
Miracles in December - xmas oneshots

It was the start of December and the weather was horribly cold, but students still had to go to school. Just one more week till winter break and it’ll soon be a new year.

"Stop spacing out," Minhee muttered discreetly to Jimin. The lecturer kept glancing their way and she was scared that Jimin would get caught. 

When she didn't get any response from the latter, she nudged her, successfully breaking her out of her trance. 

"What?" Jimin turned to Minhee, who was taking down notes and glaring at her simultaneously. 

"You were thinking about Suho sunbae again, aren't you?" Jimin turned pink and cleared before copying down the things written on the whiteboard, avoiding the question. 

"Seriously, you need to keep your fantasies to the minimum. Mr Kim kept looking this way just now." Jimin grinned. "Thanks. I know you'll always have my back." 

Minhee rolled her eyes and packed up as the bell rang. "Please, wait till I'm absent or something. See who'll snap you out of your thoughts of Suho sunbae in class then." 

"And that is precisely why I love you soooooooo much." Jimin gave Minhee a big hug and the latter couldn't help but soften. 


They had been best friends since the start of middle school, and everyone knew that they were practically Siamese twins glued at the hip - they'd never go anywhere without each other. 

Now that they're in college, they have their own circle of friends, but are still inseparable. 

They knew everything about each other, from their first loves to even when their periods came. And now, the latest topic was Jimin's crush on Suho sunbae who was a year above them. 


Jimin bade goodbye to Minhee as she dropped by her locker to grab some books before her next lesson. She took Accountings while Minhee took Hospitality, so they had different timetables except for a few lectures together. 

She slammed her locker door and Suho stood there, greeting her. "Hey, my favorite hoobae." Her cheeks tinted pink and a goofy grin appeared on her face. I'm his favorite hoobae!

"H-hey sunbae. What's up?" She beamed. 

"The ceiling." Suho pointed upwards and laughed. "Kidding. Nothing much, what about you? How are your studies coming along?"

Jimin pouted at the mention of her studies and sighed. "Not good. I'm failing economics. How the heck am I failing?" She complained and Suho laughed good-naturedly. 

"I can help you if you want." He offered. "I'm pretty okay with economics, so I can help you if you need any. Just as long as you don't ask me for help on accounting, because I at balancing." 

Jimin’s face lit up like a lantern. "Really?" She bit her lip in thought. "I wouldn't be bothering you, would I?" 

Suho chuckled and ruffled her hair, sending her heart into another round of cartwheels. "Of course not. I'll always have time for you.” Round 3 of cartwheels for her. “So later after class? 3pm at the library sounds okay?" He asked and she immediately agreed, throwing away the previous shopping date she promised Minhee later, but she'll understand. 

"Great, I'll see you later!" Suho ruffled her hair again and waved goodbye. Jimin, unable to contain her excitement, texted Minhee immediately.


To: Minhee



Her phone rang a while later and she opened the reply eagerly.


From: Minhee



To: Minhee

It’s not a date! Well, not really I think. And it’s later after school, so I can’t go shopping with you >:


From: Minhee

What happened to chicks before ? Pft since you’ve been looking forward to this so much I’ll let it slip, but tell me everything later!


Jimin grinned as she settled down at her seat, texting a quick reply to Minhee before facing the front. She couldn’t wait for school to end.


Jimin ran towards the library as fast as she could after her lecturer dismissed her. It was already 3:20pm and she was late for a little study date session with Suho. Damn that lecturer for dismissing them late. Like, hello, the bell rang for a reason!

She saw Suho waiting in front of the entrance of the library and she stopped to catch her breath and fix her hair before jogging towards him.

“Hey, sorry I’m late!” She huffed. “Mr Lee wouldn’t let us go until he finished talking about his dying cat and why it’s eating a big hole out of his pocket.” She made a face and Suho just chuckled.

“It’s okay, what matters is that you’re here. Let’s go?” He pointed to the door and she nodded.


“So that’s what microeconomics is about!” Jimin exclaimed after Suho finished explaining about the topic she wasn’t clear about. Weird, how when Suho explained it she could understand, but when the lecturer explained the same thing all she wanted to do was sleep.

She finished her economics homework (for the first time without copying from others) with the help of Suho and she held up the finished paper like a trophy. “Thanks for your help, sunbae! Without you I think I might really have to retake this module next semester.” She smiled sheepishly.

Suho packed up after he finished his homework as well and waved it off. “No worries. I’m glad to be of help. We should do this more often.” He grinned and Jimin returned the smile.

“Yeah, at least we can get our work done. And I really need the extra help, if you don’t mind.” She quickly added.

“I told you a million times, no worries.” He laughed and ruffled her hair. “Let’s meet here again after school tomorrow, sounds cool?”

Jimin was taken aback, but she quickly nodded. “Yeah, sure!”

“Great, it’s a date then.” Jimin processed his words and mentally squealed. Did he just call this a date?

Once they got outside, they realized that the sky was getting darker by the minute. “Huh, guess we stayed there longer than I thought.” Jimin checked her watch and saw that it was already 7:30pm.

“Where do you live? I’ll send you home first.” Suho offered and Jimin’s heart fluttered.

“It’s okay, sunbae! I’ve already troubled you enough with my economics. I can go home by myself, it’s just 2 streets down.” she refused, not wanting to trouble him any further but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so they walked towards Jimin’s house together.

“Thanks for sending me home, sunbae. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Jimin smiled shyly and played with the strap of her bag.

“Of course, see you! Remember our date tomorrow after school!” He grinned and waved as he walked backwards. Jimin waved back and went inside her house, squealing the moment she reached her room.

This was definitely going to be a good December.



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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To tend and embrace the heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up.
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa he was too sweet to Jimin. So lucky girl! So jelly! Fighting for next one!
I could not stop reading this I love it