CH. 4

Prince Academy

Han Geng's POV

I watched as those temporary transfer students from the SHINee kingdom advanced toward Hee Chul. He hadn't talked to me for days, weeks now. He didn't even look at me.

But I was always watching him, not because I was a stalker, but I was his guardian and I loved him. That was seriously the reason why KoTan was allies with KoKim. Our parents had wanted me to protect Hee Chul.

And I loved him, more than a brother, much more than that, but I couldn't tell him that. I was forbidden to do such a thing. His father had told me, "I know you will fall in love with my son, not because if his looks but because of his personality, and he might or might not love you back too. But whatever happens, especially if he says he loves you, you are not to tell him that you love him, not even as a brother. He can't believe that he has someone to pick up his slack. He needs to believe that he needs to be independent because you can be taken from him at anytime."

I broke that order only once. He was crying in the rain, though he hated the rain, and nothing I did stopped his tears. So I kissed his cheeks and muttered, "Don't be scared, Chul-ah! Your little brother is here to protect you. I love you, hyung. Don't cry~"

He'd stopped immediately after that. No one knew I'd said that, not even anyone from our tight-knit school gang. I got up immediately once I saw the transfer students come up to Hee Chul. I listened for a while.

"Yah! This is a boys' school. What's a princess like you doing here?" the one with longish hair said.

"Says the one whose hair is the same length as mine," Hee Chul retorted.

The one with blonde hair bumped purposely into Hee Chul to make his books fall. I tried so hard not to run to him. He needed to stand up for himself. "Hey, Tae Min," the blonde said. "This princess looks just like you."

"Shut it, Jong Hyun hyung," the longish haired boy growled, scowling.

"Ah~ Tae Min... Don't be so defensive. He means you're just pretty," the one with pink and green highlights said with a smirk.

"Key, stop flattering him," the tallest one said.

"Shut up, Min Ho," Key snapped.

"Hey, both of you stop arguing," the one with chicken in his hand demanded.

"Whatever, Onew hyung," they replied.

"You know I'm your hyung, right?" Hee Chul asked them randomly, attempting to get them to leave him alone. They won't, I thought.

"Really?" Onew asked. "Heh better leave our hyung alone, neh?" he said with sarcasm.

Hee Chul just bent down to pick up his books. I flinched and almost dashed to him when the tall guy put his hand on Hee Chul's waist. "Get off me," Hee Chul said.

He just chuckled and pulled Hee Chul close to him, his lips centimeters from Hee Chul's. That's when I got up.

"Yah!" I screamed. "Get the away from him!"

They just glared at me. Min Ho shoved Hee Chul into Jong Hyun who just wrapped his arms around Hee Chul's waist. Min Ho stepped forward toward me. "Why? Huh? What're you to him? What is he to you?" he asked threateningly.

I was fuming mad. "I'm..." I choked. I wanted to say I was his brother, his protector, but I couldn't with Hee Chul's eyes watching me. I knew he really loved me, more than a brother, like I loved him. I couldn't just diminish my feelings for him.

"What? You're what?" Min Ho said.

I clenched my fists as he took Hee Chul into his arms again from Jong Hyun and crashed his lips to Hee Chul’s. I shoved Min Ho away from Hee Chul. "I’m his lover, his boyfriend," I said and then kicked him and he stumbled back, Hee Chul nearly crying on the ground. I beat Min Ho up for a good five minutes or so, black and blue bruises up his sides and arms, cuts and blood over his legs.

The others from his gang picked him up and went on their way hurriedly, scared. I stooped next to Hee Chul. He was crying hard now. He flung his arms around me. "Chullie... Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I was scared and... And..." he choked.

I kissed his cheeks. "Shhh~ I'm here. No more crying, Hee Chul." I said.

"Han Geng... Do you love me?" I paused. He added, "Do you love me more than a brother?"

I bit my lip. I stood up and carried him back to our room. We were silent the whole way. We could skip a couple classes for today. He seemed ill to me. "Han Geng... Why won't you answer my question?" he asked as I laid him on his bed.

