Beach -2

Our Life Story

Min-Ah's POV

I grabbed a snorkel and a pair of goggles, putting it on as I ran to Min-Young as fast as I can. And she says she's really good at swimming. Really now, best friend what have you been up to.

I swam as fast as I can towards her and immediately grabbed her and shook her body. Beside me, Taemin and Hyuk oppa were already there.

"Min-Young!" Hyuk oppa and Taemin sulked as we shook her. After a few seconds, she started to wriggle like a mad woman.

"What the heck, dude stop wriggling it's only us!" I reassured her as she quickly grapsed for air. She coughed, seawater coming out of . I raised a brow, confused.

Behind me, Teukie oppa and Siwon oppa began to check out what was happening.

"You idiots! Why did you grab me like that?!" Min-Young shouted with a frown on her face. All of us who were supposed to be her saviors, tilted our heads to the sides.

"What? But you were lying motionless in the sea! We thought you were dead!" Hyuk oppa sighed in relief as he almost dropped his snorkels.

Min-Young just shrugged and stared at us all, an emotionless look on her face. "Want to join me? It's like watching Finding Nemo live. It's so colorful down here."

"Oooh." It sparked my interest. I quickly put on my snorkels and swam below, surprised at what I saw. Colorful corals were everywhere and small schools of varieties of fish can be seen. If only I could smile so wide underwater.

Beside me, Min-Young, Teukie oppa, Siwon oppa, Hyuk oppa and Taemin began on snorkeling too. Seems like we began to float motionlessly on the water, letting the current taking us wherever. I just hope the people on shore don't mistake us as dead people like we did with Min-Young.



Kyuhyun raised a brow at all of those who were supposed to rescue Min-Young. He was ever so curious why they began floating motionlessly in the sea after finding out that Min-Young was okay.

Sungmin and Ryeowook approached him with a smile. "Whats up, Kyu?" Ryeowook asked, laughing with Sungmin.

Kyuhyun pointed at the six people in the water who were snorkeling. "What's up with them?"

Sungmin grinned, seeing the familiar smile of his sister as she stood up from the water, freestyling back to shore. Sungmin ran to her and gave her a quick hug. "Min-Ah!"

"Oppa, no hugs, I'm wet from swimming and I smell like sea water." Min-Ah said, glancing at the remaining five people in the sea. She smiled as Sungmin pouted.

"Play beach volley with us?" Ryeowook oppa asked, grinning as he threw the beach volleyball in the air but caught it after. "You can be in Sungmin hyung's team."

From the sea, the remaining five people (Leeteuk, Min-Young, Siwon, Taemin and Eunhyuk) walked back to shore and joined in the conversation. "Let us join in too!" The five of them said.

"Us too!" Key, Onew, Yesung and Donghae called out from the side as they ran to the group.

"Now, who will be the two leaders who's going to, of course, lead the two teams?" Leeteuk asked. "I should nominate myself."

"Hyung, give way to others." Eunhyuk laughed, pointing at himself with a mighty pose. "I should be the leader. Can't you see these abs of mine? This is proof that I am good in sports." He raised his shirt, showing his abs.

Min-Young and Min-Ah gave a weird look and covered their eyes. "Please, pull down that shirt."


"Should I be one?" Yesung pointed at himself as others shook their heads.

"Oh, hurry up! We're standing under the sun!" Min-Ah scratched the back of her head, twitching as she felt the hotness of her hair.

Ryeowook and Key shrugged. "Why don't we just have Min-Ah and Min-Young as the leaders?"

Everybody nodded except for the two girls. They sighed. "Rock, paper, scissors. I'll take the loosers. Min-Young can take the winners." Min-Ah sat on the sand, playing with it until they finished. After a good five minutes, the teams were divided.

Team A had Min-Ah as their leader; with the members consisting of: Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Yesung and Donghae. They called themselves: The Stupids.

As for Team B, Min-Young was in-charge with her members; consisting of: Key, Taemin, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and Onew. For this team, they called themselves: The Smarties.

As for Siwon, a lot of people were complaining that he was so tall that it reached to the point of the game becoming unfair if he joins in. So, they let him be the referee. He didn't care though. It was kind of true somehow.

"And the winners will get? What?" Key asked, ready to serve.

