The Stupid One Pt.1

The Stupid One
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Chanmi's Story

In this loving world, there are those who can love without asking for anything in return. Jung Hoseok was one of those people. He was one of those people who could love someone unselfishly.

When we first met, my heart skipped happily towards him. Somehow I had felt drawn to him on that day, that day when we first met.

The First Meeting:

"Chanmi ah, I'd like you to meet my old classmate from middle school, Hoseok. Jung Hoseok~"

"Nice to meet you Chanmi shi~" A deep imprint was engraved in my heart at that very moment, that very moment when I had met Jung Hoseok for the first time.


"It's very nice to meet you too~!" We both greeted happily, while standing across from one another. I was honestly excited to have met a new friend that day.
"Chanmi's cute, right Hoseokie~? She was my very first friend when we started high school here, Chanmi's the best~!"

"Eo~~" He was probably feeling a bit embarrassed to hear such a question at that time, that all he could do at that particular moment was nod his head slightly.

"Chanmi ah, if you guys could become friends that would be great~! We all can hang out then~"
We had met that fateful day because of my classmate and close friend, Yoon Minah. Both Minah and Hoseok attended the same middle school along with Hoseok's best friend; Jaebeom, Minah's boyfriend. I later realized that Hoseok had kept a hidden secret from everyone, everyone including his best friend Jaebeom and also Minah.

The 1st Spring Together:

It was a typical Spring day, as the blue crisp sky lingered above us and the wind blew through the air peacefully. It was the perfect day to be outside.
*STEP* I was strolling happily down the hallway during break, until something caught my eye. As I slowly made my way towards the balcony of our school's second floor, I could see why my eyes had wandered towards that direction.

He stood there quietly, gazing off at the white fluffy clouds that were floating around in the crisp light blue sky. As I made my way towards him, I could hear his soft subtle sigh.

Jung Hoseok, why are you so stupid?

*STEP* I didn't know when I had started to see it, but I had somehow realized that Hoseok had kept a hidden secret.

"You like Minah, don't you?" I unconsciously let it slip out of my mouth. The secret that I had kept to myself without even knowing if it was true or not. I let it slip out.

*TURN* He looked at me with such seriousness for the first time that it struck a cord in my heart.
*STARE* "Yeah, I like her.." Wow, that was a straightforward answer.

"....but I don't intend to tell her."

In this loving world, there are those who can love without asking for anything in return. Jung Hoseok was one of those people. He was one of those people who could love someone unselfishly.
This one sided love that he had for Minah, I found it to be STUPID! He was stupid for loving someone, who he couldn't even confess to.
"Please, keep this a secret Chanmi~"
Jung Hoseok was stupid but the one who was even more stupid; was the person that loved him.

I was the "stupid one" all along.

Our 1st Year : Fall

*STARE* It was only a few minutes after school had ended for that day and yet we were in our classroom, still seated in our assigned seats.

"Again?!!" Hoseok and I blurted out at the same exact time. We both peered at Minah, who stood nodding her head gently directly in front of us. We weren't so much shocked but we were rather a bit dumbfounded; I guess you could say at that moment.

"Yeah, this time its a senior. I was totally taken aback by his sudden confession..." Minah stated, still a bit startled after what had just happened to her.

"Why would he ask someone with a boyfriend, out??" Hoseok blurted out rather bluntly. Placing his right arm onto his desk, while rubbing his chin probably trying to make sense of Minah's current situation.

"Maybe, he doesn't know she has a boyfriend." I knew it was far fetched as they both turned to look at me with bewilderment and yet I still had the guts to say it. But then again,I knew I was wrong because truth be told everyone knows that Minah was taken.

"No, I think he knows but he just wanted to confess his feelings~" Minah shook her head, trying not to let it get to her. This wasn't the first time that this has ever happened.

Minah, Yoon Minah was pretty much what you would call; an angel on earth. Perfect on the inside and out, everyone of course knows that Minah has a boyfriend but I guess that didn't stop them from confessing their love for her, each and everytime.

"How many times has this happened, Minah?" Hoseok questioned, probably loosing count after the first 20 times or so.

"They seem to give up rather quickly, after I tell them I have a boyfriend. So it's okay." Minah was always way too nice for her own good but even she knew that about herself as well.

"Doesn't Jaebeom mind? I mean you are his girlfriend and I don't think he would like this happening to..." Hoseok was in the middle of trying to tell her something, when she suddenly panicked and cut him off.

"Yah, you can't tell him about this! He'll freak out and worry~!"

"Yeah, I know that." His tone was clear as day, he had stated it like it was a confirmed fact.

Jaebeom is Minah's boyfriend, as well as Hoseok's best friend and because he goes to a different high school, I have yet to meet him. And although I've seen pictures of the 3 of them; no matter how

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Chapter 2: Awwwwwww......Sorry Jimin. She's taken. XD
syaheerah #2
Chapter 3: Sequel.please
U should make a longer ver of this story xD
Chapter 2: It could've been funny if Hoseok knew that he was the one being given up on hahahahaha
Chapter 1: this story has good potential, but maybe you can make it better by getting rid of the "~" and instead of writing things like "TURN" and "STEP," you can describe the movements ^_^
elliptical #6
congrats x
AnniieLuo #7
congrats on ad!
Chapter 2: just finished this,lol xD
its pretty good, was a bit confusin @ first ^^
Ilikecabbages #10
Chapter 1: ITS NICE!!