
I'm Not Sorry I Fell in Love With You
"Now, Baekhyun, you're going to follow mom's orders," Baekhyun's mom started. Baekhyun only glared at her with fire in his eyes. He had been pushed around by his family for years. He was always compared to all of his other family members ever since he was young. He used to cry his feelings out at night, but now all he did was let tears out silently while watching Korean dramas to make it look like he was crying because it was so dramatic. In truth, Baekhyun wanted to explode. But he couldn't; there was nowhere to run to. No one wanted him around. He was the quiet one at school; the person that people would call the "cold and heartless" person. He had no friends. 
"So first, you should start by-" his mom continued, blabbering about some pathetic subject Baekhyun could care less about. 
"No mom," Baekhyun whispered, loud enough for only his mom to hear. Upon hearing those words, his mom turned around and smacked his cheek instantly with a glare in her eyes. 
"What did you say, Baekhyun?" His mom started off with a stern voice. Before his mom could progress, Baekhyun opened his mouth first and started to speak. 
"I said no, mom. I am done with your and dad's . I'm done with how you always compare me to everyone else and the fact that you don't care that I cry and always tell me to shut up when I do. I'm tired of you pushing me around and making me your little slave, your little puppet. I'm not a robot. I have feelings too. And my feelings right now are hate towards you and dad. Can I even call you both that? Mom? Dad? Don't say because you gave birth to me. I could be adopted and still call my adopted mom "mom". If you're going to say because you gave birth to me, try again, because that's a lame excuse." Baekhyun exploded, yelling to his mom about everything he had held in for years. He left his mom dumbfounded as he stormed upstairs, not listening to his dad yelling at him back at how he was so disrespectful for cussing at his mom. 
Slamming his door, he wanted to cry. But for some reason, he couldn't cry. He shut his eyes tight but nothing came out. Baekhyun wondered why he couldn't cry. Instead, he started taking his clothes out of his drawers and closets, shoving them in a corner to pack into a suitcase. When he jammed all of his clothes into a corner, he took out his suitcase and shoved in there as many clothes as he could. 
Baekhyun muttered to himself, "I'm leaving tonight... I swear.." 
As the dark penetrated the house, Baekhyun packed up his last belongings before peering out his door into the hallway. His parents had fallen asleep, because his parents usually turn off the lights before they go to sleep. 
Baekhyun grabbed his suitcase and his bag and stepped into the hallway. Even though there was nowhere to go, he quietly walked down the stairway and exited the door.  He looked at his phone and checked the time. It was about 12, and he had received a text message. He thought to himself who would text him. 
Only one person he knew as Park Chanyeol. 
He dared not to check his phone, because he didn't want to see anything that would frighten him. But he checked it anyways. 
Park Chanyeol: Where are you going this late at night Baek?
Baekhyun was terrified Chanyeol knew he was outside. Perhaps could Chanyeol be some stalker? He doubted it. After some looking around, he noticed Chanyeol standing under a streetlight holding his phone, looking at him.  
Looking both ways, Baekhyun crossed the street over to Chanyeol. He was hesitant to ask him, but the words escaped his lips. "Chanyeol, I ran off. Let me stay at your house. For a few days, that's it..." He muttered, slightly embarrassed in the condition he was in. 
All Chanyeol could do was nod, and led Baekhyun back to his house. Inside, Chanyeol was all bubbly inside because his crush was going to stay in his house. 
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AnggySam #1
Chapter 1: Im new reader, I like this story already
Chapter 7: Aww
I shall wait
Chapter 6: Oh man oh man oh mannnn
Chapter 6: Hahaha! Chanyeol is so jealous! xD
Chapter 5: Omomomomomomomo the real deal oh man
Chapter 5: Yay! They're official now! ♥
Chapter 4: I KNEW he would do something like that. Kris you little tttttt. You better apologize and then move on.
Chapter 4: Poor Baek! He must've been shocked of Kris action. But Yeollie is there :3
Chapter 3: Oh man I love this <3