"Ice cream!" One of the managers shouted with a laugh. "It's my treat!"

Everybody's eyes sparkled. At the cabin, Henry, Zhou Mi, Shindong, Minho, Jonghyun and the rest of their managers were already eating ice cream. Henry and Shindong just had their second batch too. "The stock is limited, so goodluck to the winners, boo to the loosers!" Henry shouted as he stuck the spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

The tension heated up between the two teams as they went to their respective positions. Siwon took the whistle and blew it, signaling the game to start, Key serving as soon as he heard it.

Min-Ah, being the sporty girl she is, ran to the the net and spiked the ball towards the unguarded space by the opponents court, immediately scoring a point.

"Oh, Nice one!" Yesung stated, high-five-ing Min-Ah as she went back to her original position. "All for the ice cream."

Taemin rolled the ball towards Kyuhyun for him to serve. Kyuhyun grabbed it, dribbled it a few times and waited as Siwon blew the whistle again.

When the ball entered the opponents side of the court, Onew hit it back to the other side of the court, starting a rally. The rally went on for about five minutes, until Min-Ah's phone rang.

"Aw. Hang on. Henry, sub for me!" Min-Ah shouted and called over to Henry as he ran over to the court. Min-Ah went and got her phone from her bag and answered the call.

"Yeoboseyo?" Min-Ah spoke through the phone.


Min-Ah twitched at the sound of her voice, creating a distance between her phone and her ear as everybody stared at her.

"Date? You have a date?" Kyuhyun asked, sacrificing a point just to ask the question. Everybody gave her a glare except for Min-Young who already knew what it was. Min-Young's eyes widened as Min-Ah just stuck her tongue out.

MA: Who's this?

YN: Park Ya-Na, idiot!

MA: Ya-Na? Oh hey! What date? What the heck are you talking about? How's the daughter of MNet's CEO doing?

YN: You literally forgot. =.=" We're supposed to go out to play Iris Online in a random internet cafe today, remember? I'm fine. I have something to tell you!

MA: OMG, You're right O.O I remember now! I'd love to but I'm kind of out of the country right now. I promise, next week?

YN: Dude, we have quiz day and test week next week. Then the distribution of report cards on the following week. Maybe next, next, next week.

MA: -in shock- Q-quiz day? T-test day?! I haven't even started reviewing yet! Awww. Anyway, what is it that you wanted to tell me?

YN: Dad, Park Kwang-won, CEO of MNet is doing a collaboration with SMent. The two companies are collaborating for a charity concert in Daegu, South Korea in September __, XXXX. Dad gave me four VVIP tickets and I just wanted to ask if you and Min-Young are willing to come with me.

MA: VVIP? I feel so jealous but sure we'll go. How about Je-Mi?

YN: Already asked her. She said yes. We're all going!

MA: Who's going to perform?

YN: SuJu maybe... oh! And C.N Blue.

MA: C.N Blue? That band whose leader acted in Heartstrings? You know... his face is quite familiar.

YN: Yeah. And of course he's familiar! You might have seen him in T.V before!

MA: No, not that kind of familiar. The kind where you've seen him in real life before.I'm starting to think that he's my senior or something o.O

YN: Well, don't tell me you've met him personally before. I mean you haven't right?

MA: No idea. Anyhow, gotta go. Oppa is waiting for me.

Min-Ah was about to end the call when something unusual happened in the court.


"Oh my god, you murdered the ball!" Henry said in horror.

The ball exploded as Min-Young stood there, blinking. Then all of a sudden, everyone who was playing suddenly laughed out loud to the extent of them rolling on the sand.

"Well that was unexpected." said Min-Young who started to stare at her sharp nails. "I should get my nails trimmed."

YN: What was that? And what the? You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me?!

MA: The ball exploded. And no not a boyfriend! My big bro!

YN: Ohhhhh. Okay, okay. I'll see you tomorrow in school then. I mean, you are going to school right? I haven't seen you and Min-Young for four days T.T

MA: Sure. We'll go. Annyeong!

YN: Annyeong!

Min-Ah returned the phone in her bag and ran back to the court, looking at the laughing people on the floor.

"You crazy people." Min-Ah pointed out. "Now we don't have any ice cream to eat! And it's a tie!" All of them stopped laughing as their heads pointed to the cabin.

