Chocolate Filled With Caramel

Chocolate Filled With Caramel

I sat boredly in class, ignoring the English teacher who was currently speaking English, obviously. I understood what she was saying perfectly since I’m fluent in English. She was giving us our assignment which counted 1/3 of our grade for the semester, but I didn’t feel like paying attention right now.

“Lee Taemin is paired with Choi Minho.” Said the teacher, smiling since she knew she brought my attention back to my lessons. What? “Get into your pairs, I’ll give you the rest of the class to get started on it, remember, it’s due after break.”

Wait, what was the assignment?

Someone suddenly sat in the seat beside me startling me, I looked up about to glare, but I saw my crush smiling down at me.  Am I dreaming? Is he actually looking at me, let alone looking at me?

“You are Lee Taemin right?”

I nodded, stuttering out, “Y-Yes.”

“I’m Choi Minho.” Said the male sticking out his hand while smiling at me sweetly.

“I-I know.” I said, trying hard not to stutter anymore.

He smiled, “You’re a basketball fan? I haven’t seen you at a game before.”

“I don’t go to games, but I do read about it…” I said.

He looked kind of disappointed, “Why don’t you go to games?”

“I don’t like being in such a small space with so many people.” I said, smiling, “Sorry.”

“So, do you want to start the project now?” asked Minho.

“What was it exactly?” I asked, blushing, “I wasn’t paying attention.”

“We have to interpret what the characters in Cho Claire’s short story ‘The Impossible Ugly Beauty’ feel.” Said Minho. (a/n: I’m using a story I wrote in my creative writing class, it had a similar theme to the one I’m writing now…)

“Oh.” I said.


She was a crook, a crook of others hearts, she wasn’t beautiful on the inside but others loved her and her play girl ways. She went anorexic but everyone still loved her. What about my girl? She wasn’t the skinniest, but she also wasn’t the chubbiest, either, she had natural curves. She might have some fat on her, but she’s still perfect to me.


Ring. Ring.

I smiled and stood up, putting my pencil away into my messenger bag happily along with my books and my notebooks. Minho stood up, packing up also.

“I guess I’ll see you later in the university’s library?” I said.

“Actually, I have a game tonight.” Said Minho.

“Oh…”I said, “Can I have your phone number so we can set up when we can work on it?”

“Sure.” Said Minho, smiling and putting his number in my phone and I put mine in his. He smiled and took his phone, “I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah…bye…” I said.

“Actually, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my basketball game tonight…” said Minho, right before I left, he was right behind me now.

I turned around and smiled at him, my heart pounding in my chest. He’s actually asking me to come! “Sure, I guess I could come.”

“We could go to my place afterwards and work on the project.” Said Minho.

I smiled, “Alright.”


She was one of the strongest people I’ve ever known. No one knew of the pain she went through, after all she was the nerd no one cared about. She was the fat girl that wasn’t even fat. She was Mrs. Pimples, who everyone laughed at and made fun of.

She was my love…


I sat across from Minho, through my thick framed black glasses, staring at his damp hair that was clinging to his forehead and neck like a blanket. I turned my attention to his handsome face, which was turned down and covered with signs of concentration. His eyes brows furrowed as he dove deeper in confusion and I couldn’t help but to chuckle. He looked up at me with a questioning look. I smiled and leaned towards him.

“What has you so confused?” I asked my voice soft.

“What’s the message supposed to be here?” asked Minho, “It doesn’t make sense.”

I blushed thinking of the topic, should I use this to confess?

“All it talks about is how she looks, it doesn’t talk about her feelings at all!” said Minho, “How are we supposed to interrupt the character’s feelings?”

“We aren’t supposed to be thinking about her feelings, but of the narrator’s feelings…” I said, leaning on his shoulder so I could see the text book we were sharing.

He looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows together, “What exactly are his feelings?”

“That one can be ugly but beautiful at the same time without people realizing it…” I said, looking at his lips.

He smiled, leaning in closer, kissing me on the lips. He hugged me, pulling me closer to me, whispering in my ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too…” I whispered back, we stayed like that, hugging each other for a while.

Who knew both of us had this unrequited love for each other, which turned out to be requited?


They caused her to change; she became a stranger to both me and herself…Is it because my love could not reach her? Was it because I was a coward? Was it because she didn’t feel confident enough?


I was walking through the halls to the lecture hall, hearing snickering and whispers as I passed by, their comments and laughing didn’t bug me, why? Because I, unlike them, was beautiful on the inside and out, I wasn’t the narrator of the story, I was his love…One thing I know is, I’ll never get lost like she did, why? Well, I have my love beside me and he’ll be side me for as long as I know…

I smiled at Minho, who was staring at me from across the room.

“Mr. Choi, please come up here and present to the class what you and Mr. Lee interpreted from the characters feelings,” Said the Teacher, “since I’m positive Mr. Lee did most the work.”

Minho stood and walked to the front of the class.


She wasn’t like any other; she was like chocolate filled with warm caramel around pieces of chocolate which were chocolate all the way through…

The jerks who made fun of her were the same both inside and out, while she was  different, despite her not having the best of looks out side, she had the best inside. She had the truest feelings and was the sweetest person I knew…She was warm inside, but their coldness got to her, eventually causing her to destroy herself.


“Our report had to be the feeling portrayed in Cho Claire’s ‘The Impossible Ugly Beauty.’ Originally I thought you were going to focus on the girl’s feelings, but as the story I learned, it wasn’t the girl’s feelings that were the main focus but the boy’s.” said Minho, glancing around the classroom, making eye contact with some of our classmates, who were listening closely, “He always talks about jerks and about ‘his girl’ who is getting torn apart by them because she wasn’t like the models they saw in magazines. He describes her as, ‘chocolate filled with warm caramel around pieces of chocolate which were chocolate all the way through.’ In other words, he was saying that they were the same inside and out, while she might be ugly on the outside, but was extremely beautiful inside.” He then locked eyes with me and said, “He said that the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched…they can only be felt with the heart…I learned this too from my love.”

I smiled, knowing he was talking to me.

“He might not be the most beautiful person to all of my classmates, but to my heart, he is both the best and most beautiful thing in this corrupted world.”


I don’t care about their opinions, because to me and my heart she is the most beautiful thing in this corrupted world.


I smiled sitting on the bench in the park, watching little kids play happily on the playground. It’s been four years and four months and spring has finally come along with our college graduation. I smiled when I felt an arm slip around my shoulder, pulling closer to the owners body.

“Did you miss me?” asked Minho, cutely.

I laughed and pecked him on the lips, “Yes, I did.”

He smiled and hugged me tighter.

My life has been perfect ever since our freshman year of college…please let it stay that way.

My love, If you are listening…I love you…







Like I said before, I fail at writing when there is a prompt...So, please excuse me if it stinks...

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I absolutly loved it!! It was wonderful reading this, keep it up!! :D
keybuttlicious #3
I love words in bold caracter in this ff... I just re-read this... And is really lovely (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)~♥
so awesome daebakk
That was a really unique idea <3 Even though I think the confession scene came too sudden, it was still beautiful. I enjoyed this very much <3
SHINee4ever5 #6
It is so touching ^^ I would die to have someone say that to me >.< I love it <3
Did you write the bold parts for your original story? If so then it must've been great, and the reference to the chocolate caramel was good (though it confused me ^^;). I think this fic is pretty (yes, I actually said that xD) and good luck with the contest <3 :)
This is really sweet, I like the way you presented the story. Good luck for the contest.
carrotcake #10
aww, that was so sweet! loved it! :">