Meeting Mirai

アカナシアの物語 (The Story of Akanashia)





**I honestly think this is the chapter a lot of people have been looking forward please enjoy it.  I consider this the beginning of a new plot line for this story.** 今回のは楽しんで下さい!


*December 24*

*Miko’s P.O.V.*

     I had to get Ryosuke his attire for the evening, but I was still busy fixing up all of the last details.  The whole ball had to be planned and put together in such a short time that I was sure I’d taken off two years of my life in stress.  Mirai stayed calm throughout the whole thing that it was almost unbearable for me.  I didn’t understand how she could handle such stress. 

      Besides that, I had to work tonight at the ball as well though I heard Mirai will be in attendance with her father.  Lately—perhaps because of Mirai’s influence or perhaps not—Nishikido had been asking for me more than usual.  It was odd and it put me in more awkward situations than I wanted to be in.  Like now; he had asked me to prepare his clothing for tonight’s ball as well.  I had never—not even once—been told to lie out his clothes.  I was so nervous of making a mistake that surely I was about to grow gray hairs. 

      In the end, I chose a simple, but fitting suit for him—I’d seen him wear it to formal outings before.  It looked like it would be appropriate for a Christmas Ball, as it had hints out red throughout the outfit.  I sighed a breath of relief when suddenly Erika walked in.  “Is this what you’ve prepared?” she asked, looking it over, “It looks good enough.  I’ll have to have an outfit prepared similarly to match.”

      “Of course,” I said as I took my leave, bowing swiftly. 

      I was getting ready to make my way back upstairs and help Ryosuke with his outfit when I heard his name.  I looked over to see the lights on the dining hall and the door was cracked as if someone had quickly run in and forgot to close the door all the way. 

       "...Ryosuke tonight...”

      “Is Yokoyama-sama really capable of containing him properly?  I know the reason his daughter has been staying here is so that she can investigate the prince more carefully, but don’t you think we should keep him detained here in the palace?”

       “Nonsense,” that was Nishikido, “Mirai-san’s family will take care of everything.  Do you think I would just let that little rich girl flutter around my palace without instructing her first?  She knows exactly what to do.  Don’t insult me with your doubts, sir.”

       I’d never heard the other man in the room before—but Mirai was the key!?  I just knew she was suspicious!  What was she planning with Nishikido!?  And why were they sending Ryosuke off to her home!?

        I crouched down next to the door, searching left and right, seeing no one was in sight.  I peered through the crack in the door to see Nishikido sitting down at the table with a man I’d never met.  I didn’t know who he was, but he must be working with Nishikido to do something against Ryosuke.  I had to inform him! 

        Fear was rising in me—I couldn’t get caught—but I had to figure out everything before telling Ryosuke…So I stayed.

       “We’ll have to make a transition though; won’t it be too suspicious if we just throw him into the household like so?”

       “He’ll be spending New Year’s with them.  We just have to build a trust between the two of them.  Once he trusts her, he’ll be in the palm of our hands.  We can get rid of him for good if we please.”

       I covered my mouth quickly, noticing I’d gasped aloud.  I heard the room inside go silent, and I feared to move for I could make a sound, but I had to get out of here.  Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and luckily my hand was over my mouth for I would have screamed.  Instead, I jumped silently, only to see Eri-chan, signaling me to be quiet. 

        “Eri-chan,” I mouthed, and I felt my eyes go hot.

        “Quickly,” she mouthed back and pulled me quickly and silently down the hall and into a room. 

       We heard the two men come out of the room.  “Make sure you close the door, fool.  I can’t have any nosy creature listening in,” Nishikido stormed, and I heard the door slam close. 

       We ran from the room into an empty hallway.  “Eri-chan,” I cried to her and she hugged me. 

       “It’ll be alright,” she my hair, “But what were you doing!?  You could have gotten yourself in big trouble!  Nishikido-sama could have killed you!”

        “I’m sorry Eri-chan!  I didn’t mean to…It’s just, I heard him talking about Yamada-sama…and…”

       “Why would you do something so stupid for him?” she asked.

      I had to think of an answer, but I managed to spit out, “I’m supposed to be protecting him, aren’t I?”

       “By the orders of Nishikido-sama,” she countered, “So if Nishikido-sama is speaking of him, why should it matter?”

