Chapter 2


Sunggyu had to laugh at Myungsoo's rapid changes of facial expressions. He had told the boy how their parents had informed him of his past, what he had done, accomplished, and such. Myungsoo got embarrassed easily when the topic of him visiting the hospital was brought up and avoided eye contact with Sunggyu.

Sungyeol couldn't grasp the situation and kept questioning Sunggyu, "You were asleep for the past 18 years? How are you not some gross old man!?"

Eventually Myungsoo sent him home, not without formally introducing the two as he wanted to earlier. The rest of the evening was spent with the family catching up. Myungsoo told him how he was doing in school, with friends, and his future plans. Their parents decided to call it a night and leave the two alone in the living room when 10 o'clock rolled by. Once they heard the door shut, Sunggyu felt the atmosphere change.

"Sunggyu hyung," Myungsoo began, eyes trained on the table, "What was it like?"

He sighed, "Do you want the truth?" Myungsoo nodded silently, "You'll probably hate me for this, but it felt like no time passed at all. I honestly didn't change much physically, so I kind of doubted whether I was really asleep for 18 years or not."

He just stared at him afterwards. Sunggyu felt a little uncomfortable and didn't know how to interpret his brother's blank expression. It actually unnerved him, so he stood up and started to walk into the kitchen. Myungsoo frowned and turned to watch him, "Where are you going?"

"I need to take my medicine," he replied nonchalantly, "My chest kind of hurts."

"Your chest..."

"Yeah. They had to open me up and remove some stuff harming my body before they could start treatment."

"What did you have?"

Sunggyu didn't answer immediately, opting to take his pills so it could work faster before he looked at him, "A gene mutation. It's very rare because most infants who have it die at birth. Mine remained dormant until the end of my second year in college.  You don't have it though, so don't worry."

"I'm not..." Myungsoo stood, "Can it come back?"

"I certainly hope not."

"You don't know?"

Sunggyu shrugged, "No one has really survived long enough to figure it out. As of right now though I am completely healthy."

Myungsoo looked frustrated with the answer, but nodded anyways and rested his chin against the back of the couch, "So... has there been much change since your time period?"

He snorted, "My 'time period'? I'm not some 40's gentlemen, nothing really has changed except for the clothing styles and..." his eyes fell to the phone on the counter, "That fruit phone."

"Iphone," he corrected with a cat like grin. Sunggyu liked it on him and hoped he'd smile more often, "You really are a grandpa. Even our grandparents know that it's an Iphone."

"Give me a break, I just came to 2018 like two weeks ago."

"I guess I'll have to teach you about our technologic advances. Starting with touch screens."

"What the devil is a touch screen?" Myungsoo laughed and shook his head. Sunggyu glared and set his cup down before returning to the couch. He shoved the boy away and the TV, "Go away. I just discovered that Men in Black came out with two sequels and I'll be damned if I don't watch it."

"Did you get that from the box?"

"What box?"

Myungsoo's eyes widened, "I forgot. Woohyun took the box with him. Well when he comes back, ask him about the box."

"Why? What is 'the box'?"

"Woohyun started making you a box in middle school. Most of it is letters and photos of what he's done while you were gone. Then he started throwing in other things, like continuations to your favorite movies, the next book of whatever series you were reading, albums from your favorite artists or artists that he think you'd like, stuff like that."

Sunggyu gaped at him, "Really? All for me?"

Myungsoo shrugged, "I did the same for a while, but then Sungyeol set it on fire. Something about experimenting the different properties of cardboard. I didn't talk to him for a week and I never remade the box. Sorry."

Sunggyu laughed and ruffled his hair, "That's alright. You can make it up to me by watching the movie."

He groaned, "I've seen it like a thousand times with Woohyun hyung in the theaters. I've got all of K's lines memorized."

"Okay, then get some sleep. I don't want any spoilers," he huffed and played the movie. The opening credits rolled by and Myungsoo still hadn't left. The elder turned to him with a questioning look when he reached for a blanket and threw it over the both of them.

"I think I'll stay for a little bit," he muttered, and Sunggyu gave him a victorious smirk.

By the time the third movie played, it was 2 in the morning and Myungsoo was out cold with his head resting on Sunggyu's lap. When their parent's came down 6 hours later, they found them in the same position with Sunggyu 's hand threading through Myungsoo's hair.

Mrs. Kim got a picture before Mr. Kim drew on their faces.




It took Sunggyu a lot of time and patience to find Dongwoo's address, especially since it had been 12 years since his college roommate graduated. All his old information was pretty much gone, except he managed to get a hold of one of the alumni from his old class. Jinki, thankfully, kept in touch with a lot of people, which was how Sunggyu found himself in a cab headed to Seoul. The man actually fulfilled his dream of being a choreographer and was a part of several music entertainment's payroll, producing many routines for some of the most popular artists of that year. 

However, Dongwoo had gone through a rough patch after graduating but Jinki refused to go into detail. 'It's better if he told you himself,' he had said, which made Sunggyu's concern for his friend grow. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though, because the cab pulled up to the address he was given and he and Myungsoo were forced to leave.

"This it?" The younger boy asked, eyeing the apartment complex in awe, "Damn, guess that's what he gets for creating something as awesome as the Scorpion dance."

Sunggyu laughed and tugged on his backpack strap, "You know he has been working on that move since freshman year? He was supposed to analyze the anatomy of a black scorpion, a heterometrus longimanus if I remember correctly. He was terrified at first, but came out with this huge grin and squealing on and on about how inspired he was and what not."


