
The Bus Stop

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Back with a second oneshot. Ugh, I know it's cliche and all but I'm out of ideas actually. I'm just writing down what my brain has, which contains the most cliche and overused plot. But hey, I'm working on it! ^^

Consturctive feedback is most appreciated and I love you all, my faithful shadows, (People who reads stories but don't comment. Freaking ninjas, all of you! XD) !!


Your eyes scanned through word after word on the book, mind too engrossed in the fantasy love story to realize anything else. You even forgot that you were still in your school library, where you were supposed to be catching up on your late school projects.

That all vanished away once you accidentally stumbled across the wonderful book of fantasy creatures and romance. What a er for fantasy love you are.

Needless to say, you spent the next hour and half, gorging yourself onto the masterpiece before you when the grumpy school librarian jostled you to reality. Surprised to find out that it was already 6, you went out of the library after she shooed you away. On the way to the entrance of the library, you spotted another student calmly making his way out of the library. Your eyes widened when you recognized who it was.

"Taekwoon?" You whispered and then you ran forward. "Taekwoon!" You called.

Said boy turned to look at you. Seeing you rushing over to him, he uninterestedly turns his back towards you and went on his way.

"Hey!" You cried out angrily and went over to his side. "Thanks for ignoring me. Some friend you are."

Taekwoon kept quiet, merely walking with his eyes focused forward. You sighed, shaking your head at the usual routine of your best friend.

You've known Jung Taekwoon ever since you were kids, having been living close each other ever since you moved. You met him at the local kindergarten and found his shy personality adorable. You stuck to him like glue, becoming one of his lifelong friends in the process. You would spend every waking moment together but you realized that as the both of you grew older, Taekwoon seemed to be more distant.

That didn't change what you felt about him. You still made an effort to meet up with him despite him avoiding you. You were his best friend and that was not going to change.

"So, how was school today?" You asked him, voice cheery as the both of you walked out of the school.

"Good." He answered curtly, still not looking at you. You pouted at his short answers despite having grown up with it. You shrugged and continued on walking.

You noticed that the stars had already appeared on the night sky and the refreshing air lifted up your spirits greatly. You stretched your arms up above your head, letting out a contented sigh. You loved walking home together with Taekwoon. However, those trips came to a halt when the two of you reached your final year of high school. Taekwoon decided to distant himself from you, focusing more on his trainee contract with an entertainment company. You saw less of him and as such, was grateful to have caught up with him in the library.

"How's training at the company going? Is Hakyeon treating you alright?" You asked him. You knew of one dark skinned boy that Taekwoon befriended while training and you were quite bemused after meeting him by accident. You were shocked to know that he had succeeded in befriending Taekwoon and giggled when you found out about his bubbly personality.

"He's fine." Taekwoon mumbled, a tone of tiredness in the sentence. You frowned worriedly and an uncertain feeling crept to your chest. Your motherly instincts riled up and you played with your fingers to keep them under control.

The two of you came to a vacant bus stop and sat on the waiting benches. You sat close to Taekwoon, only to have him inching away from you and creating an unfamiliar gap in between. This action made you frown deeper out of confusion. Was he avoiding you to such an extent that he didn't even want to be close to you? This made you slightly annoyed and frustrated.

Determined to catch up on lost times, you started on a very one-sided conversation.

"Are you feeling well?"


"Is your mother healthy?"

"She's fine."

"Are you having trouble at the company?"


"Did you at least make some new friends?"


You fumed at your fruitless attempts, frustrated to the max at his lack of effort. Usually, Taekwoon would be explaining his day to you in great lengths, what he ate and what he did in school. But it seems that ever since he joined the stupid entertainment company, he seemed to be looking down on you. Ignoring the lifelong friend that has always been behind him every step of the way. You felt betrayed and angry.

"What's your problem?!" You exclaimed angrily at him, standing from your bench and facing him. Your fists clenched tightly and your nails dug deep into your palms.

Your outburst surprised Taekwoon, his eyes widened a fraction before it narrowed down to a disapproving glare.

"There's nothing wrong with me." He mumbled, eyes flickering away from your gaze. "What's wrong with you?"

You scoffed. "You! That's my problem! Why have you been so distant to me? What? Did you decide that I wasn't talented enough to be around you? Or are you just embarrassed to be around me since you've got yourself a contract at a fancy company?"

Taekwoon eyes narrowed sharply and his expression turned cold. "No. That's not the reason."

"Then what is?!" You all but screeched at him, frustration b up in your small body.

He hesitated. "I just... don't want to be around you anymore." He mumbled at you. You noticed his eyebrows twitched at the sentence and you knew from years of knowing him that he was lying to you.

"Liar. Your eyebrows twitched. You're lying to me. Tell me the truth!" You stomped your feet angrily.

Taekwoon's patience snapped. His stoic expression broke and his face made an unnatural scowl. The sight of an expression different from his usual calm face frightened you a little bit. You had never seen Taekwoon looking this angry before but you stood your ground.

"I just don't want to be around you anymore. You're annoying and irritating. Just the sight of you infuriates me, okay?" He stood up with an exhausted sigh. "So, just leave me alone already."

You froze in shock, eyes wide with betrayal. The words spoken to you broke your heart into a million pieces. Your chest squeezed tightly to the point you could not breath, your eyes watered with salty tears and your mouth quivered ever so slightly. You felt betrayed. You felt cheated. And worst of all, you felt an unimaginable wave of sadness creeping into every vein in your body. It felt awful.