       I didn’t answer so she sighed, “Come on Miko-chan.  We’ve been friends for years; you know I’d do anything to help you—so just tell me what’s going on.”

      I felt bad for lying to Eri-chan like this—how could I continue?  I could trust her; we’ve been friends for a long time and she’s constantly saving me in various situations.  Now that she’s involved she deserves to know, doesn’t she?  “Gomen Eri-chan…I haven’t told you, but Yamada-sama…Actually, I call him Ryosuke now.  Yamada-sama is too formal.”

      “What?” she asked.

      “I guess, we kind of became friends?” no need to tell her more than she needs to know, right?  “Anyway, he’s my friend so I’m not going to let Nishikido-sama try anything!”

      “Well, okay.  If he’s your friend, that’s great.  But may I remind you this is Nishikido-sama we’re talking about?”

      “I’ll just let Ryosuke know what Nishikido-sama said.  I just have to warn him—I won’t be doing anything else and Nishikido-sama will never find out a thing.”

       “Miko-chan, you’re being too risky.  Why would you do that?  I get he’s your friend or whatever, but you just met him really!  He’s only been here for a month.”

        “A month is long enough to bond with someone!”

        “You’re just not saying the truth,” she snipped.

       “What are you talking about?  I did just tell you the whole truth!”

       “You like him, don’t you? There’s no way you’d put yourself in such a dangerous situation like this if you didn’t like him.”

        “What!?” I demanded, “We’re only friends, Eri-chan!  What are you saying?”

        “What do you two think you’re doing?” it was Tanaka-sama.

        “Oh…Uh, nothing!” I said quickly, “I have to go get his clothes ready.  I won’t do anything dangerous, so don’t worry.”

       I left her quickly and rushed up the stairs.  How could she accuse me of liking him?  I mean, I like him…But we’re only friends!  I enjoyed spending time with him, more than Eri, more than anyone else.  I really only want to spend time with him.  Does that really mean then that…No, Eri-chan is just confusing me.  I pushed open the flap, “Ryosuke…”

       I looked around, but no one was there.  “That’s really odd,” I worried a bit, “I’ve never seen him out of his room before…”

       Suddenly I heard my name, “Miko-chan!” I looked down to see Mirai-san and my heart clenched a bit.  “Hurry and come down.  I wanted to work out some final details with you!”

       “O-Okay.  I’ll be down soon,” I said, quickly laying out his outfit for tonight and climbing down.  “What did you want to look at?”

       “The curtains,” she explained, “We went with the scarlet, but I was thinking, should we do a green draping at the top or keep it all scarlet?”

       “Well, I suppose we could do a green.  That sounds quite festive,” I said.

       “Of course,” she nodded, “That sounds wonderful.  Alright, I’ll make sure it’s done!”

       She walked off in the other direction, and I was left with nothing to do.  Though it didn’t last long—I was quickly ushered into the maids’ quarters and told to change into my uniform for tonight.

*Ryosuke’s P.O.V.*

        “Tonight I’d like to introduce you to some of the highest nobles in Hikoku,” Nishikido had called me down earlier suddenly and began speaking about all these people I’d be expected to meet with.

        “You informed me yesterday,” I told him.

       “Well I should inform you as well not to embarrass me.  I’m sure you already know so much, but I find the necessity to say it once more.”  His voice held a threatening tone in it and I knew I didn’t want to test him.  I only agreed as more anger building inside of me.  My anger only seemed to grow with every honor and ball he gave to me.  It was humiliating to me to be treated as such—someone used as pawn to make the people I loved and grew up with fight with one another. 

        A knock came at the door, “Nishikido-sama,” a maid bowed, “It’s now seven.”

       “Of course,” he smiled, “You should go get dressed.  I’m sure Miko has laid out your outfit by now, so hurry up.”

       I turned swiftly and made my way upstairs, changing into the new outfit.  This time it was a simple yet sophisticated black suit with a red tie.  The undershirts were white and I put them all on as slow as possible.  I really didn’t want to go stand around down there—I was sick of being a pawn piece and only.  There had to be another way—there had to be something I could do besides just sitting around my room all day long…I had to send a sort of signal or something…But what?


