Friends, Exes, Lovers, and Life. ( Editing, fxing, etc )

Hyuna’s POV::

I skipped school on Tuesday and went to my old school. I was scared to go by myself but I had no choice since I had no one. I was scared because they all hated me. They hated me for telling on them. Here, let me explain.

3 years ago, after Jiyeon exchanged schools, I felt really bad. And so I went to tell teachers what we had done. The teachers went to the police or whatever and we all went to court. But not Jiyeon. I told them to not tell her. Yeah, you might think that’s not possible but after all the evidence I showed them, they agreed to not let her be there. Anyways, after I tattled, I had the feeling that Soo-Hyun would come after me. So when the judge told us that only one could go, I volunteered secretly and told the judge to tell them that my parents suggested it. My parents did suggest it though. But I volunteered too… And so now that I have come back, I didn’t want them to know at all. I just wanted to come back for Joon, my first love. I just came back to fulfill the promise we made.

Anyways, going to my old school was so scary. I was afraid of them hurting me. After classes ended, I knew that they would be at the back of the school by the usual place so I headed there. They all saw me and stood up, waiting for me to come up to them. I walked up to them slowly, looking around, hoping there was people around. And there wasn’t much. I took a deep breath and finally approached them.

“Well well well… now isn’t this Hyuna? The girl who snitched.” Soo-Hyun said to me. The other three just looked at me with these sad eyes.

“I didn’t snitch. I did the right thing.” I said. I looked at the other three and they looked as if they missed me. This doesn’t make any sense.

“The right thing was to snitch on us?!” Soo-Hyun yelled at me.

“You know what!? I did do the right thing! YOU were the one who did the wrong thing! You were the one who was jealous of Jiyeon and made us torture her when all you did was watch and made us do the work!! So don’t say that I did the bad thing when you did the bad thing!” I yelled at her. Soo-hyun stared at me with these evil eyes.

“Then why did you listen to me then?! Who told you to listen to me? If it’s so wrong, why did you do it?!” Soo-Hyun argued. She was right. Why did I listen?

“I- I don’t know.” I said.

“Exactly! So don’t. Come. Over. Here. Thinking. You. Are. The. King. Alright?!” Soo-hyun said that taking steps closer to me with every word. I looked over her shoulder and saw that the other three stood back. Soo-Hyun looked like she was going to beat me up.

“Back off.” I heard someone said and turned around. It was Jiyeon.


Jiyeon’s POV::

I saw that Hyuna didn’t come to school today. The whole day I was sort of worried because what if she suicide or something? And so I skipped the last class and went to go look for her. I tried to think of where she went. IU saw me while she went to the restroom and skipped with me. We both tried to think of somewhere and finally came up with one place she would go: to her old school. I told IU everything that happened yesterday.

Me and IU took the bus to my old school and once we got there, we headed for the back. Once we got there, the first girl was all up in Hyuna’s face. I didn’t know why I had to go help her but I just did because I’m nice. Hah. By the ways, I don’t really know those girls’ name. I never knew them. Isn’t that funny? I don’t know the name of the girls who bullied me. Anyways, I went up to them but they didn’t seem to notice me and IU.

“Back off.” I said to the first girl. Hyuna turned around and saw me. She looked surprised so I just smiled at her. The girl looked at me too.

“I said back off.” I said fiercely. Then she backed up. Hyuna was still looking at me, speechless.

“Jiyeon. What are you doing here?” Hyuna asked me.

“Helping your .” I said. I turned to the first girl.

“Now, what are you doing?” I asked.

“We- I- why- why do you care?” She said. I just smirked and looked at the other three girls. The all widened their eyes.

“Because Hyuna, here, is my uh.. friend.” I lied. Even though I didn’t hate her as much anymore, she could never be my friend.

“Hyuna? Is your friend? Pft.” Said the first girl.

“Whatever. Come on, let’s go Hyuna.” I said and dragged Hyuna along. She was still shocked and had tears in her eyes. Once we got to the front, her tears were about to come down.

“Oh, Hyuna, don’t cry. Uhh.. don’t cry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you over there.” I said. Hyuna turns to me.

“Thanks Jiyeon. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve gotten beat up.” Hyuna said sadly. Now, she was making me pity her. Oh god.

“Yeah well, what were you doing over there?” I asked.

“I was going to tell Soo-Hyun that it’’s all her fault, that we, you know, bullied you.” Hyuna said. I just stared at her.

