"You kidnapped a Chicken"

Am I Mrs. Lee Seunghyun or Mrs. Kwon Youngdon?

DAY 3.

Next day; at Se7en's Chicken Restaurant.

Me and Young Don arrived early, so we decided to choose where should we sit down first.

And of course, Young Deuk was already there, serving people's orders.

"Yo, Kwonnies!" Se7en shouted at us.

Young Don and Young Deuk smiled.

"Seen that pesky Seung-Ri?" Se7en asked.

"Nope, but we're waiting." Young Don smiled.

"He's taking very long, you know? It's like.. three hours!" Young Deuk complained.

"Aish.. He'll be here soon." Se7en said. "You guys have to be paitent!"

"Ah, we know, we know!" Young Deuk exclaimed. "Oh, speak of the devil."

I could see Seung-Ri smiling at the ladies, almost-flirting with them.

But then, I could see him with a curvy-bodied girl with him.

I felt slight a jealously.

Seung-Ri grinned at us. "Ello."

Young Deuk snorted, "Meh. You're late."

"I know, I was." Seung-Ri grimaced. "Meet my new Girlfriend, Kim Hye Yeon."

The girl smiled peskfully.

"Annyeong!" She said happily.

Ah, Young Deuk and Young Don was there, drooling.

I sighed. "Annyeong." I said back to her.

"Another one?" Se7en burst out. "I thought you had anoth---"

"Uh! This is my only and only first girlfriend!" Seung-Ri interrupted.

I snickered. I guess he doesn't only have one girlfriend.

"What do you want to eat, then? I hope you didn't forget about eating." Se7en sneered.

Seung-Ri hissed at Se7en. "I want nothing." And smiled.

Se7en took a deep breath. "You? Val?"

I grinned at him. "Chicken stew."

"Good choice." Se7en smirked, and he walked away.

"What's your age?" Young Deuk said to Hye Yeon, half drooling.

Hye Yeon grimaced at him. "23."

Seung-Ri was proud of his girlfriend. Or NEW girlfriend.

"That's quite old." Young Don spoke up.

Seung-Ri kept his cool. "But that's young, too."

Young Don 'Mae-Lohung'ed at Seung-Ri.

But I guessed Seung-Ri saw it, so he decided to 'Mae-Lohung' him back.

"Aw man, don't fight. I wanna be in the fight too," Young Deuk said, pouting in front of us.

Suddenly Young Don took out his hand-phone.

He sent a text to me.

It said, "he's trying to make you jealous! ignore him!~"

I smirked. Of course I knew that.

"Alright, here's your stew," Se7en said.

"Ah, thank you." I replied to him.

"No problem." Se7en grimaced, and walked away pulling Young Deuk. "C'mon, Deukkie."

"Wait!" Young Deuk said to him.

"No, you need to come help me," Se7en replied back.

Young Deuk pouted.

"Ooh," Hye Yeon said. "Can I have some of the stew?"

Seung-Ri replied, "Sure." He grinned. "Can you give some of the stew to Hye Yeon, please, Valie?"

I folded my arms. "Have it. All."

"Thank you." Seung-Ri thanked.


"Oppa! Feed me?" Hye Yeon 'aegyo'ed.

"Sure, noona-unnie!~" Seung-Ri 'aegyo'ed back.

Ugh. Please? He's younger than you.

I wanted to vomit.

Young Don snickered.

Seung-Ri fed Hye Yeon with a spoon.

I covered my mouth.

Young Don texted me, it said, "makes me want to puke! kekekeke~"

I smiled.

After mouth fulls of stew, Seung-Ri, with his girlfriend and Young Don decided to go somewhere else.. Without me.

"Ah, stay here." Seung-Ri said to me.

"Yah." Hye Yeon agreed.

They forced Young Don to go with them. I knew it!

I had no choice but to say a "Why?".

"Because.. Because.. Uh.. Just stay here, it's more.. You know.. Good here? Yup." Hye Yeon said to me. Gosh, she sounds more and more like Seung-Ri.

Seung-Ri nodded. "Yap."

Young Don's face was a "Sorry-I-can't-deny-this" face.

I understood. "Okay." I said, with a sore voice. "Go."

Seung-Ri grimaced while Hye Yeon smiled.

"Thank you." Seung-Ri thanked me, once again.

Soon, they left with Young Don.

I felt alone, with no one.

Suddenly, two men came up to me.

"You, girl, lonely?" One of the men said to me.

"I think she is." Another man said.

I could see them whispering to each other.

"Okay, girl. Get in the van." The man said.

"What?!" I screamed.

One of the men covered my mouth with a towel.

Now I couldn't cry for help, nor scream for help.

I was falling into a deep sleep...



Wow, this chapter is.. long! Yeah, I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I was vomiting and stuff. :( I hope you guys enjoyed this, because I'm feeling like vomiting again... See you sometime later, 'kay?


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V-I-bb97 #1
Omg is this story about me?? Thats My My name (begin like this Vi.. )and i'm born in 97
and its My username on Tumblr and here too!! (V-I-bb97)
Sweetsailish #2
HAHAHAHA!!!<br />
What!!! That's my name!!! HOW??
What!!! That's my name!!! HOW??
I am going to subscribe and read later. Cus of the Twins, it attracts my attention!
Cherry_56 #6
ohmygod, cherry_56? Im shock.
Ritastic #7
omg thank you guys for the comments ;_;<br />
I'll be back soon. (lol2pmillbeback)<br />
-Ritastic (V)
kwonri #8
Thanks :D!!<br />
Can't wait for your new BIGBANG fanfic :)
I was only here yesterday and it ended T.T <br />
But thank you :P
Thank you for making this fanfic :P