Love Conquers All

I'm going to try a new style in writing. I decided to write the story like a script, and if it doesn't work, I'll switch back to my orignal writing.



Your life was pretty much boring after Woohyun left; you started to realize how much you needed him in your life. Detective Park doesn't bother you as much as WooHyun used to. He only comes to your apartment when he gets a vibe that you are not using your tracker. You really didn't know anything about this detective because you didn't talk to each other and you like that,  you only got close to WooHyun because you felt like you needed to be close to him to heal your wounds. However, your fear of the past is still haunting you.
You'd go to work thinking if anyone is going to kidnap, especially when you feel like somone from your work had knowingly invited you to the club. You didn't contact WooHyun as much because he seemed to be really busy, but oneday he suddenly called you out of the blue at work.
WooHyun: Hello... this is Suzy, right?
You: *'re still calling me Suzy* Yes, this is she...why are you calling me at work?
WooHyun: Because I have an exciting news...are you really busy?
You: Yes I am, I'll call you when I'm done. You really couldn't wait to talk to him, but you didn't want to seem rude to your other co-workers.
WooHyun: Oh, ok. Well I'll be waiting for your call. Bye
You: Bye. You hung up.
Hours later
You finally called WooHyun after you got home, you wanted to be comfortable when talking to him because he told you he had exciting news.
You: WooHyun...Hi, you said you had exciting news for me.
WooHyun: Guess what?
You: WooHyun, I don't like guessing, just tell me what the news is.
WooHyun: Ok, well I'm being transferred back to Seoul.
You: What!!! Are you serious
WooHyun: Yes I am, are you excited.
You: Yes I am, oh my God, I was bored when you were gone.
WooHyun: You were, well it's good that I'm back.
You: So, how were you able to transfer back.
WooHyun: The princinpt here doesn't need me anymore, so I was told to go back to Seoul.
You: Wow, that was lucky for you.
WooHyun: So what did you do while I was gone?
You: work. you sighed. So when are you coming back?
WooHyun: Well that's not finalized yet, but I swear I'll be back soon. Woohyun was quiet for a second. I missed you soo much.
You: I missed you too...we're both so lonely. I think you need a girlfriend. No one hit on you where you were?
WooHyun: WHAT! Why would I have a girlfriend when I have you.
You: When was I ever your girlfriend.
WooHyun: Since we kissed. He made a face.
You: Um, we never discussed we were dating. You didn't take the hint when I stopped you from kissing me the first time?
WooHyun: But you kissed me back the second time I kissed you.
You: I just got caught up in the mood...and I forgot I was not in a relationship with you.
WooHyun: Soo....will you be girlfriend then.
You: I'd rather not.
WooHyun: Why not?
You: Because I didn't know you just to be your girlfriend, being friends is enough for me and I only know you because you're a detective.
WooHyun: I know you like me.
You: I know I like you too.
WooHyun: So what's wrong with you being my girlfriend then.
You: I just don't want to be in a relationship right now.
WooHyun: I thought you were okay with that whole thing with your ex-fiance.
You: This is not about my fiance...I'm not in the mood to talk right now.
WooHyun: After all I've told you about my ex-girlfriend..about how it was hard to open my heart and trust anyone, this is how you're going to treat me?
You: Sorry, but I've already told you I'm not in the mood for this...and I'm obviously wasting my minutes talking to you. After a long thought... Bye Woohyun.
WooHyun: Wait...h-hello...h-hello Suzy. Are you there. He tried to you call you back but you'd already turned your phone off, he called your home phone, but you ignored that too. What the heck did I do now. *It's not like I was trying to pressure you* He angrily threw his phone. *This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out, did I do something wrong?* He angrily scratched his head.
That was your first serious fight with WooHyun and you guys never talked after that.
The day WooHyun should be in Seoul
Ring Ring..
WooHyun: Hello, Detective.
Detective Park: we have a problem.
WooHyun: What kind of problem.
Detective Park: Well, I can't get in touch with Suzy, and her tracker is not on.
WooHyun: WHAT!!! Woohyun quickly stood up from his chair. What do you mean you can't find her.
Detective Park: Well, at this time she's suppose to be at work, but her tracker indicated that she was at home, and after awhile the tracker was turned off.
WooHyun: In a panicking tone. Did you go to her place or her work?
Detective Park: I went to her place, but she wasn't there and I don't know where she works. I called her phone too, but it was off.
WooHyun: There's a possiblity she might be at work, I'll give you the address.
Detective Park: But why would she turn off the tracker when she knows the police has to know where she is at all times...she's never turned her tracker off for this long before.
WooHyun: Okay, I'll be in Seoul in a little bit, but keep looking for her...Oh yeah, still go to her work place, we have to go through all possible locations she might be.
*Did she leave Korea*
Detective Park So what's the address?
WooHyun: I sent it to you in a text message.
Detective Park: Ok, I got it, but you know we can't still rule this as kidnapping yet. We have to wait like a day before we can treat this as a kidnapping case.
WooHyun: I know, but call me back when you leave her work place. Oh, also, don't let anyone know you're a detective. Suzy mentioned someone from her work might have lured her to the club she was almost kidnapped.
Detective Park: Okay, I'll pretend to be a friend of hers..and do you know where else she might be?
WooHyun: I really don't know...I don't know. Woohyun was frustrated to the point where he was almost crying.
Detective Park: Well...bye. I'll make sure to call you back. Bye.
WooHyun: Bye.
Dammit Suzy. He hit the steering wheel of the car he was driving. *Where could you have possibly gone to, do you hate me that much enough to leave Korea, I'm hoping you really left Korea, and no one kidnapped you*
WooHyun was feeling all sorts of emotions, he didn't know if was angry, sad, or frustrated. He just wanted you in his sight right now. He kept thinking about your last conversation together.
*Why won't she be in a relationship with me, am I that horrible of a person...I feel like she's hiding something from me* Woohyun clenched his palms tighter on the steering wheel as he kept driving. *Suzy, you better be waiting for me in Seoul*


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check out my new story "My only love"


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Chapter 45: Omg I love that ending!!!<3
But I still feel like something should have been done to that cousin,that friend and uncle! That should never happen and they shouldn't have done that to ~~~~~
Ok byeee!i seriously like your story!!!:)
Chapter 10: Although it's bad that she's lying, I think the finance lie helps her feel more comfortable around woohyun since that's a good way to escape anything like kisses or whatever
Chapter 4: Gosh all that is just...sick.....
LoveUL #4
Chapter 45: Awww... i just started reading it and at first i thought it was boring but as i went through the chapters i would say it was very great~~~~ i love it~~ not so rated:check! makes me giddy:check! Thanks for making this fic author-nim!!^^.
Haha.. Love the ending! Great story by the way ;)
Nice Story~!!!
I read it in 1 blow ._.
that was exaggerated but anyhow, I love it <3
claribelmiranda #7
awwwwwwww.....what a wonderful story is this! :) atlast, i'm done reading this! :) kyaaaaaaa...
@obsessedbeyondbelief I should update it at most, in two days. I'm just trying to add some things to the completed one I have now.
update ? :)