I caressed his cheek with a finger and kissed his lips lightly. We did that all the time, but in a brotherly, mildly affectionate way. This kiss was different. It tasted bittersweet and Hee Chul seemed hungry for it. Before I knew it, Hee Chul's hands were wrapped around my neck, pulling my body on top of his on the bed.

I slid my hands to his waist and he gasped. Instinct took over and I slipped into his mouth, tasting every dent and crevice. He moaned as our lips parted from each other. His eyes stared at me. I wanted to tell him. I really did. The three words I longed to tell him wouldn't come out, all because of that stupid order that his father gave me.

I got up and left the room, leaving Hee Chul there in our dorm. I ran to the gardens and cried, the first time I cried since I was eight and Hee Chul's father had told me I couldn't openly love his son. The tears didn't stop, not even when I drifted off into a restless sleep.

Kyu Hyun's POV

Sung Min had silent tears streaming down his cheeks. I pressed my lips to his cheek, wrapping my arm around his waist. "Shhh~ Minnie... I understand. Don't worry..."

He dried his tears. "That's not what I'm worried about. Kissing and hugging Wook, I know you understand that, but I'm hurting Wookie... Bad..."

I kissed his head. "I'm sorry... You know... You could disobey Eun Hyuk hyung for once..."

Sung Min shook his head. "Aniyo... You know what would happen if I didn't obey him..."

I nodded. Hyuk would probably beat you senseless while ing you. I think it was called , but it was somewhat done with consent so... Abuse? I don't know. I just knew that I didn't want my Minnie to be hurt. I wish I could take all the hurt away from him.

What was Eun Hyuk hyung's problem anyways? Why did he have to go and torture Sung Min AND Ryeo Wook, not to mention a bit of Ye Sung and me on the side? They weren't involved in his business. He was hurting, so maybe he wanted everyone else to hurt too. Dong Hae had been ignoring him for Ki Bum. Everyone knew it. Eun Hyuk wanted Dong Hae to stop conversing with Ki Bum, nor look at him, and if he could help it, not think about him. But we all saw it. Dong Hae was desperately in a one-sided love and Eun Hyuk was jealous as hell.

I kissed Sung Min's head again and he looked up at me. "We should get going," he said. "It's late." I smirked and grabbed his wrist before he could go anywhere. I dragged him into an empty music room. They were always unlocked for student who played their music late at night when they couldn't sleep. This is the place where we go to sometimes whenever it rains. I locked the door and pushed Sung Min up against the wall. I his lips, soon placing a kiss on his lips.

I heard him moan as I pressed our chests closer. He slipped his hands behind my neck. I placed my hands on his hips. I deepened the kiss and Sung Min gasped. I took the advantaged and shoved my tongue into his mouth. He tried to fight for dominance but lost as soon as my hand traveled up his shirt. We finally broke the kiss and he smirked. Running his fingers through my hair, he said, "Maybe we could stay a while, neh, Kyu?"

I just grinned evilly and kissed him deeply again.

Dong Hae's POV

It's been weeks since I asked him to try to be friends with me. He was nicer and smiled at me more often. I liked that. Eun Hyuk, however, did not. He was jealous and I could see that, but I couldn't bring myself to kiss him again like we used to, or hug him. But I also hadn't the gut to break up with him. I flopped down onto my bed noisily, emitting a loud sigh.

"What's wrong, hyung?" a small, concerned voice asked.

I came down the ladder and sat on the bed with Ki Bum, the latter stowing his book away quickly. He took off his reading glasses and I could see his perfect brown eyes clearly. I laid down next to him on the bed. This had become comforting and eventually habitual because this is what we did every night, talk about our problems until we fall asleep.

"Is it about Eun Hyuk hyung again?" he asked.

I shrugged. He just stared at the ceiling. "He's mad at me, neh? He doesn't like it when you talk to me...?" he asked quietly. "Maybe... Hyung and I.... We should stop talking...? For a while?"

