avoiding tripping over Yolly who is playfully circling around you as you walk to the kitchen.

“AYEYO!~ Dishwasher in the house yo!”

“Haha! The tallest and the most handsome dishwasher of all~”

You start to wear rubber gloves and soaping up the dishes while ChanChan rinses them with water and wipes them dry.

“Pfft pfft! AUGHHHHH My hair is falling and its itching my face T_T”

“Come, I shall help you. Kekes”

ChanChan removed his gloves and took a rubber band to tie your hair ending it with a peck on your cheeks and back-hugging you.

“HOHOHO~ the four handed dishwasher monster!”

“haha! You and your nonsensical ideas. What if ChanChan Mummy sees us!? Stop it, romance can leave it for later. Huhuhu~”

“Ooo, someone is shy here~ Blushing without blusher on~” He laid his lazy head on top of yours still in a backhug position slowly swinging you left and right.



“ChanChan Mummy!”

You step on ChanChan’s toes to wake him up.


“How sweet of you two. Reminds me of how Channie’s appa used to do that to me too *shy* I shall show him the picture as evidence. Like father like son. Kekeke. Ok, it is getting late. Run along kids! I shall see you again next weekend!”

*ruff ruff!*


Both of them send you to the door step with ChanChan carrying a box containing kimchi and some preserved seafood for stew.


When you’ve reached home, your topped-up fridge is exploding.

You warmed milk up for ChanChan and gave him a good shoulder and hand massage.

“Thanks for today :}”

“Only for you my dear.”


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Chapter 6: These are so cute author-nimmie~~ I feels so refreshed and light after reading this >< keep up the good work, FIGHTING~!