City Fair Time

A Different Kind Of Love




Nobodys' POV



They both locked their lips and shared a romantic long kiss.



One week later arriving at the City Fun Fair.


Sooyoung, Jessica, Tiffany and Yuri all arrived at the Fair in Tiffany's car.


All the girls were so excited to be going to the Fair. They walked over to the entrance to meet their other friends. Sooyoung and Jessica holding hands as they walked. They saw Hyoyeon, Yoona and Seohyun waiting for them. The girls were now just waiting for Taeyeon and Sunny.


They were all busy chatting to each other when Taeyeon and Sunny arrived. Sooyoung let go of Jessica's hand and outstrecthed her arms to her best friend for a hug. The best friends hadn't seen each other all week as Sooyoung had been spending any spare time she had with her girlfriend Jessica.


Once they all walked inside the Fair entrance they all decided to sit down and have some dinner. All of them sat at a big table with chairs when they bought what they wanted to eat for dinner.


"I can't wait until the fireworks." said Taeyeon.


"But I hate the fireworks." said Sunny.


"You'll just have to cover your ears and close your eyes." said Yuri.


"We have to go see all the animals too." said Sunny in excitement.


"I don't like seeing the animals they smell so bad." said Jessica.


"I totally agree with Jessica. They stink so, so bad. I don't know why you guys are so happy to see them each year." said Yoona.


"Because they're soooooo cute." said Sooyoung.


"Weally, Weally cute." said Sunny in a cute voice.


They all laughed at Sunny.


"Well I want to have a go on the Bumper cars and this time you can't all chicken out on me." said Hyoyeon.


"We all chicken out on you because you drive like a crazy woman and run into us all the time." Yuri smiled.


"Well that's what you're suppose to do. It's not my fault if your not a good enough driver to dodge out of my way." Hyoyeon smiled.


All the girls were eating their food while chatting excitedly about what they were all going to do at the Fair. Jessica was seated on Sooyoung's left while Tiffany was on her right. 


"Hey you, why so quiet tonight. You hardly said anything on the drive here either. Is everything okay?" Sooyoung asked Tiffany.


"I'm alright Soo." said Tiffany.


"Well you look really sad to me and we're at the Fair. You're not allowed to be sad at the fair Tiff." Sooyoung smiled at her.


Tiffany shot a small smile back at her.


"See that's better. I love it when you smile." said Sooyoung.


If only you were still with me Sooyoung I'm sure I would smile all the time thought Tiffany. As much as she had tried to put Sooyoung out of her mind she struggled daily to do so. After all she was seeing so much of her still because of Jessica. Although she would never try to take her best friends girlfriend away from her. She still had incredibly strong feelings for Sooyoung.


Because Jessica was one to get jealous easily she made sure she held Sooyoung's hand tighter while she was talking to Tiffany. Sooyoung continued talking with Tiffany so Jessica began to her girlfriends leg. This got Soo's attention instantly.


"So Cutey, do you really not go to see the animals here?" asked Sooyoung.


"No they smell disgusting." said Jessica.


"But I always go see the animals. You don't even want to go with your girlfriend to see the cute little animals." smiled Sooyoung.


"Nope." Jessica smiled.


"We could hold hands together while we romantically stroll from one baby animal to the next cute baby animal." smiled Sooyoung.


"That's not a romantic stroll when the animals smell so awful." said Jessica.


"Okay well I'll just get someone else to hold my hand while I look at all the baby animals." Sooyoung said cheekily.


"I'm not going to see the animals and you're not going to get someone else to hold your hand while you look at them either." said Jessica.


Sooyoung knows that Jessica gets jealous really easily so she was trying to use it to her advantage but she wasn't having much luck this time.


"Fine don't come with me then. You can hang with Yoona if you want while we're with the animals cause she doesn't like them either." said Sooyoung.


"I really honestly can't stand the smell so don't be grumpy with me for not going with you." said Jessica.


"I'm not grumpy I just like stirring you up." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica punched her girlfriend in the arm.


"Ouch! what was that for?" asked Sooyoung.


"You enjoy stirring me up, well I enjoy punching you in the arm for stirring me up." smiled Jessica.


