Chapter 5 - Attractive

I'm Sincerely Loving You


She’s charming....




Ah .
wait.... was i complimenting her in my head?  No.No.  HAHAH, i obviously wasn’t .
why would i think about Min Young in my head? Wasn’t i thinking about Ha Young just a second ago?

Saying that she’s in my almost-perfect type of girl list... pshh.

Why did i suddenly ....



Im going crazy



The bell rang and we all had to go back our next class.
i felt a bit dizzy when the hallway started getting more crowded . it felt stuffy...

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms hugged on my waist . i turned my head 180 degree and saw kris’s obvious jawline and lips .

“Dont worry, im here” i closed my eyes and just let him lead me .




After sometime resting my head on the table, i raised my head up and looked at the ceiling .
i felt so much better .

“yah....”  a voice spoke. I turned
“gwenchana?” i just nodded .

Looking at luhan, makes me rethink about all the things that just suddenly happened today . haa ~ its just the first day of the new term and TOO much just.... just... BAM . It all feels like a surprise and ...or... perhaps... its fated?

I stopped trying to daydream and tried to concentrate on the class . i didn’t want Mr.Kim to catch me .

After maths class, it was history... it was pretty boring , but... history was always quite boring, no?
then, i continued with science....w e did a few experiments and noted down alot ofthings...

The professor wanted us to get ready earlier for our early exams... he didn’t want us to rush things last minute . after a long time of copying down the proffesor’s notes, it was lunch timeee .

“Min Young! Over here” Sehun waved at me .

At first, i didn’t want to come over to their table... i thought that i might be disturbing them... so i tried to pretend i didn’t here and walked the opposite site but suddenly chanyeol appeared out of no where and dragged me along with him

“i dragged her here, i thought she might run away after sehun calling her” chanyeol grinned
“nonsence . why would she run away? pshhh” Tao said . eh...
“if she did, she would’ve run away quickly when he called her” kai said

“heh .. heh..heh” i didn’t know what to do
“ANYWAY, lets just all eaat” xiumin said

“Ohhhh , this chicken is good”
“the food here is not bad as i thought”
“its more expensive here!”
“yah! Eat more! You’re so skinny”
“heyy,heyy, do you know that---“
“don’t talk when your mouth if full!”
“Dooont steal my chickennn”

Seeing them all interact while eating is somehow really fascinating... hahah, they’re all really lively!
is this what im going to be facing from now on?


I don’t mind. Its not as bad as i thought. I smiled







“she’s... so angelic”
“my eyes.... “
“my heart j-just...”

Suddenly, they  were all looking at me ... m-mwo...?
“w-what....?” i softly asked

“y-you’re... you’re smile is really..” chanyeol said
“....?”  i was confused

“r-r-rightttt !! eat !!” i started eating my food faster .

Was i smiling by myself like an idiot just now? Ahhh!! How embarrassing ...!
they all started continuing eating they’re food .

They all look like they were all really enjoying their food . they also look like they haven’t eaten for days . they are really heavy eaters . I guess?

“heey, let me take a group picture of our first day in school ,having lunch!” baekhyun said
“everybody get together!” suho called
“Min Yeong, you get in too!” Lay pulled me in by my shoulders.
“i-is it really okay?” i was scared
“sure, why not?” he replied. He pulled me closer to him and i ended up taking picture beside him. It was warm...

“Get ready !! Say kimchiii, take 1 ! ” Baekhyun said


“Kiiiiiimmmmmchhhhiiiiiiiii - !!”




“One more time! Take 2 !! “ baekhyun said again

duuullll .....

“Kiiiiiiiimmmmmmchhiiiii - !! “




He turned over his camera and everybody rushed beside him to see the outcome

“my cheeks looks so fattt”
“yah! What is this!”
“my angle is goooodd”
“aniya.aniya. i don’t like this picture”
“im a yeppeo boyyy <3 “
“approve !!”

“aisssh, shuttupp! Im definitely uploading it!” baekhyun didn’t care about them
“min-youngiee! What do you think?” he came to me and showed the picture

I gave them two thumbs up and smiled . “Jjang!”
he grinned back to me happily and went .

“Oppa, Unnie didn’t get to take picture with us” i said to kris
“nahh.. don’t worry . i bet she’s with one of her girlies, camwhoring.. u know how much she camwhores all the time . its like, every second” he stated
“heey, i camwhore too, sometimes” i giggled
“so do i . but we’re normal people . shes just.. idk . camwhore-maniac-queen . its scary” he said

I gave out a short laugh . HAHAHHA , kris was always so naturally funny .

