

“That voice again…” Kyuhyun stopped walking and looked up to the window in a house near his school, it had been few weeks since he was in love with a clear voice who always sang at 5 pm, after his school ends, but he didn’t know who was the singer, it was an unknown song but he really liked it, especially the singer’s voice “who are you actually…” Kyuhyun decided to rest his back on the house’s wall and enjoyed the song, after few minutes the song ended, Kyuhyun frowned feel disappointed but nothing he could do, he took a deep breath and walked away from the house “I wish someday I can see who the singer is”




“It’s him again right? Seems like you have a fan now min” Sungmin’s mom smiled at Sungmin while put down a tray with cake and a glass of milk on Sungmin’s bedroom table, Sungmin ignored his mom and just playing with his phone “why don’t just sing in the terrace? So you can say hello to him” Sungmin’s mom suggested which replied by Sungmin shook his head “why? Maybe he can be your friend? After everything is done you’re going to be on the same school as him, why not start to make friends from now?” Sungmin’s mom sat on his bed and looked at his only son who remained quiet

“I don’t want, can you just leave mom? I’m tired” Sungmin told his mom as he walked to his bed, lay down there and pretend to close his eyes

“Okay then… I will be downstairs if you need anything” Sungmin’s mom stood up, patted Sungmin’s head “I’m sorry min-ah…” Sungmin’s mom whispered to him, and she walked towards the door

“don’t be” Sungmin told his mom before she left his room, Sungmin sighed when he heard his mom sobbing outside, he hate it so much whenever his mom shed a tears like this for him, she already gave everything the best for him for the past 16 years and now because of this matter his mom couldn’t stop blaming herself which made Sungmin feel worse, and he swear he never blame his mom for his problem neither himself, that was why there were many times Sungmin felt so lost and couldn’t stand by himself, crying in the middle of the night or whenever his mom wasn’t around, he just so desperate and he didn’t know who he needed to talk to, and who to blame for his problem, he just… alone




Kyuhyun stood up in front of the house’s gate, tempted to press the bell but didn’t have any courage to do so, he contemplating for the past 30 minutes in front of the gate, confused by his own feelings ‘should I? Shouldn’t I?’ Kyuhyun’s curiosity just getting bigger and bigger, everyday he heard someone singing in the house but he still didn’t know who, after few weeks of observation he really sure the voice is a male voice and the place the guy liked to sing was in his bedroom or in the house’s little park behind all those big walls which made Kyuhyun couldn’t see the singer’s face, Kyuhyun really wanted to know who the singer was he just crazily in love with the voice

“sorry, are you looking for someone?” a female voice startled Kyuhyun, he turned to the source of voice and mesmerized by the woman’s beauty, for a moment he was blank by it and after got back his spirit back he smiled to the woman

“I… I just curious about someone’s voice I always hear from this house, I really like his voice and I wonder who the singer is… he always sing from his room or behind the wall so I couldn’t really see him and my curiosity brought me here, but in fact my braveness isn’t as big as my curiosity, I scared the owner of this house will think I’m rude or even think I’m a stalker so…” Kyuhyun stopped talking when he saw the woman smiled sweetly to him

“I like his voice too” the woman told Kyuhyun

“You know him?!” Kyuhyun asked in shock made the woman chuckled

“I do, and I’m his number 1 fan you know”

“I… I’m his number 2 fan then!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, didn’t want to lose, the woman laughed at Kyuhyun’s antics

“I feel grateful that you are his fan, I wish he could be your friend” the woman stared at Kyuhyun sadly

“How can I be his friend when I haven’t seen his face even for a glance” Kyuhyun looked down

“soon you will see him” the woman told Kyuhyun while smiling “he lived in New York since he was 5 years old, it’s just one month since he came back here maybe he just wanted some space more before he adapt to this country culture, by the way he really like singing, he won many song festivals back then in New York” the woman explained to Kyuhyun

“He did? Then why he comes back here?” Kyuhyun feel more curious

“It’s a long story” the woman smiled bitterly, taught by his mother to not talking about someone’s private matter too far unless they themselves talking about it, Kyuhyun only nodded although his curiosity just getting bigger and bigger

“Ah… it’s time for me to go home, nice talking to you and thank you for the information” Kyuhyun bowed a bit

“Be careful on your way home” the woman told Kyuhyun

“By the way, why you know much about him?” Kyuhyun asked again before he left

“because I’m his mother” Sungmin’s mom smiled, open his house’s gate and went inside “nice talking to you too, I will try my best to tell Sungmin to meet you” Sungmin’s mom bowed a bit and went inside the home left Kyuhyun who still stoned in front of the home

