2 ...... + 1

Me and My Brothers ( ADD MY BESTFRIENDS TOO ! )

" Jonghyun-ah~ it's me. " says Jihwan. " Oh, Dad. What is it ? " asks Jonghyun. " You already know that I'm going to get marry again right ? " asks him. " Yeah, when is the wedding day ? I'll come. " says Jonghyun. " Yeah, we don't know yet. Jonghyun ah ... " says him. " Yes ? " says Jonghyun. " One brother and one sister. " says him. " That's fine, and .... name and age ? " aska Jonghyun casually. " Kim Minkyung, 14 years old. Kim Minseok, 15 years old. " answers him. " Nice names. Send me their photos, please. " says Jonghyun. " I'll send it to you later. " says him.


" Mom .... Did you heard us ? " asks Minseok. " Sorry guys, I need to tell you one more thing. an yes, I heard everything. " says her. : What is it Mom ? " asks Minseok. " you see two of them, right ? " asks her. " Who ? Jongin and Jongdae ? " asks Minkyung. " ans what do you mean by ' two of them ' ? " asks Minseok. " You see, it's Kim Jongdae, Kim Jongin .... and kim Jonghyun " says her. " What ?! There's one more ?! " asks Minkyung. " Yeah, Kim Jonghyun, 19 years old. He's in college not at America. " says her. " Mom ! Three brothers ?! Are you kidding me ?! " asks Minkyung. " Sorry Minkyung. " says her, feeling bad. " Why don't you tell us all this time ?! " says Minseok. half angry. " Sorry. I'm sorry guys. " says her. " well, it's already passed. We must accept it anyway. " says Minseok. " Me too. I can't do anything anymore. Whatver you do Mom, it's for your happiness. " says Minkyung. " thank you guys, thank you very much. " says her, hugging both of them.


" Spill it out minkyungie. " says Joonmyeon. " Why didn't you take us with you ? I'm so curious right now. " says Sehun. " Guys, guys. Calm down, please. " says Minkyung. " So, spill it out. " says Joonmyeon and Sehun at the same time. " Well, he seems kind. but three brothers ... it's hard you know. " says Minkyung. " What the ... three ?! " says Joonmyeon. " Wait a minute, it's Minseok hyung and three new brothers. Then, you have 4 brothers now. and you're the only girl. " says Sehun. " I know, being the only girl it's really hard. " says Minkyung.

" What about the wedding date ? " asks Joonmyeon. " Dunno. They said that it will be after Minseok oppa and the other one of them graduate from Junior high. " says Minkyung. " The names ? " asks Sehun. " Kim Jongdae, 14 years old. Kim jongin, 15 years  old. And, Kim Jonghyun, 19 years old. " says Minkyung. " Kim Jongdae, the same with us. Kim Jongin, oh, so he's the one. And, Kim Jonghyun, I guess he's in college now. " says Sehun. " you're right Sehunnie " says Minkyung. " Ya, let's go home. " says Joonmyeon.


They walk to the front door. But something unexpected is waiting for Minkyung there. " Minkyung-ah~! " shouts a familiar boy from the front door. " Ya, who is that ? " asks Joonmyeon. " It's a boy. " says Sehun. " Oh gosh. What is he doing here ? " says Minkyung. " Who is that ? " asks joonmyeon. " the first hell, Kim Jongdae. " syas Minkyung. " Seriously ?! " shouts Joonmyeon. " yeah. " says Minkyung. They stopped for a little while. " Minkyung ssi " shouts Jongdae again. " Jongdae ssi ! " shouts Minkyung back. Then she rush to him. " Your mom is calling us to your house for dinner. " says Jongdae. " So that's why. Well, you two, want to come too ? " asks Minkyung. " Great! I'm hungry anyway. " says Joonmyeon. " Umm ... Minkyung ssi ... this is.. " says Jongdae, whispering to Minkyung. " Oh, right. I almost forgot. this is Oh Sehun and this is Kim Joon .. no.. I mean Suho. " says Minkyung. " Oh okay then. " says Jongdae.

" Umm .. we're going home , walking, right ? " asks Minkyung. " Well, my driver is there, with my car actually. " says Jongdae. " No, no. I prefer walking. It's not that far from here. " says Minkyung. " Oh okay then. Please wait a minute. " says Jondae, then calling someone. " Hello. Mr. Ji, you can drive home. I'll e going with minkyung to there. " says Jongdae on the phone. " Well well, Minkyungie. " says Joonmyeon. " What ? " asks Minkyung, confuse. " Richie rich, huh ? " says Sehun, smirking.


" We're home~! " shouts Minkyung. " Hello, Jongdae ! Oh ! Se-good and Suho is here too ! I'm so happy ! " says Eunhwa. " Mom, how about Minseok oppa ? " asks Minkyung. " He's here already. He went home with Jongin. btw, Jongdae, your Dad will come here in a minute. " says Eunhwa. " Mom, is it okay if we are here ? Is it bugging you ? " asks Sehun. Jongdae heard the word ' Mom ' and confused. " It's okay, in fact, I'm happy, because there's so many boys. " says her again. " Oh, you two are here too. " says Minseok, just appear. " Hello, Minsoek hyung. " says Sehun. " Hi, hyung ! " says Joonmyeon. " You guys are here, and .. who is these boys ? Are they your friends, Minkyung ? " asks Jongin. " No, they are my bestfriends actually. This is Sehun and this is Suho. " says Minkyung. " Nice to meet you, hyung. " says Joonmyeon. " Nice to meet you, I guess you're Jongin hyung, am I right ? " asks Sehun. " Well well, you're right. " says Jongin.

" Umm ... e ... eomoni, do you need help for the fodd ? " asks Jongdae, awkward. " The food is already served. and please Jongdae, you can calll me Mom. " says her. " I'm sorry. " mumbles Jongdae. " Oh yeah, Minkyung, you can start calling him Dad from now on, you too, Minseok. " says her. " Okay, the dinner haven't start yet right ? We're going up to my room, okay ? " says minkyung. " really ... you guys, video games ? Again ? " asks Minseok. " you sure know a lot about us, Hyung. " says Joonmeyon. " Hyung, you can play with us too, I'll beat you. " says Sehun. " Ya, kiddo, is that a challenge ? " asks Minseok. " well, i guess so. " says Sehun, then runs to Minkyung's room with Minseok. " See Mom ? " says Minkyung, looking at her oppa's and her friend's attitude. " What ? " asks her. " Minseok oppa is actually childish. " says Minkyung. " Ya, I'll tell you something. That it's not childish, it's man's naturality. " says Joonmyeon. " Yeah, whatever you say. " says Minkyung.


" Mom .. is that usual for them ? " asks Jongin, speechless. " What do you mean, Jongin ah ? " asks her, confuse. " i mean, they're just Minkyung's friend, right ? But, they are allow to go into Minkyung's room ? " says Jongin. " it's usual or us. It happens since kindergarten till now. " says her. " Oh, so thats why. " says Jongin. " It's nothing but, you must understand this. " says her. " Haha, no. I can understand this. It's nothing. " says Jongin


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VanillaLaLa #1
8') hAHA. This is beautiful. pls do go on. <3
KazzieT #2
Chapter 9: lol Jongin is trying to bribe his new sister...
KazzieT #3
Chapter 6: I'm sorry for not commenting sooner! i really like this story!! So...please update author-nim!! ^-^