The Dinner And Speeches

Dancing Towards Your Heart (Sort Of On Hiatus)

Sung Yee POV

I invited everyone to my house for a 'Goodbye, I'm moving' dinner. My mom insisted to make everything! We had ddukkbbokie, kimbap, Rice cake soup, and a big chicken! She refused to let me anywhere near the kitchen. 'Aish, what an annoying mom' Thinking to my self. My mom acted like Baek Seoung Jo's mom from Playful Kiss basically. She's such a troublemaker but I'm gonna miss her and her annoying antics when I move into the dorm with the rest of the girls.


By the annoying doorbell ringing, I could tell it was Hae Min and Reila. They always did that ring when ever they come over.
"Yah! You guys are annoying with the ringing!" I yelled at them after opening the door.
"But you love us!" Hae Min said while walking in.
"Yep! You get so mad so easily!" Reila said also walking in.

We walked to the living room and decided to talk about dorm life.
"Well I wonder if Minyoung is gonna blow up the flat if she bakes?" Reila questioned.
"Oh no! She is not stepping foot in my kitchen! We are keeping the kitchen clean!" Hae Min yelled.
'She sure does love her cooking and kitchen' I thought while sweatdropping.


It must be Minyoung, Ha Rae, and Chae Ri. I opened the door and saw all three of them. They all walked into the living room and saw Reila and Hae Min looking at a familiar white and baby blue scrapbook.
"Looking through the Dream Stars scrapbook?" Chae Ri asked.
"YEP!" they both shouted. We all looked and laughed at the pictures we took together until my mom said "Honeys! All of my daughters, it's time for dinner!"

'Mom considers Dream Stars as their daughters from a different womb' I thought.

We all ate dinner. Some of the girls wanted to make a speech. Lame right?

Minyoung wanted to go first.

"I met Sung Yee, our leader, when I first moved back here from France. I was twelve and I have only known everyone else not too long. I seriously love Sung Yee for bringing these completely different girls together. Even though, we look and act different, on the inside we are very much alike. If I haven't met Sung Yee, I wouldn't have wonderful best friends like you guys. I wouldnt have been able to enjoy Mom's cooking and her crazy antics. I love this family. I love everyone in this room!"

I felt wetness on my cheeks. I was crying and I love this girl too. I was so touched by her words.
I looked at everyone else, then we all yelled "WE LOVE YOU TOO!"

Then it was Ha Rae turns.

"Before you go, Mom go get the tissues, I think there's more crying going on." Hae Min said.

We got tissues and Ha Rae started.

"Alright. Where do I start? Um okay. I met Sung Yee, Hae Min, Reila, and Min Young when I was 14. They found me beaten in a alley, because I was looking for a job to take care of my mom. Sung Yee took me in and cared for me. Mom, you have cared me. You gave me food and some to bring home for my family. All of you cared for me when i was having problems. I can trust you guys with anything. I love all of you like my own family. Right here, right now, I love this. And I can't wait to make more memories in the flat and performing."

We all cried and were so touched.

It was Chae Ri's turn.

"I know I'm more boyish than most of you guys. But I love how much we have in common with each other. Even though, I met all of you just last year, I feel like that I have known everyone for years. Mom is just like a mom to me. I feel like you guys are my sisters. I feel like family whenever Im with all of you. I love you, all of you"

More and more tears came.
Then it was Reila's turn.

"I know I'm a loner but ever since I got used to all of you, I have never felt so suffocated. I'm just kidding, I love all of you too much. Sung Yee is the one who found all of us and brought us together. It's like she was on a mission to find girls to make a group. But I love Dream Stars with all of my heart."

I bet we can make an ocean right now with all of these tears flowing.

It was finally Hae Min's turn.

"Alright I've known SungYee since I was five years old. I met the rest of Dream Stars years later but Sung Yee is my best friend. But I love the rest of you too. I trust everything with Dream Stars. Dream Stars is my other family. And Mom is my second mom. I love this family with all of my heart. Us moving in together? It sure is going to be a journey. And Minyoung is not going in the kitchen EVER! haha but I will miss my real family but Minyoung's antics, Reila's song writing, Sung Yee's random dancing, Chae Ri's constant swearing, and Ha Rae's clumsiness will make everything up for it."

We all mostly cried at Hae Min's speech.

Our dorm life is going to interesting and amazing!



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omq just dance 2 ftw! <br />
i like that game :D<br />
..the imagination of leeteuk and taemin trying to beat each other makes me laugh xD
youmakemesmile #2
Yaah :D
Aww, Party!! xD<br />
Can't wait for the next upate :)
I know. It's supposed to be short. Cause they're doing 3 songs.
Thanks! I wrote the sing myself.
I like chaeris debut outfit, woah love this colour and the shoes~<br />
the song is quite they dont have many lines<br />
well continue updating! x3
Omo, Loving the song and the outfits!!<br />
Keep on updating ^^
please update~<br />
i wanna read more!! xD
Haha, Awesome!! Can't wait for the debut song ^^<br />
Update soon :)<br />