The Beginning

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            "I start to analyzes them ; first one is walking slow……second one is passing by……the third one is flashing his amazing smile……the fourth one is jumping on the others……the fifth one is laughing……the sixth one is joining in…….and the seventh….had gathered them all together as one. These seven boys were the seven deadly sin of my school, of my whole life. Their memorizing looks, deep y voices….everything……..just everything about them were sins. All seven boys had their own unique power, not one alike. Powers that controlled over anyone, I mean anyone in the school, but me. In my school, I’m the only one who is invisible to everyone. No one, not even the seven sinned boys would even see me. I’m nothing special, not like the other girls in my school. I’m just a plane, simple, fragile shy girl. I’m alone, even when I’m surrounded by all seven, I’m alone. I became a ghost to everyone in this school since I came here and its never changed since then. My small light voice can never be heard over their memorizing deep voices, which still linger in the air after they speak. My delicate frame can’t be seen between their tall well-built toned bodies, as we walk down the halls of our school. I’m nothing compare to them, nothing. All the girls in my school can get all seven to look, in a split of a second, while I can’t even get at least one’s attention. All I can do is stare at the ground, while my foot kicks the air lightly in defeat.

          Every day for the past few years of school, I see all seven boys hanging around my locker. They always had their lockers next or near mine, but I usually don’t mind. Always deep down inside my soul, I know, still they had not seem to look or see me. It’s the same all day, every day. They come and go, leaving me to stand alone as they left, listening to each distinct deep voice, still lingering in the air from the distance down the hall.    

          Walking alone in these crowded hallways, always blending into the back ground was like a routine for me. Same routine, every day, but something seemed off. Listening all around me, I couldn’t hear the deep voices lingering from down the hall, like I’m used to hearing every day. To tell the truth, I miss them. Secretly they brought me comfort that I needed that no one else would give me. When they are not here I feel lonely. It feels weird to be saying this but it’s true, to me at least."

            Coming near the lockers, I see something red sticking out, but only at my locker. Every eye of a passerby looked at this red thing, as if it were a prize that they must have. Quick on my toes, I grab the letter, holding it close to my chest.  Looking around after a minute, I took a deep breath and held the letter out in front of my face. Examining it, I took my delicate fingers and opened this questionable letter. To my surprise seven sticky notes fell out and scattered out over the floor. Each note was a different color. I stood their staring at what just unfolded front of me. Bending down, I scooped up all seven sticky notes from the nosey wondering eyes of our school. I needed a quiet place to think and only one place that came to mind was the library. By putting the sticky notes back into the red letter, I made my wa

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Get Well soon
Nice story :D
lilmisssherwin16 #2
Chapter 3: Get well soon
EXO_20 #3
Chapter 2: Authornim ... Please update .. *pout*
Jin2000 #4
Chapter 2: Hey can u update ur story is so cool please can u update again
RentasticNuest #5
Chapter 2: Oh my god! I love this story so much <3 you're a great writer :D
Chapter 3: Get well soon author-nim. I'll be waiting for ur update. And good luck for ur test ~! ^^★
Chapter 1: I love this book already
1430eveline #8
Chapter 3: Get well authornim, fighting!!!
Chapter 3: Get well soon ^_^ I have an illness, too :'(
EXO_20 #10
Chapter 3: Update .. Please unnie :'))