"Yes, I've come to learn most of his creations come from things he fears," Sunggyu squinted at the floor and room number he wrote messily on a piece of paper before entering the building and the elevator, "8th floor, room 173."

Myungsoo laughed, "Ironic."

"What is?"

"His apartment number is the same as yours back in the hospital," Myungsoo trailed off, "... Hyung, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What, meeting him?"

"Without telling him in advance," the elevator arrived and the two stepped out into the hallway. Myungsoo lagged behind as he continued to explain his concern, "I wasn't really prepared for you, you know. I was flustered, anxious, happy, terrified, all while going through a scare that you might be dead."

"But I wasn't, and you were surprised, weren't you?" Sunggyu smiled mischievously, "If I know Dongwo like I know Woohyun, then I know how he'll react."

"And how will he?"

Sunggyu smirked and pulled out a small packet of tissues from his jacket pocket. The two were at the apartment door and the elder didn't hesitate when knocking. He was excited, nervous, but looking forward to meeting his old time friend. Sure he was also excited with Myungsoo, but he was scared as well. 

Myungsoo wasn't even born when he was in college, he didn't know the kid but boy did he know Dongwoo. When the door opened, he was met with a confused set of wide eyes and wild blonde hair. 
Sunggyu's smile grew wider as he took in his disheveled appearance and big parted lips. He waited for the realization to sink in and when it did, he was tackled back into the hallway with the man clutching his shirt and sobbing like a child.

"Hey Woo," he laughed, "Been a while, huh?" The only sort of reply he got was muffled garbles. He sent Myungsoo a quick smirk before pulling the man off him and wiping his eyes with the tissues. Dongwoo continued to cry though, squeezing Sunggyu's arm as he tried to grasp what he was seeing, "Deep breaths Dongwoo. Deep breaths."

"Hyung!" Dongwoo yelled, "You can't just d-do this to me!"

"That's what I said," Myungsoo muttered, still shocked to see a well respected man of the Korean music industry reduced to tears at the sight of his older brother.

"I-I c-could have done something l-like, I don't know, food!? Hyung I f-feel so bad now!" The thought just made Dongwoo cry harder and Sunggyu had to him into his home so he wouldn't make a scene.

Myungsoo was kind enough to close the door after they entered while Sunggyu sat down on the couch with his dongsaeng. Dongwoo hadn't changed physically that much. He was still short, had a little more muscle, and an unshaven baby face. His lack of obvious aging made Sunggyu relax significantly.

"Hyung, are you dead?" Dongwoo questioned, "D-did I go back in time? Is this a dream? W-what's going on?"

"You're exaggerating. They made a cure for my condition so now I'm up and running."

Dongwoo's eyes were still red, but he had calmed down enough to stop his tears. He sat there sniffing for a few minutes before he questioned the older male once more, "So... are you fine now?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't," Sunggyu regretted phrasing his answer that way, because it set off a whole new set of water works that he had tried so hard to stop.

Myungsoo looked a little bored of the situation and opted to texting while they talked. Sunggyu didn't really care though, all of his attention was on his friend, "Dongwoo-ah. Relax."

"O-Okay, okay," he sniffed once more, "I-I think I'm good..."

"Are you sure?"


"Hyung," Myungsoo spoke up, "I have a friend in the neighborhood so I'm gonna go visit him while you two have your bonding time."

Dongwoo looked at him confused while Sunggyu nodded and waved him away, "I'll call you when I'm ready to leave."

"'Kay. Nice to meet you Dongwoo-ssi. I'm a big fan of your work," with a 90 degree bow, Myungsoo swiftly his heel and exited the house.

The blonde male stared at the door for a couple of seconds, still curious, while Sunggyu wiped the tears off his face, "That's my brother Myungsoo. My mom was still carrying him when I was in college, so I never told you about him."

"Ah, yeah I know. That must be nice. I mean I have two noona's but I wish I had a brother to admire me," Dongwoo laughed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Sunggyu scoffed and leaned back against the couch, "I wish that were the case. The brat doesn't look up to me. If anything he takes great pleasure in teasing his hyung."

"We all do, don't we? You, me and the gang."

"How is everyone by the way? To be honest you're the first friend I've gotten in contact with."

"I feel so special!" Dongwoo smiled. That was one thing about the boy that Sunggyu liked, he was always so genuine with his words and his emotions were displayed sincerely on his face; kind of like an open book, "Daeryong and Soryong went back to China after their third year, but now they run a pretty successful chain of restaurants. I'll have to take you by sometime, we get discounts! Imagine hyung, all the bao we can eat..."

Sunggyu laughed at the distant look on his friend's face and urged him to continue, "I'm glad they're doing well. How about Yonghwa? Where'd he end up?"

"Music Industry. His band debuted under the name CNBlue. He's actually pretty successful."

Wah, Good for him. And Eunji?"

"Eunji..." His expression softened to a dismal state. Sunggyu felt something was wrong and was hesitant to push for an answer, "She's a long story."

"Did something happen?"

"Eunji and I... I was having a hard time after you left, you know? My best friend was stuck in some comatose state for god knows how long and I just felt hopeless. But she was always there to comfort me and one thing lead to another and..." he coughed, "We... kinda got hitched..."


"It was maybe three weeks after you left? We got drunk, we started talking... kissing... and then two weeks later she came to me saying she was pregnant."