"At least I don't have to worry about anyone puching me while I go see the animals." smiled Sooyoung.


"Whatever, I know you'll miss me while you're with the animals." said Jessica.


"Oh I see, so you think I'm going to miss you while I'm with all those adorably cute baby animals?" said Sooyoung.


"Yep you will, cause there not as cute as me." Jessica grinned.


"They might not be as cute as you but at least they won't punch me." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica then whispered in Sooyoung's ear.


"Kiss me."


Sooyoung lifted up Jessica's right hand which was not sore anymore from punching Nicole and kissed it. 


Jessica just glared back at her.


"What you don't think that was even a little bit funny?" asked Sooyoung.


Jessica turned away from her.


"So guys let's go see the animals now!." Sunny said excitedly.


All of them began to stand up and put their rubbish in the bin.


Sooyoung grabbed Jessica's hand and spun her around so that they were facing each other. She planted a sweet, soft kiss on Jessica's lips.


"Is that better?" asked Sooyoung.


Jessica just turned back around and didn't answer her.


"Come on Soo, catch up it's animal time." yelled Sunny.


"I'm coming." she said.


She grabbed Jessica one more time. This time kissing her girlfriend longer than the last time. She than stared at her girlfriend to see what her reaction would be.


Jessica smiled brightly back at her.


"See you're going to miss me while your with the animals now cause you'll be thinking about that kiss." Jessica smiled.


Sooyoung smiled at her.


"I really have to catch up to the others Cutey. Bye." said Sooyoung.


"Okay but if you smell disgusting after playing with the animals you'll have to stay away from me." said Jessica.


"You're so mean." Sooyoung smiled and gave Jess one more quick kiss then ran to catch up to the others.


"Hey Yoong, would you mind waiting with Jess while we all go in? Because she doesn't like the animals either." asked Sooyoung.


"Yeah sure, no worries." said Yoona.


"Thanks." smiled Sooyoung.


Yoona then walked back towards Jessica. They decided they would go look around a bit while waiting for the others cause Yoona told Jessica that the others would be in with the animals for ages.


The other girls all entered the animal pavillion. Sooyoung ran straight up to the baby pigs. Taeyeon followed her and wrapped her arms around her best friend from behind.


"Look how cute they are Shorty." she smiled.


Tiffany walked up next to them.


"Here I'll take a photo of the two of you with the cute pig." smiled Tiffany.


"Okay, thanks Tiff." said Sooyoung.


Sooyoung and Taeyeon then posed for the photo with the baby pig and Tiffany took their photo.


"Here Tiff, come hold the piggy, I'll take a photo of you." said Sooyoung.


All the girls picked up lots of the baby farm animals and took heaps of photos with them and each other. Taeyeon and Tiffany hanging off Sooyoung most of the time. Taeyeon had missed her best friend so much this past week. She didn't get to see her once although she did talk to her a couple of times on the phone. They walked with their arms around each other all the times they weren't picking up animals. Taeyeon was so happy to be with her Giant again.


Tiffany was watching them closely. She wished she was the one in Sooyoung's arms. She also couldn't help but think how jealous her best friend Jessica would be right now if she saw Sooyoung and Taeyeon together like this.


The girls were picking up all the possible baby animals they could. Sunny wishing she could take them all home with her.


After about 40 minutes. All the girls began to exit the animal pavillion. Jessica and Yoona were sitting on a bench seat talking to each other when the girls came out.


Jessica was shocked to see Sooyoung and Taeyeon walk out with their arms around one another. 


Sooyoung noticed the look on Jessica's face when she walked out. She knew that face well, it was Jessica's jealous face. She immediately took her arm away from her best friend.


"Sorry we took so long. But the animals were all so, so, so cute. We could of stayed in there all night." said Yuri.


Sooyoung approached Jessica and reached out to grab her hand. But Jessica moved her hand away as Sooyoung tried to hold it.


"I washed my hands and sprayed some more perfume on before I came out. I don't really smell do I?" asked Sooyoung.


Jessica just ignored her.


"So I guess we should all split up into smaller groups now and we can all do what we want." said Yuri.


"No wait! before we all split up we're all going to have a go on the Bumper cars together." smiled Hyoyeon.


