



*bang bang bang


Few minutes after Kim entered the woods, EXO heard three gunshots. They immediately swam back to the shore and hid behind the big tree.


They were peeking at the woods and waited until they heard foot steps. They covered their mouths.


"Stop hiding, it's me." A familiar voice said to them. It was Kim. They released a sigh of relief. Kim walked pass them carrying a big backpack, few coconuts and bananas.


"Er-erm.. Let me help you." Lay offered his hand and took the bananas and coconuts.


"Thanks." Kim just said while putting down the backpack.


"Uhm.. w-what was the gunshots about?" Lay got courage to ask.


"Oh that. I bumped into three people, i think one was their leader, then the two were his men. They knew that I was not part of their group so they surrounded me and took out their guns. Then bang bang bang." Kim explained.


"Y-you k-killed them?" Lay's eye widened.


Kim looked at Lay with wrinkled forehead. "Of course not."


"Th-then how--"


"Forming a triangle, the three was the corners and I am in the middle. They pointed their guns to me. I ducked their shots causing the bullets to hit them. Meaning, they accidentally shot each other. So it was not my fault." Kim said. It was the truth though. Kim hid her gun underneath a big root of a tree few steps from where EXO was hiding a while ago.


"If you are not convinced, then I won't talk anymore." She said again. She opened the backpack she got from the three. There were canned goods, candies, few table mantles, a videocam with 10extra tapes and batteries, a cell phone, a lighter, a net, a rope, a swiss knife and a bolo (large knife that is used for cutting or chopping hard objects).


"Food!!" EXO ran to where Kim is standing to get some of the food but the latter prevented them from doing so. 


"These canned goods are for dinner." Kim said as she closed the bag. 


"Aaww. But we are hungry." Baekhyun complained holding his tummy.


"There are bananas there. Coconut juice will be our drinks. Those are our breakfast for this morning." Kim said.


"But... but.." Sehun reacted.


"If you don't want to eat bananas, then starve."


"Just one please..." Chanyeol begged.




"Erm.. excuse me Kim. I think you don't have the right to decide whether those goods are for dinner or not. I mean, we need to eat right now." Suho stood up.


Kim stopped organizing the bagpack and looked at the leader. "You need to eat?"


Suho gulped. Even though Kim was a bit shorter than him, he was afraid. Kim was looking at him like a monster who's ready to devour its prey. But then, he managed to answer Kim's question.


"Yes." Suho said.


"Then get your own food." Kim took the bagpack. She dragged the bunch of bananas and cluster of coconuts.


"Yah hyung!" You made Kim angry." Lay said.


"How are we suppose to eat hyung? I am really famished." Kai said.


"You wait there, Kris and I will look for food." Suho said and picked up his clothes. He dragged Kris into the woods and tried looking for food.


Other EXO member just sat few meters away from where Kim put  the bagpack and other food. They were tired of swimming and felt that they were so hungry.


Lay keeps on looking at Kim. He noticed that Kim was trying to take off her contact lenses. Kim also took off his shoes and socks. When Kim felt that someone is looking at her, she looked at her left and saw Lay staring. The latter then avoided her gaze.


Kim carried the bagpack again and hid it somewhere near. She left the bananas and coconuts at the sand. She also left the bolo knife in case EXO got thirsty and they can open the coconuts for the juice.


Kim looked for a fine branches of a tree and shaped the end of it like a pencil. She made five spears. She took out the rope from the bag and tied the end of it to her waist, the other end on the spear. She also get the net.


When she went back, she saw EXO members eating the bananas and others are trying to open the coconuts for drinks. She smiled. The food was really for EXO. It just that, she needed to budget the food (canned goods). 


When she saw that EXO members are still struggling with opening the coconuts, she went near them. She asked for the bolo and taught them how to properly open a coconut.


"Here." She said after successfully opening one fruit. EXO gets it from her and in just seconds they already emptied it. They were about to throw the coconut but Kim instructed them not to.


"Open your own coconuts. After drinking the juice, set the coconut aside." Then she walked to the sea. 


"W-wait! Where are you going?!" Lay shouted.


"Food hunting!" Kim shouted back.


"You're gonna swim with your mask on?"


Kim did not answer. Of course, she will never wear off her face mask. She will be recognized by EXO and that is what she's avoiding.


She just dived into the water and started to look for food.






It has been 30 minutes. We are done eating but Kim has not come back yet. I am starting to worry. We will not survive if he'ss not here with us.


Suho hyung and Kris hyung came back with more bananas and coconuts. They have eaten too. Suho was planning to apologize to Kim for being harsh. I knew he realized he was wrong for arguing with a stranger who saves us for how many times.