"You knocked her up!?" Sunggyu gaped, eyes wide, the widest Dongwoo had ever seen them.

"It was an accident! We were college kids, we were reckless and... Let me just tell you I took full responsibility for my actions and ended up marrying her, even though we were still in school."

"Y-You guys are married?!"

Dongwoo gave him a sad smile, "We were for about a few years. Because she had to drop out of college to take care of herself, I ended up picking up more jobs and asking my family for financial help. It was hard going to school, going to work, and then going home only to leave three hours later and repeat the routine. Eventually she couldn't take it though, and after my son was born she just left..."

Sunggyu saw his shoulder drop and his smile falter. He shifted closer to his friend and wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer so he could lean on him, "I'm sorry Woo."

"It's alright," he sighed, his hand clutching the bottom of his shirt, "I couldn't really take care of him on my own though, not without her. So my sister's offered to help. He lives with my eldest now and visits me when he can."

"Doesn't that... complicate things?"

"It did at first. He was upset with me when he was old enough to understand that there was something different about our family... That he didn't live with his dad and that his mom was gone. But then a few years ago I got a letter from Eunji," he stood up and walked to the kitchen, "Wow, I'm a terrible host! I forgot to offer you refreshments and-"

"What did the letter say?" Sunggyu cut him off, watching as the man continued into the other room and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. He waited patiently as the dancer filled it with water and stared at his reflection.

With a sigh, Dongwoo took a drink and set it down with a soft 'clink', "She said she met someone. She wanted to start over with him, but she was still tied down to me. She sent me divorce papers, saying she wasn't after my money or full custody of Sungjong. She actually didn't want anything to do with him... can you believe that?"

"She said that?" Sunggyu was shocked. Eunji was a sweet girl, last he remembered. He could believe the marriage and the fact that she ran away because she was the type of person to be scared easily by responsibility, but for her to just appear out of the blue and be frank like that with Dongwoo... especially if they have a kid...

"I didn't believe it either. We eventually met in person and discussed it. I took Sungjong with me as well, I don't know what I was thinking to be honest. I thought maybe if I showed her how well he was doing, maybe knock some sense into her, she'd come back to us. As soon as she saw him though, she freaked out. She yelled at me, at him and I..."

Dongwoo's eyes were red again, but he resisted the urge to let his tears fall. Sunggyu suddenly felt bad for showing up, all his friend had done was cry since their meeting. Dongwoo was, in most cases, a cry baby, but it still hurt to see his friend shed tears, "Dongwoo, you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."

"No hyung," he smiled, returning to his position on the couch, "This... helps. When she yelled at him, I snapped. I told her to leave, that I'd sign the damn papers but that she had no right to talk to Sungjong like that. You know what surprised me? We grew closer after the incident. He actually treats me like the greatest dad in the world now."

"I'm glad to hear that," Sunggyu smiled, "Where is he anyway? I'd like to meet him."

"I'd like him to meet his Godfather too, but he's still living with my noona. I want him to finish high school there so that he doesn't have to try and make new friends in the city. He's an outgoing boy though, I don't think he'd have a problem otherwise."

"That's good- wait... Godfather?"

"It's unofficial, since I need your consent, but yeah... I want you to be my son's godfather," Dongwoo gave him a earnest smile that made Sunggyu's eyes water. The caramel haired boy grinned and pulled Dongwoo into a tight hug, laughing along with the dancer's own contagious laughter.

"Dongwoo-yah. I would be honored to be your son's Godfather," he sighed as the two rested comfortably against each other, "I missed you."

"Me too Hyung. You have no idea. Other than that rough patch though, I've been doing pretty well with dancing. You should come by my studio and watch me teach."

"Yeah, maybe I'll take Myungsoo with me. He seems to admire you."

Dongwoo beamed at him, "Cool. You know at first I didn't believe it was Myungsoo. It's been years since I last saw him, he's aged well."

"You've met him before?"

"Of course! He's one of Sungjong's friends. When I use to visit him at my noona's house, Myungsoo would occasionally be there. He was only 5 though the last time I saw him."

"I didn't know this!"

"Well I didn't know he was your brother until now," he snickered, "Small world, eh?"

"I guess..."

"So how have you been dealing with the future~" he made wild hand gestures, earning a soft punch from the elder male.

"Don't be a fool Woo. The future... This isn't exactly what I had envisioned for 2018."


"Yeah. I was expecting flying cars and robots that did everything for you."

"We're working on that," Dongwoo joked, "You know how Samsung is. I bet they'll develop the tech for that in no time."

"That's what we thought in the past, and look where we are!" Sunggyu snorted, "Just a slightly upgraded 2000."

Dongwoo nodded in agreement. Sunggyu hoped that that would be a good enough answer, but Dongwoo had the uncanny ability to read him as well as he could read the latter, "But how are you holding up?"

"Fine, just fine."

"Hyung," he began, gaze hard and all sort of lightheartedness replaced with concern, "How are you really doing?"

Sunggyu shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He hated how the younger looked at him, it was almost like he was burning away the delusion Sunggyu had convinced himself he was living in, "You want the truth Woo?"


"I'm scared," he sighed, leaning forward and rubbing his eyes, "I thought things would be totally different, like chrome cities, colonies on the moon and what not. But when I woke up... nothing really was. At least that's what I thought, but when I saw my mom...

"She's gotten weaker. I can see it both physically and emotionally. My little brother that wasn't even alive in 2000 is all ready to go off to college. The kid that I watched is close to actually graduating and starting a life on his own!

