My bestfriend.

A secret place.
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"Mohae?" Jessica read the note silently from the person across her with her eaphones still plugged in her ears. 

"Reading a book while listening to a music. Why? Are you bored?"

"Think so?"

"Hmm, I know so."

"How can you say so?"

"Well silly you've been staring at me for quite some time before you passed the message" Jessica passed back the note as she waits to what would be the reaction. She was satisfied when Yoona contemplated for a while, completely abandoning the book she was "reading"

"Wanna play a game?"

"Ehhh? Here at the libraby?"


"Tell me what game first." Yoona mouthed tic tac toe clearly. 

"Just play? No winners no losers?"


"I don't want to play then :P"

"Fine. What do you want?"


"Just pizza?"


"Don't you want me?"

"Uhm, Of course I want you. How can I have the pizza when I don't have you? :P"

"Okay. How about we do it like this. If you win, I'll buy you pizza, anytime, anywhere. But if you lose, you'll go with me at the cafe tomorrow. Deal?"

"Deal." Jessica agreed as she paused the music she was listening to and rested her head in her arms that was resting at the table. Yoona drew the format for tic tac toe.

"Who's going first?" Jessica whispered that only the two of them could hear

"Do you want to go first?" Asked back without answering.

"No, you go."

Yoona first move was an x at the upper left

Jess put an o under the x move from yoona. Yoona's next move was beside to Jessica's o. 

Jessica had this smirk and was acting dumb that she "didn't know" that Yoona's going to win. So her move was under her 1st move

x |  _  | _

o |  x  | _

o |  _  | x

Yoona shrieked in delight even fist pumping "YES!!". Jessica grabbed her book back to pretend that she's reading while all eyes are on Yoona. Jessica was keeping her laughter to herself and was packing up her stuffs to go out.

"I'm going hehe~" Jessica giggled saying those words as she pat Yoona's shoulder. The girl have her  book covered to her face. A. Because she's blushing B. Because of Embarrassment. And C. BOTH

"Wait, I'm coming." With a perking ears that processed oh-whats-happening, she hastily turned to the now walking away Jessica. Too bad for her, Jessica had her earphones both on each ear and playing some pop music. "AISH! this girl is always putting her earphones on with very loud music playing on. Ugh!" Yoona ranted while she literally dumps her things to her bag


"Oi!" Yoona said as she removed the earphone that was plugged in Jessica's left ear

"I'm not a Filipina so don't oi oi at me" Jessica replied with a merong


"But why did you go out? HAHAHAHA"

"You,  You purposely did that to let me win didn't you?"

"Yes. But you liked it way too much huh?"

"Of course. I have your whole day tomorrow."

"So embarrassing. Fist pumping at the library" Jessica giggled. Yoona side eyes her 

"But why did you leave me there?"

"Why? Am I supposed to take you home with me?"

"You're going home?"


"You still can't"

"And why?"

"We still have to talk."


"Your treat tomorrow."

"Then I'll text you tomorrow"


"I'm hungry ~"

"Come, my treat."

"Really? Okay then."

"Oh. It would be your treat tomorrow anyway. And I know that you purposely did that to let me win"


- Stack Emm'

"Are you going to eat alot?"


"Then sit there. I'll be the one to get the food. You're not good at stacking them."

"Okay. Grab lots of pasta and pizza. You can just pick whatever after. And, no rice for me"

"Okay ~ "

"What would you like to drink?"

"Iced tea"

"Oooh. Someone's hungry"

"You'll see. I'll make this 2 plates for 20$ worth it" Yoona said and Jessica went to grab their pitcher of ice tea. She followed Yoona to help the girl with the plates. It's an effin 4 food filled plates.

1st plate: 10 stack of pizza with meatballs on the sides

2nd plate: Carbonara, chicken, steak, nuggets

3rd plate: Mountain of fried rice with nuggets, kimchi, fish, and a pork surrounding it

4th plate: 2 brownies, 2 cupcakes and 4 macarons

"Daebak ..." Jessica said as she eye their table filled with foods after they sat down "Can you finish this? Because you know too well that there's a fine for leftovers right?"

"I know that you'll help me. And. We'll eat slowly. To let the food digest first"

"Is that a tip?"

"Can be considered as"

"But I never eat fast HAHA"



"So, Tomorrow, Where do you like me to treat you?

"You're the one who'll treat, You should be the one to decide"

"Isn't that supposed to be the one who will be treated's choice?"

"Eish. Wherever you like"

"How about at Chocolates and Fudges?"

"Okay ~"

"But you know, Your treat here is twice as I would tomorrow"

"Oh yeah. You have pizza and me here with you" Yoona frowned but still continues to eat

"Babo Yoona"

"Still. We'll meet tomorrow"

"As if we don't do that every day"

"Just eat. Hing ~" Yoona pouted before she filled Jessica's glass with the Ice tea




"Lazy cat, Where are you ~"

"I'm on my way, deer"

 - 5 minutes later -

Jessica parked her car and entered Chocolates and Fudges' Cafe only to be welcomed by a maze way. "This way to enter ->"

Having no choice, she followed the arrowed path. 

'Jessica Jung Sooyeon'

'Has a sister named Krystal Jung Soojung'

'Half amerikan, Half korean'

'A diamond'

'Eats pizza at least twice a month'


'I got her fist kiss xoxo' You do not! Jessica frowned as she mentally argue with the sticky note

"Have this very beautiful and goddess like bestfriend since long ago'

'Admitted that Yoona's the prettiest in the entire universe' 

"I DID NOT!" Jessica half shouted as she read the last note. She fasten her pace to the end of the so-called-maze to enter the cafe but midway, the piano started playing.

Just when Jessica stood there, Yoona started singing the song she prepared. Out of my league by Stephen Speaks. She was exchanging glances to Jessica and to the music sheet. Careful not to make a mistake.

it's her hair and her eyes today 
that just simply take me away 
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love 
makes me shiver but in a good way
all the times i have sat and stared 
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays,
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say 
coz i love her with all that i am 
and my voice shakes along with my hands 
coz she’s all that I see and she’s all that I need
and i'm out of my league once again 

it's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me
as the world spins around her she laughs, rolls her eyes 
and i feel like i'm falling but it's no surprise 
coz i love her wit

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
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Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
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Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