The Reason For Obsession


Hey guys, long time no story~haha. I've been a little busy, and haven't updated in a while, so here's a little story I just typed up a few minutes ago! More to come soon~



Her mother begins to think that maybe it started the day Sulli’s dad died, the obsession with cameras and taking pictures and recording video after video every time there’s something important or something arises that Sulli wants to remember. 

    Photography had always been a passion of Sulli’s father, he’d given her many cameras when he was alive, and Sulli always remembers him best when he had that familiar strip of black leather around his neck, grinning from behind the viewfinder of the device. Her father had been a wonderful photographer, and had always been successful selling his pieces online and at art festivals. The talent must have rubbed off on her, because she’s always praised of the snapshots she takes by many people during art shows or photography classes she takes. 

    Sulli’s mom always saw it as a way of coping with the loss of him, and she chews her lip and fiddles with her hands every time she hears the click of the shutter. Photography had always been a big part of her husband’s life, she couldn’t deny that, but now it was taking her daughter’s over. Sulli always seen photography as a way to never be able to forget memories, and there were countless times when she’d photographed a thousand photos in a single hang out with her friends. From Xbox controllers, to swinging at the park, to hidden smiles behind books at the library, the pictures varied from things Sulli felt were sentimental, to just liking remembering the way the light played out in front of her. The girl twisted her father’s favorite saying, “A picture’s worth a thousand words,” into, “A picture’s worth a lifetime of memories,” as a young girl. And it’s stayed like that for years now. 

    Sulli’s mom hasn’t said anything about her increasing worry for her. The day Sulli started carrying a camera to school, she kept shut and smiled behind the fear tightening against her skin. The time that Sulli first started recording movies, she made Sulli’s favorite cake and watched her daughter’s face to try and understand what her child was going through. To try and walk around in her shoes, but everyone has their limit. 

    Maybe Sulli hadn’t reached hers, because she’d gone through countless hard drives filled with obnoxious pictures of her friends and videos of them goofing off while they’re together. But Mrs. Choi was getting sick of watching her daughter, her beautiful daughter, doing nothing but sit around all day and re-watch all these films and slideshows of pictures. It was a problem that kept growing, and even though the other parents tried to be discreet in their pondering and poking, Mrs. Choi never failed to hear the remarks about the camera that was always glued to her daughter’s side. 

    She hears that time is what heals wounds and fixes people, but in reality, Sulli’s just getting worse. So it’s quite the surprise when one day, she finds the same camera that her husband carried around, Sulli’s prized possession, forgotten on the couch in their living room.



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Chapter 4: Wow, 2014, that's a while ago, still as good as ever tho ^^
Chapter 4: I had a feeling the plan involved Krystal and I gotta thank and love Amber for that but omg it was getting good, it ended too soon T.T
yultijjang #3
Chapter 1: Author shii..please update this story too
I like this. I hope you keep writing~
Chapter 4: omg

ssul so cute blushing!~ ♥
Chapter 4: They finally met!
So amber had been planning to make them meet all along?
Did she push krys to sul by any chance? And make her spill the coke? Lol. That would be epic.

Update soon
hhey i see your back again. :D
i'll definitely read before my school starts.
hope you wont let me hanging in her.e ;)
Chapter 3: Ooohhhh... I want to know what they plan so bad...

Is it involving soojung?
I wonder what is the master method amber is talking about?!?


Thx for the update^^
Can't wait for the next one. Keke
Chapter 2: update soon author
Chapter 2: Can't wait for Krystal's appearance on Sulli's life. :)