"And you!" he turned sharply, startling Dongwoo, "You were married, you are divorced, and you have a child! That's just... Last time I saw you, we were two kids sneaking drinks into our dorms and pranking the guys that lived in the room across from us! Dongwoo, everything is different and I don't know how to cope with that..."

Sunggyu didn't realize he was crying until he felt the dancer wipe his tears off his cheeks, "Sunggyu... Hyung I know it's scary, but you'll get use to things! It's really not that hard."

"I've fallen behind Woo," Sunggyu sniffed, "I'm trying to catch up, but everything moving too fast. , I'm a 38 year old man with a 20 year old mentality. Look at what you've accomplished these past 18 years! And what have I done!? Nothing! I've slept!"

"That was out of your control hyung," Dongwoo stated firmly, not liking where this was going, "I know what you're thinking, and I want you to stop that-"

"I shouldn't have waited," The words left before Sunggyu could process it. He knew what he was going to say next, but for some reason he couldn't keep it in, "I should have just let my life play out, I should have-"

"You should have died?!" Dongwoo yelled, standing from the couch and glaring down at him. Sunggyu stared up with wide eyes, seemingly speechless as the latter continued, "What's wrong with you hyung?! The man I know would never think selfishly like this! Things are different, the world changes every day! We just have to adapt. So what if you're a few feet behind the other racers?! You've got plenty of time to catch up! If you just keep trying, you'll be running with us so please... "

Dongwoo fell to his knees in front of the elder. His hand clasped together on Sunggyu's lap as he stared teary eyed at him, "Please don't think you should have died hyung. Please..."

The realization made Sunggyu's body shake with more sobs. He saw how foolish he was being, how his parents, his friends, his brother would be like if he wasn't there. Dongwoo's words held a harsh truth that he had a hard time accepting, and Sunggyu hunched forward while Dongwoo hugged him tightly, "I-I'm such a fool Woo. I don't know what I should be thinking anymore. I'm just s-so scared and-"

"I understand Gyu. Everything it a bit unfamiliar, but you'll catch up soon. Don't worry."

"I-I'm sorry Dongwoo."

"It's okay hyung, it's okay."




Sunggyu really hated technology.

His parents bought him a I-phone, which he finally understood to be a cell phone, and god did he despise it with a passion. Whenever he tried texting, his fingers would hit other buttons until the sentence ended up lookijng somethig lik thsi.

Needless to say it angered him and he only used the phone for games and calling; he refused to text. After his conversation with Dongwoo, he realized that it had already been several  hours since his arrival, and that their parents were still expecting them home by dinner. They wouldn't make it in time unless they left right now, but his brother wasn't picking up.

With a heartfelt goodbye and promises to visit again, Sunggyu stepped out of Dongwoo's apartment complex and onto the blustering streets of Seoul. The sun was setting and the buildings casted a cold shadow over the streets.

Sunggyu shivered and gripped his jacket with trembling hands as he tried to call Myungsoo. The brat's voice mail was the only response he was receiving and it ticked him off to no end, What the hell is he doing with his friend?

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the frantic calling of his name and turned around. The streets were getting a bit crowded so whoever was calling him wasn't in sight, but was getting closer. It kind of sounded like Myungsoo, and Sunggyu concluded it was him because he didn't come here with anyone else.

"Myungsoo-yah! Where are you!?” He yelled, disregarding the looks he was getting from pedestrians.

He heard his name again, coming from behind him though. Sunggyu had just barely turned around before he found himself trapped in a tight, desperate hug. One of the perpetrator's arms  was wrapped tightly around his waist with his other hand buried in the older boy's caramel colored locks. There was literally no space between them, and the force of it took Sunggyu's breath away.

He was being watched by different groups of people, and was about to yell at Myungsoo to get off of him until he peered over person's shoulder and saw his brother staring mischievously at them. If Myungsoo was standing there... then who the hell was hugging him?

Then he felt the body tremble, and a soft whimper of 'hyung' confirmed his suspicions.


Gently, he slid his arms around the shaking boy's shoulders and smiled as he nuzzled his chin into the crook of his neck, "Woohyun-ah. You're supposed to wait until finals are over."

"Myungsoo told me you guys were in Seoul, how could I not find you?" the voice that replied was a much clearer version of the one he heard over the phone, and sounded pleasantly young. Just listening to him was enough for Sunggyu to conclude that this was no longer the snotty brat he took care of in the past summers, "It's really you hyung. I-I..."

Sunggyu felt his grip tighten almost painfully and let out a short breath, "Hyun, you're kind of hurting me."

"You've hurt me for the past eighteen years," he laughed, loosening slightly, "Bear with me here."


"I know, I know," The man finally pulled back, and what Sunggyu saw blew him away.

Woohyun had prominent, handsome features that could rival his little brothers; sharp jaw line, smooth clear skin, and a smile that shaped his face into a heart. His eyes didn't change though, they still gleamed when he was happy. When Woohyun looked at him, Sunggyu knew that all his attention was on him, much like how it had been in the past.

"Whoa, are you even Woohyun?" he gaped, threading his fingers through the boy's dark brown hair.

Woohyun laughed and caught his hand, squeezing it tightly as he spoke with enthusiasm, "I told you I changed! Didn't I become much more handsome?"

Sunggyu forced his lips to frown, "I liked you better as a cute little boy."