"Look! Kim's back!" I heard Kyungsoo shouting.


I immediately looked at where he was pointing and saw Kim, holding a handmade spear, and pulling the net full of fish and other sea creatures that looks edible.


He looks exhausted. He got near us and get some leaves beside us. He then threw the net on it. The fishes were still moving so he started spanking each of them. After doing so, he lied down the sand.


" this is tiring."


I heard him said in another tone of voice. Not the husky one. It was a bit familiar to me but I can't point out whose voice it is.


After few minutes of watching him breathe in and out, he stood up and went into the woods. He then came out carrying a pile of twigs and dried leaves. We were just watching him do the work. Nobody wants to help him because every EXO member, including me, is afraid.


He went to get something from his favorite spot. It was the lighter. I think he's trying to make a bonfire for cooking.


And I was right. When there's already fire, he started to talk.


"Sehun, Kai, Tao, could you please get more leaves?" He said looking straight at the three maknaes.


"A-ah. O-okay." The three said.


I couldn't believe it. Kim just ordered our maknaes to do something and the three followed him. But when we're the ones to ask them a favor, they would do aegyos so they would not be bothered by us.


"Kyungsoo and Chen. Please don't let the fire come off." Kim said making our jaws drop.


Kim knew our names?


Oh I am so stupid. I almost forgot that we are EXO.


Together with the others, I watched Kim as he took off his gloves. He got small hands and I find it cute. He took a fish and started scaling it. He took out some of the fish's internal organs. The smell was so gross that we covered our nose. He noticed me pinching my nose so hard and then he giggled.


"This fish wasn't that stinky. Haha." He said making us smile awkwardly. 


He was done with the fish when he called us.


"Hey guys! Here catch!" He shouted throwing something to us. Suho hyung caught it. Right there, hyung realized that it was the fish so he threw it to us.


"Yah! Stinky fish!" Suho hyung shouted and passed the fish to Luhan. Then Luhan passed it to Xiumin and so on. We are laughing so hard because of that.


"Yah! The one who'll drop the fish will get to eat it!" I heard Kim shouted to us. Unfortunately, the fish was thrown to me by Kris hyung. I was able to catch it but it slipped into my hands and fell into the banana leaf.


"Hahaha. Lay will eat that fish!" Xiumin shouted making the others laugh. I laughed too as I picked up the fish. 


"Hahaha. Don't worry Yixing, just wash it and it will be edible again." Kim said to me. 


I feel odd. My stomach turned when he called my name. It was music to my ears. I think I like him.


But no!! We are both men. Maybe I just like him because he's always there to save us. And maybe, because we are starting to feel safe when we are with him. Maybe I am just idolizing him. Psh, i don't know.


I went to Kim after washing my viand for lunch and helped him on preparing it. He asked me to wash the other fishes plus some crabs and oysters while he was sharping some woods that will be used as sticks.


In few minutes, we had our lunch. It was like a seafood feast! Our foods were fishes, crabs, oysters, some arosep (sea plant), and of course coconut juice. We ate it all. 


After eating, I saw Kim went to those coconut shells that we had set aside a while ago. He took the bolo out and chop the coconut shells.


"Here, have some dessert." He said to us. We then saw a white part of the coconut and ate it. It was good. It was my first time to eat that.


"Hey Kim!"  I heard Kris hyung shouted beside me. "Aren't you going to eat?"


"Later. Just finish your food." Kim shouted. I barely noticed that he did not eat. He just prepared the food and watched us a while ago. He might starve. 


Or maybe, he does not want to take off his face mask that is why he have not eaten yet.


Anyway, after the dessert, we had few minutes rest and we started to swim again. Of course, while swimming, we brought our clothes and started washing it while we're soaked with seawater.


While swimming, I saw Kim came out from the woods carrying bananas and some other fruits. Though I am far from him and his face was covered by his mask, I can still see that he's been chewing something. He was eating the papayas he got. And then I felt so relieved that he at last, ate.


"Hey Kim! Join us!"  I shouted at him while waving my underwear. He looked at me but avoided my gaze as soon as he saw my undies.


"No thanks."  He shouted back.


"Come on! You smell like fish, you should take a bath here!" I shouted again.


"No thank you." HE said and he immediately went back to the woods before I bother him again.




KIM's POV: (Mysterious person's POV:)


Is Zhang Yixing insane?! He was asking me to take a swim with the whole EXO? Well, I think I would love to take a bath but not with them being .


So I decided to go back to the woods. I climbed a big tree and rested there for a while. I looked at my waterproof watch, and it is already 5 in the afternoon. Soon will be the sunset.


