
Comeback home

With Girl's Day's popularity growing up, offers were made like filming a cf, mv.. But Yura was offered something she really wanted to do, acting. Sure she wasn't the only one to choose, DreamT's CEO was there too. Yura would have been 100% sure she wanted to do it if the drama was filmed in Korea. But it was in Japan. Yura thought about it a very long time. Being in a drama was her dream, but being with her bestfriends was her dream as well. Without the CEO, Yura wouldn't have accepted the offer, but she had to do what he said her to. When she annouced it to the girls, they were really happy about it, saying it was amazing, it was a great opportunity, she had to do it, they would support her. But Yura didn't tell where it would be filmed. When they discovered it, their mind changed. It wasn't the same at all, but when Yura first told them without telling the place, they were all excited about it. She explained them it was still an amazing opportunity, they said it themselves. Sojin, as the mature one, understood what she meant. Sure it was an amazing opportunity, even if it meant they wouldn't see eachother for months. Minah quickly understood it too. But Hyeri was the problem. Hyeri wasn't ok at all with all of this. Sure she wanted her friend to be succesful and to be in a drama, but if it meant being far away from eachother it wasn't possible for her. They had already been seperated a long time for 'Secret Angel' but 1 time was enough for her. Hyeri used to count the days left until Yura's leaving and she used to cry about it when she was alone. Yura knew how Hyeri felt so she started to sleep next to her every night, hugging the girl every night, wipping the girl's tears with her right hand.

_We'll still see eachother you know !

_It won't be the same Yura..

_I know but i'll call you everyday, and will text too, i'll send you selcas.

_What if you can't ? If you're too busy ?

_I promise i'll text you at least one time a day !

_You promise ?

_I promise..

Yura promised but she wasn't sure she would. She wanted to, Hyeri was the most important person to her and she really wanted to interact with her at least once a day. But she didn't know if she would have the chance to. Still she didn't want Hyeri to be more sad so she promised to keep in touch with her as much as she could.

Those weeks were sad weeks yet the girls tried to enjoy the fact they were still four before the fatal day, that day when they would be seperated. And that day came really fast. Yura took her suitcase and walked to the dorm's door where the other three girls were waiting, the milky skin girl hugged each one of them tightly. She first hugged the older girl who told her to take care of her as the good leader she was. Then she hugged the long brown haired girl who said a little « see you soon » with teary eyes. She finally hugged the maknae. She didn't say anything. Actually, nothing needed to be said. But Yura felt a tear falling on her shoulder. It broke her heart. She really didn't want to see her cry because she would cry as well and then all four of them would cry and she wouldn't have the courage to leave. « I told you not to cry.. » Yura said jockingly yet sadly. Hyeri didn't answer but she hugged the girl with more strength than before, like if she didn't want to let her go. She didn't want to, but it was for the best. At least, it was what she used to tell herself as an excuse. So did Yura. The short haired girl eventually let go of her, watching her walking away in pain. The perfect leader took all her strength to say those words hard to say for them « Goodbye ! We love you ! ». The heartbroken girl turned to face them and said a little « I love you too ! » with a fake smile before leaving the dorms with teary eyes.


As promised, Yura contacted the girls at least once a day. Everything was alright, she became good friend with the other actors, she had a pretty important role, one of the two more important girls on the show. The story was about two young girls who fall in love, like other shows. They 3 girls in Korea watched every episode when it came out. They watched them all. And the older in the room saw how the younger was when the kiss scene happened. They saw the anger Hyeri tried so hard to hide. She could try to hide it, it would always be seen. Especially by the two girls. Sojin and Minah definitely knew there was something more than just friendly love. They heard Hyeri crying everyday although the youngest only cried when she was alone in the bathroom. It was really hard for Hyeri and so was it for Yura. But Yura was stronger emotionally than was Hyeri.

_How are you ?

_I'm fine, what about you ?

_Hyeri.. You know i can see your face by facetime. You're not fine.

_No i'm not. My bestfriend is far away from me and i can't go on doing this. I miss you so much..

_I miss you too baby Hyeri.

_When are you coming back home ?

_Two months i think.

_So you won't be there for my birthday...

_I'm sorry Hyeri but i can't, you know why. Don't be mad at me.

_I'm not.. It won't be the same. It's not the same already. You're our other half Yura. Sojin, Minah and i don't really have fun anymore. We were four for a so long time, you know that we sleep in the same bed. The 3 of us. Because it's empty here and Sojin's alone in your room. It's kinda funny because we put all the matress together so it's a quite big bed. We should do this when you comeback home !

_Yeh, we should,Yura said jockingly.

_In two months..

_You'll see, it will be fast !

_I hope so !


Actually, Yura wasn't coming back in two months. She had planned it with Sojin and Minah. She would come home for Hyeri's birthday. What a beautiful gift, isn't it ? She knew Hyeri would be hurt because she thought she was only coming back in two months, but she also knew how she would be happy to see her for her birthday.

When Hyeri's birthday finally came, the two girls woke her up by jumping on her, singing Happy Birthday as loud as they could. It was the first time in 3 months Hyeri wasn't that sad. She enjoyed her morning with the girls, eating a big brunch the two girls had cooked just before waking her up. Around 2pm, the two girls said the younger they were going to buy the cake, but only the two of them so she had to stay here. They really bought the cake, but they bought it right after getting the fourth girl back at the airport. They were so happy to see her again, to hug her again. It was a beautiful day. When they came back to the dorms, Sojin came in first to see if Hyeri wasn't there. Actually she was in her room, playing with her phone. Only Sojin and Minah knocked on Hyeri's door, saying « Baby Hyeri ! We're back ! » with a « with your cake » from Minah. Hyeri got out of the room really fast and smiled to the two girls with a big eyesmile. The cake was on the living room. When Hyeri finally saw the cake, she didn't really know what to think about the sentence which was written on it. A pretty familiar voice came out from behind her. It said « I'm back home. » Hyeri's heart stopped when she heard that voice she knew very well. Sojin and Minah were looking at her with big smiles. It had been a long time since they hadn't seen a look like this one from the maknae. Hyeri eventually turned to face the girl she had missed so much. « Yura ? » she said in a low voice, almost crying. « I'm home. » Yura said kindly. The maknae jumped on the girl and hugged her so tied Yura thought she wouldn't be able to breath. Hyeri stepped backward to look at her and then stepped forward and kissed the girl. It was really unexpected for Yura but it wasn't disliked. Everyone kind of knew there was something between the two of them, except for them. Minah and Sojin exchanged a proud look. They were the first who knew about that something between them. Living with them made them the first to know. They were really happy about that. Seeing the two finally being together since that long time. It was a success. The four of them spended the day laughing together and talking about what they had done since Yura's departure.

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Karakarakara #1
Chapter 1: huehuehue my heart
PetitFreak0525 #2
Chapter 1: Cuuuuute! I love HyeRa **
xxiaolu #3
Chapter 1: Aww, cute!
elvin_obsession #4
Chapter 1: Omg! That was so cute!! :)