Good things come for those who wait.

"It seems like he won't be coming today, Mr. Sehun."
A teenager whispered to the cat's ear while picking it up to place in his lap. The enormous Pallas cat ate up all the space in his lithe lap as he pet at it slowly. He glimpsed at the clock and immediately went back to his stack of books on the public library's desk. 
"He never comes on Mondays." The cat replied and purred on the lone teenager on the corner of the room. 
"You should have said earlier." The boy whined and frowned on the cat who decided to make a bed out of his lap.
It was dusk and he was sure that the man he is waiting for will never arrive on that day. He just blew a sigh and went on reading a bunch of poems by Pablo Neruda. Clearly disappointed with his life for not having an ounce of passion shared with the poems, he closed the book and called it a day. He bid goodbye to Mr. Sterling and headed out the exit.
It was already dark inside and he adjusted his big metal-framed glasses since it's about to slip off and hurries. Zoning in and out while walking through the dark alleyways of the city, he just could not believe that he is talking with a cat. If he was thinking of this thing last year, he would have called himself insane but somehow, the public librarian cat became a casual acquaintance.
 Since Mr. Sterling, the gigantic ball of fur and 350 years old cat, is the librarian, the cat noticed him for the library was the only place that he goes to everyday. The cat actually called him a "library rat" before which he finds funny since he is the bigger one and he is actually the cat in this cat and mouse analogy. He smirked but immediately covered his mouth, anxious that strangers will see him smirking at nowhere and may deem him insane. He wondered maybe it's because of the way he dress. Mistake him not but he does not look like a hobo but he wearing over-sized overshirts with white shirts and baggy pants does not help.
Anyhow, his first encounter with Mr. Sterling was something that the world didn't prepare him.
He just moved to this city and he is bored. 
His classmates doesn't really like him since he is a "Creeper". Not the creeper creepy way but in the "Human Segregation Act" kinda way. He was labeled a "creeper" when he passed the test for it when he was 10. The only thing that was different from him and his classmates was that he can read minds and he can't even read people's minds now since the government issued earrings that suppressed his abilities thus making him a normal guy. But apparently, his classmates does not think that way so he got "segregated". How ironic. 
He frowned at the bright sunny sky feeling like it is taunting him. He just stared at the red brick road and hastens his pace until he reached the "library". Since the day of his "identification" and his subsequent isolation, he took refuge on the public libraries. The people won't care who you are since everyone's heads are buried in their book and basically no one cares if you are a creeper.
So he strides towards the door and was greeted with an unusual scene. The books, or he should probably refer to as "tomes" since they are enormous and their pages seems brittle to touch. He just shrugs through it all anyway. At least no one bothers him here. 
Until he walks to the counter to ask for the newest magazine. He saw an obese cat on the counter. He wonders where the clerk or librarian is so he decides to ring the bell.
No answer. He rings it again.
Still no answer but this time he noticed the cat which is staring at him intently. He notices the cat's eyes which does not have slits instead they are like a human eye. He was slightly disturbed so he decided to call once again.
"Hello... Anybody here?" as he rang the bell.
"I am here." The big cat suddenly said. And boy! It was a shock. His face tied into a knot of confusion and he was staring unbelievingly at the cat.
"Did..." He stuttered. "Did just this fat cat said something?" He gasped. 
"Excuse me... I am not a cat, I'm a Pallas cat and we are a breed of wildcats and most specially... I... AM... NOT... FAT." The cat screeched at him. "And how dare you tell that to your elder! Youths these days..." The cat said in a disproving look.
He is wide-eyed from shock. The cat really did just talk! He immediately regains his composure after the disapproval dawned on him. 
"Uhmm... Hi! I'm Luhan." He blurted out while extending his arms. After realizing that he is trying to have a handshake with a cat, he mentally facepalmed. 
The cat did some clicking noises. "Bad manners... bad manners...." He grumbles under its breathe. "I'm Sehun. Just Sehun." He replies and shakes his outstretched hand with his paws.
