The Sapphire Jades

Fate or Coincidence

Athena Headquarters…7pm…


All members had arrived and were seated at the appointed time. Their leader, Kim Heechul sat at the head of the table waiting for Kim Kibum. Kibum strolled into the meeting room carrying his laptop, his killer smile in full blow. The other members on the other hands looked on in amusement at the unusual occurrence.

‘I think I can find out who caused us our failure, hyung.’ He said still smiling as he took his seat. At this the other members perked up. It was a known fact that the prodigy could find out anything should he wish it, he could be a world acclaimed hacker if he wished to be known. Heechul smiled slowly, he really did want to kill someone right now, and they just happened to be willing victims.

Typing quickly he projected his screen onto the wall facing them. Everyone focused on the screen in front of them, all eager to get back at those who had made them look like fools yesterday. Thinking hard, Kibum was finally able to hack into the security system of the borderland. He had thought that those who had defeated them would have also planned on hacking into the security system; so by hacking into the security system he would be able to hack into enemy’s system.

Expectedly his plan had worked. The team watched in disguised awe, as Kibum hacked into both systems simultaneously. Just when he had thought that he had hacked into the enemy’s system, a bleep sounded sharply and loudly echoing through the room. Aghast everyone sat stock still not daring to move. Whoever had created the system must be much better than Kibum if he couldn’t hack into it.

True to their thoughts, as the beep faded away slowly the screen turned black and two shapes began to take form. It was two sapphire blue dragons, with one green wing each.

‘Who the heck are they?! Everything was going perfectly! Why couldn’t I hack into them?!’ Kibum asked slowly shock evident in his voice.

‘Sapphire Jades.’ Han Geng said slowly as he watched the screen with wide eyes. ‘But…but they’re not supposed to exist! They’re just urban legends!’ He said nervously.

‘Well actually I wouldn’t say we’re urban legends per say, it’s just that I’m damn good at keeping us hidden!’ A deep, melodious voice spoke.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and glanced around to see who was speaking. There was no way someone could have come into their headquarters. Their security was one of the best. Heechul tightened his jaw as he realised as the others that the voice came from Kibum’s laptop.

‘Who the hell are you?’ He asked slowly with a threatening voice.

‘Oh me? I’m basically the technician/hacker/lead strategist of the Sapphire Jades. Nice to meet ya! I also happen to be the maknae by the way. Yes that’s right; I’m younger than you Kibum!’ Said the guy sounding extremely smug.  Angering the others as they were very protective of each other. ‘So what are you guys planning now? Do you like want to beat us or something? You want a showdown?’

‘Who the f(&*k are you?! How dare you speak to us like that?! You do realise that we are one of the best underground gangs there is, if we are serious enough we could demolish you.’ Heechul threatened angrily, grinding his teeth.

‘Naahh! I doubt that’s possible! We’re way better than you guys. Calm down lady! I just wanna talk! You know I’m actually not supposed to talk to you guys…but I’m bored. So where was I--’

‘Yah maknae! What the eff dude?! Why are you talking to them?!  I don’t remember hyung giving you any permission.’ Another more feminine voice sounded seemingly annoyed than angry. As if this was a daily recurrence.

‘Hyung would understand. Oh by the way he made the bomb that was supposed to blow you guys up by the way!’

‘Wah?! No! I mean yes, I made the bomb, but I didn’t wanna blow them up I timed it perfectly!’ The other voice sounded indignant. Meanwhile the members of Athena just listened with annoyance and slight amusement (that they would deny). It was odd how two members of this notorious group behaved; squabbling like kids!

There was a moment of rustling, as if the microphone was being passed about. Then the slightly feminine voice spoke, ‘Basically I would like to convey this message from our leader actually. We would like it if you could kindly step down from this project. You could be in the line of fire which is not really our problem, but we would like to avoid unnecessary casualties.’ He explained politely.

Just before Heechul could retort in some pretty colourful words, the mike was again passed, and the previous voice spoke, ‘Basically just back the f&*k off. Over and out dudes.’

With that the screen turned off. Silence ruled over the room as everyone tried to digest that unusual conversation.

‘What the heck?!’ Shindong finally said breaking the silence and voicing everyone’s thoughts.


Heechul’s mansion….


After that somewhat troubling encounter, Heechul had decided to dismiss everyone and take a break. She was really confused about this. Why had the urban legends, the Sapphire Jades contacted them?! They may be quite good in what they do, but they had only been an official group for about 4 years now.

Tiredly she rubbed her forehead feeling the oncoming headache. Just when she was about to go to her room she was interrupted by her father’s personal butler yet again. Before the butler could get a word in she snapped at him quickly, ‘He wants me in there? Fine.’ And left towards her father’s room not waiting for a response. The butler on the other hand just shrugged and followed her.

On entering she glanced around to find out that her father was actually missing. Before she could turn around and ask the butler where her father was a deep masculine spoke, ‘Oh he didn’t call you…I did.’

Heechul turned around to focus on the speaker. A handsome young man, with a sharp nose and gentle face, of course she had grown up knowing not to trust ‘gentle’ faces.

