1: (20XX) Letters


Dear Kai,

Another day passes, hours and minutes continue passing to this very moment. Slowly I get closer and closer towards death. Would it be easier if I just end my life now?

What about my friends you ask? They truly don't know anything about me, at school I smile and act as if I am fine but once away from them I become my real self. A depressed, lonely and fragile little girl.

I feel like I am only able to trust you in this cold, cruel world. You, the person that actually understands what I'm going through.

I wish that I could see you, touch you, and hear your voice. But it's been years since I've last seen or talked to you in person. Where are you? Why haven't you responded to my letters?




I re-read over the letter, I know that the chance of him replying is small but still I hope. The last that I heard from Kai was 3 years ago, and that was when he suddenly disappeared. Where he had disappeared to; no one knew. Apparently he had run away not telling anyone what he planned to do or where he was going.

I folded the letter in half, placed it inside of the envelope and sealed it closed. Slowly and steadily I wrote his name and address onto the cover so that I would be able to mail it in the morning. Since I had no idea of where he had disappeared to I wrote his old address onto the cover of the envelope. Hoping that maybe, just maybe he would go back to his old home and find it.



Kai sat in the middle of his bed which was placed in the corner of his room. He curled up into a ball and buried his face into his hands; the tears wouldn’t stop flowing from his eyes. The blinds were shut so that barely any light was being let into the room.

Masses of rubbish were placed randomly around his room and there on his desk stood a pile of letters. The letters were from his first crush, lover and most likely; past girlfriend. He still loved her but he couldn’t convince himself that she still loved him.

Tears continued to flow from his eyes and they fell onto his bed. He knew that he should answer the letters from Abby, but Kai just couldn’t bear to write a word to her. What would he say after all this time? Surely by now she hated him and had moved on with her life.

Kai had read through the mass of letters that were stacked on the middle of his desk. Altogether, over the three years that he had been missing she had sent him around 100 and something letters or emails. He had lost count around there.

Kai got up and walked over to the desk and pushed the piles of letters into the corner of his desk. He then got out a sheet of paper out and a pen. He figured that he should write back to her; later was still better than never.

He wrote and wrote for hours on end; as he continued to scribble over everything that he wrote. What was he supposed to say? I’m sorry? I’ve missed you? To him, they all sounded like pathetic excuses for his reason for disappearing. This letter had to contain his whole heart and all his feelings. He had to finally admit to her what he was feeling.

Finally after 5 hours Kai had finally finished the letter. He placed his pen back onto the desk and folded the letter in half. He then placed it within the envelope and sealed it closed. That one letter contained everything that he had felt and everything that he was feeling. Hopefully Abby would read it and be able to understand why Kai did what he did.

Kai stared at his clock; it read 1:23am. He had better get some sleep while he still had the chance to. In the morning he would decide whether or not he would mail the letter and risk everything that he feared losing.






Heyy guys; wow im sorry this is a short chapter.
But it's only the beginning and I had to start it off in someway.
Well I hope that you like it.
Bai for now.

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Natie2 #1
Chapter 2: Update soon