They Meet Again..

You've Fallen For Me

Another day had gone by but So Min couldn't get the situation out of her head. She felt guilty for drenching Hyun Joong with coffee, but at the same time she thought he deserved it if he was going to be that rude toward her. As she sat at her new desk she started to day dream crazy scenarios where she encountered him again but instead of walking away she'd drop kick him. She may be conservative and polite but boy did she have a crazy mind when she was aggravated. 

'So Min-ah?.. Hey So Min?' Jia said whilst prodding her. 

So Min was chuckling to herself whilst thinking about her little scenario. 

'YAH JUNG SO MIN!' Shouted Jia. 

So Min sprang out of her seat and gave her full attention to Jia. 

'Y-Yes Mianhae' She said. 

'Do you know how long it took me to get your attention?..anyway quit day dreaming I wanted so ask you something' Jia said happily. 

'Go on..'

'Well seeing as we're nearly finished with work there's this new club that I wanted us to check out' She said with wide eyes. 

'Hmm..I don't know, you know it's not my sort of thing.' So Min said uneasily. 

'Oh C'mon it'll be fun! We haven't had a drink together in a while.' Jia moaned. 

'But you know what I'm like when I'm drunk, I-I.' 

'So Min don't worry I'll be there I won't let you get into any drunken state.' 

'Fine, I'll go but you better not leave me!' Said So Min worried. 

But what So Min didn't realise is that Jia was a terrible drinker, she couldn't with stand it for anything, and she certainly didn't know that Jia wouldn't be there to watch after her.


So Min was sat on her bed glaring at her closet undecided on what to wear. 

'Ottoke, I have nothing to wear!' she sighed. 

As she stood rummaging through her closet she heard the chime of her doorbell. 

'Eh? Who could that be?' she wondered. 

So Min walked downstairs toward her door. She opened it.

'So Min-Ah! Annyeong!' Jia blabbed.

'Oh Jia what're you doing here? C'mon in' she said whilst waving in Jia. 

'Well I figured you being you wouldn't have anything to wear so I brought a few things over' 

'Really? ah kamsahamnida I was struggling to find something actually' 

'Of course you would honey' she said whilst handing a huge bag full of clothes to So Min. 

So Min's faced dropped. 'Do I really have to try on all of that?' she thought. 

'I know what you're thinking So Min, and yes you do' 

So Min startled stared at Jia. 'How the hell does she know what I'm thinking?!' 

She then lifted the bag with all her might and walked into her bathroom to try on all of the garments.

Two hours after trying on pieces of clothing that was given So Min had finally given up. Until Jia pointed out one piece that So Min had forgotten about. She handed it to her and So Min speedily tried it on.

'Wow! So Min-ah! this is the one!' Jia said amazed after So Min stepped out of her bathroom.

'Really? Don't you think it's a bit short and too much?' So Min questioned.

So Min was wearing a simple black mini-dress with a crystalised embedding which draped along the one shouldered piece. On her feet were glossy black peeps toes which made her legs look super long and feminine. (

So Min stared into the mirror. She couldn't believe at how different she looked. Her hair was down and flowy, her make-up dark and sultry, completely different to the So Min she knew. 

'Well come on So Min-ah let's go party!' Jia screeched. 


When the finally reached the club So Min started getting anxious, she thought she looked ridiculously over dressed.

'So Min-ah stop twiddling your thumbs you look beautiful ok?' Jia assured.

'Ah Mianhae, kamsahamnida Jia'

As they both walked into the club all eyes were on were on So Min. As they say down at the bar guys flocked over like birds, Jia ordered drinks for them both and cheekily asked for a first ones free seeing as she was such a pretty woman, the bartender agreed and Jia smugly sipped her drink.

'You got that for free didn't you?' So Min giggled. 

'Of course, what's a pretty girl like me to do? I've got to start somewhere.' 

'Anyway I'm gonna hit the dance floor, you coming?' said Jia. 

