The Beginning of Everything

[ON HOLD] The Random Love (GD x You)

Hi again. I’m here with another chapter for you guys! I just wanted to say a few things before we start. I am not Korean, so I don’t know many things about the culture. For GD, I’m just guessing with his personality. When I write about him, it will be combinations of the way I’ve seen him portray himself in interviews, and my imagination/interpretation of him. I’m just saying this ahead of time, since he won’t be coming in till a chapter or two. The other thing, main girl isn’t Korean either. She will be the race I am. I am: Polish (white), quarter Japanese, and Hispanic. I told you before; she will be based largely off of myself. Thanks for letting me speak about this. Hopefully you will be kind about it. On with the story!




               The Random Love

                      [GD x You]


    Ch. 3 ‘The Beginning of Everything’




 The month wait had gone by so fast; it was scary, yet exciting. During that time I taught myself some Korean. It was sort of hard since I’m not Korean, and the only language I know is English. I’m part Hispanic, but I can’t even speak that. I asked Josh if he wanted to learn with me, he said no. Thinks that he won’t need it, but I think the opposite. I definitely think we will need it. How are we supposed to at least try to communicate with people that speak a completely different language?


 I also took care of my financial and school related business too. The school asked if I was able to house myself in South Korea, so that if I couldn’t they would place me in a dorm. I told them politely no. I’ve been looking forward to having an apartment in Seoul. It will be a totally different atmosphere to what I’m used to, so I want to test it out. If school goes well, I probably will be staying in South Korea. I haven’t gotten to tell Joshie about it though. If you were wondering, it is the day before my flight to Seoul, SK. So Josh and me are excited, yet terrified. We know it’s going to be a huge culture shock. Let’s just hope all goes well.





                                                                                                      --------------(Time Skip)-----------------



 Now it’s nighttime, and I’m currently finishing up packing my things. ‘O-kay, all my knick-knacks are there~ and the rest of my clothes are here…’ I continue thinking to myself until I hear the door ring.





 I scurry out of my room to get the door. Looking through the peephole, I see that it’s Josh. Opening the door he walks in.


“Are you almost done packing? I am,” he states.


“Just about there. I’m just making sure I have everything sealed up, and ready to go.”


“I see. I just came by to talk about tomorrow, and…stuff.”


He sounds somewhat nervous. ‘What he isn’t…is he?’


“Are you already getting homesick?”

“No! I’m just a little nervous about moving out of the country for the first time. Even if it is just to study abroad. I’ve never done this before, Amanda.”


He seems sad. I walk over to the sofa, and sit with him. I give him a hug,


“It’s going to be okay,” I tell him. “I’ll be with you, you’re not going to be by yourself.”


I squeeze him tighter, and he hugs me back. After a minute we stop hugging. ‘He looks better. Good, that made him a little brighter about leaving.’ Moving off the couch, I ask him if he wants anything to drink.


“Sure. Do you want me to help you finish packing?”


“You don’t have to, but~ that would be nice!” I finish with a smile.


He has his water, and then he helps me get back to work with my packing.



                                                                                                  --------------(Time Skip)-----------------


 We just got off the plane with our bags, and are heading towards my apartment that I just rented. Josh won’t be in the same complex, but he keeps insisting on helping me bring my bags in to help me settle in.


“I’ll be fine,” I argue, “you have to go to the dorm, and get settled in as well.”


“But you’re different. You’re going to be living by yourself in a new apartment complex, in brand new country! I need to make sure you’re going to be okay.”


“Fine, Mother.”


“I’m just worried about you.”


“I know, I know. Now just be quite, and patient for the rest of the ride okay?”




 Seems like he’s happy that he won that argument with me. I know he’s worried, but I’m not a kid. I can take care of myself.


 He helped me settle in, and I had him leave after an hour so that I could take a shower. He said okay, and left peacefully. ‘Man, I really need to take a shower. The plane made me feel sticky.’ I went to take my shower, and got out.


“This is going to be the beginning of everything,” I say.




Sorry that it’s short! I was running out of patience, and I want to go back to watch ‘Roommates’ lol. Hopefully you still enjoyed it! I plan on starting out in Ji Yong’s perspective for the next chapter. I may change my mind, but that is the plan right now. Love you all! See you in the next chapter…


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Ps: sorry it's " If you'll ever update " and not everyday_ Aish my phone does whatsapp he wants! Lol
Hi, I don't know if you'll everyday update this story but I really like it so even if you change some facts about it, I hop you'll keep the original story line.
And please could you pm me if you do. I will keep in chek with your stories! ;)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 1: I liked the 1st chappie!
Chapter 1: Hello you (:
Your story sound interesting, plus there is G-Dragon so, I'll almost be sure that I'll like it !
I'll look forward to the next chapter ^__^
So, Hwaiting !