"Sorry, no more ice cream left. Shindong hyung finished all of them." Jonghyun pointed at the empty ice cream bucket in front of Shindong and finished the last bit of his cone.

Everybody stared in disbelief. Except for Henry who at least got a taste of what the ice cream tasted like. "Awwww."

Min-Young's POV

Aww, the ice cream is all gone. Good thing I hid some ice cream when they were not looking. I nudged Min-Ah and told her about the ice cream that I hid. We decided to eat it tonight so that the others won't be able to ask us to give them some since I only hid a small amount. The oppas got another ball and decided to play again, this time without a prize. I decided not to join since I might pop the ball again so I just sat under a tree and surfed the net using the laptop we got from being the emcees for SM TOWN. 

"Hey, what'cha doing?" Min-Ah asked as she sat down beside me.

"I'm searching for some funny videos to watch. What about you? Why didn't you join them?" I answered Min-Ah while typing some key words on the search box.

"They wanted to have an all-boys competition. Siwon oppa is the referee again so I have nothing to do." she said while looking at the screen. I got my earphones from my bag and gave one earpiece to Min-Ah. While we were watching, we would sometimes look at the oppas to see who was winning.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you, I have a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Min-Ah asked me after watching the video.

"Tell me the bad news first so the good news can cheer me up."

"Okay, the bad news is we have a lot of quizzes and exams waiting for us in school." I pouted when I heard the really bad news from Min-Ah. A lot of quizzes and exams means a lot of studying to do.

"The good news is Ya-na gave us VVIP tickets to the charity concert that MNet and SM will collaborate on."

"Oh well, atleast we have something to look forward to after all the studying we're going to do." I said to Min-Ah with a sigh. We continued to watch some videos until the volleyball game ended. The oppas were already tired so they decided to call it another tie. Since the oppas are just resting, Min-Ah and I decided to go parasailing.

We were up in the air, feeling the strong wind as we stared at the sea below.

"I am seriously going to start developing the fear of heights after this. My heart feels like it's going to explode from nervousness anytime soon." Min-Ah shouted beside me, stiff in her seat. She was holding the chains beside her ever so tightly.

"Dude, no kidding . We should've just jet skii'd." I said through my clenched teeth. Not only we were so scared, but the temperature gave us the chills.

"Should we go down now?"

"Yes, I want to. Now, as in now."

Just like that, we signaled the driver of the boat to stop driving so we could land safely in the water. We did and we quickly swam back to shore. I stood there, jaw dropped as Min-Ah began rolling on the sand.

"Sea shore, saranghae! Land, saranghae! Don't leave me ever again!" Min-Ah said, making a sand angel. I raised a brow and just shrugged it off. Weirdo.

Kyuhyun oppa glanced over from swimming. "What?! You're picking the land over me?!"

"Haha. Very funny, Kyuppa!" Min-Ah rolled her eyes. "When did I ever choose an in-animate object over somebody?"

"So that means you still pick me?"

"Pick you in?"


"Inny!" Taemin called out as I quickly turned around and faced him. "Banana boat is ready! Let's go with - Oh! What happened to Min-Ah?" He stared at Min-Ah with a laughing face.

"She developed the fear of heights." I answered, poking her with my feet. "Minnie, get up! Banana boat! Your favorite!"

She quickly stood up, her front body covered in sand. "Let's go~!" She cheered at the three of us ran towards the banana boat and hopped on it.

The speed boat started on driving as I quickly held on for my life. Min-Ah was behind me and Taemin was in front of me. Whenever the boat would almost flip over, we would all scream like mad people. And then it did flip over, luckily Min-Ah and I held our breaths and held on tight. SHINee though, fell first. We followed and let go when we couldn't take it anymore.

Min-Ah and I shrieked as our feets touched the sea floor. "Eeek! Slimy seaweed!"

I jumped to the nearest person I could find - Taemin - and hung on to him as he held on to me, bridal style. I blushed and looked away from his gaze. "Hang on, it's hard to walk. I'll carry you on my shoulders instead." I sat on his shoulders then as he started to walk. The water was about neck high and I stared at Min-Ah who was sitting at Onew's shoulders.