“Anyways, Jiyeon, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for bullying you and I’m sorry for making you break up with Yoseob.” Hyuna said. Once she said Yoseob’s name, I widened my eyes. I was 100% positive that IU heard his name too. I didn’t want to face IU but I had to anytime soon so I looked at her and she was just staring at me with wide opened.

“IU-shi.” I said. IU closed and just stared at me.

“Jiyeon. You dated Yoseob before?” IU asked me. Before I could answer, she continued.

“Wait, you said you dated someone at that time and it was Yoseob? And wait again, I heard Yoseob and Junhyung talking about him leaving in heartbreak and wait, wait, wait, wait, and hold on a minute. You? You were the one that made Yoseob heartbroken and made him leave?” IU said to me. I just stared at her, not knowing what to say.

“It is you! And oh my god, now he’s dating Suzy, your best friend. But yet Suzy doesn’t know any of this. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” IU said.

“IU-shi, please don’t hate me.” I said.

“I- I could never hate you Jiyeon. But you could have told me this. What are we going to do now?” IU said. I shrugged my shoulders

“It’s best if Suzy doesn’t know any of this.” IU said.

“Yeah but we’ll have to tell her this sometime.” I said. IU looks at me.

“Just not yet, OK?” IU asks me and I nodded.

“Uhm.. I have to get going now.” Hyuna says. I forgot that she was there.

“Oh yeah. OK. But wait, why did they talk to you so mean before?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Hyuna replied.

“When I talked to them last time, they protected you. They were very protective of you. They didn’t sound like they hated you or anything. But before, back there, they sounded as if they hated you. Well, not they but that one girl.” I said.

“What? Really? Wait, that makes sense for the other three girls. No wonder they didn’t do anything like Soo-Hyun.”

“Soo-who?” I asked.

“Soo-Hyun. Oh, she’s that, uhhh, one girl. Anyways, it makes sense now! No wonder they looked as if they missed me. They must really do. Well, those three. But why would they miss me if I snitched?” Hyuna questioned herself.

“Maybe they didn’t want you to go abroad.” I suggested. Hyuna thought for a minute and nodded her head.

“That also makes sense. I was the one who suggested on going. Wait, would that mean that if I didn’t go, they would’ve still liked me?” Hyun again questions herself. I just stare at her.

“Oh, OK, now I have to go for real. Again, thanks.” Hyuna said. Hyuna started to leave but came back to me.

“Does- does this mean that we are friends now?” Hyuna asked me. I smiled.

“Friends? Hyuna, I’m sorry but I just can’t be friends with you. You hurt me in the past. And as for right now, I cannot let go of that past.” I said to her. She nodded.

“OK. Umm.. bye.” Hyuna said.

“OK, buh bye.” I said to her and she turned around and left.

“Jiyeonie. Why did you help Hyuna? Don’t you hate her?” IU asks me.

“I don’t hate her. I dislike her. And I helped her because it’s the right thing to do; even if she might have caused me pain in the past. Sometimes, you just have to move on from the past.” I said to IU who was nodding her head. Even though I said these words, I knew myself that I wasn’t speaking the truth. I was not speaking the truth because I did not move on. I am still thinking about the past and it seems as if it would never fade away. I don’t even know when I would finally move on from the past. Maybe, it’s time to move on. But, with Yoseob here, how can I? How can I move on from the past when every time I see Yoseob, all the good and bad memories come back? How could I move on from the past when the past is right in front of me?

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Chapter 54: I just finished reading ^^ supa cute story ^^
airplanes- #2
asdfghjkl; this is so cute
Chapter 40: O(∩_∩)O I read.
Joseyxz #4
I didn't even realise you mentioned my name until I re-read the ending of this fanfic :p I normally skip last words, so I didn't see it the previous time. Thank you for this fanfic oh! Re-reading the ending was fun too. I'll follow up on your other fanfics now since I've been away for awhile. :>

And I'm crazily curious, why mention me among your other subscribers? LOL.
ChristineElisabeth #5
Love it, love it, love it!!!!! :D
Julettums #6
Wait is this a WooU fic? Or Iuseob?
isatsk #7
Heeey~~ I was bored so I decided to read this fic again! I just love it ... And I love you too?~~ Hahahaha you're such a good writer :3! And I want you to know that... I'm reading your fanfic called "Run" it's seriously, reaaaaaaaally good ;3...