"Argh! No cause you'll run into us all the time." said Yoona.


"Again that's what you're suppose to do." said Hyoyeon.


"But you're so scary when you drive the Bumper car." said Seohyun.


"Okay come on, let's just get it over and done with so that Hyo doesn't bug us all night." smiled Sunny.


They all began to walk towards the Bumper cars.


"Hey what did I do? Why are you ignoring me?" Sooyoung asked Jessica.


"I told you not to hold anyone else's hand when you went to see the amimals but you did, didn't you?"


"I promise I didn't hold anyone else's hand Jess."


"But you walked out with your arms around Taeyeon." said Jess angrily.


"Jess please, she's my best friend. Am I not allowed to have my arm around her?" asked Sooyoung.


"You already have a girlfriend Sooyoung. You don't see me with my arm around Tiffany do you?" Jessica said bluntly.


"If you did have your arm around Tiffany it wouldn't bother me at all because I know she's your best friend."


"You two look like you're a couple. You don't look like you're just best friends." said Jessica.


"I can't believe you Jess. You really are jealous of Taeyeon. My best friend I've known since I was a kid. You're being ridiculous. But hey because I want to be such a good girlfriend I won't touch my best friend okay and while I'm at it why don't I just never ever talk to her again either. Would that keep you happy." Sooyoung stormed off to join the others lined up at the Bumper cars.


Sooyoung felt a tear escape her eye.


Tiffany had been watching Jessica and Sooyoung from the ticket line. She knew her best friend well so she was certain that Jessica was upset with Sooyoung because she had her arm around Taeyeon earlier.


"Hey, don't worry Soo. I'm guessing Jess was jealous of you with Taeyeon." asked Tiffany.


Sooyoung didn't say a word she just nodded her head.


"She gets really jealous but she'll get over it. I must admit though the relationship you share with Taeyeon is very intimidating." said Tiffany.


"Why, what do you mean?" asked Sooyoung.


"Soo the two of you are so close. Like closer than any best friends I've ever seen and well Jessica is the jealous type anyway, let alone her thinking she needs to compete with the closeness you two share. And to be honest at times the two of you do look like a couple. So I can kind of understand why Jess might be feeling insecure." said Tiffany.


"Really we look like a couple?" asked Sooyoung.


"Well yes, sometimes you do. I guess to other people that don't know that you're just best friends. You guys are very affectionate towards each other and I guess if other people were watching, you couldn't blame them for thinking you two were a couple." said Tiffany.


"So Tiff, if you were my girlfriend right now and you saw me walk out with my arm around Taeyeon. Would you feel jealous?" asked Sooyoung.


"Honestly yes, I would." said Tiffany.


Sooyoung had never thought about it like that before. We do touch each other a lot but I didn't know people would think we were a couple though she thought to herself. She then turned around to look at Jessica who was shedding some tears over on the bench seat.


"Hey Tiff, could you please buy two tickets for me please. I'm just going to see Jess." said Sooyoung as she handed some money to Tiffany to pay for the tickets.


She walked over to her girlfriend who had tears streaming down her face and sat in close next to her. She then put her right arm around her.


"I'm sorry for snapping at you Cutey. I can see how me having my arm around Shorty might have made you feel uncomfortable. I'm really sorry Jess." said Sooyoung.


Jessica rested her head on Sooyoung's shoulder and wrapped her arms around her girlfriends stomach.


"I'm so sorry I made you cry. Would you please come in the Bumper car with me? Please Jess." asked Sooyoung.


Jessica looked at Sooyoung.


Sooyoung began to wipe away Jessica's tears.


"I really want to go in the Bumper car with you but I think I'll be too scared." said Jessica.


"You don't have to be scared. You'll be sitting next to me. Come on, it'll be fun. We can try and crash into Hyo." Sooyoung smiled.


"Okay only if you give me a kiss. And it's got to be on my lips just in case you were thinking of trying to be funny and kiss me somewhere else." Jess smiled.


"You're no fun." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica smiled back then Sooyoung moved in closer for a loving, long kiss.


They both happily walked hand in hand over to Tiffany to grab their tickets and then joined the line with their friends.