"Maybe the doctors have a machine that reverses age. I mean they were able to keep me looking 20."

"Yet you act like a grandpa," Myungsoo snorted and pushed past them. Sunggyu was going to comment on his rude behavior, but Woohyun pulled him into another hug. It was gentler this time and Sunggyu could feel his breath on his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"I'm glad you're back hyung."

"Glad to be back."

"I missed you so much."

"I know Hyun."

"Don't ever leave. Ever."

"I won't. I'm healthy as you, I don't think there'll be a need to play dead anymore."

Woohyun chuckled, "I see you more as a sleeping beauty."

"I'll see you under my foot if you make a comment like that again," Sunggyu shoved him playfully and scanned his body. He was lean, still a bit shorter than him, dressed rather well for a boy who couldn't even match his shirt and shorts before.

"Can't get enough of me?" Woohyun raised a brow and stretched his arms out, "It's okay. I don't blame you."

"I still can't believe it," Sunggyu replied, ignoring his comment, "You've changed so much."

"W-well yeah... You didn't think I was going to stay 3 feet tall for the rest of my life, did you?"

He shook his head and met the boy's gaze. The two just stood there, smiling at each other for what seemed like a few minutes until Myungsoo coughed, eyeing the two strangely, "Guys? Are you really just gonna stand there or...?"

"Right," Sunggyu snapped out of his trance,  grabbing Myungsoo's arm to pull him closer, "You and I have to leave. Mom expects us home soon."

"Don't worry about that," Woohyun replied, pulling Sunggyu's hand off of Myungsoo's and holding it in his own, "Myung already texted your mom. You guys will be staying at my apartment."

"What? No we shouldn't," Sunggyu huffed, looking at their hands.

Woohyun's melodic laughter followed and Sunggyu felt his stomach churn, "You have no right to deny me old man. You owe me."

"For what?"

"For leaving. You're back, and I plan to take full advantage of that."

Sunggyu scoffed, raising a brow, "And how will you 'take advantage' of that?"

"You really want to know hyung?"

"Ew. Guys. No," Myungsoo gagged, "Please don't flirt in front of me. Sungyeol and I don't do that to you so-"


"Yes you do!" Woohyun cut Sunggyu off, letting the elder go so he could trap Myungsoo in a headlock, "You rascal! You two always make out whenever I invite you over for a movie."

"Not the hair!" he squealed, struggling to release himself. Sunggyu smirked and leaned against the wall to watch them. Then he realized they were still in public, still making a scene and decided to break it up.

He walked forward and grabbed Woohyun's arm, successfully pulling him off his brother, "Hey, it's getting late. We should probably head back."

Woohyun glanced down at his hand and smirked, "Can't keep your hands off me?"

"Shut up Hyun. Take us home."

"Right this way, my lovely Gyu~"




"Has he always been this greasy?" Sunggyu asked quietly as they entered the apartment. Myungsoo nodded, knowing how his hyung was feeling after their 30 minute car ride. Woohyun had done nothing but shamelessly flirt with Sunggyu (although the elder would argue it was teasing, Myungsoo knew better).  That was just Woohyun's personality though. He was always greasy, ever since high school. However, Sunggyu was not.

Woohyun tossed his keys on the front table and called out to his roommate, a Busan boy named Howon.  When there was no reply, Woohyun disappeared into another room, leaving Myungsoo and Sunggyu by the front door.

"So... this is his place?" Sunggyu mumbled under his breath, looking around the living room. It was cozy, a little messy, but standard for a couple of college boys.

"Yup. I like it here," Myungsoo smiled as he walked to the couch and threw himself on it. he let out a low groan as his muscles relaxed and Sunggyu rolled his eyes. Woohyun returned minutes later, carrying three mugs of tea precariously.

"Whoa, let me help-"

"I got it, I got it," He laughed as he backed away from Sunggyu, nearly spilling one of the glasses. The elder rolled his eyes and waited for him to put them down. Woohyun merely tapped Myungsoo with his foot and waited for him to roll over and take his before offering one to Sunggyu.

"What kind?" Sunggyu asked, taking a hesitant sip. It was slightly bitter, but pleasing to his taste buds.

"Normal green tea. I figured coffee would be a bad idea since it's pretty late," He smiled, "Hoya left for note saying he was going to be home this weekend."

"Dibs on his bed!" Myungsoo yelled before Sunggyu could get a word out.

"Yah! That's not even your bed!"

"But Hoya likes me, so it's okay."

"Tch, brat."

Myungsoo stuck his tongue out, "You're just angry cause you have to sleep on the couch."

"Nonsense!" Woohyun gasped dramatically, "He can sleep in my bed."

Sunggyu looked surprised, "So you'll take the couch?"

"Hell no. That's uncomfortable."

"... Then where?"

"I'll be sleeping in my bed too," Woohyun smirked, "You're sleeping with me hyung."

Sunggyu stared at him blankly, "... Myungsoo, get off the couch. That's my bed now."

"Gyu!" the greasy boy whined cutely, though it made the two boys cringe, "We use to share a bed before! What's the big deal!?"

"For one, you were a kid that had nightmares. How could I say no to your crying face?"

"Because it was cute?"

"Because it was ugly," Sunggyu's eyes curled up at his glare, "Second, we are both grown men. We do not share beds with other people."

"If you're worried I'll kick you out, then you have nothing to fear," he announced proudly, "I barely move when I sleep. You're going about this like a child hyung, just accept it."

