First day of the last year

A Gay D.Oderella Story

The deep voice echoed throughout the entire house, "D.O, or whatever your queer name is, get your downstairs and clean up the ing sink! There is no clean plates or cups!"

D.O laid on his back, staring blankly at a magazine he had read one-to-many times. The boy sighed and threw his legs over the bed and rose, he threw the magazine on the bed and walked outside of his bedroom. A towering brunette blocked his path as soon as he exited his room, a smirk on his pimpled face. D.O side-stepped to get by him, but was stopped by the second tallest, who was a blond.

"Do you two have any other geeky things to do other than annoy me?" D.O asked with annoyance.

"Annoying you is our-"

"My job." the blonde said, he looked at his taller-but-younger brother and rolled his eyes. "Dude, school's canceled."

The taller smiled and walked into his bed while cheering "No school!"

The blonde chuckled and turned back towards his step-brother. "Now-"

"Now I leave your bleached ." D.O interrupted before pushing past his taller brother.

The blonde scoffed and glared at D.O as he strutted down the hall and down the stairs. He turned his head to his excited brother and broke the bad news. The boy stopped jumping on his bed and held the look of complete utter distraught.

D.O walked to the kitchen. Suddenly a dish flew at him and barely missed his head, it smashed beside the boy's ear, momentarily shocking him. D.O looked at the broken glass, then heard the deep voice again.

"Pick that up, queer."

D.O looked up, standing above him was a 200 pound brown haired Asian man. This man was D.O's step-father, much to both of their dismay.

D.O rose "I'll need a broom or-"

"Just pick it up." the step-father pushed past him and walked to his topless busty "friend" in his bedroom. He shut the door behind him and all that was heard from then on was moans and giggles.

"I'll cut myself." D.O finished.

The boy sighed and kicked the glass into a small pile with his foot then grabbed the worn out broom. D.O stared at the broom and frowned, it was his mothers. This was possibly the last known piece of memento D.O possessed of his mother. D.O swept up the broken glass and discarded of it in the trash can. He started to clean the dishes, that the three s in his life mostly dirty.

A hour later, D.O climbed into the passenger seat of a bright red 2014 Porsche. He turned to his friend, Baekhyun, who gave him a smile. Baekhyun had brown hair with chestnut highlights and was always styled to perfection.

Baekhyun ran his fingers over D.O's ear. "What did he do now?"

"What? Nothing."

"I can see that your ear is bleeding."

"It is?" D.O pulled down the sun visor and pulled it open, he looked in the mirror and groaned. "I must have not even realized it."

"It stopped bleeding, thank God."

"You and your God." D.O muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing, gospel boy."

"Don't make me go all bible on your ."

"Just drive to the academy before I go all gay on your ."

"Using your homouality against me? Like Sodom and Gomorra."

"I'll say it again, they were just completely rapists. Not gay rapists." D.O defended.


Baekhyun came from a very religious family, who didn't really support D.O's lifestyle, but Baekhyun didn't care. Baekhyun and D.O met two years ago at a party that was thrown for D.O's step brothers' seventeenth birthday. Yes, his step brothers are twins.

Twenty minutes went by before Baekhyun pulled into his reserved spot in the senior area of the parking lot. Baekhyun and D.O both exited the car and saw her before she saw them. A woman around D.O's height was sitting on a wooden bench, her black hair tied in a loose ponytail. Baekhyun smiled and ran up to her as fast as he could, D.O rolled his eyes with a smile and shut the door Baekhyun left open. The woman looked up and gasped as she was suddenly embraced by Baekhyun.

"Ok-ok, Baekhyun. You got me." she said as she patted him on the back.

"I said I would get you."

"Sure. Hey, Kyungsoo." the woman waved. D.O glared at her. "I'll be taking your "boyfriend" off your hands now. It's my turn." the woman said before wrapping her arms around Baekhyun's waist. The two disappeared into the academy.

D.O sighed and shook his head "To oblivious and religious to see his own gay."

"I know right." a voice added from behind him. D.O turned and smiled. "Wassup', D.O dude."

"Hey, Chanyeol."

"Does he even know how I feel?"

"I doubt it. I also doubt he even cares."

"Very funny, dude. Stop messing. Did he say anything about me?!"

"No. Absolutely nothing."

"Damn." Chanyeol muttered.

"You know," Chanyeol looked up at D.O "if you actually spoke to him, you might just win him over."

Chanyeol violently shook his head "Hell-to-the-no."

"Your loss."

"How about your feelings for that foreign exchange student? He just arrived two months ago and you are all gaga' over him. I'm not the only one, D.O."

"Kim Jongin is a different subject. A completely different subject."

"He's a guy who has a guy crushing on him. It's the same subject as me, coincidence? I think not!" Chanyeol added.

D.O eyed him with confusion "You make no sense some times."


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Chapter 2: This is so intresting. I love your fic.
Please update soon. Im kind of like hooked into this fic and can't wait for the next chapter.
please Author update soon. Please.
emo-chick6 #2
Plz update soon
illuvionist #3
Chapter 1: pls upadate..i like it...
NatureAdvertising #4
i see you are starting a new fic. go fighting! :)