Rules+ how to join

Byuntae High


1.Be nice to everyone

2. if a lesson is posted please comment on the post if you don't it will count as you didn't attend class

3. Attend classes please

4.Public we accept with open arms so please publicly at least once sobs

5. NO INNOCENT PEOPLE. It's a rp and called Byuntae High! So no innocent people allowed here

6. have fun and as much as you want my friends OuO


                                                                        how to join

1.Subscribe please~

2. look at the masterlist for your desired character. if you dont know who you want to be check the wish list for what people we want here

3.check our form so you can get the password

4.the form:

character name:

2 classes you want to be in:(e.g. water and submissive class)

age: 15-19 is student age.

         20-24 is teacher age 



5. when an admin accepts you then you create your facebook account and add ONLY the admins

6. admins will add you to groups so please be patient 

7.when you have been announced you can add people or wait for them to add you














































the password is learnandgood



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