Minho was sitting on the couch of his apartment, thinking to himself, barely watching what the TV was showing. My life is boring. Minho thought to himself. He sighed deeply before grabbing the remote to turn the tv off. He walked towards the door, there he put his coat on, and slipped his shoes on as well.

He walked out of his apartment, he flew down three flight of stairs before finally arriving at the front door of the building. He took another deep sigh, and daydreamed about something from a manga happening in real life. Minho daydreamed he would bump into a girl and they would talk and eventually exchange numbers or something. And there was one girl he was definitely hoping it would happen with. Choi Jinri. 

And speak of the devil because Jinri was just in sight. Minho realized it was Jinri and he decided to pretend like he didn't see her. He wanted to make a scene from a manga come to life. Minho took out his phone and continued walking towards Jinri as she did to him. He realized Jinri wasn't close enough to bump into, so he moved more in front of her.

Just like he wished, Minho and Jinri bumped into eachother. Jinri fell on her , and Minho just jumped back. 

"ahh, Minho oppa, watch where you're going next time!" Jinri whined out as she pouted. Minho smiled and held out his hand. 

"I'm sorry Jinri, I wasn't paying attention--"

"well you need to!"

Minho chuckled softly. "Just let me help you up" Minho held out his hand as he smiled down at her. Jinri sat there looking at his hand suspiciously, "Yah! are you going to take my hand or not!" Minho said before smiling softly. Jinri rolled her eyes and sighed. She took his hand, and Minho pulled her up. 

She brushed herself and looked back at Minho, who was already staring at her. 

"yes? is there something I can help you with?" Jinri said as she waved a hand in front of Minho's face. Minho blinked before nodding and looking down. 

"Are you on your way to doing something important?" Minho asked casually.

"No.. not really.. why?" Jinri asked as she let out of soft quiet laugh. 

"want to go for a walk?" Minho asked as he put his hand on his neck nervously. Jinri nodded signaling that she's fine with it. 

"Yah, oppa, you should buy me something, to make up for making me fall!" Jinri said with a playful smile on her face as she walked alongside Minho. Minho chuckled softly, and before he could speak, someone behind them spoke. "Hey hyung! what are you doing?" Taemin said grinning behind them.

Minho looked at Jinri and groaned before turning around to face Taemin. "ahah... uhh Taemin, I'm kind of busy..." Minho chuckled as he aggressively pointed at Jinri with his eyes. Taemin's mouth formed an O.

"Alright, you won't notice I'm here!"

"Taemin, I'm asking you kindly.. please go away."

"Hyung!" Taemin pouted with overloading cuteness.

"Taemin I love you" Minho said in a serious tone, not looking at Taemin, and Jinri's eyes got wide at this.

"oh hyung I'm not gay" Taemin said in a jokingly disgusted voice as he walked not too far away, so he can still spy on Minho and Jinri.

"I knew that would get rid of him," Minho said with a smile playing on his face. "let's walk this way." Minho said gesturing forward.

Jinri nodded and tried to find what she was saying. "I need to buy you something?" Minho asked with a smile. Jinri nodded, "yes, to pay up for making me fall!" She said with a pout turning into a smile. Minho nodded.

"what do you want me to buy for you Jinri?" 

"sweet bread." Jinri said with no thought. Once she noticed what she said and how she said it, she broke into laughter, Minho coming after. 

"so what are you guys laughing about?" Taemin said as he jumped in front of the two. Jinri stopped laughing and a grin creeped on her face before she took out her phone to check the time, she put the phone back in her pocket and turned to Minho, still stealing glances at Taemin who just stared at the two.

"Minho oppa, it was nice talking to you, really, but I have to go~" Jinri said before she wrapped her arms around the taller male, who wrapped his arms around her in return. "you still owe me bread!" Jinri said in the hug, with a genuine smile on her face. 

They pulled away from eachother. "Bye Taemin-ssi!" Jinri said before quickly hugging Taemin, then leaving.

Minho stared at her as she walked away, until she was out of sight. Minho groaned softly before looking around, to see that no one was around. They were on a path in a little forest. Minho looked at Taemin, who was just standing there. 

Damn.. how come I never noticed how adorable and y Taemin really is?! Minho thought to himself, at this moment Minho couldn't contain his feels.

"So what do--" Taemin began to say before he was cut off by Minho's soft lips. It all happened so fast, for Taemin of course. Minho cupped Taemin's face, and pulled both of their faces closer until there was no space in between their faces. Taemin didn't have enough time to react. Minho pulled away slowly, you can hear the sound of the kiss slowly ending as they pull away. 

They stared into eachother's eyes as if it's all they could see, it was all they wanted to see, to realize that there was a connection between them, a connection that can't be replaced, love. 

Taemin looked at Minho's lips then back to his eyes then back to his lips before attacking the lips as he turned his body, switching sides with Minho, and pushing him down onto the ground. If anyone were to walk past, they wouldn't notice the two boys, because they are both on the ground hidden by two bushes and a bunch of leaves from branches.

Taemin was on top of Minho, cupping his face, kissing him as if the kiss was oxygen. Minho, under Taemin, held Taemin's hips firmly, deepening the kiss as much as possible. 

The two boys stayed there, kissing eachother endlessly as the sky got darker. They didn't bother going home until Taemin complained he was cold, that's when Minho picked him up bridal style. Minho walked to his home, Taemin still in his arms. They decided to continue the hot make out session in Minho's bedroom, and of course, as the night grew, they decided to go beyond making out.

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