'No, I'm just going to sit here for a sec, you go ahead.' She said contently. 

As Jia wondered off onto the dance floor So Min scanned the club, as she looked to her right she couldn't believe her eyes, across the floor she could see him, Hyun Joong. She immediately flung her head back around and continued to down her drink.

'Ottoke! Why does he have to be here! I knew I shouldn't have come, god damn you Jia!' she mumbled.

Although So Min was shocked to see him she couldn't help but to take quick glances at him every now and then. She turned her direction to the dance floor to look for Jia, as soon as she seen her she started doing flapping and waving motions to guide Jia over. She then realised she was getting weird stares, and so she pretended to smooth her hair. Jia finally caught onto So Min's flapping and waving and walked over.

'So Min what's so important for you to wave me over here, I was just dancing with a really cute guy!' said Jia annoyed.

'He's here.' said So Min bluntly.

'Who's here? Who's he So Min?' she questioned.

'That jerk from the coffee incident, you know the really arrogant guy that stole my phone, him'

'What?! really you've got to be kidding?'

'I'm not, look' So Min nodded into the direction where Hyun Joong was sitting with a group of 'friends' a.k.a girls.

'Oh god So Min, do you want to leave? We can go somewhere else if you prefer?'

'No It's fine, I don't see why I should leave for that jerk.'  

'Good on you So Min, see I told yo-' Jia got lured back onto the dance floor with the same guy she was dancing with before. 

So Min sighed. 

'Great, I had a feeling something like this would happen' 

So Min downed her drink all in one go and ordered another. 


Hyun Joong was happily flirting his was around when his friend suddenly pointed out So Min. 

'Hey Hyun Joong check her out, she's hot right?' 

Hyun Joong turned his head away from flirting and listened to his friend. He studied her from across the bar without realising it was So Min. 

So Min ran her fingers through her hair and flipped it, she then placed her hand back to the glass and drank up. He was intrigued by how y she looked, he couldn't take his eyes from her. So Min then turned her head to engage a conversation, his heart stopped when he realised it was her, the same girl from the coffee incident.  

'No way, It-it can't be?' he jumbled his words out. 

'What you mumbling about dude? what can't be?' said his friend. 

'Aish! Why'd she have to come here?' 

'Dude who are you talking about?' 

'Ah can you remember when I told you about that rude girl who spilt coffee all over me? Well that's her.' 

'Hyung are you serious?! She's totally HOT! You could get her easily '

'She's totally rude, and I don't want to get someone as rude as that.' 

Although Hyun Joong accused So Min of being rude, he never said that she wasn't hot. Hell he thought she was so beautiful he just didn't want to admit it. 


So Min had been sitting by herself for over twenty minutes now. She had drank about as much as she could take. Well she drank enough to show her other side of her, her more confident side. So Min was about to drink her last drink when she heard Beyonce's song naughty girl. So Min quickly stood up, forced herself on top of the bar and started dancing. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes when they seen her dancing, they were mesmerized. So Min was body rolling, swishing her hair and dancing ily, Hyun Joong couldn't believe it. He was dancing with a girl when So Min caught his eyes. So Min then suddenly jumped down from the bar and walked onto the dance floor, without hesitation she grabbed the nearest guy without realising it was Hyun Joong. 

'Dance with me' she whispered into his ear. 

So Min then faced her back toward him and placed her hands over his head. Dancing up and down him ily and delicately, Hyun Joong grabbed her hips and went with her. Jia was stunned to see So Min dancing with the guy she so called 'an arrogant jerk' but let her go with the flow seeing as So Min needed fun in her life. 

So Min then turned, smiled at Hyun Joong and walked further into the dance floor, continuing dancing. Hyun Joong completely stunned stood there dazed, he snapped out when he suddenly heard his name being called by his friend. Oblivious to his friend he walked further into the dance floor to find So Min. Hyun Joong searched high and low but she was nowhere to be found, he couldn't' believe his fate. 

