That Kind of Person

When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 Listen to (Oasis by B2ST/Beast):

______’s POV:

            It was fairly awkward after that incident but once Jaejoong made fun of me in my PE clothes, things were more normal then ever. Throughout our endless fights and moments before the marriage, the day for picking out wedding bands brought me to think that Jaejoong was really going to be my husband; it was really going to happen.

            On a Saturday morning the two of us went with our parents to Black Pearl Jewelers to pick out wedding bands. We followed our parents to the inside of another luxurious and expensive looking store.

            “Mom, when is the wedding date, do you know?” I asked.

            “We already sent out the invitations. The ceremony will be in about 3 weeks!” my mom said in excitement.

            “3 WEEKS?!?!” Jaejoong and I shrieked in unison.

            “Yep!” my mom said happily as she skipped up to my dad.

            “Oh my Gosh….only 3 more weeks of freedom!” I said.

            “You’re the one to complain? Do you know how bad it’ll be when all of my patients find out that I’m married to you for life?!”


            “Puh-lease, don’t act like you don’t know what that means,” Jaejoong said, walking away.

            *He’s getting weirder everyday*

            The manager of Black Pearl Jewelers showed us around a bit and then left us to pick the bands that suited our wishes. The parents started gushing away what they thought was stylish, leaving me and Jaejoong in the dark.

            “Oooooo, what about this one?” I pointed.

            “Too feminine.”

            “This one?”

            “Simply disgusting.”

            “You’re mean.”


            “Then which one do you want? Let’s see your taste in jewelry!” I retorted.

            “I did show it to you. Have you forgotten?”

            I was starting to forget about the V-day incident until he decides to bring it up every once in a while; but I decided to play along.

            “No, you didn’t show it to me, I don’t remember a thing. Now show me which bands meet your tastes huh?” I said.

            Jaejoong looked at the shining gems glistening in the clear glass case. “That one,” he said, quickly pointing to a pair of white gold bands.

            “Whoa…” I said. “Do you want those? I think they’re pretty too…”

            “So I won.”


            “I do have good taste in jewelry.”


Listen to (Oh Yeah by MBLAQ):

            Suddenly, Jaejoong’s phone started blinking: New Text Message from Tiffany. Jaejoong glanced at the notice and read the message.

            “OPPA~~ oh my Gosh, I haven’t used this number in a while…hm….oh yeah! Meet me at White Rose if you know what’s good for you. I’ll be waiting!!~~”

            Jaejoong deleted the message and placed his phone in his back pocket. ”.”

            “When were you going to tell me about her?” I spoke up.


            “You heard it correctly. Tiffany Hwang is your ex and wants to get back together with you. You’re going to say “yes.” You could’ve at least told me you know.”

            “Wait, what?”

            “Hyun Joong told me that Tiffany asked you if you wanted to get back together with her and you said you’d think about it. He also told me about your past public dating history with her.”

            “Hyun Joong, that bastard…” Jaejoong murmured. “Ok, first of all, Tiffany never reconsidered our relationship. She came over to my house one morning and showed her anger about the marriage when obviously she has feelings for me; what girl doesn’t? And plus, didn’t I tell you that Hyun Joong’s a lying mother er?”

            I didn’t reply to his speech.

            “Whatever, if you believe Hyun Joong over me then fine; I don’t care,” Jaejoong scoffed. He gave me one last glare before walking out of the door.

Jaejoong’s POV:

            Did she really think that I was that type of person? The type of person to get back together with that ? But what angered me the most was that she believed Hyun Joong over me and didn’t even ask me to explain if his statement was true or false.

            When my car pulled up in front of White Rose flashbacks of my last visit bombarded throughout my mind.

            Entering through the front doors I found Tiffany sitting where ______ sat last time, staring out the window.

            “OPPA! YOU’RE HERE!” she cried.

            “What do you want?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

            “Oppa, why are you rushing?” she asked with a small pout.

            “Because I have better things to do then stay here and hearing you blabber.”

            “Whatever. Anyways, I called you here because my new clothing line will be out tomorrow and I need a date for the grand opening of the store at the Hwang Hotel in Seoul. What about it hubby?”