”Hey , lets hangout after school . we’ve got no schedule right?” Lay suggested
“Agreed” xiumin said
“haa . we’ve finally got the chance to experience those after-school-hang-out” he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together

“hmm.. we can do it today . our time’s free until bedtime . but lets just get back before 10PM” suho said

“BANZAI” chanyeol,luhan,lay and kris got their fist together in the air
“hey min yeong, are you free?” Sehun asked

“u-uh... i guess?” i didn’t know what i’m gonna do at home anyway.
“come with us!” Kai smiled
“yeaah, so we could hangout and get closer” chanyeol stated

“okay... i’ll see you guys afterschool then...?” i said
“yess .” chen replied


“Thats it . see ya!” Sehun said. The other guys waved to me and said that we’d meet later on
“study haard!” Kris said as he poked my forehead .

“arraso oppa, don’t sleep too!” i replied and smiled
“see you guys” i smiled again at them .




We continued our lessons . 2 hours till im going to join them... with 12 guys . is this too sudden? I haven’t had so much friend to hangout with all the time last time...

Well.. i don’t think i had alot of friends... ever since... ever since.. THAT happened.
but well, its a new start right? Im gonna try to be a better person! Yes, for my futureee-!

“wu min yeong!”
suddenly, someone clapped infron of my face.
“Ahhh !” i suddenly realised . I daydreamed... again.. AHHH!!

“Ms.Wu . can you please tell me how to solve this ?  write it down on the mini board on your table and lift the answer. In 2 minutes. START !” crappp .

I looked at the board for the answer . god . god god . send me someone to help me please .  squinted my eyes .

Suddenly, i felt something moving... i opened my eyes slowly and saw that luhan tried to change our boards when the teacher wasn’t looking... i.. i didn’t know how to react .

“raise it up, idiot” a-ah right !!
“seonsaeng-nim...” i slowly lifted up the board and covered my face .

There was a silent...

“hmm.. not bad , not bad! Pass!” he smiled and turned around to the board, continuing to write other questions . Phewww . lifesaver

“ im your lifesaver, no?” he suddenly whispered
“a-ani! T-thanks!” i gave him alittle bow .

“why’re you so slow? Oh, why did you daydream? Why do you daydream so much?” omo.
“j-just because... i have things that i.. i think about. Don’t you have something to think about too?” i asked . uhm .. k? That was really random

“yeah. I do . i do too.. but i don’t daydream as much as you! Keke, you have to repay” eh?
“repay . repay for my help! Hey, if i didn’t do anything, you’d be in detention” he stated

“okay!okay! what do you want?” whoa. That sounds..
“i’ll think about it .. and i’ll let you know by then. Its something... heh. “ he just smirked

Uhmm... okay... since...since when did he become so cheeky?

What just happened?

I thought he was so cold to me and ..and... AHH HE’S COMPLICATED

I layed my head on the table . hoping that i could take a few seconds of nap. But nooo . somebody just decides to pick on me ! he kept on poking my head softly ... making my head tilting to the right .

Gaaaah !!

Why’s he annoying now?

“whaaaaaaat” i said in a lazy tone
“ohhhhhh . Wu min young!” he suddenly said
“mwoya?” i lift up my head,

“why’re you suddenly different? “ he started to laugh
“ha...?” whaat?

“in the morning, you were all kinda weird and touchy touchy . and then, you were so shy  and stuttering  around the guys... then u became another person, who kept smiling... lateron, you became a blur person and now, you suddenly became like a person who seems to not care about the world” s-seriously..?

“i-i wasn’t!” i replied
“aaand you’re back to your stuttering mode”  what is this ?!

“why’re you even observing what mode or what mood am i on?” i said
“just because .” he replied
“waeyo?” i asked
“cause it fascinating” eh?

“” fascinating? What is ?
“nothing, just concentrated!” he smacked my head lightly

“oucchh!” i joked
“you weakling!” he joked back .
i just giggled ...

The mood suddenly brightened up a little . he was ABIT better or.. nicer .




“Min Young ! Over here!” D.O called and waved
i turned and found the guys. They were already waiting for me ... i smiled and wave.
“is unnie going to join us?” i asked
“yeah, she’s already over there . see?” he pointed at her. Surrounded by chen tao,chanyeol and  d.o

“omo . she’s gotten popular around them!” i grinned .
“She’s Ha young . im not surprised “ he raised his both hands up .

Suddenly, luhan stood beside me .
“what’re you doing?” i asked
“what? I just came out too, just like you.” He replied

“where should we go?” suho
“lets go somewhere where we can chill “ lay said
“and not crowded” kris said
“somewhere that sells bubbletea too” luhan said
“no papz!” kai said too

Hmmm... should i ?

“theres.. theres a place that i know...” i softly said
“really??” tao asked

“yeah... i think it perfectly describes the place that you want to go...” i said again
“my instinct strongly tells me that we should go” xiumin stated .

