Chapter 03

The Childish Parent
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Seohyun was cleaning the house as Lumin and Luhan were spending the time with playing legos in Lumin's room.

"Papa.. Lumin has something to say.." said Lumin as she was matching the lego with another lego

Luhan stopped playing and turned to face Lumin, "What it is honey?"

Lumin also stopped her activities and looked up to face her dad, "Why did Lumin rare to meet papa? Do work means a lot to papa? Why can't Lumin meets papa every day, every minute and every seconds?" 

Luhan, who also known as the singer and actor in China, slowly and silenty touched with Lumin's confession. Luhan never knows that Lumin will always feels lonely when he's not around her. Being a caring and gentle daddy Luhan wishes for, he opened his arms as Lumin crawled and accepted Luhan's hug. 

"Papa is sorry, okay? Papa has been busy in these days and papa can't spends the time with Lumin. Papa promises that papa will brings Lumin everywhere or buys anything that Lumin want. If papa has the time, papa will always spends the free time with Lumin. So, can Lumin forgive papa?" asked Luhan gently, trying to make Lumin happy back

Lumin slowly nodded as Luhan cracked a slight smile and pecked Lumin's head, hugging her happily. 

"Lumin will always loves papa and eomma." 

"Papa and eomma will always love Lumin too." 

Seohyun entered the room since she finished her work. She saw Luhan and Lumin hugged each other, making she flashed

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purpleviolet94 #1
Update please. I missed this story
purpleviolet94 #2
Update please
Chapter 3: Really love this story!!i hope they can have another child^please update soon
Chapter 3: OMAGA... I feel like my body will burnin' now.. It's too cute god~~~ Please Update soon (~‾▿‾)~
chanikan #5
i oove this episode
vikKiBeoMin #6
Chapter 3: Go make more babies!!! Hahahhaha i love this!!

Update soon and thank you for the update :)
eugenenni #7
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Yeah your back author nim are you going to update your other stories too?
Chapter 2: Lovely cute couple here hehe♥♥ byuntae luhan haha♥♥ please dont delete it .. update soon ♥♥