Sunggyu scoffed and turned away, "When did he become such a brat?"

"You're just jealous because I'm the more mature person here," he could feel the smugness emanating off the boy.

Without much thought, he said the first thing that came to mind, "Still taller than you."

It was a childish response and Sunggyu continued to drink his tea, hoping no one had heard him. That is, until he heard footsteps behind him and came face to face with Woohyun when he turned around. The boy stared blankly at him for a couple of seconds, eyes calculating and flickering with an emotion Sunggyu couldn't read. He found it a bit off putting and grew nervous when Woohyun didn't make any motion to move away, "You're kind of close Woohyun-ah."

"I know. I'm measuring up to you," he smiled, "You're barely taller than me hyung. A few centimeters at most."

"A few?"

"Yeah... What are you, 178 cm?"

"How do you know that?"

"Medical charts are very informative," Woohyun grinned and pat his cheek, "I'm 176, you're not that tall."

Sunggyu shoved him away, "Go bug Myungsoo or something."

"Nope, I'm tired," Myungsoo rolled off the couch and dragged himself down the hallway, "Woohyun has too much energy! he ran me dry today, so I'm gonna hit the sack."

"I don't think that's how it goes..."

"My point exactly, I can't even think straight," Myungsoo shot them one last mischievous look before wishing them a goodnight.

"Did he really just ditch us?" Sunggyu asked, looking at Woohyun surprised. The boy shrugged and slouched down on the couch, patting the space next to him.

"Myung didn't tell me you were in the city when I met up with him. We did a lot of stuff, went to the gym, arcade, and when it got late he decided to drop the bomb on me," he chuckled, "He told me an address and I high tailed it there like fast and furious. But then we drove past it so I just ditched my car and ran."

"Dramatic much?"

"What can I say? I tend to get excited easily."

"That could be taken in two different ways."

Woohyun sent him a playful smirk, "And which way did you take it, hyung?"

"You pig."

"You started it!"

Sunggyu laughed and rested his head on Woohyun's shoulder. The younger male maneuvered his arm so it rested comfortably on Sunggyu's hip. The position was familiar and had Sunggyu reminiscing before Woohyun could even turn the TV on, "Remember when you were the one that fell asleep on me?"

"You were just so comfy hyung," Woohyun squeezed his side slightly, "You still are. Though you're a bit skinnier ."

"Why are you so comfortable with me?" Sunggyu wondered aloud, not really expecting an answer from the boy. It was bugging him though, Woohyun was so young when they hung out before, and all they ever did was kids stuff. Now he was a grown man, but it felt like the connection they  had before never went away. Was reconnecting supposed to be this easy? Why wasn't it more awkward.

"We've always fit well together hyung," he replied, staring distractedly at whatever show was playing. Sunggyu turned his head slightly to get a better look at him, waiting for him to continue, "Sure we're older now, but not much has changed. I mean, I guess now you can make jokes and I'll actually understand it."

"I never made any... oh... OH! Oh my god!" he started laughing, "You remember that?!"

"'Little Hyun' doesn't appreciate your teasing," he replied dryly, though the glint in his eyes assured Sunggyu he wasn't serious.

"Ha! You were just a kid! It was cute when you asked me about-"

"But you didn't have to make up a story! Do you know how scarred I was?"

"I can't believe I almost forgot. I told my dad what I said to you and he said I was a cruel genius."

"Telling a child that their wiener is going to shrink if they kept touching it is not genius hyung. I wouldn't let my mom bathe me for weeks because I thought it would go away," he mumbled under his breath. Sunggyu just continued to laugh, his head falling from the boy's shoulders and landing on his lap.

Woohyun pretended to be irritated and started attacking his sides, making him scream for a whole new reason. Eventually the tickling turned into wrestling and the two were rolling on the ground. Myungsoo eventually heard the ruckus and came out to glare at them. The sight of Woohyun straddling his hyung was not what he expected to see, and as the two older boy's caught their breath he took the opportunity to take a few pictures.

"That's real suggestive, hyung," he snickered as he sent the photo's to Sungyeol. Sunggyu finally noticed his presence and stared at him horrified.

"Yah! Kim Myungsoo! You did not just take a picture!"

"Oh I didn't take a picture, I took several."

"Really? Send 'em to me," Woohyun smiled as he adjusted himself on top of Sunggyu. The elder gaped at him and tried to wiggle himself free, but the soccer player successfully pinned his arms and legs down.

"Woohyun, you punk-"

"Wah, hyung! We look so cute!" he laughed when Myungsoo held his phone out to take a look, "We're smiling! Gyu these are good pictures."

"I will punch you Nam."

"Come at me Kim."

The two had a hard stare down until Woohyun couldn't hold the seriousness anymore and laughed. Sunggyu cracked a smile and waited for Woohyun to get off him, accepting the hand he offered when he got to his feet.

"You guys do realize it's like 12 though, right?" Myungsoo yawned.

"Shouldn't you be use to staying up this late?" Sunggyu questioned, knowing his brother had a habit of coming home late whenever he's out with Sungyeol.

"Yeah, but I'm also in bed at this time," he shrugged, retreating back into his room, "Don't even think about stealing my phone either. Its password protected."

"Please, it's probably something like 'L', isn't it?" Sunggyu replied nonchalantly. When Myungsoo didn't reply and merely stayed frozen in the doorway, the caramel haired boy and Woohyun shared an amused look, "You can't be serious."

