Chapter 16

What Is Love?

"What? Hyung you don't know the name of your girl either?" Gongchan exclaimed. "Then how can you possibly make fun of me?!"

Baro coughed sheepishly. "Uh..Yeah...Well..."

"Hyung you're mean."

"Well, at least we know the two girls are friends. AND they were there with three other girls. All we have to do is find out one of the girls' identity and then we're good."

"Oh! You're right! Yay!"

"Who's right?" CNU asked as he walked in with a sleeping Rai in his arms.

"Baro hyung! We figured out a way to find the girls we're looking for!"

"Oh? How?" CNU carefully placed Rai down on the couch.

"Well, the picture we found of them the other day has three other girls. All we have to do is figure out one of them, and we can ask that person about the others!"

"Oh. Maybe I can help. Where's the picture?"

Baro reached into his bag. "Shoot!"

"What?" Gongchan spun to face Baro who was shuffling through his bag.

"I don't have the picture with me! It's at home on my desk!"

"Baro hyung!!!" Gongchan whined.

"Sorry sorry!" Baro rubbed his hands together in a dance. Just then CNU's phone started ringing.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry. Naega Naega Naega Meonjeo...

"Hello?" CNU said as he picked up.

"Dongwoo. Come home now. Your father needs your help with some things and we're having dinner with Eunah's family later." CNU's mom answered.

"Okay. I'm coming. I'm going to take Rai home first."

"Alright. Hurry."

CNU hung up and turned to the two others. "Well, show me the picture some other time. I have to go." He leaned down to pick up Rai, but Gongchan stopped him.

"Hyung. It's okay. Baro hyung can just drive us home. That way, both of you guys aren't making extra trips." Gongchan said. "Now hurry with whatever your mom asked. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright. Thanks guys! Bye!" CNU waved as he ran down the hall. Gongchan closed the door with a disappointed sigh.

"It's okay Gongchan. We'll find them soon."

"I hope so. I miss my mystery girl."


"You know this isn't working right?" Chunni whispered through her teeth to Jinyoung as they walked hand-in-hand down the hallway the next day.

"You've only done this for two days. The girl just hasn't gotten the courage to tell me yet." Jinyoung replied arrogantly.

"Or you're just dreaming. Maybe she realized that you're actually a jerk and decided that she doesn't like you."

"Then why'd we kiss?"

"Because you probably forced yourself on her."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."


"OW!" Jinyoung flinched from Chunni's sudden squeeze. He looked at her and noticed that she looked particularly nervous. He turned in the direction that she was facing and saw Eunah walking down the hallway talking to Joonie. "Don't." He whispered as Chunni's grip loosened.

"I have to. She's my best friend." Chunni let go of Jinyoung's hand and approached Eunah. "Um...I...Uh..Can we talk?" She finally stuttered out.

"I'll text you later." Joonie said, getting the notice to leave.

"Okay." Eunah waved to Joonie before turning back to Chunni with a cold face. "Fine. Let's talk."

The two went out to the school garden.

"What do you want?" Eunah said as she sat down on a stone bench, her back facing Chunni.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Chunni apologized quickly, afraid that Eunah would not listen.

"You could of just told me. Why didn't you?"

"Because I was afraid of losing you."

"Me?" Eunah scoffed.

"You and Jinyoung seem to hate each other...And I was afraid that you would hate me if I told you the truth..."

"Do you really think that lowly of me?" Eunah's eyes started to tear up at the realization.

Chunni staggered back. "No! No way!" She protested honestly. "I don't know why I was being an idiot! But I was. But you're my best friend. You still are and always will be. But...But...But I like Jinyoung."

Eunah took a deep breath. Wiping her tears away, she turned to face a kneeling Chunni."Well what kind of friend would I be if I stood in the way of her and her love?"


"Hello?" Jinyoung picked up his phone.

"Jinyoung?" Sandeul's dad clarified.

"Uncle Kim! What's going on?"

"It's Junghwan. He's in the hospital right now."

"What?! Sandeul? Which hospital? I'll come right now!" Jinyoung quickly wrote down the address of the hospital and called up CNU, Gongchan, and Baro.

"Where is he?" CNU asked as the group rushed into the waiting room.

"Uncle! Aunt!" Jinyoung gasped for breath while Baro and Gongchan clutched the back of the chairs for support. Just as Sandeul's mom was about to answer, the doctor came out.

"Is my son going to be okay?" Sandeul's mom gripped the doctor's arm. He smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry. He's going to be fine. He just needs to get some rest as well as food. He hasn't been eating so he fell into a bit of a faint." The doctor explained. "He's sleeping right now, but you guys can go in as long as you're quiet."

"Thank you." Sandeul's dad thanked the doctor and followed him to his office.

The rest of the group went in.

"Why hasn't he been eating?" Jinyoung asked his aunt.

"I don't know. Junghwan's dad's been out on a business trip and I couldn't get Junghwan to come out of his room so I always just left the food in front of the door. When I went back, the plates were always untouched. Something's bothering him, but he won't tell me what."

"Don't worry Ms. Kim. We'll talk to him." CNU reassured Sandeul's mom as the rest nodded.

"Uhhh..." Sandeul moaned.

"What?" Sandeul's mom leaned in closer to hear.


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