‘Oh, sorry how rude of me, I’m Kim Ju Myeok…your younger brother.’ He introduced himself noticing the questioning look on Heechul’s face. Heechul felt her blood run cold. That cannot be possible! No way…no way…if…if he’s my younger brother…then there would be no reason for my father to keep me alive! Damn it! What do I do?! I only thought that they were rumours when I heard that my father’s mistress had a kid! Heechul thought nervously, the onset of a panic attack creeping up on her.

‘Hmm…don’t worry sis, father will not be killing you just yet. In fact it’s probably because of me that you are still alive. But one more mistake and you are basically done for! Funny right ho--’ Not waiting for him to complete his sentence, Heechul barged out of the room. Tears threatening to fall she bit her lips hard trying hard to control her rage.

Han Geng who had been looking for her, felt something small and soft collide into him. Looking down he noticed that she was his object of search. ‘Heechul ah what’s wrong?’ He asked concerned.

‘I-I have a br-brother…’ That was all it took for him to understand. Not waiting for an explanation he pulled her into his arms. Hugging her tight as if trying to help her hold her emotions in. Heechul relaxed as she felt his arms tighten around her. She grabbed onto his shirt, breathing in deeply, his scent comforting her.

Hesitantly she broke away from his embrace. Rubbing her eyes dejectedly, she murmured slowly for Hangeng to call the rest of the team and have them meet at headquarters in ten minutes.


Athena Headquarters…


Sensing the tension in the room the other members had wisely decided to keep their mouth shut. Heechul came in, a frown marring his face, eyes bloodshot as if trying to hold back tears. The view brought pangs of curiosity and pain for the other members as they had never seen him like this before.

‘Kibum ah hack into Sapphire Jade’s system again, but try to find some weakness. We have to defeat them!’ He said with ferocity surprising the others. Not questioning, Kibum quickly set to work now even more determined to beat Sapphire Jade’s own hacker, the owner of the smug sounding voice.

Unfortunately for them, it seemed as though Sapphire Jade’s maknae was the definition of “prodigy”; as soon as Kibum even had an inkling of hacking into their system the screen turned black and the two sapphire dragons with jade wings in the shape of an S and a J appeared.

‘Hyung you were right! They did try to hack again!’ The same smug sounding voice said, laughing after stating the fact.

‘Yah maknae! Where’s my milk?!’ Another voice sounded in the distance.

‘Hyung they’re in the fridge.’

‘Not those! Mine damn it!’

‘Calm down you two. Eun ah I got a new batch, they should be on the kitchen counter. Hyun ah pass me the mike and stop being a brat.’ Another voice commanded with a hint of playfulness in his manly voice. There was a bit of rustling as the microphone was to the owner of said voice.

‘I take it you had just found out about the existence of your brother Miss Heechul.’ The owner of the voice said stating a fact. Heechul’s eyes widened in surprise. How had he known, after all she herself only found about a few minutes ago, on top of that he and the other guy had addressed her as “miss” and “lady”, did that mean that they knew about her true gender? Glancing at Hangeng it was obvious he had the same thoughts running.

‘I have my sources to find out. There is not much else I can say to you but give you three options;

1)Back off and receive our protection.

2)Fight us. It is for you to decide whether you would like to get killed or not.

And last but not least, you could join us. That is up to you; after all it is only a matter of time before your father asks for your death.’

Heechul listened to this carefully, knowing full well that what the other man said was completely true, no matter how much his ego would like to argue. Avoiding the need to answer the question he asked the only question he could think of, ‘Who are you?’

‘Me? Oh I am the leader of the Sapphire Jades.’ 



Sorry guys not much heeteuk here, but definitely in the next chapter. Thank you soooooo much for commenting and subscribing. I would like to thank _Cieca_ and chinggoy for commenting! Thank you so much you guys, really got me hyped to update soon. Please comment and subscribe, the more I see them the more eager I feel like to keep writing :P


Enjoy everyone!!!!! adsaanaand andand 

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13 streak #1
Chapter 11: Why does it stopped here 😭😭😭

The story is great! I guessed right about Soo, Minnie and Hyuk
13 streak #2
Chapter 10: So Yoona is baby sister
13 streak #3
Chapter 4: ing status
13 streak #4
Chapter 3: You're father is messing with you
13 streak #5
Chapter 2: What the ! That's not a father
Chapter 11: I’m interested to know what will happen to their mission — and I hope Leeteuk and Donghae get to talk to each other again and clear up their issues. Overall, this is an interesting story! I hope this gets updated, but seeing as it’s an old fic, I’ll just wait and see if my wish gets granted. ♡ Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 11: Please update soon! I love this story
New reader ^^. First I must say, this story is amazing! Really. No Henry? Why? (he could be a girl, but don't mind me).
About the last chapter I must confess I have the feeling that Heechul will screw (don't know if I can use this term) the mission. I also gotta love tsundere Heechul xD
teukchulshipper #9
Chapter 11: hey... new reader here..
i just found ur story and i love it soo much..
will u continue this story??
i hope yes, cz i am decide to subscribe this story so i can know if u make an update..
i am really hope u will update ^_^
rineolus #10
unnieeeee updaaaaaate