       “Ah, there he is,” I heard Nishikido say as I walked in quarter past eight.  I’d lingered a lot longer in my room than even I expected myself to.  Beside Nishikido was Erika and surrounding them were several other couples it appeared.  “Let me introduce you to one of my most wealthy and successful business partners in Hikoku, Kaneguchi-san,” Nishikido led me back to him. 

       “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I feigned, bowing politely, but the man laughed, extending his hand. 

        “Ah,” I laughed a bit nervously, “Businesslike.”

       “I’ve heard much about you, Young Yukigunian Prince.  How are you enjoying your stay in Hikoku?” he asked.

         “Well, if I must be frank, it is a little uncomfortable,” I said defiantly. 

       “Is that so?” the man laughed as if I was joking, “I’m sure the accommodations are much better here than in the barbarians' land, no?”

       “Actually I’ve never come across more barbarians in my life before these days, sir,” I laughed along with the man.  Though he’d stopped laughing now and began awkwardly readjusting his suit over his bloated, wealthy-sized belly. 

        “Well, I must say Nishikido-sama,” the man sneered, “You have quite a character in your palace.”

        He stalked off, a young woman following quickly behind him.  “I am Yokoyama Yu,” another man stepped forward, bowing to me as he introduced himself, “It’s nice to meet you—I also have heard quite a bit of you.”

       “You have?” I asked. 

       “Of course,” he nodded and he seemed to smile as if he knew something I didn’t.  “My daughter tells me of you.”

        “Your daughter?”

       “It’s nice to finally meet you,” a girl that looked perhaps older than I stepped up beside him, “My name is Yokoyama Mirai.”  She bowed politely.

        “Ah, so you are Mirai-san!” I exclaimed.

        “You’ve met her?” Nishikido cut in, smiling wickedly.

       “Uh, no, not before…But I’ve heard of her before.  You work in the palace, do you not?” I asked as I saw a flash behind me, and I saw a man with a camera.  I sighed internally, looking at the man, reloading the film and such.

        “I do,” she nodded, “Though I am the daughter of head of the Yokoyama family, it isn’t my way to be greedy.  I entered as a part-time job, so to say.”

       I nodded along, “I see.”

         “If you wouldn’t mind,” she smiled, “Would you care to dance?”

       “M-Me?” I hesitated, “Why, I don’t quite dance.”

       “Oh please,” she laughed gently, “You are a prince, no?  I’m sure you’re a fine dancer.”

       I couldn’t quite argue there, so I ended up agreeing, taking her hand.  I felt the presence of the cameraman behind me as I led her to the floor.  My embarrassment was growing immensely as I did so—it was the first time I’d ever danced with a girl like this.  She was right though—I had been taught well enough, and I knew the moves well.  “See,” she got extremely close, leaning in to me, “I told you you’d be fine.”

       I looked around and Nishikido was talking with some others and only the cameraman was snapping pictures and reporters were talking to some others.  “You,” I started, “Are you the one who gave Miko the cake and tea?”

      “Oh, so you got them?” she smiled. “I hoped Miko-chan would share them with you.”

      “How did you know my favorite cake?  How did you know the tea my mother made for me?” I asked.

      She smiled secretly, that same smile Yokoyama-san gave me earlier—the smile that seemed like she knew something I didn’t and it annoyed me. 

       “Would you like to stay at my mansion until the New Year?” she suddenly proposed.


      “I think it would be a good opportunity for you,” she said, enunciating every word, “If you come,” she whispered even softer, leaning in farther, causing my face to redden, “You won’t be around Nishikido-sama for a whole week…I can also tell you how I know of the cake and tea…”

       I didn’t know if this was supposed to be like a threat or something, though it didn’t feel like a threat.  “So…you want me to spend the week with you?”

        “Not necessarily,” she giggled, “But in theory; I want you to stay at my house for the week.  Won’t you?  My father has already talked to Nishikido-sama about it.”

        Those two—they had that look.  I was positive they knew something I didn’t.  Something even Nishikido must not know.  And I wanted desperately to know why she knew some of my favorite foods—I hadn’t told anyone here before that.  Had she studied into me?  Even if it was a known fact around the kingdoms that I loved strawberry shortcake though, only my family knew of the tea my mother made us.  It’s not like it’s a national tea or something—my mother would bring it from Tsuchikoku since we all liked it a lot.  She would always add honey and milk to make it sweet for me as a kid—and that’s exactly how the tea Miko brought me was made.  “When would we leave?” I asked.