I looked at them while I am sitting at the big branch of the tree. Good thing they were already wearing shorts. They were playing something and I can see that they are enjoying their 'vacation' here.






"KIM!! GET DOWN NOW! DINNER IS READY!!" Kim was awaken by the noise of Lay, Suho and Luhan. He started to blink and stretched her body. It was already dark. She frowned because she missed the setting of the sun.


"Hey! Get down already!" Lay shouted again.


"Yah! I'm coming!" She yelled back. Lay, Suho and Luhan zipped their mouths. They were a bit shocked because Kim shouted with a girl's high pitched voice.


Kim realized what she had done so after she jumped from the tree, she cleared .


"Did you just yelled at us with a girl's voice?" Suho asked.


Kim cleared again and started imitating Suho's voice. "Yes I did." Kim said making Suho's jaw dropped. She copied Suho's voice easily.


"Wow hyung! Kim copied you!" Luhan was amazed.


"Wow hyung! Kim copied you!" Kim repeated what Luhan said with the same voice.


"Luhan, he copied you too!" Lay said while clapping his hands.


"Luhan, he copied you too!" Kim repeated what Lay have said with the same voice.


"How did you do that?" Suho asked.


Kim cleared again. "It's just my talent. To copy voices of anyone. An old man, a girl, anyone. So don't be shock when you hear me talking using Chanyeol's deep voice." Kim said using now her husky voice. "Come on let us eat!"


And Kim walked out of the woods.




Everybody is already sleeping in the mini hut Kim made. Oh, not really everyone. Kim was still awake. She was making sure that every EXO member is sleeping. She was planning to take a swim at exactly midnight.


She looked at her watch and quietly ran to the water. She took off her clothes. From her jacket to her pants leaving only her undies. She started washing her clothes first. Then after that, she hanged it to the rope she made a while ago for them to dry. 


She went back to the sea and enjoyed swimming and cleaning herself there. 


An hour and a half have passed, she heard some movements from the hut she made.


She then saw Lay, walking to her place. (Kim made a separate hut for the boys and for herself.)


".. Is he checking on me?" Kim whispered to herself. She saw Lay looking around so Kim swam back but on different route. She went on the dark part of the shore where the light from the bonfire couldn't reach. She quietly ran into the woods.


She saw Lay sat down inside her hut. Lay was wide awake and Kim couldn't confront with him wearing just her underwear. So Kim let herself to dry before planning on how to get her clothes.


Few minutes later, Kim saw Lay lay down and she heard some snoring so she ran to where her clothes are and immediately wear it. Right after wearing her mask, Lay was awaken.


"Oh, you're there already. I'm sorry, I had to go here because I could not sleep there. Their snoring were too loud." Lay said to Kim.


"It's okay. Go back to sleep then." Kim said to Lay.


"H-how about you? A-are y-you going to sleep?" 


"Yes." And Kim went beside Lay. She lied down few feet away from the EXO member. 


"Uh-uhm.. Kim?" Yixing turned around and poked Kim's shoulder.




"Can I ask you some few things?"


"Sure. As long as your questions are answerable by yes or no." Kim giggled.


"Oh. Okay.  But I need to know your full and real name." Lay pouted.


"My real name is Kim Mysterious. English name to be exact."


"English uh. So do you have other names? Ike in Korean or maybe Chinese?"


"Yes, I do." Kim answered.


"What are they?" Lay asked.


"Eh. That is not answerable by yes or no. Hahaha." Kim said. Lay can see that Kim was laughing because of her eyes. But them, from laughing, Kim's eyes turned serious as she look at Lay. The latter then asked serious questions.


Lay wanted to clear all the things on his mind. He wanted to know who are those people who wanted them dead. And why are they targetting EXO? He also wanted to know who really Kim is. Why is he following EXO? 


Before Lay could blurt out any of those question, Kim started talking.


"I know all the answers. But this is not the right time to discuss it." Kim said as if he read Lay's mind.


"But I want to know everything." Lay insisted.


"Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand."


"I'll try to understand Kim. Whatever you will say to me, I will believe. Please, trust me. Just like how I am trusting you now." Ay said holding both of Kim's shoulders.


Kim held Lay's both hands and remove it from her shoulders. "Take back what you have said." She ordered in an angry tone.


"W-what?" Lay gave Kim a confused look.


"You should not trust me." Kim said trying to calm herself down.


"B-but... how could I not trust you, when you have saved our lives----"


"I have told you this for many times Zhang Yixing. The only people you should trust is yourself and EXO. Everyone else is dangerous. In time, you and your group will know the reason behind all these. For now, the less you know is the better." Kim turned her back on Lay and stood up.


"You can have my hut for the rest of the night. Good night." Kim said then left.





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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.