So Min was heading toward the toilets when she suddenly got dragged and pinned against a wall, she started to struggle but couldn't fight the guy off as she was too drunk. 

'Hey, how about coming home with me tonight?' said the guy bluntly. 

'No thanks, I'd rather bathe in my own sick then go home with you, now if you'd be so nice to let me go otherwise I'll scream' 

'Hmm, Is that so? Well I don't think that's going to happen, and it's not like anyone's gonna hear you.' 

The guy then viciously grabbed hold of So Min's arm and pulled her violently. As the guy walked he was forcefully stopped in his tracks.

'I suggest you let go of her now' Hyun Joong said calmly. 

'Why? What're you going to do hit me, look I don't have time go run along now.' said the guy with cockiness. 

But before the guy could take another step Hyun Joong rammed him into the wall and held him up by his collar. 

'Don't underestimate me, I'll take your punk down in one second, now I suggest that YOU go run along.' 

Without uttering a word or any hesitation the guy scrammed out of Hyun Joong's sight.

'Yeah that's what I thought, run home little boy!' 

So Min stood in total silence after witnessing what had just happened. 

'Hey are you ok? You're not hurt right?' said Hyun Joong. 

'Ye-yeah I'm fine, kamsahamnida' So Min said. 

As So Min was about to walk away she stumbled, she closed her eyes as she felt herself falling but then opened when she realised that she didn't hit the ground, instead she was in someone's arms, Hyun Joong's

'C'mon let's get your home' 

Hyun Joong called for a chauffeur to pick him up and take So Min home. 

The car arrived and he politely opened and helped So Min into the car. 

Whilst they were driving along So Min realised that she didn't have her house keys, she quickly grabbed her phone and rang Jia. 

'Yah! Jia pick up your phone!' she slurred, too drunk to get her words out. 

'Aigoo!' She said as she slammed down her phone. 

'Are you ok? What's wrong?' Hyun Joong worryingly asked. 

'I-I don't have my keys..I c-can't get back into my house and my friend won't pick up ottoke?!' whined So Min. 

'Ah god? Umm I don't know what to do'. He said. 

Without warning So Min slumped her onto Hyun Joong's shoulders and fell asleep. 

He smiled.


So Min woke up to the sound of a gentle snore, she looked beside her and saw Hyun Joong sleeping peacefully, she thought nothing of it and closed her eyes. Suddenly she realised what she had just took in, double taked at Hyun Joong and with wide eyes screamed. Hyun Joong jumped up to see So Min staring at him. She then looked down relieved to find that she was still wearing her clothes.

'Where-where I am and why are you here?!' she said whilst clinging onto the duvet covers. 

'So Min you're just having a nightmare, now lay back down and go to sleep' she thought to herself. 

'This isn't a nightmare if you're thinking that to yourself' Hyun Joong said sternly. 

'No..thi-this can't be happening!' she muttered under her breath. 

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 3: Please update it..
Rani16 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim ,im late reader.hehehe .. Please update your story, im curious for next chap :D .. Sweet couple (hyunmin)
wendylovesss5012 #3
update soon please!! :D
kimberly97 #4
update soon please ??
I hope that its Hyun Joong on the phone!
Boo3454 #6
Muhahah well looks like you guys are in for a shock then! I'm actually kind of pleased with the chapter I'm writing at the moment. I think it's going to be a long one again and I might be done with it tonight so please look forward to it! ^^
say what? late reader her.. what would i say? just like everyone else, i hope it's HJ on the phone.. or someone else that could help SM go to HJ and stop him from leaving.. or at least have a good talk with him before he leaves.. LOL
Azile8374 #8
@Jell19: Yeah, I hope she agrees to a long-distance relationship as she's starting to acknowledge her feelings for HJ. As long as that villain In-ah doesn't get HJ first is all I'm saying. Ugh!
pangaraplangkita #9
New reader here. Please update soon! :-)