The memory does not feel so distant even though 2 years have passed since the day they met. From then on, Mr. Sehun took him under his paws. Even though he disapproved greatly with his name so the cat decided to call him "Winters". He also found the cat to be fun to be with if he is not awfully sarcastic. He smiled to himself in the midst of his thoughts. This time he isn't afraid of what other say probably because of the close to pitch black lighting of the street and the absense of the moon because of the dark rolling clouds.
He heard a thunder from a distance and all in one sweep, the raindrops fell. He rushed to the nearby bus stop as the water seeped more and more into his black hair making it a shade darker and darker. The rain went on but he still could not find a nearby bus stop or anything until he saw a small flicker of lights. Neon lights.
His mind gears clicked. "Probably a restaurant. That will work for now." He ran faster than before into the direction of the lights.
Soon after, he reached the cafe and went under the canopy. He tried to dry himself a bit more before he should enter since he is also embarrassed of his dripping wet clothes. Also brushing off the mist and raindrops that formed in his glasses. 
His cheeks were cold from the strong wind and he was shivering a bit but still too wet to enter the cafe. While waiting outside, he assessed the cafe. He never noticed the white exterior once he arrived but he immediately felt bad for soiling. He breathed a sigh. 
The sign outside in neon blue was read as "Glass on the Wall". And the inside seemed packed. He shivered as a strong wind pass through his body. God! He really hates the cold.
His musings where disturbed by a shoulder-length haired man in a waiters uniform tugging the sleeves of his shirt.
"Excuse me, Sir... You can stay inside if you want to." offered the young man making a hand gesture of pointing inside. 
"Is it okay?" answered the wet and dripping man. "I'm afraid I might dirty the interior since it's white." A long pause between them happened right after his words came out. He apprehended in taking the offer. He knows that he really wants to go in since it is already mid-fall and the wind are getting harsher but in accordance to his principles, he won't go inside.
The young man squinting his chestnut slanted eyes and was trying to stifle his laughter. The other was puzzled since he did not remember saying a funny thing... or did he? He wondered for a bit if he actually did some unusual gesture and he even secretly glanced himself on the window glass pane to see if he looks like a legit hobo for now and no. He looks perfectly fine except for looking really wet like a dog after bath time. He curled his thin brows and confusion was painted in his black eyes that the young man infront of him picked it up. 
"Nothing's wrong! I just find it funny that you are still thinking about the white interior in this cold. Just go inside. The manager won't mind since he actually called me to get you inside. He was thinking along the lines of "that kid looks really soaked up outside" and after a while, "I wonder why won't he just go inside!". So he asked to fetch the insane kid outside clearly freezing from the cold." The young man chatted in a really happy and bright tone. His stifled laugh breaking into a small laugh while he leads the kid inside and said that he does not have to worry about such things like dirtying the floor since it's already near closing time and they are going to clean it anyways. He led him near the bar stools of the cafe. 
Lupin's face was red flushed from a bit of embarrassment for being seen like a wet dog. Yes. He was pitied like a wet dog. He may not look like a hobo but he looks like a wet dog right now. He really didn't know which is better. He kept his face down as he walked into the dark blue carpet.  His eyes scanned for the soaking trail he just made. It really looks like black after drops of water from his sneakers. 
"This is my manager." The waiter pointed at a tall person beside him. He really did not know if the manager was tall but from the looks of his shoes, he looks tall since he still haven't raised his head yet. "I'll just leave you two there and sit!" The young man commanded as he took off to get some orders. The teenager instantly obeyed. 
"I... I... I'm" The dark haired teenager stuttered. God! How he hate his social skills. "Thank you for letting me inside!" He said hurriedly in a single breath. 
"No problem. What's your name again? I'm Kris." The man chuckled in a cheeky voice. 
With this response, the kid looked up to see the man. Looking for every detail of his face, he seemed to be so young like somewhere in his mid to late 20s. The man has thick brows and sharp eyes and even his hair looks well kept in a faux side shave. In a flash of a moment, like a deer in the headlights, he recognized the man.
It was the guy he was waiting for in the library.

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orange_milkshake #1
Chapter 3: uwaahh nice plot! can't wait to read the next chapter, keep writing!
deeragon93 #2
Chapter 2: Fresh idea, I like it..
And your english is good :)
I can't wait for more, update soon!