       She smiled, “As soon as the ball is over.  We’ll have your clothes packed during the ball.”

       I nodded, “Then I’ll go.”  I was tired of sitting around.  I’m going to do something—I’m sick of not understanding—I’ll figure out everything I can and find my own way to fight back.

       I hadn’t noticed the song had ended and Mirai stepped away calling someone over.  I noticed Miko running up.  “Miko-chan,” she said happily.

       “Yes?” she asked, but she looked upset.  What’s wrong with her?  She looked at me and I smiled, but she looked immediately back at Mirai.  “Can you go pack a bag for Ryosuke?  He’ll need a week’s worth of clothing.”

       “What?” she seemed worried immediately.

        “He’s going to be staying at my house for the next week.”

        She looked as if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t because Nishikido was suddenly there, “Quickly Miko,” he smiled.

        She bowed and ran off.  I wonder what’s wrong with her?  It wasn’t like I could go after her or anything—it would be too suspicious.  So instead I stayed and conversed with Mirai and her father for a bit more, Nishikido watching like a hawk.  But when he had to go talk to the reporters once more, Mirai pulled me aside once more, “By the way,” she whispered, “I know you’re getting annoyed, but don’t cause any more trouble tonight.  It can wait.”

      I simply looked at her and found myself nodding at her threatening tone. 


*King Ohno’s P.O.V.*

       “Ohno-sama,” the knock came at the door and I waved him in. 

       “Any news of the border situation?” I asked.

      “Yes sir,” he bowed, “It appears that the citizens in the region have settled down.  We’ve scouted the area and there are no signs of Hikoku.”

        “Is that so,” I sighed in relief.  They must be concentrating their strength on Yukiguni right now… “At least the citizens have seized their protesting as well.  Are they still demanding?”

        “Yes, Ohno-sama,” he said quickly, “They are demanding more food and such as usual.”

       “Of course,” I nodded, “When you and your troops return, take as much rice as you need.  I’ll permit a hundred bushels of vegetables as well and fifty pounds of meat.  Make note these items are not in abundance during these times of war.”

        “Yes, Ohno-sama,” he bowed.

        “And keep the lookout for Hikoku at all times.  They may not be on our borders now, but they could be any day.  Report back in another month; you’re dismissed.”

        “Of course.”


**以上です、次回楽しみに!! Okay, so that's the end of this chapter; I hope you guys enjoyed it.

I'm trying to post more frequently, but I am having a lot of difficulties with the internet.  I don't live in the best of areas to get good internet access so I regularly lose my internet.  I am extremely frustrated, so I know it must frustrate others who read my fanfiction.  I haven't been able to access this site in over a week now unless I use my mobile phone data (which I never post my stories from).  I'm so sorry!  ごめんなさい! I am seriously hoping my family can somehow fix these internet problems; I will still continue to post and update as much as possible though!!! Until next time, じゃまた!**

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Ryosuke meets Mirai; Chapter 16 is finally up~


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hazel_duhds #1
Chapter 16: yatta! this story is quite good i finish the 16 chpters in one sitting(heheh).. im rooting for the nxt update... and im rooting for a more YAMASHI moments from the story,yehey! but why is mirai older than ryo
It so long time to waiting you but I'll waiting for next chapter. I hope you will find a new inspiration.
Riena82 #3
Chapter 16: Hi momo chan... ^^
Finally, the long awaited encounter!

and there goes- Nishikido the vulture- always distrusting and giddy---- *let me spat him away-for Ryo-chan :S
He is surely watching his back well. But, even a perfect plan have flaws- and i'm hoping there is a loophole somewhere ^^

I know to trust means to pay a high price for something- but i am happy that Ryosuke is willing to bet on Mirai's offer. Hope it is worth it.. *crossing my fingers*

Do something about Miko's suspicion please... not that i blame her for being paranoid- with this whole situation, she ought to be... she will be a perfect ally, if she is on their side...#sigh

I don't know, but one thing that i am perfectly sure of, for now is Mirai is an ally for Ryosuke and she indeed have plans. (she is just manipulating Nishikido's trust to her benefit. (hopefully my assumption is correct ne, momo chan..)