Taekwoon must have seen what his words had done to you as his eyes wavered in seeing your tears but he remained where he was. No hug to comfort you and no signs of remorse on his face. That made it all the worse for you.

"Stay away from me, alright?" He muttered and turned his back on you.

"I missed you!" You cried before he could take another step further. Not skipping a beat, you continued. "You've been gone all the time and I missed you! So badly that it hurts, alright!"

You panted, saliva clogging your throat and you swallowed uneasily. Your tears were at the brim but you kept them at bay. Taekwoon froze on the spot, hearing your outburst had shocked him still. Not stopping another second, you continued.

"I missed you," You repeated. "I miss my best friend. I miss going out to school together. I miss hanging out at lunch together. I miss going back home together. I miss being around you! So please... Tell me what I did wrong..."

The tears fell and you fought back a hard sob. Your whole body shook in anticipation for his answer. You saw his shoulders rising as he took a deep breathe. He turned around and approached you slowly. You bit your lips hard to suppress a cry. Once he had reached in front of you, he embraced you tightly in his arms.

The action shocked you, your heart hammered away in your chest and you knew for sure that he could feel it too. He was hugging you so tight, you felt like you couldn't breathe at all.

"I missed you too." You heard him whisper. His cheek touched your head as he hugged and comforted you.

Your resolve broke as you started to sob uncontrollably in his arms. You brought your arms around him and hugged his waist, not wanting to let go from fear that he would disappear from your grasp. Your chest warmed and a queer feeling expanded, making your body squirm from the nerves. You could not comprehend anything else, your mind too focused on holding Taekwoon close to you. You didn't want to let go no matter what and a small voice in your head warned you that a feeling not all too familiar was sprouting up. A feeling towards Jung Taekwoon.

"I'm sorry I said that to you but I didn't know what else to do." Taekwoon continued after your sobs lessened somewhat. "I didn't know what to do and I was scared."

"S-Scared?" You asked, slightly sobbing. "Scared of what?"

He hesitated. He hung his head down in defeat on your shoulder. "My feelings for you."

You stiffened at the confession. Not knowing what to do, you let go of his hug unknowingly. But he held you in place by grabbing your shoulder.

"I didn't know when it started," he started. "It just happened. I realized that I've fallen for you. I fell for your smile, your laughs and your constant happiness. But I knew that if I had these feelings for you, our friendship would never be the same. I didn't want that. I didn't want to complicate us because of how I felt for you. So I avoided you as much as I could. I didn't wanted to see you alone but I couldn't bring myself to jeopardize our friendship. I focused myself more on my singing but all the songs I sang about, reminded me of you. I'm hurting myself over and over because of you but I realized that I didn't mind it. Because if it was for you, I would gladly do anything."

Taekwoon straightened up from your shoulder. A look of defeat was on his face and he looked exhausted from carrying off the weight that he had endured. The two of you stared at each other in a fierce interlock. His eyes were sad and tired but filled with determination and sincerity. He was truthful to the confession he made and you didn't have a doubt that you believed him.

"I'm sorry for complicating everything. But, I really am in love with you." He spoke; he lifted your chin up with his hand ever so gently. "And all I want to know is whether you feel the same way for me."

Your cheeks flamed and you heart fired uncontrollably in your ribcage. The queer feeling in your chest engulfed your entire body and the small voice in your head screamed at you with ambiguous words. But you realized that none of that matters because after hearing Taekwoon's confession, you knew that you might have been in love with him too.

All those times that you convinced yourself that was merely loving friendship that you felt for him, it could have been something more. You realized that you did have been looking for him way more often than you should and that everything regarding him was your priority. You didn't know when these feelings had sprung up but you knew they were there. All it needed was a small spark to light up the flame of realization. So, in a heartbeat, you smiled at him amidst all your tears.

"I love you too." You breathed, "I don't know when but I love you too."

Hearing those words, Taekwoon returned with a small crooked smile, the one you were always addicted with when you were kids.

"Good, then I wouldn't feel bad for doing this."

Before you could comprehend what he meant, he cupped your face with both his hands and kissed you squarely on the lips. Your eyes widened at the action and before you know it, you were kissing him back.

It felt heavenly, just how you dreamt your first kiss would be like. His lips were soft and gentle, making your knees weak and your head dizzy. Your hands wrapped itself around his neck as you pulled him closer. Seeing that as an okay sign, Taekwoon arms grabbed your waists and he lifted you of the ground. He spun on the spot and you laughed into the kiss.

"Stop, you're making me dizzy!" You cried, laughing giddily as he brought you down.

He let out a small chuckle, grinning widely at you. He brushed off a strand of hair behind your ears, palm rested on your cheek. You cupped that hand, kissing its palm the way you saw your dad did to your mom's. Taekwoon blushed hard before approaching you closer. You closed your eyes, waiting for the kiss on your lips but instead; a soft kiss was placed on your forehead.

You glance up, seeing his suppressed expression on his face.

"I love you." He whispered, innocent like and inexperienced. The quiet confession made you giggle at how adorable he seemed. You hugged him tightly, arms around his waist and head on his excitable chest.

"I love you too." You answered back with no hesitation. 

The both of you kept quiet as you embraced each other. You felt time had stopped as you lived the moment. The two of you smiled at each other, knowing full well that your relationship was changed forever.


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barooya #1
Chapter 1: It's very nice! Although the story line is indeed cliché, well, ngl that's what everyone loves, isn't it? ^-^ good job! ♡ it's a cute story ~
Brittanilouisetaylor #2
Chapter 1: Bravo just... Bravo!
Such a great story!