
What happened to Yunho
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Yunho and Sammii stares at the elevator, jaw dropped to the floor. “You have got to be ing with me right now…” he exclaimed at the sign hung on the door of the conveyor that usually brought them up to their 10th floor apartment. She turns to look at her boyfriend and gives him a pity look.

He just got home from a 5 hour practice and now he has no choice but to walk up ten flights of stairs. Life was great Yunho thought as he stalks towards the stairs, his girlfriend following right behind him. "At least it's good work out. Walking up the stairs is a great way to burn fat!" she says, hoping to lighten the whole situation, but she knew better than anyone else that her boyfriend was the last person who needed to lose fat. He was freakin tone, the only fat he had were the ones on his chest and even then those were freakin toned. 

Yunho turns around to reassure his girlfriend that he was perfectly fine, but froze in his spot when he felt someone breathing down his neck; his neck was a weak spot of his. "Stop that" he complains, squirming. Sammii looks up at her boyfriend confused "I am sorry... I'll shut up the rest of the way." He shakes his head wanting to correct his girlfriend, but let it off with a shake of his head; he was too tired to deal with anything at the moment. 

He's up on the 3rd floor when he feels someone breathing down his neck again. "Babe! Stop it!" he exclaimed, turning around to give his girlfriend a look. Usually, he would be all up for her games and teasing, but not right now especially after 5 hours of non-stop dancing and now 10 long flight of stairs. 

Sammii stops in her step, looking up at Yunho, confused. "But I wasn't even talking...." He rolls his eyes "you know that's not what I am talking about." "Then what are you talking about?" He rubs the back of his neck "you keep breathing down the back of my neck... you know how I get when you or anyone do that." She looks up at him confused as "I think you're just tired and imagining things. I can't even reach your neck without jumping even if we're on the same level and right now I am three steps behind you." 

Yunho glances down at his girlfriend and realized it was true, even if she did jump she couldn't possibly reach his neck. With a small sigh he nods his head; he probably was out of it. He takes another step up the stairs, and then freezes. There it was again! He felt it! "Oppa? Are you alright?" he hears his girlfriend ask him. He slowly nods, not wanting to make this a bigger problem than it is. He continues up the stairs and this time every step he took, he felt someone breathing cold air down his neck. 

Yunho runs his hand over his neck and slaps it a couple of times. "Babe, should we take a rest? You seem really out of it" Sammii suggests, reaching out to rub the palm of her boyfriend's hand. He turns around to reassure her "there's only 4 more-" he freezes in his spot when he looks behind his girlfriend. 

Sammii looks up at her boyfriend, worried, his face was starting to turn extremely pale, there was cold sweat running down his face and his eyes were wide open. "Oppa, do you have a fever?" she asked, stepping up to place her hand on his forehead. Yunho shakes his head as he reaches up to point behind her with a trembling hand. "There's.... there's..." She looks at him worriedly. 

Yunho's eyes widen at the ghost in front of him, her head was drooped down, her long black hair covered her face and, she was in a bloody white dress. The ghost slowly made its way towards the couple. "There! S-Sammii! Right there!!" Yunho pointed, exclaiming as his body freezes in its spot. Sammii turns around.

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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 1: hahahahahahahahaha this is hilarious XD