“you guys could check out the place first..? if you don’t like it, we could move” i said again
“i don’t think we need to move . lets just go to that place

It wasn’t far so we all decided to walk to the store . its a place where i usually go... the food is great but the cafe wasn’t really popular... it was a really nice place to hangout and its worth spending the time, whole day .

After 5 minutes, i stopped and went in .. the guys followed me behind

“anyeong-haseyo ahjumma,!” i smiled and gave my respect.
“aigo! Min Young ah”she smiled , but she was a little shock

“i brought my friends over today.. it might be a little crowded today.. you wont mind right?” i felt bad... ahjumma wont normally have alot alot alot of customers. I bet the cafe would be stuffy.. since 12 giants decideds to invade her mini cafe . kekeke!

“annyeong-haseyo!” the guys started greeting ahjumma and gave their respects aswell .
“aigooo, why would i mind? Its been so long since you brought friends over! Come in! Come in ! don’t worry, don’t be shy . annyeong-haseyo” ahjumma smiled and warmly welcomed them .

“ ahjumma! Please get us 3 plates of ddubokki , 2 plates of kimbap and drinks!” i said
“ naee” she grinned and went to the kitchen

“w-we come to a cafe for ddubokki?” kai said
“its different . ahjumma’s ddubokki are the best! The kimbaps too!” i smiled

“yes, you should trust her . she comes to this cafe ALL the time” ha young added
“yeah, she spends most of her afterschool time here” kris added more

“no wonder you were so familiar with the ahjumma ~” chanyeol said
“hahah, yes... she’s taken care of me alot! She’s like my 2nd eomma” i smiled again

“6 plates.. wouldn’t it be too.... too little..?” tao asked
“i think its more than enough . you’ll see!” i started giggling

I stood up and walked to the drinks kitchen . i filled 14 cups with orange juice . i thought it’d be nicer to let them drink rather than plain water, since its their first time here.

I carefully walked to the table and carefully carried the tray over .
“we’ll help you!” chen said
“you should’ve let us do this!” lay said
“is it self-service here?” tao asked

“aniya, i’m just helping ahjumma out, she’ll probably busy . i didn’t want to burden her” i said
“min yeong is such a good girl! Hahahahha!” Kris messed my hair

“kiiids, the food is here ! “ ahjumma came in from the kitchen bringing trays of food
“ahh!! Ahjumma, let me help you!” chanyeol said




“whoa, the portions are really big!” suho said
“it looks really red and full !” xiumin said
“ohhhmygod. Its been sooo long i haven’t eat ddubokki!” kai stated

“look at those kimbap!” chen said
“this is so tempting” sehun said while blinking his eyes

“ppali mogo! Eat up eat up!” i grinned .

“Jal mug get sum ni daa - !! “ they all once said . aww, hahah! They were all so cute. They might be idols but they’re all super laid back and isn’t arrogant at all . i probably wont get bored being around them... its fun!

“Aren’t you eating?”
Suddenly, a ddubokki appeared in front of my mouth .

“i-i am going to eat soon!” i replied back
“just eat it .” luhan ordered ... it was kinda embarrassing and i didn’t want anyone to notice so i just quickly ate it  .

“hmm.. you’re quite obedient.” He stated .
Whaat? I chocked when i heard that . the spicyness of the ddubokki was kinda stuck on my throat . ohhhh no

“slowly! Slowly!” chanyeol gave me the orange juice and patted my back
“kamsahamnidaa!” i smiled at chanyeol .

Kris oppa suddenly took a tissue and wiped something at the corner of my mouth .
“there were some sauce... eat slowly” he said

“whoaa~~ Min yeong has everyone by her side!” D.O said
“im feeling a little jealous here ~~” unnie teased
kris just gave two thumbs up and chanyeol has a big smile plastered on his face

“a-aniya ... thanks oppa! Thanks chanyeol!” i said
“heeey, i wanna be called oppa!” chanyeol complained
“me too! Me too!” Baekhyun said too
“i wanna be called oppa too!” Xiumin joined

“Andwaeee !! she can only call me Oppa! She mine! Naekoyaaa” kris hugged my arm
“ahhahaha! Oppa, you’re being like a kid! Omo, gwiyowo!” i pinched his cheeks

“omo omo omo !! look at our oppa’s reaction! What is this?” ha young laughed.
//SNAP . she took picture of his face

“P-e-r-f-e-c-t !!” she started laughing again .
i notice.... luhan was just smirking and smiling by himself ..

Why’s he smirking ....?

Wh...why... ?

Its kinda... creepy.. yet attractive




Its December !! its a holiday time but my weeks are packed aswell, so i'll try my best to keep writing and posting everyweek !
Please stay tune :D


Kamsahamnidaa ! ^^

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miraluhan #1
Chapter 1: Love it!!!Please update soon....