Chapter 20

Fishy's Love


Donghae laid on his bed like a man without soul, staring blankly at the ceiling….He thought of what happened in his house at Mokpo…


‘If u agrees to my condition, I will stay here with u for 3 days…’ Chaerin look at Donghae.

‘What… is that?’ Donghae asked, he doesn’t feel too good about that condition…

‘Forget about me once we get back to Seoul…. and get on with your life, with Hanuel…’ Chaerin spit out her condition, words by words, trying hard to control her tears.

‘No… how can I?’ Donghae grabbed at her arms, pulling her to him.

‘Donghae…U have to… u have no choice…. U are to married Hanuel no matter what, this is your promise… We shouldn’t even meet like this behind her back…’ Chaerin looked at Donghae, trying to persuade him.

‘I can’t do it….’

‘U can…’

‘Im Chaerin…. I love u!’

‘If u really love me, u should do as what I said…’

‘If I don’t?’

‘I will leave this minute…And, I can guarantee u won’t be seeing me for the rest of your life..’ Chaerin retorted with a smirk. Donghae took a deep breath in, looking at her calm, serene face.

‘Im Chaerin…. What am I gonna do with u?’

‘Rather than wasting time to be sad, make good use of these 3 days shall we?’ Chaerin looked at him, giving him an encouraging smile….

(end of Donghae’s flashback)

 ‘Chaerin ah… Chaerin….’ Donghae buried his face in the pillow and started to sob, really loud…




Chaerin sat down in front of the piano, touching the black and white keys of it. Strings of melodious sound come from it as she placed her slender fingers on the keys, pressing it. She don’t need any notes to play this song, the lyric and the rhythm are always on her mind since the day they kissed… Tears stream down her cheek as she reminds of the days she stay in Mokpo, she could never be happier than that…

‘Why are u here?’ Donghwa asked, looking at the girl who is stooping down beside the rock, looking at the childish scribble of his younger brother when he was 7.

‘Donghwa oppa?’

‘Yes… didn’t expect to meet u under this circumstance…’ Donghwa said, flashing the very much Donghae -alike sunshiness in his smile.

‘I heard a lot about u… from Donghae…’ Standing up, Chaerin bowed slightly at him.

‘Same goes to me, heard a lot of u from him…’

‘I…. think… I have to go….’ Chaerin bowed at him again, intending to walk away.

‘Chaerin…stop torturing yourself….’ Donghwa said, frowning.

‘I… don’t get u, oppa…’ Chaerin bit her lip, looking down.

‘If u know Hae well enough, u should know we talk about everything… If only he told us earlier about u… I definitely won’t be going to Seoul with mum for that engagement discussion then…’

‘Oppa…. I guess, there are some misunderstanding…’

‘There isn’t…Come on, u should meet our mum…’ Donghwa took Chaerin’s hand in his, walking toward his car… Chaerin don’t know what happen to her, she just can’t resist Donghwa…


Chaerin looked at the kind lady, who is at the verge of tear.

‘I am sorry, I can’t…’ Chaerin retorted, between her tears.

‘Because of your illness?’ Mrs.Lee asked.

‘I… partly…’ Chaerin nodded..

‘Child…. Being sick doesn’t mean u can’t own happiness…’

‘Ajumeoni….What about Hanuel?? She is innocent…’

‘Like I said, nothing is more important my son’s happiness… Moreover, the 3 of u suffer together if Hae were to married someone he doesn’t love…’

‘Ajumeoni…. I am sorry, but this is his choice, and promise… he has to keep it….’

‘Chaerin ah…. I really hope u can think this over again….’ Chaerin looked at Mrs.Lee, hugging her.

‘I hope I can be selfish too, but…I really can’t do that… Not to my one and only best friend….’

*Sigh* ‘There’s nothing more I can say is it?’ Mrs.Lee asked, looking at Chaerin. She smiled at her sorrowfully and shook her head.

‘Can I see him?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Of course….’ Mrs.Lee pulled her up, guiding her to Donghae’s room and walked away, giving the two youngsters some times of their own.

(end of Chaerin’s flashback)




The hall are decorated with white and pink roses, with the guest walking in and out talking and mingling with each other.

Donghae, who clad in a white tuxedo stand at the main entrance, smiling and nodding at every guests who came to his engagement ceremony. While Hanuel who stand by him is wearing a simple pink tube dress with her long hair tied up to a fancy bun.

None of the boys are happy with this engagement thing… they couldn’t understand why Donghae choose to get on with it since he knows that he doesn’t love Hanuel… However, everyone still make a point to attend it, since this is Donghae’s choice….

‘Hey… did u notice they doesn’t look like couple who is going to be married soon?’ Suan asked Ryeowook.

‘U should know better…’ Ryeowook glared at his girlfriend for asking question that she already know the answer.

‘But, as a celebrity, at least he can act like he is happy, isn’t? It would be better off if he just cancel it~’ Suan said.

‘Don’t sprout nonsense, this is no playing matter!’ Ryeowook hissed at Suan, who pouted at him.

‘But do u notice Hanuel doesn’t look too happy to… I wonder…’

‘Please… Suan… do not comment about them anymore…We all know better…’ Ryeowook looked at his girlfriend, frowning. He doesn’t feel too good about this engagement thing and he is sure the rest felt the same too…

Suan looked away, pouting…. She is wishing, hoping and praying for miracle right now… She glances over to Ae Li who is talking to Donghae right now. She couldn’t help noticing how tightly Donghae hold on to Ae Li’s hand, maybe Ae Li can create miracle? Suan thought to herself…

Chaerin took several deep breath before she step in to the hotel where the engagement ceremony is being held.. Her reddish eyes met Donghae’s the moment she stepped into the hall…She bowed her head low, avoiding his eyes. Hanuel merely waved at her and gesture her to find a place to sit. Chaerin nodded at Hanuel and took her seat at the back row after glancing over to the rest of the Super Junior’s boys and their partners. Suan looked at her longingly… wishing she could sit beside her. At least Chaerin don’t have to be alone like how she is now… But if she is with her, Suan is worried she herself will cry at the sight of false strong front Chaerin displayed right now.

The solemnize ceremony start when all the guests are present. Donghae casted one last look at Chaerin, who is looking at him too, biting her lip. She bowed her head, avoiding his eyes again, blinking away the tears that is swelling up. 




 ‘Mr.Lee Donghae are u willing to take Miss Song Hanuel as your lawful wife……..’

‘Hae…Donghae???’ Hanuel poked at Donghae, who is in daze. ‘Answer…’ She hissed at him.

‘Huh?’ Donghae looked at Hanuel, who is frowning right now.

‘Answer…Say yes…’ Hanuel hissed at him again. Donghae looked at her… Is he really gonna marry her? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10