“Damn it”




It was a lie when Sungmin said he didn’t care about the guy his mom told about, even when his mom didn’t tell him about the guy, Sungmin already knew about him and secretly always stared at the guy expression whenever he sang. It was started few weeks ago, whenever he feel bad he always sang, and the moment he touched down in Korea it was way too hard to see him smile, it wasn’t because Sungmin is arrogant, he had a big problem now in his life and he found it hard to smile anymore. Back then before the problem started, Sungmin was a really bright guy, always smiling to whoever person he meet even the person treat him badly. Sungmin was singing randomly tried to erase the pain on his heart when he saw Kyuhyun who was walking back from school stopped. Sungmin’s heart beating fast behind, hiding behind the tinted windows Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun who was looking at his room’s window with eyes widely opened. It wasn’t hard to hear Sungmin’s voice cause he sang quite loud and the neighborhood there was really quiet that’s why even Sungmin was in level two of his home, Kyuhyun still could hear Sungmin’s voice. Sungmin thought he never going to see Kyuhyun again after that, but day by day he realized Kyuhyun was always passed by his home at 4 p.m. and that’s when Sungmin started to sing, there’s a different kind of feeling whenever he saw Kyuhyun smiled at his voice, he even clapped for Sungmin although he never saw Sungmin’s face

“min” Sungmin’s mom came into his bedroom made him startled, woke up from his daydreaming “sorry” his mom apologized after saw Sungmin’s reaction, Sungmin shook his head and stared at his mother wondering why suddenly she came “isn’t today’s weather too good to be spent in your room only?” Sungmin’s mom opened Sungmin’s bedroom window and stepped to the balcony “come here, the wind really nice this afternoon, it’s really fresh here” Sungmin’s mom took a deep breath and smiled at Sungmin “come here min” when Sungmin only stoned on his bed, his mom started to drag Sungmin outside “it’s really nice right?” Sungmin’s mom told him when Sungmin finally stood up in his balcony

“it feels different from New York’s weather” Sungmin closed his eyes trying to to enjoy Korea spring’s weather, it was really nice and warm, and as he stood up there Sungmin came to realize it had been a month since he back to Korea but he hardly ever went outside his home

“you miss it?” Sungmin’s mom looked at Sungmin

“it’s hard not to, especially when you’ve lived more than half of your age living there” Sungmin’s eyes get teary as he remembered those times he spent in New York, with his parents together, before Sungmin’s father passed away

“I’m sorry to take all your happiness away” Sungmin’s mom looked down

“mom… I told you, it’s completely not your fault, I never blame anyone for this especially you mom” Sungmin smiled and hold his mom’s hand assured her that he was really never blame her

“can you sing for me?” Sungmin’s mom asked


“I want a song dedicated only for me” Sungmin laughed at his mom’s request but without any protest he started singing for his mom and when he stopped, he heard someone clapping for him

“I LOVE YOUR VOICE SUNGMIN!!!!!!!” someone shouted down there

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coolgirlanny #1
Chapter 2: kyu is just crazy enough to stalk min all the time just bcoz he liked his voice....and possessive kyu is my favorite....enjoyed reading it^^
venzsuju #2
Chapter 2: stupid possesive Kyu hahahaha
‘no one can take Cho Kyuhyun property, especially Sungmin’ << i like this hahahaha and no one can take Lee Sungmin property, especially Kyuhyun :>
ayawani #3
Chapter 2: Ahahahaha.. poor Sungmin can't get many friends because of possesive Kyu!.. XD
Candiess #4
Chapter 2: That Creepy Cho :D
but he just so sweet as a boyfriend~
ahh~ glad they're happy together
Chapter 2: kyu can't be more boastful and possessive of his boyfriend. ^^

poor min to be stuck with his arrogant sweet handsome boyfriend..
..i wouldn't mind though if it was me. :)))
PeekyDoll #6
Chapter 2: Haha, that final line... XD
Chapter 2: Yaaaaaaaay I'm in love <3 its perfect i looooooove it. Possessive kyu and cute minnie are always the best<333 thank you for sharing^__^
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 1: Yeay! Hahahahhaa finally kyumin end together! owwww <333333
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 2: That's creepy Kyu!!! You din't just touch people face at first meeting... ~_~'

Poor Min, bit at least he has Kyu now.. And Kyu had heard him singing before he lost it... ㅠ_ㅠ

And you, author-nim!!! I like this ad always... Can i expect the next update will be for that KyuMin/ HyukMin story of yours, 'as time passed by'? Really miss it..

Still, no pressure... Real life come first, so take your time... Thanks for this update.. XD