"Good night hyung," the two started laughing again as Myungsoo slammed the door.

"Wow, I can't believe that kid is lazy enough to use a one letter pass code."

"Sounds like someone I know," Woohyun smirked and walked to the room opposite of Myungsoo's. Sunggyu sent him a glare as he followed behind him. He figured this new area was Woohyun's room, seeing how he had different posters of athletes and bands on the wall. There was king sized bed pushed in the corner and a desk adjacent of it.

On it was scattered papers, essays and such, and stacks of textbooks. Sunggyu continued to explore his other shelves while Woohyun fished out some extra clothes for him. He was about to call out to Sunggyu until he saw the elder looking at a picture frame hanging on the wall.

Sunggyu was surprised to see a photo of himself with Woohyun and his mother on display. He remembered that day clearly; Woohyun had a new bike, but didn't know how to ride it. Sunggyu offered to go to the park with Mrs. Nam to help teach Woohyun and the boy ended up falling multiple times. At the end of the day though, right when he was about to give up,  he managed to make it all the way to the other side of the park on his own and cheered wildly at his accomplishment.

They commemorated it with a photo. Sunggyu had offered to take it but Mrs. Nam insisted he was in the picture. They ended up getting a random stranger to take it for them. Woohyun had thrown himself in-between his mother and Sunggyu, wrapping his arms around their shoulders and smiling childishly. It was a cute photo of him, regardless if he was sporting many cuts and bruises at the time.

"That's still my favorite photo of us," Woohyun commented, startling Sunggyu.

"I didn't mean to stare," he apologized, embarrassed to have been caught.

"It's alright. Most my friends stare at that when they come over to. A majority of them thought you were my older brother."

"I might as well have been, right?"

Woohyun didn't respond immediately. Instead, he set the clothes down on the desk beside Sunggyu, "Go ahead and get changed. I have something to show you before we go to bed."

Sunggyu frowned, Did I say something wrong? Shaking his head, he quickly stripped down and slid himself into the sweats and T-shirt. He was surprised to have fit in them, but figured it was because he was still fairly skinny from the effects of cold sleep.

"Is this a Nell shirt?" he asked in awe, turning to Woohyun. His face flushed though when he realized the younger male was shirtless, in the middle of slipping on a wife beater. Woohyun paused to examine Sunggyu; eyes trailing over his body before giving him a smile.

"You look cute in my clothes hyung," he laughed, finally putting on the tank top, "Yeah, I got into them in middle school. My friends call me dumb though because they're an old band, but I like them."

"Have I told you they are my favorite band?"

"Only every time I snuck into your room," Woohyun scoffed, "You never let me forget."


"Go sit on the bed Gyu, I need to grab something."

Sunggyu did as he was told and sat on the edge of the mattress, watching as Woohyun dug around the closet. He smirked when he noticed his but sticking out and threw a pillow at it, "Nice ."

"You like?" Woohyun purposely wiggled it a little, making Sunggyu laugh and fall back on the bed.

He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, feeling his body relax as Woohyun's silent curses and fumbling filled the otherwise quiet room. Sunggyu started  to fall asleep until he felt the mattress dip and cracked an eye open. Woohyun sat beside him with a rather large cardboard box in his hand. He stared down at Sunggyu expressionless, as if he was deep in thought.

Sunggyu smirked and made grabby motions to request some help up. Woohyun cracked a smile and happily obliged, pretending to shove the older male off the bed.

"That's the box Myungsoo was telling me about, isn't it?" he asked after he regained his balance.

Woohyun gaped at him, "He spoiled the surprise? Damn it, that little -"

"Ah ah ah," he wagged his finger, "He's not a little . He's a huge turd."

"Still annoying."


"Well then, I might as well explain what this is," Woohyun folded the lid up and revealed the contents. There were stacks of envelopes in one corner, photos in another, and then piles of movies, albums, some small toys and newspaper clippings. Sunggyu's eyes widened at the amount of stuff inside and looked at Woohyun, "Th-the letters are something you need to read on your own, but everything else you can look at now."

"This is all for me?" he asked, reaching in and picking up an album. It was by Nell and looked fairly recent, "'Newton's Apple'?"

"It's their latest album. I have their other ones in here as well," he began, shuffling through the box, "Slip Away, Healing Process, Walk Through Me... My favorite here though is Separation Anxiety."

"You got them all for me?"

"Among other things," he reached in and picked up CD by a different band, "Epik High. They're not really your type of music but the lyrics are impressive so I thought you'd appreciate them. Oh! And there were a couple of good movies that came out while you were gone, s-so I got them on DVD. 71: Into the Fire, Silence, that one is really sad though. I want to be there when you watch it so I can see you cry."


Woohyun grinned, but Sunggyu could see the small shade of red tinting his cheeks. Woohyun also refused to make eye contact with him, which was something Sunggyu thought was endearing. While the boy continued to explain what else was inside, Sunggyu reached for a letter, one that was dated 2004, and read it.


Gyu hyung! You won't believe what happened! Mom  and Seukjin took me to a professional soccer game! It was the coolest thing ever, I got to see the action for myself and something hilarious happened! One of the players kicked the ball too hard and it tore a hole through the goal. The goal, hyung! School starts in a few weeks, and I really want to try out for the team. Mom say's I'll make it in for sure, but I don't know...

Seukjin said he would help me practice, but I don't know if I should. He's kind of weird, but Mom likes him so should I? I don't know Hyung, I wish you could help me out here. He seems nice but...