            “Ewwwww, you freakin called me hubby you . And hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m married? If the press finds out my parents will ground me for life and you know it. Plus, everyone will think badly of me. You don’t think at all.”

            “That hurts oppa,” Tiffany said. “Well, tomorrow the party starts at 8pm in Club Posh. I don’t know, if you reject me Jaejoong, I might as well call Hyun Joong to go with me instead,” Tiffany gushed.

            *God dammit why does she have to pull that line out of the book?*

            “Like I care,” I said, prepared to exit White Rose forever and more.

            “WAIT!” she cried before I could leave. “I ordered a mango slush for you!”


“YAH! Gimme some!” I whined.

            “No. Go get your own.”

            “But I’m broke! I used all of my pocket money for that stupid drink.”

            “Stupid?” She shook the plastic cup. “Have you ever tasted mango slush?”

            “Hell no.” I crossed his arms.

            “Well then I’ll give you a chance to taste it since that is the nice person I am.” ______ stuck the cup in my face.

            I hesitated a little bit but had to admit that I was dying of thirst. “But I’m not drinking your straw.”

            ______ pulled out another straw and stabbed it to the top of the cup. “Happy?”

            I took the cup and sipped a bit of it. I then took more sips and soon, a fourth of the cup was growing empty.

            “I never said you could drink all of it!” She cried, snatching the cup from his hands.

            “It’s good,” was all I said.


            Just the thoughts of her were making me regret our useless argument.

            “I’m still leaving,” I said, storming out of White Rose.

            “But, oppa, WAIT!” was all I heard out of Tiffany before getting into my car. I didn’t drive to a club like I would when I got mad. I didn’t go over to Yunho’s house for some man time and drinking.

            Instead, I headed home.

Listen to (You’re My Destiny by Krystal and Luna):

______’s POV:

I took the parent’s car home to the mansion and once I went inside the house there was no sight of Jaejoong. Without him at the jewelers, I had to decide the wedding bands on my own and in the end I chose the ones that we originally agreed on.

            I went into the room I supposedly shared with Jaejoong and threw myself onto the bed. “How could he accuse me of not knowing anything and just storm off like that? Bastard didn’t even stay to listen to any of my side of the story…” I said out loud to myself.

            “Is that any way to talk about your husband?”

            “Yeah, he’s an . He deserves my crap.”


            “Yep, doesn’t have a single brain cell in his body.”



            I got off of the bed and looked at the door to find that Jaejoong had just came home from who knows where.

            “Oh…you’re home…” I said nonchalantly.

            “Yeah, to find you talking a bag load of about me,” he retorted.

            “Well you deserve it! Accusing me without hearing any side of my story, AGAIN! What is this, the second, third time already?” I back fired.

            “I’m tired, shut your yap,” Jaejoong said, throwing himself onto the bed. “I don’t apologize. Remember?”

            “Well what do you want me to do?” I asked.

            Jaejoong smirked. “Two conditions. Since now you know that Hyun Joong IS a lying bastard and the real truth about Tiffany, you must follow these two requests well.”

            “Ok,” I said.

            “First, I get my bed back.”


            “You heard me. I’m ing tired of sleeping on the couch and it’s hurting my back. And two, you have to call me oppa.”


            “Yup. It doesn’t help if you show no respect to me. Remember, contract rules still apply,” Jaejoong stated.

            I almost forgot about that little contract.

            “Fine Jaejoong, I accept,” I said reluctantly.

            “What? What did you say?” Jaejoong asked, cupping his ear. He was definitely enjoying this.

            “I mean fine oppa,” I said once again in reluctance.

            Jaejoong smiled in contentment and gestured me off of the bed. I moved my pillows over to the couch and made it comfy. After all, I’ll be sleeping here for a while.

A/N: heyy! sry for not updating yesterday T_T had my first day of high school :O imma freshie! yay! but i almost got lost LOL and unfortunatly, didn't see much eye candy D= but yeah....i hope the school year turns out to be better :)

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.