I sat up and shook my head furiously. I bet I looked like a dog the way I shook my head. "No... I like talking to you," I said.

"You would go against Eun Hyuk hyung? For me?" he asked.

I nodded vigorously. Now I probably looked like a parrot. As Ki Bum sat up in bed, I put my head to his chest. His heart was beating so softly, while mine felt like it was going to explode as he wrapped his arm around me. I glanced up into his eyes. He grinned cutely and before I knew it, my lips were pressed against his. He gasp and I his bottom lips, the way I always do to Eun Hyuk to make him open up. Luckily, it worked for Ki Bum too. His mouth opened a bit as a moan escaped and I took that as an advantage.

I felt Ki Bum playing with the hem of my shirt. My fingers were playing with the buttons on his shirt. When we finally parted for air, we were panting. Ki Bum laid back again. I was about to top him and kiss him again, but then I remembered... He's a KoKim. What the did I just do?!

I immediately got out of bed. He probably thought I was just using him now, like Eun Hyuk did sometimes to other people, not telling them about Dong Hae because he wanted something Dong Hae wouldn't give him.

I ran out to the gardens. The gardens aren’t really KoLee territory, but it was pretty. “Dong Hae!” I heard a voice scream. I ignored it. It was probably one of the other KoKims telling me to get off their territory. “Dong Hae!” the voice came again. I slowed down. It was Ki Bum. Before I knew it, Ki Bum had my wrist in his hand. He hauled me back and turned me to face him. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks unconsciously. Ki Bum wiped away my tears. “Why are you crying?” he asked.

I shook my head. I really didn’t know why. “Do you love Hyuk Jae hyung?” he asked. “Do you really love him? Speak from your heart, Dong Hae.”

I shook my head. I know I don’t love Eun Hyuk. I buried my face into his neck. “What am I to you, hyung?” he asked. I stared at him blankly. I bit my bottom lip. He slipped his hand around my waist and my breath caught in my throat. “You know what you are to me?” Ki Bum asked. Before I could move even an inch, his lips were already on mine. “You’re my everything,” he murmured.

I hugged him tight and kissed him. “I love you,” I said.

He smiled and said, “I love you too.” Then he frowned. I frowned as I realized what’d just happened. This wasn’t allowed. For a KoKim and KoLee to actually fall in love. This wasn’t good. If our parents ever found out, we both knew that it wouldn’t turn out too well. We trudged back to our dorm, both of us trying not to think about the consequences.


A/N: Fluffy, huh? keke^^ Now... Does everyone understand why Han Geng's so reserved around Hee Chullie? ^^ If not, feel free to ask! I'll answer~ XD heart.gif Hope you all enjoyed~! ^^


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Chapter 15: You should make an EXO version of this since there's 12 kids it can be a continuation of this. It can be EXO-M and EXO-K.
224 streak #2
Chapter 15: Hahaha~ a very cute short story. I love it ! ! ! I'm not at all surprised at the bad eunhyuk. It suits him. Haha ~ ^^ i love kihae <3 such a great story. I laughed at the last part where they all decided to get married at exctly the same time. Hahaha :D
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 4: I feel bad that Hyuk is the villain ~
thecoolauthorstories #4
Kekeke XDDDD what a dramatic story after many hardships :] *clap clap*
puckbunny #5
hurry and update please
I loved how Jessica was SHINee's umma! XD
kangin1995 #7
I love your story......whatever...thank you for writing this....please write more kihae's stories....Have a good life....bye bye....
Kekeke, KiHae and YeWook are so mean xD<br />
SEQUEL !?!?!!?!??!!?<br />
Pretty please ?:3<br />
I love this story~~~~~<br />
Oh, from the previous chap:<br />
"SIWON ! STOP PRETENDING YOUR NOT GAY" Oh god, I was cracking up.<br />
LOL.<br />
LOL.<br />
"Jessica...."<br />
And then it's all, "OHMYGAHD, DON'T TELL MOM !"