
Sound of Your Voice.

"...Why do you appear in my dream again and again?
I now want you so much.

Jiho awoke to the sound of someone singing and playing the guitar. As he pulled back his sheets and forced himself out of bed, he wondered who could be in the dorm with him. The rest of Block B's members had gone out to shop and eat and wouldn't be back for hours, or so he thought. Jiho had been working on some new tracks all night and the lack of sleep hadn't left him in the best condition to go out. The members had suggested that he stay home and rest, to which he happily obliged.

As Jiho made his way out of his bedroom, he heard the voice sing again and immediately recognized it this time. He entered the living room to find one of s sitting comfortably on the couch with a guitar in his lap, singing along to 'Romantically'. Jiho stood in place for quite some time, admiring the singer's charming voice and skillful guitar strumming. When the song ended, he found himself clapping furiously and let out an impressed whistle. The singer looked up from the couch and let out an embarrassed laugh. "I didn't know that you were awake," he said while a small blush crept over his cheeks.

"The sound of your voice woke me up," Jiho chuckled as he made his way over to couch and took a seat beside his friend. "How come you didn't go out with the others, Yukwon?" he asked as he watched the older male carefully place his guitar back in it's case. "Well," Yukwon started as he looked down at his hands and fiddled with them. "I knew that you weren't feeling too well earlier so I figured I'd stay here and, um," he laughed a little nervously, "...take care of you." "I didn't really want to go anyways," he said quickly, trying to sound less cheesy. Jiho smiled to himself and couldn't help but blush a little. "Aww, Kwonnie," he said teasingly as he slung an arm around his friends shoulders and pulled him closer. "You didn't have to miss out on all the fun because of me." "Well, it's not really much fun if you're not there," Yukwon said, a little embarrassed at how unusually sweet he was sounding. Jiho ruffled Yukwon's hair and pulled him closer. "Stop being so greasy and let's watch t.v.," he said as he the television for the two to watch until they eventually drifted asleep, leaving a cute image for the other members when they got home.



He heard a familiar voice call his name softly and was woken from his slumber. Jiho rolled over in his bed to face the person asking for him. He could faintly see Yukwon slowly creeping into his room as he called again, "Jiho, are you awake?" "I wasn't," Jiho said while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "But the sound of your voice woke me up...again." "I'm sorry," Yukwon said as he sat at the edge of the bed. "I just couldn't sleep and no one else is awake and-" "Get in here," Jiho said as he lifted up the covers, signaling Yukwon to climb into bed with him.

Yukwon eagerly snuggled up to the younger male and wrapped an arm around his waist. Jiho turned to face Yukwon and although it was dark, he could still make out the other's features. "You know, I've always thought that your nose was really cute," Jiho said as he poked the tip of his friend's nose. "Unlike your big one," Yukwon giggled and poked his nose back. "Do you want me to kick your ?" Jiho threatened, pretending to hit him. "No!" Yukwon grabbed his hand and held it for a while, making sure Jiho wasn't actually going to hit him. Jiho took back his hand and instead put it around Yukwon's waist, pulling him closer.

"Hey, Kwonnie," Jiho began as Yukwon buried his face in the crook of his neck. "I didn't get to thank you for staying home with me earlier." He felt Yukwon smile as he said, "It's no problem, Jiho. I like hanging out with you, especially when it's just us two." "Oh, why is that?" Jiho asked curiously. "I just feel... really comfortable around you. I don't really know how to describe it." Yukwon said shyly. Jiho placed his hand under the older male's chin and brought his face up to his. "Are you...comfortable enough to do this?" he asked as he leaned in, closing the gap between their faces. 

Their lips met and molded together perfectly. Yukwon wrapped his arms around Jiho's neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Jiho's hands tangled in Yukwon's hair as the kiss became more passionate. Finally out of breath, the two pulled away. Once their breathing evened, Yukwon spoke. "Yes." "What?" Jiho asked, unsure of what he was talking about. "To answer your question, I do feel comfortable enough to kiss you." Jiho laughed and pulled Yukwon in for another sweet kiss. Yukwon snuggled into his chest as Jiho's arms s around his waist. "I can't wait to wake up to the sound of your voice again," Jiho mumbled as the two drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 1: This is really adorable~ i hope you post more zikwon in the future ^-^
thatgirlschubie #2
Chapter 1: CUTE!!!!!!!!!
WickedDoll3095 #3
Chapter 1: Asvsgshshhh!! This is so cute!!

I hope you can make another cute zikwon fic, author-nim OuO
Chapter 1: This was the cutest!!
parachutes #5
Chapter 1: So cute ;-; I loved the ending waahh
Thanks for writing zikwon. There's defintely not enough fics of this pair!