"Since we're already sitting on their shoulders, why don't we play chicken fight?" I said to Min-Ah. Onew oppa's face lit up when I said the word chicken.

"We're having chicken?!" Onew oppa suddenly shouted, feeling excited. "No oppa, we're not having chicken..." Onew oppa's face fell after I said that "we're going to play chicken fight. You know that right?" I asked Taemin and Onew oppa. They both nodded and got ready. I called Key oppa to be the referee.

"Are both teams ready?" Key oppa said, raising a whistle towards his mouth. "YES!" we shouted back. Key oppa blew the whistle and Min-Ah and I started to push each other while Taemin and Onew oppa try to balance themselves. 

The other oppas gathered when they saw us playing and started to cheer. Hyuk oppa and Min oppa glared at Taemin and Onew oppa because we were so close to them but cheered as well.

Min-Ah was about to win when Onew oppa suddenly slipped, dragging Min-Ah with him. When he fell Taemin also lost his balance because Onew oppa accidentaly hit Taemin's foot. We just laughed as the others went towards us to check if we were okay.

"If Onew oppa didn't slip, they would've won" I said while laughing. Taemin helped me up while Onew oppa helped Min-Ah.

"Since both teams slipped, I declare this a tie." Key oppa announced. We went back to the shore and dried ourselves.

"That was such a fail. Onew hyung, you should really cure your Onew condition." Minho oppa said. "Actually, the fans like Onew oppa's fails. I know because I read comments of it when I watch videos on the internet. They even make videos dedicated to his Onew condition." I said to him.

After that Minho oppa and Jong oppa invited us to swim with them which turned into a swimming competition between Min-Ah, Jong oppa and Minho oppa with me as the referee. As expected, Minho oppa won. Min-Ah was second place and Jong oppa was last.

"You got beaten by a girl!!" I said to Jong oppa while laughing. He glared at me and chased me.

"Hyuk oppa, help! I'm being chased by a dinosaur!!" I screamed as I ran towards Hyuk oppa and hid behind him. Seeing me behind Hyuk oppa, Jong oppa gave up and went back to swim.

"This is not the reality I wanted!" Jong oppa shouted as he ruffled his hair, frowning and being all grumpy while walking towards the water. I was still laughing at him when he said that. Super Junior was gathered under a tree while resting. Min-Ah went towards Min oppa and sat beside him. 

"Sungminnie and I are going to go jet skiing, do you and Min-Ah want to come with us?" Hyuk oppa asked.

"Sure!" Min-Ah and I replied. When we got to where the jet skiis were, we saw Zhoumi oppa and Ryeowook oppa already riding two. There was only four jet skiis so only two were left. We rode behind our oppas and raced on the water.

"Oppa! You missed a turn! Look out! A boulder!" I screamed at his ears as he gasped and made a quick turn. I sighed in relief. "Next time, I'll drive."

"My ears! You just made me deaf!" Hyuk oppa pointed out, giving out a chuckle. I giggled and smacked his arm playfully as he attempted to flip the jet ski over.

Min-Ah's POV

"Next is right, left, left and then right." I pointed out as Min oppa nodded with a grin on his face. "We're getting close!"

Beside us, the sun was already setting. I stared and watched it for a while as Min oppa began to drive the ski calmly.

"Ahh, beautiful." Min oppa commented, staring at the sunset.

After a few minutes, my eyes widened as I realized where we were. "Oppa, I think we just passed the resort boundaries. People are staring at us weirdly and the shore looks different."

"Oops." He laughed nervously. "Hang on." And I did, leaning my face on his back.

"Harhar. We both fail." I commented as he gave out a chuckle.

We went back to the resort then, being welcomed by the smell of barbecue. The night lights were and everybody was laughing.

"Where did you two go out on your date?" Minho teased as everybody laughed.

I rolled my eyes and pinched Min oppa's cheeks, slumping my arm over his shoulder. "None of your business. I'd go anywhere with Min oppa. But if you want to know, we passed the resort's boundaries and ended up in the waters of the resort beside this one." I teased as I stuck my tongue out at them.

"What a fail." said Kyuppa as he drank a glass of coke.

"Even if he drags you to buy wine?" Yesung oppa pointed out as I shook my head.