King Ohno is sure getting on his feet with this whole thing- i do hope he is planning to reunite the countries, instead of making the situation worse.

p/s : Sankyu for the updates, looking forward for more- and good luck on your internet connection, luv! :D
Chapter 16: Yosh!!!! Finally, he meet Mirai. I hope the way to see his brother not has a obstrucle.
ekadarmayanthi #5
finally ryosuke and mirai meet! and I can't wait when mirai will explained about ryosuke's brother to ryosuke, and can't wait until ryosuke meet his brothers ^^

thanks for update momo-chan, and ganbatte for the next chapter as well ^_^
Chapter 15: Wow This is so dram fic and complicated. I hope the stress situation of this will be clear. Poor Ryosuke to get involve in this plan. I wish you will write some interaction of Yamashi hehe~ . Waiting for next chapter.
Riena82 #7
Chapter 15: Hi momo chan :D
Genki desu ka? Well, my curiosity button is ON- upon seeing your update…. Hahaha… #shot dead

So, Nishikido is putting his plan in motion, no?
What a psycho he is… #sigh
I want to say he is cruel, but his demand for Ryosuke to attend the ball while surely everyone will be hostile and doubtful (especially his family) towards the poor boy, is beyond sadistic. He is indeed gambling on everyone’s emotions at their best… utterly despicable!!! # I want to stab him!!
Ryo-chan, please stay strong… TT-TT

I kind of get the vibes that Eri likes Ryosuke- but who is she really??
Is she a spy from Yukiguni? Or just plainly taking advantage of the situation?
I can sense jealousy there- transpiring between Miko and Eri…
But maybe I’m wrong ~~~ #whacked

I think the tea and cake is some sort of secret code which Mirai is trying to convey to Ryosuke via Miko. Miko wouldn’t understand as she harbors doubts against Mirai. But, I do hope Ryo-chan get the message!!!.... #crossing my fingers

I am glad he enjoyed Miko’s company- life wouldn’t be so miserable for him at least.

Mirai did surely have a complicated past. But, I love the fact that she is somehow strong and reliant…
Brave enough to stand for what she believes in. My- kind of lady warrior here #bricked

This is getting exciting!!! Do update soon :D <3 <3 <3

P/S: ganbatte for you last year and do make lots of great memories!!!!
ekadarmayanthi #8
Chapter 14: uwaahh,,looking forward for the next chapter already ^^

and finally jun showed his weakness toward mao..
somehow, mirai is so mysterious :D I hope she can save ryosuke and maybe, they will have romance together (?) is random, XDD..

daiki and keito too, i really want them to meet ryosuke soon, i don't know why, but i just want it ^^

thanks for update momo-chan, ganbatte for the next chapter ^_^
Chapter 14: So, that's the reason about the declaration of war by King Sakurai... And about the letter to Miko in the previous chapter, I'm curious about the sender. The interaction between Jun and Aiba is heartwarming, it showed how a good relationship between kings (and countries). Woah, can't wait to read the moment Mirai meets Ryosuke, too. Mirai is cool and composed, while Ryosuke is the reverse.
Oh, and almost forgot to say, Welcome back Momo-chan. Looking forward to the next updates XD
Riena82 #10
Chapter 13: Yay! You updated^^
Hi momo chan :D Remember me?? haha..

i just did a marathon~~~ *phewwwwhh~~
It is getting more and more scrumptious, this story that is ^^
How long hv i been missing this adventure??
Haha.. sorry-life-got-to-me- >.< *bows*

I miss it terribly,this fic~~~ XD

Noooo... You will never succeed with your evil plans, Nishikido!!
*begs momo-chan endlessly*

This is where the story got extra juicy-i guess-the threat letter and the mysterious Mirai.. Oh Miko~~~ #peeks at Eri for some reasons...o.0
I wonder when they will meet? Ryosuke and Mirai that is...

It is complicated-the relationship between father and son.
Ryosuke and his sacrificial act and Jun his pride and disappointment :<
They could hide it but both loved each other, unconditionally *sigh*
Hope they wont do anything [email protected]

~thanks for the update momo-chan, and ganbatte for the next chapter and your exams ne~ XD <3