I Miss You


Chanyeol walked slowly, staring at the damp concrete that was in the proccess of drying up from the rain. For the past few months, he started to regret everything that he did to Baekhyun.

He wished he hadn't gone out for so long.

He wished he hadn't gone to the bar.

And he wished he hadn't met Kai.

He bit his bottom lip as he made his way to the cafe. He doesn't know why he would go back to the spot where he was caught cheating on Baekhyun. It just brought back bad memories and occasionally tears. He sat down just wishing he could go back in time and change everything. 

Chanyeol unlocked his phone and stared at the lock screen.

It was him and Baekhyun on graduation day, together, fingers intertwined, smiling. It pained Chanyeol's heart that he was no longer happy and that he hurt Baekhyun, probably making Baekhyun himself unhappy. He looked out the window and realized it started to rain and left the cafe with the hood of his thin, blue sweater on.

Ever since he started to regret leaving Baekhyun, he wore the sweater that Baekhyun gave him as a thank you gift.


Baekhyun blew out the candles to the cake and smiled. He couldn't be happier to spend his birthday with Chanyeol.

"What's my birthday present?" Baekhyun asked while playfully poking Chanyeol in the stomach.

"If you stop poking me, I'll tell you~" Chanyeol said, gripping Baekhyun's wrist so he can stop. Baekhyun nodded cutely and watched as Chanyeol go into their bedroom and back with a golden ribbon tied around his neck.

"Me!" Chanyeol threw his arms around Baekhyun and hugged him tightly. Baekhyun laughed because Chanyeol was too cute.

"Do you like it?" Chanyeol asked with a wide grin across his face.

"Nope. I love it. It's the best birthday present I've ever received. I love you Chanyeol~" Baekhyun said before pressing his lips against Chanyeol's lovingly.

"I love you too, Baekkie. Happy birthday..


Chanyeol felt his eyes water as he walked into a random book store. He felt his chest tighten as he replayed Baekhyun's last words to him several months ago.

I'm not worth a single .....I feel like one too....

He goes over to the section that says "Most Recommended" and looks through the books stacked one on top of the other. He needs something that should take his mind off of Baekhyun.

Fault In Our Stars

Thirteen Reasons Why


Lunar Chronicle Series

Why We Broke Up

None of the books seemed to catch Chanyeol's eye. He looked around and looked at the "New Best Seller" section that was completely covered with the same book. His eyes widened when he took a closer look at the cover. He recognized the face even though the eyes were covered with a red stripe.

It was Baekhyun on the cover.

He quickly went over to the cashier and bought the book. 

"You know you're the thirty fourth person to buy this book  for the past three hours today? I read it for myself to see what was so good about it and now I know. I can't believe it's a true story and the characters are real people! This kid is pretty strong to get over that breakup so fast." the cashier said with a smile, pointing at Baekhyun on the cover. He tilted her head and examined Chanyeol's features for a moment.

"Huh...You seem to resemble the kid's ex boyfriend...Maybe I'm just seeing things. Enjoy the book hon~" She said, handing Chanyeol the book. He felt a pain his chest when she said break up. He quickly went home and the first thing he did was read the book. It stung when Chanyeol read the first few lines.

"True story of Byun Baekhyun's love life."

He smiled weakly at the first few chapters about the first day he met Baekhyun, when he started to hang out with him, and when he lived a happy life dating him. He wants to go back to those days. The last time he was happy. The last time he didn't regret anything.

Chanyeol flipped through the pages and reached the part where Baekhyun explained how much pain he felt because of Chanyeol not coming home.


That was the only thing Chanyeol felt and it got worse page by page. He didn't even realize he shed tears as he finished the last chapter and when into the author's note.


"Baekhyun: To Chanyeol, if you're reading this, I just wanted to say that I hope you realize that you hurt me. A lot. It's really frustrating not knowing where you are or what you're doing right now. I'm not doing this to make you feel bad or to make you sound like a bad person to others. I just want you to know your mistakes. I hope you live on to have a nice life Channie."


Chanyeol felt more tears fall at his old nickname. He closed the book and buried his face in his hands and started to sob quietly. He never asked for this to happen, yet he was the cause of his own pain. He leaned back into the couch and stared at the ceiling with his tears blurring his vision. 

"I miss you so much Baekhyun...I'm sorry.." Chanyeol said to himself, wanting Baekhyun to come back.

He wiped his wet cheek and took out an empty box and started to fill it with things that  related to Baekhyun and their relationship.

The blue sweater, a photo album, framed pictures, the gold ribbon, paper airplanes Baekhyun wrote messages in, cards, and the book. He dug through his drawers and closet to look for more things to put in the box. He stopped when he found his half of their couple necklaces.


"Channie! I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes!" Baekhyun said excitedly. Chanyeol obeyed and closed his eyes. He shivered when he felt something around his neck.

"Open your eyes!" Chanyeol opened them and looked down to see a necklace with a key. He looked at Baekhyun and took notice that he had a necklace with a lock.

"What are these? Couple necklaces?" Baekhyun nodded and gestured him to come closer. Chanyeol stepped forward, unaware of what Baekhyun  was thinking.

"You have the key. You need a lock to a treasure chest, right?" Chanyeol nodded, still confused.

"I'm the lock to the treasure, and you're the key to opening it."   

"What's the treasure?"

"My heart. You have the key to my heart. You are the key." Baekhyun grabbed the key and put it through the lock.

"And we're the perfect fit." Baekhyun smiled and s his arms around Chanyeol's waist and gave him a warm hug. Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun's chessiness and kissed him at the top of his head, hugging him back.


Chanyeol ran his thumb over the key.

"If only I still had the treasure..." Chanyeol bit his bottom lip and placed the necklace in the box. He sealed the box and took out a black marker. 

"I...Miss...Him.." Chanyeol said as he wrote on the box. He closed the marker and took the box and went outside. He went over to his old apartment, where Baekhyun still lives, and placed it outside of Baekhyun's door. He didn't expect anything, so he put it down and left without a word.

Nothing said.

Just a few tears trailing down his cheek.



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Beau1996 1396 streak #1
Chapter 5: So I don't really like this ending ...
IsaMili #2
Chapter 5: Wait what happened to Kai? Did he really love Soo or no?
Chapter 4: Awwww sad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ please [email protected] chapter
natsoraa #4
Chapter 3: I hope Baekhyun see the box ><
exosupershine #5
Chapter 1: You should make a a second part on chanyeol reaction on the book and make hip miss baekie