Anyways, I'm also really nervous about school, not just because of soccer. Will the other kids there like me? No, will I like them? Mom said I was a very hard person to please, but I can't help it hyung. There's only one of you!

I have to be a good boy though. Your mom told me that Myungsoo was nervous about starting Kindergarten. I got to show him its fun even if I don't like it myself.

Sorry hyung, but I'm starting to fall asleep. I'll see you soon!



"-and this is from when I went to Jeju for- Yah hyung!" the letter was abruptly snatched from Sunggyu's hands, "I t-told you not to read this now! It's embarrassing!"

"Woohyun..." the boy stuffed the letter back in the box, ignoring him. He huffed and turned his back towards Sunggyu, but the elder could see the red on his ears. With a laugh, Sunggyu pushed the box away and crawled closer to Woohyun, pulling the boy into a hug. Woohyun grabbed the arms around his neck, but didn't make a move to throw them off, "You missed me a lot, huh?"

"More than you know."

"I'm sorry Hyun."

"Don't-" He tried to get Sunggyu to let go, but he didn't let him. Instead, the elder tightened his grip.

"I'm sorry for taking so long."

"You don't have anything to-"

"You needed me, didn't you?"

"... Yeah," he finally admitted, relaxing in his hold, "I did Gyu, but I knew you couldn't be there."

Sunggyu felt his chest ache. He could see a sad little Woohyun standing beside his unconscious body, telling him stories and what not and waiting for a reply... and never receiving one, "I'm a terrible hyung."

"No," Woohyun laughed, "Believe it or not, your absence helped me grow stronger. I say you taught me a very valuable lesson about life."

"And what would that be?"

Sunggyu  felt Woohyun turn around and looked at him. The boy merely smiled back cupped his face, "... That hamster cheeks never really go away."

"Yah! We were having a moment!" Sunggyu snapped, face flushing as he shoved the laughing boy back.

"We were, but you looked like you were going to cry!" he snickered, "I'll tell you another time, okay? We should probably sleep. it's a long drive out to the country, and we can't be taking naps on the road."

Sunggyu frowned as Woohyun removed the box from the bed, "What do you mean 'we'?"

"I'm driving us all back home tomorrow morning."

"What? No! You have finals!"

"Aish, hyung," Woohyun shoved him further into the bed and crawled after him. He yanked the covers up and threw it over the two, "I did them early. I told my professors about my situation and they showed enough sympathy to let me go."

"I bet you exaggerated it," Sunggyu huffed as he laid back on a pillow, Oh that's nice.

"I may have added a few colorful details," Woohyun shrugged and clicked the lamp beside him off. The room was enveloped in darkness and Sunggyu could only see whatever the city lights from outside touched.

He felt the bed shift and Woohyun's breath fan his face as two arms pulled him closer, "Hoya took my body pillow so now I'm left with you. I'd say it's a win-win situation."

"I thought you grew out of this Hyun," Sunggyu sighed, remembering how the kid would hug his arm or waist whenever he fell asleep on the couch.

"This is one thing that didn't change," he mumbled back. Sunggyu shivered, feeling how close they were made him a bit uncomfortable and sent his head spinning. He took deep breaths none the less and tried to calm down, He's still the same kid from the past, just a bit... bigger now.

"Sunggyu," that was the first time Woohyun formally addressed him and caught the said male off guard.


"... Welcome home."

Sunggyu smiled and squeezed his arm, "Good to be home."


I shouldnt' have updated so soon, but a lot of you were eager to read woogyu's meeting. Well here it is, but honestly i don't know when the next update will be. Well see. Please comment and tell me what you think! 


Now i need to go catch up on supernatural :P

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expect updates after my finals are over


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801 streak #1
Chapter 9: still reading this 😭
Chapter 9: Thank you pls updatesoon ^^
Chapter 7: So cute XD
Chapter 6: Kisseu! Thanks
Chapter 5: Woah gyu gave hyun a chance XD
Chapter 9: I feel content, again. Yet sad at the same time.

This story has problem. Yeah, 1 problem. Them. Their relation. Their .
I wanna see how the end is.

Will you? Eventhou it has been years since your last update. Hope you'll make a clear end for woogyu in this story. 2/3 chapters will do?

I wanna see how Sunggyu's progress with his latest life. How the way he solved this problem. Their . Their loved. It's hard to say when i am solely focus onto Sunggyu. Bcoz he is the main core right?

And Woohyun. Idk how his feeling grew to be like this.
He is still young yet decided this kind of thing. It's not a small thing. But a big one. He is only 22 but declared his loved to the a 38 old men.
His admiration, adoration changed to be loved. Eventhou he said that he is sincerely, am afraid that it's a momentary feeling. He is not right? Am not doubt him, doubt Woohyun. Just, he is so young.

At the end of the day, i am still curious how they'll walk this hard way.

I saw you logged on this first month. Hope you'll see it and re-think to finish this one.
Thank you! And hope will see your words soon♥
Oh, you deleted your AO3?
Chapter 8: Yes. Reality hit him.
He is the older one. A 16 years gap between him and Woohyun.
I know that well..
Beside the drama in the future but i am content with this uurrrrghhh

And what shocked me. People around Woohyun is ok with him and Sunggyu together!
That's awesome!

Just be official will youu!!
Chapter 6: Wow.
I hope it will last long. Their relationship.
Chapter 5: Just realized that this story is an .