"On second thought, I'm kidding on the I'd go with him anywhere part. Anyhow, Yesung oppa, would the security guards even let me in?" I sighed, taking a seat beside Min-Young.

Min-Young looked at me with a smirk. "I have horror movies on hand."

That sent chills down my spine as I grabbed a barbecue and ate it. I laughed nervously, recieving stares from some of them. "What?"

"You don't like horror movies?" One of the manager oppa's asked, his brows raised.

I shrugged as they all silenced. Crickets started to show up and fireflies began on floating around us. "Oooh, pretty fireflies!"

"Don't change the subject!" They all shouted.

"No. Yes. No? Maybe? I don't know." I answered, waving my hands in front of me in a defensive manner.

Then all of a sudden, they all smirked. I gulped.

20 minutes later...

"Hurry! Turn off the lights!"

"That's my spot! Move, hyung!"

"Hand me the pillow over there."

"Scaredy cat."

"Turn off every single light in the inside and outside!"



I shivered. I was in front of the screen and they refused to let me move away from the screen and have my own pillow. Evil people. I was curled up on my knees, in between Min-Young and Henry. Behind me, Siwon oppa and Shindong oppa had their heads resting on both of my shoulders, making me unable to move. Not only was Super Junior, Shinee and the manager oppa's and noona's were here but the whole resort staff was also here, making the cabin a cinema.

The movie title flashed up on the screen: The Exorcist, it read in Korean. I shivered as if an electric shock ran through me. I grabbed on to Min-Young for my life, occasionally grabbing a handful of popcorn from Henry and chewing it like there's no tomorrow.

My teeth chattered when I heard the background music become tense. Then all of a sudden, that scary exorcist girl appeared in the screen, making me scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I ran outside, as I heard all of them scream too. But it was only me who ran outside. I ran and I ran... and ran... and ran. I stopped, panting as I glanced around me. It was pitch black and there was no moon tonight. Oh .

Min-Young's POV

I ran, following Min-Ah as we split up when I got out of the door. She ran right, while I ran left. Firgures. I always loved left.

Note to self: Never watch The Exorcist again.

I ran and ran and ran until...

"Kya~!" I screamed, falling down a huge hole, hurting myself.

"AISH!" I groaned, trying to stand up but failed when my ankle hurt so much when I tried to. Scared, I looked around me. It was pitch dark in here and it looked like a colony of crabs dug this hole. Or maybe not...

A sense of realization struck through me. It wasn't a hole dug by hundreds of tiny crabs, but the hole we dug when we were burrying Minho oppa earlier. I sat on the sand, hopeless as I made a tiny mountain and rested my head on it.

"Taeminnie~!" I whined. Then all of a sudden, like magic, I was blinded by the sudden light that passed my eyes.

Taemin was above, holding a flashlight, pointing it at me. "I told you I'd come whenever you call me."

I awed. He really did mean it. He slid down the tiny sand slope and grabbe my hand, helping me up. When he saw that I twitched in pain, he frowned and then switched to a sitting position, tapping his back as he did so. "Hurry, climb on my back."

I hesitated at first but climbed and held on to him, wrapping my legs around his waist as I blushed. "How did you find me?"

He started to walk back towards the cabin, slowly.

"I was playing my PSP outside when I saw you ran out of the cabin with Min-Ah so I grabbed my flashlight and followed you when you ran." He sighed in relief. "I thought something bad happened so I came."

"What did you think happened?" I asked with a smile, resting my head on his shoulders.

"I dunno. I was starting to think back then that you had a fight with the hyungs."

"Why would you think that?"

"All of you screamed."

"We were watching a horror movie, Tae."

He kept silent and just smiled softly.

"Anyhow, thanks. I wouldn't know what to do if you didn't came." I sighed in relief and grinned.

He gave out a chuckle. "'Course, no prob. I'm your best friend. I'm always to the rescue!"

"And I love my best friend." I said, ruffling his hair as I blushed at what I said.

"You too, Inny. You too." I was silenced at what he said. I didn't expect to get a reply from him. Though when I glanced at his face, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes though his cheeks were red.

"You okay?" I asked him as we reached the cabin.

He set me down on the couch and smiled, nodding. "You should ask yourself that."

I grinned sheepishly as I let out a chuckle. "I'm okay?"

He laughed. "Not literally, Inny."