All of the girls had an extremely fun and scary time on the Bumper cars. Jessica let out a few high pitch screams whenever anyone ran into their car. She let Sooyoung drive while she wrapped her arms around Sooyoung's arm.


"I'm not doing that again with you tonight Hyo. You're crazy when you get into one of those cars." Yuri said while laughing.


"You guys are hopeless drivers and Seo do you call what you were doing driving. You were stuck in the corner most of the time." Hyoyeon smiled.


All the girls laughed.


"Well everytime I tried to get out of the corner one of you would ram into me again." Seohyun smiled.


Sooyoung and Jessica were holding onto each others hands tightly. Neither of them wanting to let go of each other after their disagreement before.


"Okay well I guess we should all split up into smaller groups now." said Yuri.


Taeyeon started to walk over towards Sooyoung when Tiffany gently grabbed her.


"I think we should let Jess and Soo have a bit of time to themselves." said Tiffany. "We can catch up with them later for the entertainment show and fireworks in the arena."


"Oh okay, sure." Taeyeon said. She then headed over towards Sunny.


"So guys let's all meet up at 8.30 for the show and fireworks in the arena." Taeyeon said to all the girls.


They all set off in their groups. Taeyeon asked Tiffany if she would like to explore the Fair with Sunny and her. While Yuri, Hyoyeon, Yoona and Seohyun took off in another direction. Leaving Sooyoung and Jessica on their own.


As soon as the others walked away Sooyoung gave Jessica a sweet kiss.


"What do you want to do next? It's your choice Cutey, since I've already seen the baby animals." Sooyoung smiled.


"Hmmm would you like to go on the Ferris Wheel with me?" asked Jessica.


"Scary plus romantic, okay let's do it." Sooyoung smiled.


They walked off hand in hand towards the Ferris Wheel. As they walked around the corner into the next aisle of amusement rides Jessica got a huge shock. She saw her sister Krystal and her friend sitting on a bench seat talking.


Jessica instantly let go of Sooyoung's hand and she froze on the spot. 


"What's wrong was there a bug on your hand?" asked Sooyoung.


"Um No, it's my s......" before Jessica finished her sentence.


"Jess! Jess!"  her sister Krystal ran over to her.


"Oh my god Jess, I didn't know you were coming tonight." smiled Krystal.


Krystal gave her sister a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.


"Well I didn't know you were coming tonight either." said Jess.


"We only kind of decided this afternoon that we would come to the Fair." said Krystal.


"Hi Amber." Jessica said to her sister's friend.


"Hey Jess." she smiled.


Jessica turned to Sooyoung.


"Soo this is my sister Krystal and her friend Amber." smiled Jessica.


"Hi Krystal and Amber, I'm Jessica's gi.... I'm Jessica's friend Sooyoung. Nice to meet you both." smiled Sooyoung. 


Oops I nearly introduced myself as Jess's girlfriend. She would of killed me thought Sooyoung.


"Oh my god Jess, you never told me you were friends with Choi Sooyoung. Really nice to meet you too." smiled Krystal.


"Hey there." Amber smiled at Sooyoung.


"I really wanted to go to your winter collection launch the other week but I had to work. I read about it in the paper the next day. It looked like an awesome show." said Krystal.


"Pity you couldn't make it. Yeah it was a great night." Sooyoung smiled.


"Jess didn't even tell me that Tiffany was the official photographer for the event. I had to find out through the newspaper that my sister's best friend was the photographer for the most popular fashion label right now." she pretended to evil stare at Jessica.


"I'm sorry I didn't know you were interested in fashion launches." said Jessica.


"That's because you're too busy with your boyfriend's or trying to find a new boyfriend to know what's going on in your little sister's life at the moment." said Krystal.


"Now, now you two. You're not allowed to have a fight at the Fair." Amber said.


"It's okay Amber. You're right Sis, I havn't kept in contact with you much lately. I'm sorry." said Jessica.


"Wow, you apologized. I think Mum's right about you." said Krystal.


"What are you talking about?" asked Jessica.


"Well Mum's been saying that over the last 2 weeks when she talks to you on the phone. She says you're much happier. So much happier that she thinks you've met someone new and fallen in love." said Krystal.


