No Excuses

Old Friends

Chorong stared at the tv watching the end of the year performances, she picked up a chip from the practically empty bag. She smirked as she saw Bomi stumble during her performance, she couldn't help but think to herself how she deserved to fall. She stretched as she reached for the remote tired of all the music. She stood up from the messy couch which she had no intent to clean up on this particular night. She ran her hand through her messy hair as she made her way to her bedroom. She jumped on to the bed landing face first on her pillow.  


"I need a life" She mumbled quietly to herself as she rolled over to stare at the ceiling. Chorong felt as thought she didn't qualify to be an adult, yet here she was and adult, and she had no clue what to do.  



"Well that was dumb" Namjoo continued to chuckle as Bomi glared at her.  


"I'm not in the mood for your sass" She groaned as she began to strip the heavy make up from her face.  


"Hey..." Namjoo tried to stop laughing to make Bomi feel better.  


"Why are you even here"  


"I wanted to support you! Why a friend can't support another friend without it seeming odd. I'm offended." Namjoo dramatically placed a hand on her chest. She turned her head to the door which was now opening.  


"Excuse me?" Bomi asked confused as to who would be entering her dressing room.  


"HI" Naeun peeked her head from be hind the door, slowly making her way in.  


"What would you like." Bomi said turning away from the younger girl.  


"Lets talk."  


"You said enough" Namjoo crossed her arms.  


"I know I screwed you over. But what was I supposed to do, we were just kids..."  


"You weren't suppose to throw me away. Stomp on me, take my dream, take my life."  


"Bomi... I..." Naeun reached out for her, only to be cut off by Namjoo 


"Listen Naeun, don't make excuses for your actions. You were young as were we. You got Bomi kicked out of her entertainment company, that was her shot. Then you had the balls to tell everyone Bomi had done you wrong. I'm sorry but that’s not excusable." Namjoo paused looking back at Bomi who was know turned totally away from the situation.  "And you know what's worse? She still doesn't blame you. She still stands up for you..."  


"I know how it seems Namjoo... but..." Naeun's eyes were now getting misty.  


"You don't listen... there is no excuses."  


"OKAY I GET IT. I get that what I did was terrible. I get that I threw everything away by trusting that damn guy. I get it. Do you know what its like to have to keep up this perfect, squeaky clean persona? You can't even say sorry for the things you were persuaded into, and you can't even make them better. I've tried over and over again to publicly state my regret, but no I'm perfect Naeun."  


"NaeunBomi turned around looking the girl in the eyes. "I trusted you... I told you... I told you about my feelings... and you used them to get me kicked out... I... I know its hard to be famous. I can't trust you like I once did. Don't expect that..." 


"Well damn." Namjoo looked at the two teary eyed girls. " Now all we need is the other girls to make this a reunion." She glared at Bomi. "You're too forgiving."  


"Wait you know where they are?" Naeun perked up. 

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Chapter 16: Ohh the preview from the previous chapter weaved into this one so well!! It's very beautifully written and sad aw~ Keep up the good work author. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
hccc49 #2
Chapter 16: Angst but i hope they will get together soon like chomi! Naeun really loves eunji
Eririn #3
Chapter 16: Angst...:( But it was a beautifully written update.
hccc49 #4
Please update again
frenzymenzy #5
Love ur update author *thumbs up*..
hccc49 #6
Chapter 15: Nixe update haha
Eririn #7
Chapter 15: The preview sounds mysterious and exciting. Something big is gonna happen right?
Choheri #8
Chapter 15: Well..i want to have like this date..soo cute <3 update soon <3
Eririn #9
Chapter 14: Cool truck! I found this chapter funny. Nice how they are all getting along nicely xD
hccc49 #10
Chapter 14: Please please update again you write a really awesome story :))!