"I think I sprained my ankle." I shrugged as he nodded and grabbed the first aid kit. He disassembled the kit and took out what he needed. An elastic bandage and an ice bag.

He wrapped the bandage around my ankle, professionally. I stared in surprise. "Now, where did you learn to do this?" I pointed at the bandage on my foot as he grabbed both of my legs and placed it on the elevated part of the couch.

"Key hyung." He answered simply. He ran to the refrigerator and put it in the ice bag from the first aid kit, quickly running to me and holding it on to my ankle as he sat by my foot.

"Now, some things to watch." He grinned and grabbed the remote control, turning on the TV, scanning the channels. It stopped in Nickelodeon as my eyes widened.

"Omo~! Spongebob is on! Awesome!" I cheered as I grinned. I faced the television when Taemin suddenly asked something unusual.

"Min-Young-ah, what do you normally do when I'm gone?" He asked as he watched and laughed as Patrick's head began to smoke from thinking too much.

"Wait for you to get back."

Min-Ah's POV

Gulping, I started to walk, hoping that no psycho exorcist girl would show up before me. I glanced around me, feeling the chills as the wind suddenly blew. I put my hands inside the pockets of my jacket. I was wearing a tank top, a blazer and jacket - triple layer.

They say when the temperature suddenly goes up, a ghost is near.

I closed my eyes, entering my fighting stance, hearing the rustling of the leaves on the bushes beside me.

When the leaves rustle, a killer is near.

I opened my eyes again, wide eyed. I started to walk backwards, no idea in which direction I was walking in. Then I stepped on someone's cold foot. My heartbeat suddenly rushed up, making me scream and punch him wherever. And all of that happened in record time.

"Ow! Stop punching, whoever you are!" Tears started to form in my eyes as I saw him. I stood there, stiff with an apologetic look on my face. I clenched my fists, annoyed.

"Yah! How come you didn't even call out to me? I was dead scared back there!" I shot at him, my heart starting to calm down from the shock.

"Min-Ah? Mianhae. I didn't even know it was you. I was playing StarCraft and then I got a sudden feeling that I lost something. When I got out of the cabin to remember what it was, all the lights were turned off. I walked and looked for a someone to complain but I ended up getting lost. And then I saw someone walking, which turned out to be you. What are you doing here anyway?" Kyuppa asked. I couldn't exactly see his face and just heard his voice.

"I got lost 'cause all the lights were turned off." I jumped and clinged on to him when I felt something crawl on my feet, a crab.

When I clinged on to him, I realized thet he was soaking wet and smelled like seawater. I raised a brow. "Why are you wet?"

"When I was looking for someone, I was walking by the waves and then I tripped on a rock and fell in the water." He answered with a nervous laugh.

"Fail." I commented with a laugh, completely forgetting about that movie.

"It's not that funny. You try tiripping."

"Already tried it."

Chuckling I removed my jacket and then my blazer, putting on my jacket again after. I handed my blazer to him. I don't know why but I could see him more clearly now. "Hurry and remove your shirt."

He jaw-dropped as I rolled my eyes. "YAH! Min-Ah! What are you doing asking me to do that? Have you gone crazy?"

"You might catch a cold soon. Your manager will kill me if he finds this out. Also your sister. Do you have any idea how over-protective your sister is? Your mother too! Oh what the heck, everybody will blame me!" I face-palmed as he panicked and quickly took off his shirt.

I laughed. "And you say I have flabs. You have a flat stomach!"

"Nice joke. Haha. Very funny. If there were fans right now, I would be telling them that you are a joke. I have packs young lady!"

"Sorry, dad." I pouted and then laughed again after.

I dried him up then, my face burning. Then, I spotted the scar on his stomach. Frowning, I shrugged the thought away. When I was done, I took my jacket off and handed it to him.

"And you?" He asked, hesitating to take the jacket.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you're more important. You know why."

"I insist. A man must act like a man, duh. Besides, you're my dongsaeng."

"No. You're a celebrity. Your fame will lessen if you catch a cold and miss your schedules."

"No. You take it, you're my best friend."

"Really?" I awed at him. He nodded at me with a grin. That's a first. I was actually touched at what he said. Nonetheless, I insisted on taking the jacket.

"Now, take it."

