Bothersome One: Jeon Ara


Mr. Bothersome



Bothersome One: Jeon Ara



Jeon Ara bit her toast silently alone, alone as always. She scowled as she heard heavy steps down the staircase.

“Ara where’s my heels, did you take them?!”

Ara groaned as she heard the annoying voice poison her ears. Oh how she hated that voice, especially in mornings. The two sisters stood in front of each other, piercing through one another’s eyes, full of contempt.

“Why would I?”

 Ara furrowed her eyebrow’s, tossing her half-finished toast into the bin, She barged past her younger sister Haeri.

Haeri scoffed, rolling her eyes and fixing her hairarrow-10x10.png with her hand mirror, eyeing her older sister.

“Wait till I tell mom and dad.” She hissed making sure she didn’t hear.

Haeri was always treated specially, treated like a princess, no, she was a ‘princess', well, to Mr and Mrs Jeon. No wonder she turned out to be the spoilt brat of the century. Ara’s parents didn’t give as half as much love to her as Haeri did, in fact Haeri got all their love. They only despised Ara.

OMG! Why are her parents such es?!

Well, that is a mystery…for now.

Their parents were always busy somewhere on the other side of the world, for flights, proposals, business and so. When they sent gifts, they always gave the valuable and expensive to Haeri and worthless and cheap to Ara.

Would she be hurt?

No. She don’t give a .

Each and every giftarrow-10x10.png they have ever given to her has been chucked into the bin.


She roughly tied her hairarrow-10x10.png in a pony-tail without looking at her mirror, she sighed looking at her wrist watch.

“It’s time.”

Yes it’s time, time for school, time for hell.


* * *


Ara popped in her earphones quietly, her blank expression never changed. Her lips never tugged up to smile, if her lips ever did tug it would be to frown.

This was usually how her morning went, the same old boring tiringarrow-10x10.png cycle. Ara won’t smile nor laugh, creating an unapproachable aura for everyone surrounding her, but some use that to take advantage of her.

“Guys, it’s hard rock.” A scrawny looking guy alarmed the troublesome teens.

“Who cares, it’s just her, people like us shouldn’t bother for such low life’s

 Ara climbed on the bus and plopped herself down on an empty seat, completely ignoring environment around her. She was the center of attention on the bus, once again. They stared at her, whispering amongst each other.


“What a shameless !”


“Speaking of the devil”

“Oh GREAT, look who’s here!”


* Tell me *



“Man, why hard rock, can’t she be on another bus.”


“Who does she think she is?”



* What did I ever do to you? *



As the bus started to accelerate Ara shut her eyes, drowning herself out of reality just for a few minutes, and those minutes were the times she could be something else. Something she cherished. Anything would do, just not herself. Just not Jeon Ara.

Then after those few minutes, she would be back to reality, in school, in hell, like any other casual day.

As usual, Ara always sat at the back of class, staring outside the windowarrow-10x10.png, where no one could bother her, well, apart from the teacher of course.

“Miss Jeon Ara, are you losing focus, again?

He pushed his glasses up his nose bridge, glaring at her. He slammed the text bookarrow-10x10.png on her desk, Ara glanced at the text book, slowly looking up glaring at the cranky old man.


“No sir.”  


­­­­­­­­­The teacher flinched, astonished. Although her words were short, they were deadly. He silently walked away thinking to himself and carried on with the lesson, whilst Ara continued multi-tasking.


Ara is not those popular girls in school who everyone wants to get close to, she is the one who no one knows. The one with 0% emotion. To the students, the one who isn’t living.


And sometimes, she gets picked on.


“Hey, hard rock!” A voice called, she halted aware of the figure who was beside her.

* Of course, why didn’t I see this coming *

Haeri of course, this unpleasant child was up to no good, and one of her hobbiesarrow-10x10.png;

‘Torturing the person I hate the most, my sister!’  

“She really is interesting, isn’t she Yoomi?”

It was Haeri’s so called friend. By this time everyone was crowding around to see the heat of the burning hostility between the two sisters.

Ara gave Yoomi a menacing look, Yoomi flinched backing away behind Haeri. Just as Haeri took a step forward, the sudden appearance of the teacher made half of the crowd clear off, making Haeri in a problem.

Ara simply carried on writing down notes onto her book. The teacher stepped in suspicious but her eyes were on Haeri.

“Haeri, what was going on?”

Even though this was an awkward situation Haeri’s face stayed perfectly composed.

“Nothing miss, I just had to give my sis this note, it was a heartfelt letter I wrote to her for her birthday!”

She gave an angelic smile to the teacher, which she actually fell for. With that Haeri left, leaving the teacher beaming.

“Aren’t you lucky to have a sibling like that!”