Sooyoung had an instant grin on her face. Knowing that she was the new someone in Jessica's life that according to her Mum, was making her happier and she had fallen in love with.


"Oh really? Mum really said that?" asked Jessica.


"Yep. So who is this new love in your life?" asked Krystal.


Jessica hesitated. "Um I can't tell you all my secrets." Jessica smiled.


"Uh huh! So you do have a new love. What's his name?" asked Krystal.


Sooyoung now felt bad. She really just wanted to say. Hey it's me, I'm the new love in your sisters life but of course she couldn't.


"None of your business. You'll find out who it is eventually." said Jessica.


"Well can you at least tell me if I know him?" asked Krystal.


"Nope." Jess smiled.


"Sooyoung have you met him? Is he nice?" asked Krystal.


"Um I have met the new love in her life and well that person is really, really, really nice." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica nudged Sooyoung with her elbow and then grinned.


"So what were you guys about to do next." asked Amber.


"The Ferris Wheel." smiled Jessica.


"Oh yeah! Can we come on it with you too. Please!" asked Krystal.


Jessica looked at Sooyoung.


"Yes of course you can." Sooyoung smiled.


The four of them then headed to the Ferris Wheel. Jessica whispered into Sooyoung's ear on the way.


"Why did you let them come with us. How can I hold your hand or kiss you now?" 


Sooyoung whispered back into Jessica's ear.


"You're not going to hold my hand or kiss me now that you know your sister's at the Fair. You'd be to worried about getting caught out with me. So you may as well hang out with your sister seeing as you obviously havn't seen her much lately." 


Jessica looked at Sooyoung and nodded because she knew Sooyoung was right. She wouldn't want to be caught kissing or holding hands with Sooyoung in front of her sister and friend.


They bought their tickets and lined up for the ride. Chatting away with each other while waiting. Jessica was happy to see Sooyoung get on so well with her sister and her friend.


Once they hopped on the Ferris Wheel, Jessica and Sooyoung sat on one side with Krystal and Amber on the other side.


Sooyoung and Jessica sat close squeezed up together. Even though Jessica couldn't hold Sooyoung's hand or hug and kiss her in front of Krystal, she still wanted to feel her touch.


"Hey you know when we stop at the top you have to kiss each other." said Krystal.


Jessica looked in shock at her.


"That's the rule right, you have to kiss whoever you're sitting next to when it stops at the very top." Krystal said.


"So you're going to kiss Amber?" asked Jessica.


"Yep, it's the rule. You have to do it." Krystal smiled.


"Well me and my other friends have that rule too." said Sooyoung.


"Really? So you've kissed all your friends at the top of the Ferris wheel?" asked Jessica.


"Yes I have. On the cheek of course." Sooyoung smiled.


"This is so cool. The view is awesome." said Amber.


They all looked out at the view.


"Okay we're nearly at the top. Get ready." said Krystal.


The Ferris Wheel came to a stop at the very top.


"Okay kissing time." Krystal smiled.


Jessica and Sooyoung faced each other and their lips met for a soft, short kiss.


Krystal and Amber were watching Jessica and Sooyoung's kiss.


Krystal and Amber turned instantly to look at each other when they saw that the kiss Jessica and Sooyoung shared was on the lips and not on the cheek..................





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Chapter 61: Heart heart <3 <3 SOOSICA
Chapter 61: Damm it girl!!! You made me cry hard mote than laugh...but i still love this story...
Chapter 12: share more please
Chapter 61: OMG!! It ended already.
And the ending is sooooo good. Especially the rain part. ^_^
Awww I'm going to miss all the characters here. And I'm going to miss squealing everytime y gets so much cheezy on Cutie hehe. Thank you for this wonderful story author. I'll definitely support your new fic.
Chapter 61: it's ended already.. soosica is just too sweet and romantic.. glad that taeyeon already have a girlfriend. so happy for all of them. such a wonderful story.. thank you :)
Chapter 61: SooSica 'till the end ..yAy.!
i love the ending it's cute and romantic :)
thank you for this wonderful story author-shi :)
Chapter 61: Its end already. Thank you for writing this beautiful story.
Shorty got herself a girlfriend.
Soosica couple getting married what a happy ending
Chapter 61: Amazing story~ xD