Chapter 26

Is this Love?-Completed
Alex stared at Cindy,unable to believe every word she says.It seems his world have crashed down.It has been good for a while and now this.She told him that it is alright,that she has taken care of those things,and now she is pregnant.

"I thought you took care of those things?"Alex said."You told that it is safe."

Cindy just looked at him as she got up from bed looking sorry and pitiful."I know,but I don't know what happen,what are we going to do about this baby?Pretty soon,it will start to show."Cindy said.

"We will think of something."Alex said."We have to think of something.

"I want the baby Alex,I don't care if you are not gonna be there for me,but I want our baby."Cindy said."This is our baby "

"Alright,Cindy,"Alex said as Cindy came to him and embraced him.

Alex came home early Sunday morning.Sam and Selina are still sleeping.He noted that Samantha slept in their room.He stared at his wife and daughter.What is he going to tell Selina now and how is he going to face Samantha after this.He screwed up his life big time,and he have no one to blame but himself.

I can't leave Selina and Samantha.Does Cindy think otherwise?But there will be an innocent child that will be born out of this.What is he going to do?He cannot tell Selina,she won't forgive me,she will never forgive me.But what if Cindy insisted for something more permanent?He does not know what to do.Abortion is out of question,Cindy wants the baby and one wrong does not constitute another one.Life is life no matter what,no matter how much we turned the world around it is still life in there.

Selina stirred and found Alex staring at them.She noticed the frown on his forehead and the sadness in his eyes.First time that Selina saw any emotion from her husband and then she felt something is not right.Women have that capacity to feel whatever is coming,I guess man feel it too but women are more sensitive because woman are more emotional than man ,and they called it the gut feeling,and that was Selina is feeling now.Just one look at Alex and it says a hundreds of things.

"You're home."Selina said,as she looked at the clock and it 6 o clock in the morning.She took a deep breathe."Alex we have to talk." as she lead him in the next room.Alex slowly followed her with a heavy heart.

"I guess you have a good reason for not showing up yesterday? Sam waited for you the whole day and you never bothered to show up or call at all."Selina said."That poor girl is crying waiting for you.

"I am sorry,I am sorry."that is all Alex can say."I'll make it up to her today."

"Next time don't make promises that you can't keep."Selina added as she left and Alex can only stared at her back.

Alex just nodded.No more promises from now on,for it seems he broke whatever promises he made,just like his vow to her...

Days followed by weeks and Alex have not told Selina about Cindy and the baby.And Cindy is using the baby to make Alex spend more time with her,demanding little things.But soon enough the bump will start to show and it seems like Alex have no plans to tell Selina.

"So Alex,I will start to show soon,what are we going to do?" Cindy said."I can't be in the office anymore,people will start to talk."

"Alright,you can have the baby somewhere where nobody will know us."Alex said."Don't worry I will support you and the baby and you can stop working once the bump will show."

Cindy was surprise,it is not the one that she wants,she wants more,more than the financial support,more than the few hours here and there.She wants the whole of him just for her,that is why she had this baby,the reason why she is having his baby.If Alex don't do anything ,she have to do something,she'll take it in her hands if he is not going to do something.Let see if Selina will still wants him after she knew about the she smiled to herself....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5