

the italics is Hana/your's thoughts


Hana's POV


After all this darkness, I see light.

..It hurts..

It might be warm..

But it hurts my eyes..

I'm not used to this. I've been living in darkness for so long. Was the world always this bright? Everything is white. Like snow. Have I ever experienced snow? I don't know. But I want to know.

I want to know my name.

My age. 

My memories.

My family.

Do I even have a family?

I wish I knew.

I gaze around at my surroundings again, trying to remember how I got here. But I don't even know where 'here' is. I can't seem to recall the name of this place. White bed. White walls. White floors. And..needle? For some reason, there's a needle in my arm. I don't know why. 

I wish I knew.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and a woman steps in. In white clothes. Her jaw drops slightly and her eyes widen a bit. She yells out, "Doctor!" and a man, seeming to be in his 20's enters. He comes towards me and smiles gently, showing off his dimples. 

"Hello, how do you feel?" he asks, keeping that smile on his face.

"..Fine.." I reply hesitantly, not knowing who this man is..or do I know him?

I wish I knew.

"Can you tell me your name please?" 

"..I don't know.." I say quietly, hoping he can tell me.

He glances over at the woman with his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and his eyes showing worry. He tell something to her and then she nods her head, and leaves.

"Do you how old you are?" 

"..I'm not sure.." 

"Ok. Thank you. I'll be back soon." 

He left. I should've asked him the questions that have been attacking my mind since I woke up. But I didn't. He said he'll be back soon..right?

Silence captures the room again. The only noise you could hear was the quiet, rhythmic beeping of the monitor beside the bed. Once again, the door opened, but the person who I expected didn't come. Instead, it was another man. He rushed towards me with a bright smile and embraced me in a tight hug. As he releases, I glance up at him with a slightly confused expression written on my face.

"Excuse me..but who are you?" I asked. I don't know who he is, but he seems to know me. His forehead wrinkles in worry and strikes a slightly panicked expression. He seems shocked by my question.

"I'm your fiance."

Oh, how I wish I knew.



*celebratory 'dance'*

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! 

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Chapter 3: Nyaaaa I love this chapter <33 >///<
Chapter 2: Kris is "good looking guy" - Yuki
Chapter 1: I like your first chapter & hope can make more long chapter - Yuki
Nice description & story! - Yuki
Chapter 2: *evil laugh* Update soooonnn!