Oppa Gets Mad 1

My Brother, My Lover


"When will you give me that game?" Kyuhyun hyung yelled over the phone.

"Mianhae, hyung. I became too busy."

"Aish. Too busy because you already found her but couldn't give me my reward."

"Okay, okay. I admit it. I forgot about it."

"By the way, I need to know what happened. You have to tell me some juicy details."

"There's nothing!"

"I don' t believe you..." This guy...

"Why don't you come over? Omma and appa are busy preparing."

"Great timing! I don't have any schedule for today."

"That's good. I'll be waiting!"

"And tell _____-"


*teet* *teet*



I hung up on him. This guy... why did we even become friends in the first place? Well, he's not called evil maknae for nothing.



"Ah!" _____ came out from behind and startled me.

"Are you going out today?"

"No, princess." I played with her hair. "We have a guest today."

"Jinja? Who could it be?"

"Probably someone you know..."

"Is that so?"



I wrapped my arms around her. She was wearing her pajamas and we were both swaying.


"I can't believe it, oppa."

"Believe what?"

"After a long time I'm finally here, next to you." 

"Me too. I guess we're meant to be, after all."

*ding dong*


"Who's that?"

"It must be our guest. I'll get the door. Go and get changed."


She twirled before leaving my arms. She never fails to make me smile.

*ding dong*

Aish! Is hyung in a hurry or what?

"Yah, Henry! What took you so long?"

"I was doing something."

Hyung barged into my house and threw himself into my couch. He should feel at home by now since he's been here for who knows how many times already.

"So, where's my-"



________ interrupted hyung and his jaw dropped. She wore this and looked beautiful as always. Kyuhyun hyung turned to me with an evil grin.


"Is she the lucky one?"

"Hyung! What are you talking....a-about?" I reddened.

"Annyeong haseyo, chonun ________ imnida."

"Anyeong haseyo Kyuhyun imnida, but you can call me Kyu oppa."

"Arrasso! Would you like some tea?"

"That would be very nice."


_______ left the room and went to the kitchen to prepare tea for the three of us. Kyuhyun hyung quickly faced me with a 'hungry for info' face.

He kept on bugging me about what happened in America and kept on saying that all of it wouldn't have happened without him proudly.


"Henry, you are one man in love." He tapped my shoulder playfully.

"Hyung, only you knows about this."

"But of course!" He raised his right hand. "I promise I won't tell anyone."

"That's good."

"Oppa! Here's your tea!"

_______ served tea for us and Kyuhyun hyung was left awestricken. I can tell by the look on his face.

"How can the younger guys always get the good stuff?" hyung pouted.

"Don't worry, oppa! I'm sure you'll find the right one."

"You are one cute creature." Hyung pinched _______'s cheeks and she blushed.

"Keep your hands away from my girl, hyung."

"You're too protective! I'm just adoring her cuteness."

We ended up watching movies and eating all the popcorn in the fridge. I'd often make _______ embarrassed and Kyuhyun hyung would make a funny disgusted face. This guy is really fun to be with, except when he turns into that starcraft addict 'gaemer' (that's what we call him). 

He'd joke a lot about stealing ________ and she would burst into laughter. I'd act like a grumpy old geezer and we'd about the way she laughs (we'd say she's like a witch when she laughs).

"Oppa, does omma and appa know that kyu oppa is here?"

"They treat him like their own child...and besides, he's been here for quite a few times now and they know his parents too so it won't be a problem.

"Is Kyu oppa trustworty?"

"Of course..." I winked.

"Hey guys, I'm bored. Let's play Starcraft!"

Oh no. This is what I was talking about.



Sorry for the very short update, Im kinda busy. More about the stalker will be revealed in the next chapter!

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Updated! ^0^


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Chapter 40: Good job author-nim :D
Finally I'm able to comment kkk
I saw my own names!!!
Thanks for the amazing fic you wrote author-nim ❤
Kpopfanfan_elf #2
Chapter 40: Happy ending yaaaas !! I expected a sad ending i dunno why
Chapter 37: Yeah it looks like she will make it ..Thanks for the update :)
Kpopfanfan_elf #4
Chapter 34: Do i smell a plot twist coming ?? Heuheuheu this fanfic is grate kepp going
Kpopfanfan_elf #5
Chapter 32: I hope i die i dont want to be henrys sis !!!
Chapter 32: Hope she will be okay and that everything will work out the way it is suppose to be ...Thanks for the Update :)
Chapter 31: Well they got everything away from Krystal so she can't do anything ..but with their parents getting ready to get married will they be able to stay together or will they have to move on ..Thanks for the update and looking forward to see what happens next <3333333
Chapter 29: Well they may have gotten rid of the original thanks to Kyu but she and the editor still might have a copy that they need to get rid of ...Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 28: It seems that Krystal just might be behind this so she can get revenge and maybe Henry back ..here's hoping nothing will go wrong for these two..Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 24: lol startcraft addict gamer kyu XD