She nudged Ara on her arm skipping away. Ara looked at the ‘heartfelt letter’ from Haeri as she unfolded it, her grip on the paper tightened.



* Oh, aren’t I ‘Lucky’ *





Come to the toilets NOW.



* * *


The door Ara was leaning on slammed shut, her head bouncing once because the impact. She was cornered seeing no opening.

“We’ve made sure no one can get in Haeri, shall we proceed?”

Another of Haeri’s ‘pals’ said holding a bucket. The bucket gave off a nauseating odor that made Ara and a few others gag.

“Girls wait, why so quick, we want to have some fun before we hurt our prey.”

Each of them gave a nasty smirk to each grinning to one another and nodding their heads.

“So how long have you been single, I mean there must be a reason you haven’t had a boyfriend.” A girl asked in a sarcastic manner, she chortled yanking off Ara’s hair tie.


* Yes, there’s a reason for everything *


“She’s been single for 17 years!"

Haeri cackled, Ara scoffed flipping her bangs away from her eyes.

“Look here, does it look like I give a damn?”

Her icy voice made everyone uneasy, the girl who asked the question jolted backwards from seeing Ara’s menacing smile.


* So here’s mine *


“You, are all pitiful, so, so, pitiful.”

Shocked, the other girls backed away from Ara as she sniggered to herself sending a cold chill in the room. Ara suddenly stopped laughing and stood still, pulling a straight face. She slowly looked up to a dirty window above.    

“I never once desired love, never understood it, never will have it, ah yes, and I’ll never need it.”

Silence. Dead silence. Everyone was daunted by her response. It was spine tingling.




Haeri’s voice echoed she raised an eyebrow staring at her sister.

“We’re not here to listen to your tragic story.”

She stuck out her hand for her mirror, Haeri gave a devilish grin, she slowly moved towards Ara, with her followers close behind her.

“Pour it, all over her.”

 Her eyes gleamed with victory, as she stepped away, for the other girls to do the work. Yoomi was holding the bucket, aware of how Ara’s gaze turning darker and darker as she got closer.

“What are you waiting for, do it!”

Haeri commanded raising her voice making the girls squeal, apart from Ara of course. Yoomi and the other girls stepped forward, slightly tilting the bucket full of gunk. She clenched her fists.


* This girl is seriously gonna get it the moment we get home *


Why duh, hello there ladies.”


* Eh *


Everyone’s head turned towards a tall figure. Long coat, shades, hat, scary voice. In a women’s lavatory. Their brains were in sync. ERT.


Which one of you wanna play with oppa?”


He questioned taking steps closer, the girls all stood unable to speak up, they backed away. Haeri’s mouth gaped open.


She pointed towards Ara, her eyes widened, Haeri and her girls quickly dashed towards the exit.

“H-have her, and leave us alone okay!”

They fled without hearing the ert’s reply.

As he edged closer, Ara clenched her skirt, sweat forming on her forehead, his hand inching towards her…


* I am in deep trouble *



“You can open your eyes now.”


* What *


“It’s okay, I’m no creepy ert, I’m a young, handsome, man!”

He bounced beside her slightly leaning on her arm. Alarmed, she quickly swatted his arm away jolting straight up.


* I better get out of here *


She took hold of her bag and walked towards the exit, but the guy stood in her way. She went to the other side, he stood in her way, she went the other side, and he stood in her way.

“Hey, can you stop pestering me?”

“Hey, can you stop pestering me?”  


He mimicked Ara, purposely pissing her off, he smiled brightly suddenly leaning forward.


“How disappointing, is Ara mad at me?”

He pouted, blinking twice with his hands behind his back.


* Was a ert, now a e too, how does he know my name?*

“You know you look familiar.” He grinned smirking, Ara’s face stayed serene she stared right at him.

“You must be mistaken, I have no relation with anyone.”

She barged past him, he grabbed hold of her wrist. His face and tone totally changed.

Then I’ll just make you remember.”

Ara flinched, her eye’s turned rounder, then immediately, dashing off.




*What was this psycho ert doing*



His eyes glinted with mischief.



* Do you really not remember me… Jeon Ara*





Author's Note: Ayo what up! So this is new chapter for Mr.Bothersome my 1st Story and Chapter, please give lot of love and support reading this story +  Remember to smile reading my story oh and if you want go another step do an epic smiley while reading…

Author’s Guide: In my story this ‘*’ means the inner thoughts of the character like Ara like you saw in the chapter her saying *What is this psycho ert doing?* If you further have any other questions please comment! 




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CHAPTER 2 , GOGOGOGO!!!!!! :))
Chapter 1: Woah nice update mann
keep it up
Update soon neh :)