Taeyeon's Food

Illegal Love

[ word translations at the end of chapter ]

Taeyeon's P.O.V

"Ugh, I'm hungry!", I whined, "Yuri-ah! Get me some food!" "Ah Unnie! Get it yourself!", Yuri said from the bed across mine. "Just get it for me!" "Ey shiro! Just call Baekhyun!", Yuri said, stomping out of the room. "Jinja, so annoying!", she mumbled under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear. "Fine!", I shouted after her. "Aish jinja!", I said angrily as I used my fists to hit the bed.


Then, I picked up my phone and clicked on Baekhyun's contact.


'Yah Baek-ah.'

I composed my text, before sending it.

'Oh, Noona. What is it?'

A reply from Baekhyun came soon after.

'I'm hungry. Get me food.', I texted.


No reply.


I waited.


Still no reply.


"Argh!", I screamed in frustration. All I wanted was some food. Was that too much to as for?!


I waited for a while more until my phone finally sounded.


One unread message from Baekhyun. 

'Okay. What do you want, Noona? I'll bring it over as fast as I can.', his message read.


"Score!", I cheered.


'A pepperoni pizza. And a coke too.', I typed.

'Okay. See you in 10 minutes', he replied.

'Gomawo!', I sent.


"Yehet!", I said excitedly, stealing Sehun's phrase. "I'M GETTING FOOD, GUYS!", I screamed loud enough so the whole dorm could hear.


"EY MOLLAH!", I heard Yuri scream from the living room.


"Hehehe!", I giggled happily, sticking my tongue out at the direction of Yuri's shout.


Guess I won this argument. Yehet!


- ten minutes later -


Ding Dong!, the bell sounded.




I jumped out of bed excitedly, and rushed to get the door.


I opened the door to reveal Baekhyun standing there, a pizza and coke bottle in his hand.


"Yay!", I shouted, grabbing the food from his hands. I rushed to the kitchen where I opened the pizza box excitedly, before I started gobbling down my food.


"Wow, jinja... now I know why people call you Tae-Witch.", Baekhyun said, entering the house. "Yah!", I sneered at him. "It's manners you would thank me instead of snatching the food from my hands and leaving me at the door like that. After all, I went through all that trouble to get you the food!", he said. "Trouble? What trouble?", I asked. "Fans. Duh!" 


I put my pizza down upon hearing that.


"And you made sure none of the fans followed you here right?", I asked, worried. "Of course! I made sure not to let that happen. There will be way too much trouble if that does.", he said, proudly.


"Oh well. At least you're smart enough to make sure they didn't. After all, you are quite stupid.", I said, before I diverted my attention back to the pizza. "What?!", this time, it was his turn to sneer at me. "What? It's true. Right, Seohyun?", I asked Seohyun who was on her way to the bathroom.


"Ey Unnie~", she started, "You know I can't just call him --" "Whatever. Just go." I cut her off, not letting her to finish. What was I expecting? Of course she would say that. She's the innocent and pure Seo Joo Hyun after all.


"Told you. I'm not stupid. Even Seohyun says so.", Baekhyun smirked. "Shut up, Baek! It's only cos she's Seohyun.", I snapped. 


He shrugged in reply, saying, "Whatever."


Baekhyun's P.O.V


Ring ring! Ring ring!, my phone rang whilst I was half way through talking to Taeyeon.




I pulled it out from my pocket to find my manager, Yongjun Hyung, was calling me.


I accepted the call, putting the phone to my ear.


"Jun hyung, it's me." 

"Yah Byun Baekhyun!", he said a little loudly.

"Wae?", I asked, wondering why he was so mad.

"Are you that crazy that you had to leave the house without me even knowing?!"


Right... I mentally facepalmed myself for forgetting to tell Jun hyung about coming to the SNSD dorm.


"Hyung... please don't be mad. I totally forgot about telling you.", I said apologetically.

"Ah mollah! Just come back right at this instant, you have a schedule in 15 minutes!"


I mentally facepalmed myself again for forgetting that too.


"Yes, hyung! I'll be back soon!"

"Make sure you don't get spotted by fans on the way!"

"Yes hyung!", I said, before he ended the call.


"Argh, jinja!", I said, annoyed, after he hung up. "What is it?", Tae asked, still digging into her pizza. "I forgot to tell my manager about coming here. And that I have a schedule in 15 minutes.", I said. "See? I told you. You're stupid.", she smirked at me. "Whatever!" I said, "I have to go now, bye." "Bye, thanks for the pizza." I nodded, before I wore my coat and rushed back to the dorm.


Oh well. At least she thanked me for the pizza in the end.


[ translations:

unnie - older sister (only for girls)

shiro - don't want to

aish - a term they use when annoyed

jinja - really/seriously

noona - older sister (only for boys)

gomawo - thank you (informally)

mollah - whatever/don't know

hyung - older brother (only for boys, girls is oppa)

wae - why ]


first chapter.

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