"No." I answered with a serious face. He sighed, giving up. "Stubborn girl."

I made no comment and watched as he wore the jacket and zipped it up. Thankfully, it was actually the jacket Hyuk oppa wore when he modeled for SPAO so it was for men. Why was I wearing men's jackets? They're comfortable. Min-Young complained to me about it but I just ignored her advice on wearing SNSD's SPAO's merchandise.

I sneezed and frowned as I sat down on the sand, hearing the waves. I rubbed my nose a bit as I breathed out. I could feel his stare at me - a stare that seemed to send telepathic messages to my brain. "I'm fine." I answered his unspoken question.

Silence erupted for a good ten minutes. He groaned, noticing the change of phase in my breaths. Quickly wriggling to get closer to me, he wrapped his arms around me as my cheeks began to redden.

My eyes felt so heavy, my body felt like it was burning and my breath was getting heavy.

"Min-Ah? Min-Ah? Yah, are you okay?!" Kyuppa checked as he touched my forehead. My eyes were getting all teary. He jerked his hand away when he felt it.

"I'm fine." I answered weakly.

"You're burning." He pointed out.

Then all of a sudden, I felt the wind caress my cheeks as I snuggled in his arms, cold.


Kyuhyun ran as he carried Min-Ah bridal style when he saw a single light . He realized that it was the light coming from the laptop's monitor and he was utterly thankful for Bieu, his teammate, keeping his chat flooded with curses as he didn't return quick enough.

When he reached his and Sungmin's cabin, he quickly layed Min-Ah on the couch, grabbing some comforters and tucking her in. "Stay here." He ordered.

Kyuhyun ran outside and knocked on the cabin where they were all watching. "YAH! Teukie Hyung! We need medicine! EMERGENCY!" He cursed, figuring out that nobody was going to open the door soon. He ran back to his cabin, grabbed at towelette and washed it with cold water. Folding it and placing it on Min-Ah's forehead. Sighing, he went to change his clothes. After changing his clothes, he sat down beside Min-Ah and rested his head on the edge of the couch.

"Saranghae yo."

 Min-Ah: *laughs*

Min-Young: Writing this chapter was so much fun!! My fave parts were the MINHYUN moments!!! *laughs*

Min-Ah: *stops laughing and stares* =.=" 3 AM(the time)! *changes topic*

Min-Young: *whispers* She's trying to change the topic 'cause she knows that I'll but that's okay. I'll just in school *evil laugh* *follows the topic* OMG!! You're right! The last time we stayed up this late was when we wrote the special chapter for Heenim.

Min-Ah: And we ended up sleeping like what? 4 AM. I HEARD THAT! *poofs out of the dialogue*

Min-Young: Well, since Min-Ah left the dialouge, I would like to thank all the readers and subscribers on Min-Ah's behalf and I would also like to thank her cousin for helping out and creating such wonderful Minhyun moments that we all enjoy. Please continue supporting our story and we would try to make this story better! (Gosh, I sound like I'm giving a speech after receiving an award) Anyways, thanks again for reading! We really appreciate your comments too! It gives us inspiration! :D

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From "Older Brother?! Little Sister?!" to "Our Life Style" :3


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BlacKpopfan107 #1
Chapter 50: Please updated soon. I just find this fic a couple of days ago and I'm completely in love with it. Sungmin oppa is my number one bias.
Chapter 50: Omj I thought there was goin to be mor but apparently not. Update soon!
awwwwwwwwwwwwnnn <3 Gosh I swear i wouldve killed Mei OTL OTL. XD

OMG ITS BEEN SO LOOONNNGG!! >.< Missed you guys so much!! ;OO <3 Im happy you updated, I was starting to miss your fic xP Heheh Well im still and always be here to encourage you hehe :P As for myself, jeez its been so long since i last updated my fic... Running out of ideas T__T huhuh OTL Anyways welcoma back and i cant wait for the chapters to come~~ :DD
-paperhearts- #5
YAY~! you updated!! I love this story ^.~
Mei was greaking worse than Rina!
@baboiefrelin: Yes I did~ xD
did you changed the title?
Awwwww! Hate that Mei. Glad you updated!! ^^
Oh please update soon! Love this story!! Reread everything in 7 hours! XD Cant wait ^^